The 12th international conference on measurement technology and mechanical automation (ICMTMA2020) provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. Submitted conference papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Conference.ICMTMA2020 is sponsored by Communications Research Institute of Changsha University of Science & Technology, China, Department of Urban Management, Hunan City University, Hongkong Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation Associtation and will be held during Jan 4-5, 2020, in Phuket, Thailand.The proceedings will be published by CPS and it will be arranged possible index such as Ei and CPCI (ISTP), non-presented authors will be no show in the proceedings.For the furture informatin of the conferencem, please contact the orgainzing committee of icmtma2020:(1) via email: (2)mobile phone(+86)(yu)
修改校正。《旧唐书·褚无量传》:“ 无量 以内库旧书,自 高宗 代即藏在宫中,渐致遗逸,奏请缮写刊校以弘经籍之道也。” 明 胡应麟 《少室 山房 笔丛·经籍会通二》:“奏请缮写刊校,以宏经籍之道。” 清 俞正燮 《癸巳类稿·书<五代史·马缟传>后》:“其云刊校,谓刊改校正所缮写之书也。”
刊的解释 刊 ā 斫,消除,修改:刊误(亦作“勘误”)。校(刼 )刊。不刊之论(喻至理名言)。 刻:刊石。刊印。刊本。 排版印刷:刊行(妌 )。创刊。刊登。刊载。 出版物:刊物。报刊。书刊。 笔画数:; 部首 校的解释 校 à 学堂,专门进行教育的机构:校园。 校长 。 军衔的一级,在“将”之下,“尉” 之上 。 古代军队编制单位:校尉(统带一校的军官)。 校 à 比较:校场。 查对、 订正 :校勘。校订。 校对 。 笔画数:;
1、E-mail投稿。直接进会务组官网的“paper submition”栏目,里面就有投稿E-mail。直接将文章发过去即可,一般系统会自动回复稿件已经收到的语句。
2、esaychair投稿。还是进会务组官网的“paper submition”栏目,找到投稿的地址,进入后会跳转让你注册该会议的esaychair,注册后登陆esaychair,按照上面的流程填写相关信息,最后上传稿件点击提交即可。
The 12th international conference on measurement technology and mechanical autom
第一步:投稿 sci论文能够在期刊上刊登出来,首先作者sci论文要在期刊上发表,否则不可能将sci论文发表。sci投稿很重要,作者在sci投稿时,一定要注意sc
The 12th international conference on measurement technology and mechanical autom