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以建筑、地景、城市规划三位一体,构成人居环境科学的大体系中的“主导专业”。下面我整理有关介绍建筑的英语 文章 ,希望大家喜欢!有关介绍建筑的英语文章品析 Do you think old buildings should be broken down, and give place for modernbuildings. How are the old buildings important in our society? With the rapid development of urbanization, many people advocate the demolition of oldhouses for the benefit of economic and social development. But others argue that we can’truin the traditional cultural heritage. Personally, I side with the former opinion. In the first place, the existence of old houses is an obstacle to modern urbanization bydamaging the image of the city. If they are replaced with modern skyscrapers, the city will takeon a new look. Take the Summer Palace in Beijing for example, Being government hasdemolished a large number of run-down the Summer Palace and constructed many newhousing buildings instead. In the second place, there is a potential danger to people living in old houses or evenpassers-by. If the houses are old enough to collapse in the end, where does the value ofculture or tourism exist? The tourists surely will not travel a long distance to see these so-called“culture heritage” at the risk of their lives. [More:www.cnielts.com] In the third place, replacing old houses with buildings can help to solve housing problems.It is well-known that China is a densely-populated country and people in urban areas onlyhave little housing space. Undoubtedly, replacing old houses with new buildings is a good wayto solve the problem. As mentioned above, I can draw a conclusion safely: It is irresistible to replace old houseswith modern buildings. At the same time, it is necessary for us to restore a limited number ofold houses for the sake of conserving traditional culture and attracting tourists. 经典有关介绍建筑的英语文章 1.The Portland Building, Portland, United States 美国波特兰大楼 File photo of The Portland Building. It is an accepted fact that the 1980s was the decade where taste went mad and decided tostart donning pattern sweaters and shoulder pads. However, that still doesn't explain whyjudges went with Michael Graves' design for a new civic building in the US state of Oregon. 众所周知,20世纪80年代是大众品味变得疯狂的十年,人们开始穿花样毛衣,戴垫肩。但这仍然无法解释为什么米歇尔•格列夫斯会设计出这栋美国俄勒冈州的民用建筑。 2.The Fang Yuan Building, Shenyang, China 中国沈阳方圆大厦 File photo of The Fang Yuan Building. Like most of the buildings on our list, this effort is distinctive if not distinguished. ArchitectCY Lee — who did a much better job with his Taipei 101 skyscraper over in Taiwan — wantedto fuse cultures by merging an old Chinese coin, complete with square cut-out, with acontemporary modern office block. 就像我们所列出的大多数建筑那样,这幢建筑的设计也很有特色,但并不杰出。它的设计师是CY李,其所设计的台北101大厦要好很多。设计师希望通过将中国古老孔方形状钱币与现代办公大楼相结合来达到 文化 相融的目的。 3.Petrobras Headquarters, Rio De Janiero, Brazil 巴西石油公司总部 File photo of Petrobras Headquarters. In a way you have to admire Petrobras for its audacity. After all, it is not every leading multi-national firm (the energy company is the biggest in Latin America) that chooses to house itsshowpiece headquarters in a building that's as awful as this. 你必须钦佩巴西石油公司的胆大。毕竟巴西石油公司不是领先的跨国企业(这家能源公司在拉丁美洲是最大的),公司选择将其作为样板的总部安排在这样一座丑陋的楼里。 Fact: The building is at least in good company. Its next door neighbor is Rio De JaneiroCathedral, an equally controversial (read ugly) example of concrete brutalism. 实情:至少,这栋大楼旁还有建筑相陪。大楼旁边是里约热内卢大教堂,同样也是一座典型的富有争议的粗犷混凝土建筑。 关于有关介绍建筑的英语文章 Memorial Archway 牌坊 Memorial archway, different from either houses dwelled by humans or temples where gods are worshiped , is a unique kind of memorial architecture. 牌坊又称牌楼,它不同于民居,民居是住人的;也不同于寺庙,寺庙是供神的;它是一种门洞式的、纪念性的独特的建筑物。 Memorial archway derives from the Lingstar Gate. The first emperor of the Han Dynasty stipulated that the Ling stare should behonored first when worshiping the heaven. Ling Star Gate, first built in 1028, was rebuilt in theConfucian temple later in honor of Confucius. It is considered that people offered sacrifice tothe Ling Star in the Han Dynasty in order to pray for a fruitful year which has nothing to dowith Confucius and then the Chinese character "灵" was turned into "棂" again. From the SouthSong Dynasty on, especially in Ming and Qing dynasties, the Ling Star Gate was not only builtnear the suburb altar and the Confucian temple, but also near ordinary temples, tombs,ancestral shrines, office buildings, gardens or beside the streets and cross. It is not only usedto worship heaven and Confucius, but also in praise of noble acts and chastity. The purposeof the construction of the memorial archway con be classified into three types: symbolicarchway, archway of credit and morality,and archway of achievement. 牌坊是由棋星门衍变而来的。提星原作灵星,灵星即天回星。汉高祖规定:祭天应先祭灵星。到宋仁宗天圣六年(1028),筑郊台(祭祀天地的建筑)外垣,设置灵星门。后移置于孔庙,用祭天的礼仪来尊重孔子。后来人们认为汉代祭祀灵星,是为了析求丰年,与孔庙元关。又改灵星为梗星。宋(南宋)元年以后,尤其是明清,这种建筑不仅置于郊坛、孔庙,还建于庙宇、陵基、祠堂、衙署和园林前或街旁、里前、路口。也不仅用于祭天、祀孔,还用于褒扬功德,施表节烈等等,于是灵星门不仅一变成为棋星门,而且再变为牌坊。牌坊就其建造意图来说,可分为兰类:一类为标志坊;二类为功德坊;三类是标志科举成就的。 Memorial is a symbol of lofty honor in the feudal society. As act of archway an promotion ofrender of immortal fame the construction of memorial virtues and is the highest in people'slives. history of archway pursuit With a time-honored building up southern Anhui has manywell-preserved memorial archway,archways enjoying equal reputation with the ancientshrines folk houses. 在封建社会牌坊是崇高荣誉的象征。树牌坊是彰德行,沐皇恩,流芳百世之举,是人们一生的最高追求。在安徽省南部有着悠久的修建牌坊的历史,许多牌坊至今保存完好。牌坊是当地古代建筑的"三绝"之一,与古祠堂、古民居鼎足齐名。

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In the 20th century, bridge construction technology evolved and was fueled by the Industrial Revolution. At the turn of the century, steel bridges were riveted together, not bolted; concrete bridges were cast in place, not precast; and large bridge members were built from lacing bars and smaller sections, not rolled in one piece. Plastic had not yet been invented. Construction techniques such as post-tensioning, slurry walls, soil freezing, and reinforced earth walls had not yet been conceived. Surveying was performed mechanically since infrared, optical technology was still 75 years away. Bridge construction is changing as the new millennium begins. New construction techniques and new materials are emerging. There are also new issues facing the bridge building industry relative to the research needs associated with these new techniques and materials. LONG-SPAN BRIDGES Suspension Bridges While suspension bridge building was conducted at a modest pace throughout the 20th century, an unprecedented number of spans of remarkable record lengths were built in the Far East and Denmark. Both the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in Japan and the Great Belt Bridge in Denmark were completed in 1998. The Akashi Kaikyo Bridge is the largest suspension bridge in the world, with a span of 1991 m, and the Great Belt Bridge is the second largest, with a span of 1624 m. While spans lengths have increased nearly fivefold during the course of this century, they may have reached their physical limits with today’s materials. Research will be necessary to develop the new, ultra-high-strength steel wire or carbon fiber wire required to build the longer main suspension cables that will make it possible to increase span lengths to beyond 2000 m. As we enter the new millennium, rehabilitation and ongoing maintenance of the existing suspension bridges must continue as well. Recent rehabilitation measures for the main cables and suspension systems of these bridges have uncovered degradation through corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement. Research is needed to determine the remaining useful service life of suspension bridge cables and what measures can be taken to slow or halt the degradation process. Transportation in the New Millennium 2 Other components of long-span bridges, existing and new, are being revolutionized as technology moves forward. Advances in deck technology are producing stronger, lighter decks. Orthotropic and exodermic decks are becoming increasingly popular on long-span structures as a means of reducing dead load. Bearings, joint systems, and seismic retrofitting components are becoming increasingly efficient as more large-scale testing facilities are built.在20世纪,桥梁施工技术,是由进化而来的 工业革命。随着新世纪的到来,钢桥受到铆接在一起,而不是 螺栓、混凝土桥梁被扔在的地方,不是预制、大型桥梁成员 从系酒吧和小的部分,不卷在一块。塑料尚未 发明了。制作等施工工艺、浆墙、土壤冻结, 加筋土墙尚未怀了孕。测量进行机械 自从红外、光学技术仍然是75年。 大桥建设是新千年开始转变。新建筑 技术和新材料正在浮出水面。也有新的解决面临的桥 建筑行业的相关研究的需要,这些新技术 材料。 大跨度桥梁 悬挂的桥梁 虽然悬索桥建设进行了整个20速度不快 世纪,前所未有的跨越了卓越的长度是建在记录 远东和丹麦。双方在日本明石海峡大桥正式通车,伟大的带桥 在丹麦是在一九九八年完成。这个明石海峡大桥正式通车是世界上最大的悬架 在这个世界上,与桥梁的m,1991年是中国的第二大带桥, 用一段1624)。 虽然已经增加了近5倍长度的跨世纪的过程中, 他们已经达到了他们的物理极限与今天的材料。研究将 必须发展新的、ultra-high-strength钢丝、碳纤维丝要求 建立了悬索,将不再主要可能增加到跨度的长度 超出2000米。 当我们进入新千年、康复和持续的维护现有的 悬索桥必须继续。最近的戒毒措施为主要 电缆悬架系统与这些桥梁发现退化 氢脆腐蚀,。研究还剩下的 寿命悬索桥电缆和什么措施可以减缓或 停止退化的过程。 在新千年的运输 其他组件的大跨度桥梁,现有的和新的,正在发生了革命性的变化 技术的进步。提出了在甲板上技术生产强的,更轻的 甲板。正交各向异性和exodermic牌是大跨度越来越受欢迎 作为一种手段,降低结构自重荷载。轴承、联合系统和抗震能力 越来越多的有效成分是更大规模的测试设备 建造。 50分!!~~谢谢 参考资料:我的大脑

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    以建筑、地景、城市规划三位一体,构成人居环境科学的大体系中的“主导专业”。下面我整理有关介绍建筑的英语 文章 ,希望大家喜欢!有关介绍建筑的英语文章品析

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    1 英文文献的doi号年份和发表年份不一样。2 这是因为doi号是数字对象标识符,是由国际数字对象标识符基金会(International DOI Founda

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