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[1] 段小明,胡波,郑兴华,解晋东. 化妆品市场现状及发展趋势分析[J]. 日用化学品科学. 2013(11)

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[4] 李杨. 营销渠道理论综述[J]. 经营管理者. 2013(06)

[5] 石凯鸣. 内外超市企业竞争力差异的比较分析[J]. 现代营销(学苑版). 2012(10)

[6] 刘小莲. 我国企业品牌国际化经营战略策略探索[J]. 长春教育学院学报. 2012(06)

[7] 瞿莉娜. 现代企业营销渠道体系的整合与创新途径[J]. 现代营销(学苑版). 2012(05)

[8] 郭华山,赵毅. 国内外化妆品市场观察[J]. 日用化学品科学. 2012(04)

[9] 杨柏超. 我国化妆品行业网络营销问题和对策探析[J]. 现代商贸工业. 2012(03)

[10] 赵陈婷,岳彩周,陈岳峰. 本土化妆品连锁路在何方[J]. 中国连锁. 2011(10)

[11] 闫欣洁. 浅析国内化妆品市场的'消费现状与趋势[J]. 经营管理者. 2011(09)

[12] 陈强. 国内外化妆品市场分析[J]. 日用化学品科学. 2011(01)

[13] 陆鹏,文华. 中国高端百货与高端化妆品对弈中的华丽转身[J]. 中国化妆品(行业). 2010(03)

[14] 陆文. 基于供应链管理的营销渠道研究[J]. 现代经济信息. 2010(02)

[15] Tony. 大卖场超市逼宫化妆品专营店[J]. 医学美学美容(财智). 2009(11)

[16] 刘伟,金远平. 基于J2EE的渠道信息管理系统的设计与实现[J]. 科技资讯. 2009(10)

[17] 本刊编辑部,张萍,郭俊. 2007,中国化妆品法规年--年度化妆品行业法规大事记[J]. 中国化妆品(行业). 2008(01)

[18] 龚振,陆巍,钟爱群. 基于渠道权力的营销渠道结构整合[J]. 商业时代. 2006(11)

[19] 范小军,陈洁,陆芝青. 营销渠道变革与模式选择研究理论述评[J]. 企业经济. 2006(03)

[20] 杨晶,江红红. Super Mario勇闯第一关:怎么管理经销商?[J]. 现代营销(学苑版). 2005(11)

[21] 朱桂平. 客户关系管理与分销渠道整合[J]. 商业时代. 2005(24)

[22] 赵晓飞. 营销渠道的选择及评价标准研究[J]. 市场研究. 2005(08)

[23] 张继明. 从药店到俱乐部--畅谈化妆品营销模式最新走向[J]. 日用化学品科学. 2005(05)

[24] 贺艳春,张志海. 营销渠道结构演变的理性分析[J]. 湖南工程学院学报(社会科学版). 2002(03)

[25] 冯赳善. 我国化妆品监督管理问题分析及对策研究[D]. 华东师范大学 2011

[26] 李南. 我国化妆品安全监管体制的现状与对策研究[D]. 广州中医药大学 2011

[27] 王佳蕾. 上海莱姿化妆品有限公司营销战略研究[D]. 厦门大学 2006

[28] 吴丹青. 泉州市化妆品安全问题及其治理研究[D]. 华侨大学 2014

[29] 董冰心. 特殊用途化妆品现状及监管研究[D]. 北京中医药大学 2011

[30] 袁铮. 化妆品营销渠道研究[D]. 四川大学 2003

[31] 苗丹. 化妆品购买行为偏好研究[D]. 渤海大学 2013

[1] 弗雷德·R·戴维着. 战略管理[M]. 北京. 经济科学出版社, 2006.

[2] 斯蒂芬. P. 罗宾斯着. 管理学. 中国人民出版社, 2002.

[3] 邓胜梁, 许绍李, 张庚森着. 市场营销管理: 理论与策略. 上海人民出版社, 1997: 270-271.

[4] Louise. Boone, David. Kurtz. 当代市场营销学. 机械工业出版社, 2005.

[5] 李睿. 我国市场营销渠道管理创新研究. 现代商业, 2009, (6): 96-97.

[6] 段玉英. 市场营销调研探讨[J]. 前沿, 2005(9): 97.

[7] 杨淑红. 浅析我国市场营销的现状及发展趋势. 科技资讯, 2007. 12.

[8] 王国栋. 营销理论的历史和未来, 江苏商论, 2005, (11): 60-61.

[9] 肖凤桢, 韦秀长. 4P 真的过时了吗. 经济师, 2003,(6): 267.

[10] 杨涛, 葛松林. 企业营销渠道系统创新动因分析. 商业研究, 2000, (5):91-93.

[11] 伯特·罗森布罗姆着. 营销渠道管理. 李乃和, 莫俊芳等译. 第 6 版, 机械工业出版社, 2003: 140-214.

[12] 菲利普 科特勒等着. 营销渠道管理. 李乃和, 奚俊芳等译. 第 11 版.华夏出版社, 2004.

[13] 臧良运. 关系营销的发展及其实施策略[J]. 商业时代, 2008, (9): 20.

[14] 刘辉. 基于关系营销的销售策略研究[J]. 经济论坛, 2008, (8): 15.



The skin care products in the domestic market, is the first marketing model shop at the mall or the establishment of a special counter until Avon, Wei-tzu such an international brand with its unique marketing model into the Chinese market, we started noticing skin care Commodities of the importance of marketing mode. However, there are many skin care brand is not because the poor quality of their products and withdraw from the market, but because its not form a complete, and its products suitable for the marketing mode to support its development. This paper seeks to explore ways to find a skin care marketing its best model portfolio, cultivating their own core competitiveness, so that consumers concern, understanding, acceptance and brand loyalty generated, in order to achieve the life cycle of skin care products extension. In this paper, through a combination of theory and practice, and skin care products from the current market and consumer demand factors starting with skin care market has been the main marketing mode, which identify the problems and propose solutions. Skin care products market forecast of the future trend of development, has broken through the traditional marketing model, the bold ideas of a new marketing model. Without a marketing mode is the most perfect, but in line with its own attributes of skin care products marketing model is the best.

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RESUME SEARCH :: MARKETING & SALES RESUME BANK Results 1 - 20 of 1004 1. - Senior Management Am looking for a Senior Management or Marketing position. Have 13 years work experience (6 years in China). Fluent in English, Malay, Mandarin, Cantonese. Know Asia-Pacific markets well. Location: Abroad - Shanghai Resume reference: liulJoq8 Date: 7 May 2009 2. - Sales I am now looking to build on my selling skills as well as progress into a management position to achieve further professional development. I am therefore keen to find a new and suitably challenging role within a market-leading organisation. Location: Kuala Lumpur - Cheras Resume reference: skG4kgjt Date: 7 May 2009 3. - Marketing Executive I am now waiting my diploma results and I wanted to look for a full time job. I have worked before as promoter in fashion apparel, female supplies, and food & beverage relevance. I have confident that I can manage well in sales and marketing area. Location: Kuala Lumpur - Bandar Sri Damansara,Kepong Resume reference: sza721mY Date: 7 May 2009 4. - Petroleum Employee I am looking for any petroleum / oil company jobs that may fit my credentials. I am a computer literate individual with knowledge in SAP R3 application, know how to operate forklifts and drive. I was previously employed at Shell Philippines from Jan 1994 to May 2005 and TWA Inc - Flying V Petroleum an independent New Oil Player in the Phils as Supervisor Field Officer from July 2006 to February 2008. Location: Abroad - Davao City, Philippines Resume reference: jsOVbLZd Date: 7 May 2009 5. - Maketing Manager / Senior Exec Looking for Senior / Mananager position for Marketing. Specilize in FMCG industry with 3 years experience. Identify, execute and manage marketing strategies and initiatives for consumer products. Speaks English, Malay and Canotonese Location: Selangor - Petaling Jaya Resume reference: roWDQtRY Date: 6 May 2009 6. - MBA with 4 year Experience in Sales looking for either markrting jobs in banking , fmcg,Beverages or automobile industry languages known English, Hindi,Malayalam, Tamil Location: Abroad - India Resume reference: ba18a2ra Date: 6 May 2009 7. - NGO Executive, Project Formulation, GIS, Disaster Risk Mgt Program Coordinator,NGO Consultant, Microcredit Advancement Planning, Socio-economic data analyst,Disaster Preparedness in Agriculture Sector, Spatial data analyst, GIS Maping expert,Computer Training Coordinator, Housing and Settlement Expert, Voluntary Organizer, Adapation to Climate Change in the Agriculture Sector, Agricultural Extension Specialist Languages: English (RWS), French(RWS) , Arabic (Read only,Write)and Bangla (mother language)Typing Speed: 35 wpm (Eng) and familiar to Arabic, French typing ..... (continued) Location: Abroad - Dhaka, Bangladesh Resume reference: sisqwUsD Date: 6 May 2009 8. - Sales Manager Management Searching for a Sales and Marketing Job. Effective communication, able to Motivate and extract the market share. Location: Abroad - India Resume reference: se0hNJAC Date: 6 May 2009 9. - Management Trainee I am graduated in degree of Urban and Regional Planning from International Islamic University Malaysia. My career objective is to achieve highest ranking position in any Real Estate Company or Multinational Company. I have a very strong interest in Business, Marketing, Sales and Management. I have high determination on improving myself towards becoming highly potential business minded person. I have participated in many self-empowerment seminars, leadership training and sales training, namely; -"Unleash ..... (continued) Location: Selangor - Subang Jaya Resume reference: crhsiWJq Date: 6 May 2009 10. - Training Manager I have obtained experience in the field of education, and then to Training and Development as I have a great passion for training. In my previous company, as a Principle Lecturer I have handled a group of lectures, planning, managing and developing course syllabus for each programme in the foundation level. And now in my current company where I am given the task to plan, coordinate and train the sales force team nationwide and internal staffs in terms of product knowledge and soft skills such as greeting, ..... (continued) Location: Selangor - Klang Resume reference: naBcfoVE Date: 6 May 2009 11. - Marketing i am looking for a job, which enable me to establish my knowledge to the am fluent in English, Bahasa Malaysia, and chinese. i am self independent and fast learner,motivated and hardworking. ,good interpersonal skills in dealing with others. Location: Sarawak - Kuching Resume reference: gltYJWVF Date: 6 May 2009 12. - Web Strategist I am looking for a position to complement my corporate experience, management skills in IT and the education industry, further to my prolific research and understanding of Web and beyond. I have worked in Malaysia (3 years) and in Australia (10 years), in which I have gained authority and network within the online domain, especially Virtual Worlds. My publication, media interviews and international awards are a testament to my proficiency in spoken languages and presentation skills. Following are ..... (continued) Location: Abroad - Australia Resume reference: ssR3za4p Date: 6 May 2009 13. - Business Developemt Manager - Sales or Marketing job - Strength in Sales,Marketing and Business Developemet - English. Mandarin, Cantonese, Malay, spoken and writen Location: Kuala Lumpur - Kepong Resume reference: keQXgHZX Date: 5 May 2009 14. - Talent Hunt I have visited many of national and multinational companies including Engro Vopak, Fauji Fertilizer, IFFCO, PICT, SIEMENS, AREVA T&D and also served to several industries in the ITIF Asia and Textile Asia Exhibitions at Expo Centre Karachi. Apart from this I did internship in AREVA T&D (Formerly ALSTOM) and worked on the project of Automation of the PAINT SHOP CONVENTIONAL CONTROL SYSTEM, for a year. All the manufacturing depends on this sub-department of Production under the head of CNC machines in AREVA T ..... (continued) Location: Abroad - Pakistan Resume reference: enPrAXxC Date: 5 May 2009 15. - Retail Assistant Saya cari kerja yang sesuai dengan saya dan pengalaman yang saya ada sebelum berjanji akan membuat kerja dengan baik tanpa menimbul sebarang boleh mengendalikan komputer dan mesin duit(casheir).saya boleh bertutur bahasa inglish sederhana dan bersedia kerja lebih saya berminat kerja di adidas dan nike. Location: Sabah - kudat Resume reference: awN3QaSa Date: 5 May 2009 16. - A&P, PR, Banking,Purchasing Public Speaking, Customer services, Thinking technique, Adobe illustrator, Brand Management, Media Planning. Location: Johor - Muar, JB Resume reference: cos01NR0 Date: 5 May 2009 17. - Manager Im looking for a job of managerial cadre,i have 14 years of sales & marketing fluent in english. apart from sales job,i can do management level job too. Location: Abroad - india Resume reference: maq9eNtR Date: 5 May 2009 18. - Marketing Manager I'm looking for a Marketing Manager position as I'm relocating back to Malaysia from Dubai. My soft skills include Strategic Planning, Market Intelligence, Business Development, Customer Relationship Management, Market Analysis Forecasting, Profit & Loss Management, Negotiation, Six-Sigma Mythology, Industrial Sales, and Retail Management. Language spoken is English, Malay, Mandarin, Hokkien and Cantonese. Experience in MNC and international dealings. Friendly yet aggressive in terms of achieving objectives ..... (continued) Location: Kuala Lumpur - Kepong Resume reference: peUp96J9 Date: 5 May 2009 19. - Sales & Marketing Manager - Technical I am searching for a vacancy in Sales & Marketing. I am a Sales Manager with more than 10 years experience in Techical / Engineering Sales. I bring with me, a wealth of experience in dealing with people, customers to ensure sales objectives are met, creating a win-win environment between customers and company. As a Sales Manager, my responsibilties in my previous company ranges from being a mentor to my staff, as well as being a motivator to assist staffs in achieving the company set targets & goals. To ..... (continued) Location: Pulau Pinang - Sg. Dua Resume reference: lkOm1q7v Date: 4 May 2009 20. - Sales, export, marketing, manager Marketing % sales, managing, export department, english, german, turkish Location: Kuala Lumpur - KL Resume reference: rimvySmn Date: 4 May 2009



毕业论文外文文献下载网址 转自: 时间:2006年5月16日10:15谈谈如何在jstor、sciencedirect等收费网站之外找论文。 目前绝大多数论文在网上是以pdf或者ps文件形式存在,也有少量的doc文件,google的长处就是如果上述文件不是用扫描图片转换而来,那么google能够搜索上述文件内的东西,这样,google是搜索论文的最佳工具。一、关键词:1、直接输入文章篇名,两边都加上引号,引号不加的话会有很多噪声。这样的关键词定位目标是直接找到该论文。2、直接输入作者姓名,最好是first name 和last name都加,如果是几个作者合作的,那么分次搜索。这样搜索的目的是找到作者的主页,希望在作者主页上找到论文。现在的很多作者喜欢把自己的论文放在网上,尤其是近年完成的论文,虽然大多数是放working paper,但是一些作者乐意把已发表的文章放在主页上。二、论文的主要存放地:上面已经提到过,免费下载论文的一个来源是作者的主页,但是,以我自己的搜索经历看,最重要的来源是所谓的syllabus或者reading list,有些老师在向学生提供课程大纲时,出于对学生的体谅,把指定的论文放在了课程的主页上,所以,一旦你的搜索指向了一个syllabus或者reading list,你应该过去看看哪里有没有链接,把你鼠标的“手”放在链接上,看看浏览器状态栏显示的链接指向,如果是与主页拥有人地址类似的(注意,一些老师是把链接指向jstor的,等于没有用),bingo!用这种方法搜索往往很累的,因为可能你看了10个搜索结果,却一无所获,但是,好处是,如果你找到了一篇,往往意味着你找到了一大群,而且是与你目标论文相关的一大群!即使是一无所获,你也找到了目标论文的相关阅读书目。一旦你在某个人的主页上的syllabus或者reading list可以下载他人的已发表论文,那么你还应该上一层,看看该老师的其他课程,理由是,如果一个人做了善事,完全有理由相信他会继续做善事,他也会在他讲授的其他课程的syllabus中提供下载!三、其他很难说是先搜索篇名好还是先搜索作者好,我的做法是,先输入文章名,如果文章名太短或者太常见,那么再加上作者的姓,以剔除不必要的结果。查看2-3页的结果,如果没有,转入搜索作者主页,如果还是没有,再回到篇名,查看剩余的搜索结果。现在的google的cache功能给屏蔽了,带来了一些效率损失,但总比以前封锁好。实例1:前两天有网友寻找:Jeremy Greenwood, Boyan Jovanovic,Financial Development, Growth, and The Distribution of Income在google上搜索“Financial Development, Growth, and The Distribution of Income”,别忘了加引号,看了两页的搜索结果,没有。转变策略,搜索Jeremy Greenwood,第一项就是他的主页,在主页上就有这篇论文。实例2:假定要搜索Kydland,Prescott,"Rules rather than discretion: The inconsistency of optimal plans", JPE,在google上输入"Rules rather than discretion: The inconsistency of optimal plans",他的第5个结果是:ECONOMICS 541... (b) Sustainable Plans and Mutual Default, by Chari and Kehoe. (c) Rules Ratherthan Discretion: The Inconsistency of Optimal Plans, by Kydland and Prescott. ... - 8k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 “ECONOMICS 541”及其后面的文字表明这是一个课程大纲,进入一看,^_^,收获不小吧?!也许,你还觉得不过瘾或者很空闲,浏览器显示的链接是 ,用退格键把后面的几个字删了,变成 ,进入,显示还有几个课程,你可以进去看看,不过油水不大了。一件趣事:一次,google显示有目标论文的pdf文档存在,而且我也通过google的链接打开了,可是那个html页面上就是没有任何链接,我无意中采用flashget下载全部链接,才发现作者把链接都做在了句号上,很不起眼,呵呵,智力大挑战。.英美常用经济网站1、《金融时报》 2、《商业周刊》 3、《财富》 4、《远东经济评论》 5、《福布斯》 6、哥伦比亚广播公司《市场观察》 7、《街》 8. 英国《经济学家》 9. 《华尔街日报》评论 大经济类网站!1. 中财精品屋2. 人大经济论坛3. 中国营销传播网4. 中国经理人网站5. 哈佛企业管理网6. 中国项目管理网7. IT经理人8. 中国经济学教育科研网9. 中华管理论坛10. 中国经济研究中心 Bradford DeLong at UC Berkeley Paul Krugman at Princeton Richard Thaler at Chicago Robert Hall at Stanford William Barnet at Washington 国外经济学站点参考工具世界各大学经济学系Academic Economics Departments包括美国和非美国的。按国家、学校排列。美国经济协会会员名录American Economic Association Directory of Members该站点收录了1999、1997、1993年三次调查的数据。可以输入检索词(关键词或人名)分别检索。提供了这些会员的姓名、单位、地址、电话等内容。Amos世界经济词汇表(俄克拉荷马州立大学)AmosWorld Economic Glossary (Oklahoma State University) 由俄克拉荷马州立大学大学经济学教授Orley Amos博士制作的经济学词汇表。方便易用,可检索。反托拉斯政策Antitrust Policy 大学和几个商业公司建立的巨大站点。提供了大量经济研究的站点链接。可以检索或按主题浏览。主要类目包括:兼并、价格固定等。英国政治和经济科学图书馆British Library of Political & Economic Science 英国政治经济图书馆建于1896年,是伦敦经济学院的工作图书馆。它藏有大量经济学资料。该站点收集了该馆的书目、电子文献以及指向其它检索工具和图书馆的链接。 工商管理学院网络BSCHOOLWeb 有最好的工商管理学院、工商管理学院指南等信息。该站点的目标是要建成一个收录全世界工商管理学院的网址。商业参考Business Reference (Tex-Share)德克萨斯大学关于经济学和商业的参考资源,组织得很好。按主题排列。《商业周刊》商学院排行榜Business School Rankings (Business Week) 这是《商业周刊》杂志提供的年度全美最好的商学院排行榜的联机版。包括最好的MBA学院、200余个MBA信息检索,此外,还可以在这些最好的学校中选择4所,系统将就各学校的基本情况、入学、就业等信息进行比较。经济文献数据库Econbase这是一个交互式数据库,可以检索33个Elsevier/Northan Holland出版的经济期刊上最近发表的论文的信息。数据从94年1月开始。每年大约更新2000篇论文。Internet经济学资源(Nijenrode大学)Economics internet resources(Nijenrode University)这是荷兰Nijenrode大学图书馆建立的一个站点,它提供了大量经济学站点的链接。主要分为:经济计量学、经济理论、农业、发展中国家、发展组织、可持续发展、亚洲、欧洲、国际货币基金组织、国际贸易、宏观经济模型、经济思想史等大类。美、加能够授予博士学位的大学Economics Departments with . Programs in American and Canadian Universities该站点提供了美国、加拿大经济学博士授予学院的链接。根据《Peterson's Graduate Programs in the Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences, 1999》内容提供的。世界上的经济学系、研究所和研究中心Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World(EDIRC)该站点提供了178个国家和地区的4161个经济学系、研究所和研究中心,经济学学会和协会,以及财政部门、统计部门、中心银行及非赢利机构的链接。按国家、地区排列。经济学期刊Economics Journals上面有200余种经济学期刊的网址,是一个非常有用的页面。每年4月、八月、十二月更新。经济学资源(社科信息网关SOSIG)Economics Resources (Social Science Information Gateway) 这是一个大型的资源指南,是英国和欧洲的几个研究机构建立的社会科学信息网关的一部分。包含了很多经济学和相关资源的链接。主要类目如下:商业与贸易发展研究;财政、劳动与工业关系、政治经济学等。经济学资源列表(大学)Economics Resources Table of Contents(Rutgers University)该站点收录了Rutgers大学图书馆收集的大量Internet网上的经济学站点的链接。分为一般信息;电子数据、期刊文档和索引;资源指南;其它经济学和相关的Internet资源。每个大类下又分若干小类,小类下按站点名称的字母顺序排列。经济学单一主题WWW页面Economics Single Subject WWW Pages该站点收录了几十个经济学某一领域的专门站点的链接,按站点名称字顺排列。其中的每一个链接又收录了很多该领域经济学研究的站点。《经济学家》Economist可以看到《经济学家》杂志上的部分文章,特色栏目《本周商业(Business this Week)》值得一看。全文检索(可回溯到1995年)和其它服务需要注册。Web上的经济学家Economists on the Web这里搜集了全世界很多经济学家的个人主页地址,是了解经济学家的成果、与经济学家交流的好去处

1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录)3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。5、论文正文:(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容:a.提出-论点;b.分析问题-论据和论证;c.解决问题-论证与步骤;d.结论。6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息所列参考文献的要求是:(1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。(2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。

Marketing is an integrated communications-based process through which individuals and communities discover that existing and newly-identified needs and wants may be satisfied by the products and services of is defined by the American Marketing Association as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. [1] The term developed from the original meaning which referred literally to going to market, as in shopping, or going to a market to buy or sell goods or practice tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution and selling. It is also concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and wants, which are often discovered through market research. Seen from a systems point of view, sales process engineering views marketing as a set of processes that are interconnected and interdependent with other functions[2], whose methods can be improved using a variety of relatively new is influenced by many of the social sciences, particularly psychology, sociology, and economics. Anthropology and neuroscience are also small but growing influences. Market research underpins these activities. Through advertising, it is also related to many of the creative arts. The marketing literature is also infamous for re-inventing itself and its vocabulary according to the times and the the early 1960s, Professor Neil Borden at Harvard Business School identified a number of company performance actions that can influence the consumer decision to purchase goods or services. Borden suggested that all those actions of the company represented a “Marketing Mix”. Professor E. Jerome McCarthy, also at the Harvard Business School in the early 1960s, suggested that the Marketing Mix contained 4 elements: product, price, place and : The product aspects of marketing deal with the specifications of the actual goods or services, and how it relates to the end-user's needs and wants. The scope of a product generally includes supporting elements such as warranties, guarantees, and support. Pricing: This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts. The price need not be monetary; it can simply be what is exchanged for the product or services, . time, energy, or attention. Methods of setting prices optimally are in the domain of pricing science.


The network marketing and traditional marketing what's different? The network marketing theoretically, the Internet, no time, by many regional limits and even means also greatly ahead, contain great business opportunity. Practically, it also or marketing, just with the high-tech means, he also has a management idea problem, also have strategic planning questions, there's a environmental analysis, a target market, a marketing strategy and method of performance, market competition and develop such problems, the off-line (the traditional marketing) all do bad enterprise, it is impossible to do in Internet marketing. A, management concept 1, ShiChangGuan problem Online "DengKeShangMen" is still relatively common, "selling concept" also has a large market, this regarding the effect of Internet marketing has a great effect. The initiative to understand and analyze the market environment, keenly feel market, find market opportunities and threats, the market for marketing or business, summarize unceasingly and use of market rules and mechanisms, make full use of market resources, these problems in online also need attention. And the off-line marketing without substantial difference. Without these, off-line slow-moving, online also not marketable; Offline you will only DengKeShangMen, online you wouldn't the initiative; Offline you only can call "this enterprise production XXX, breed together, complete in specification, competitive price, welcome to our customers throughout", "general manager XXX with all the staffs greet you!" Selling advertising, online, you have a "science and technology humanist." , "create tomorrow's new life!" The idea of advertising, even if such, may contain imitation nature, very pale, because behavior need concept and level do inside information. 2, gu objective problem The following about customers view though conventional marketing, but also to the network marketing has revealed: -- have customer is actually an important resource of enterprises, the resources even more important than capital, labor, so enterprises should take customers as an important resources to run and attention; - although the final purpose is enterprise profit, but to meet the customer is the most fundamental means. Constructing "the customer center" management and marketing model and marketing clues help enterprises to better achieve this goal; - stand in "the customer position" consider may help prevent enterprise operating in the error and long-term development, and not hamper the enterprise their goals. Enterprise in concept should first turn; - "the customer center" the idea to melt into enterprise culture, enterprise organization, operating, want careful to each link, to into employee consciously action. Implement the "gu objective" at the very least, the starting point and the breakthrough lies in understanding the customer, familiar with customers, relatively high level is the pursuit of customer satisfaction, higher level is the customer as an enterprise of "important resources" to business and care. The network marketing if did not realize the importance of customers and no analysis of the characteristics and needs of the customers, cannot achieve customer satisfaction, its effect is of course the discount. Some enterprise network marketing means also revealed its customers "position" or not seriously consider "customers position". 3, strategic concept problems At large, global focus on planning, small, the ability to implement ornamented with attitude, can also affect the network marketing, lack of an overview ability and ideas, and there is no effective implementation of means, network marketing may not well. What is the status of the network, and your customers in the target market is where, how, what, market target marketing steps, marketing measures, key and breakthrough? I'm afraid all is to consider. The market need planning, customer need planned measures, marketing tool needs a system arrangement. 4, opportunities view problems Online unlimited business opportunities, how do you go to find it, discover it, analyze it and use it? The current market opportunities for operators, the operation, quality, experience, information processing power and means have higher requirements. Just think: a total enterprises, an even basic work is done bad enterprise, can adapt to the information society and the information platform needs? ! 5, innovation and pioneering conceptual problem The network itself is innovation results. Internet marketing methods, means, customer contact, trading methods and so on innovation and and the traditional marketing, flowers bloom, like emerge in endlessly, it is further expand the important means business credentials. Just website case, just those waking enterprise and old total photos, product photos, enterprise introduction, honorary certificate within less than effect, I'm afraid. Second, marketing tool Use "online peddler" calls many enterprise "network marketing" means is much. Just for a site, it didn't call the advantages of the Internet into full play, but is the practice of the off-line brought to online. The network marketing means, as with realistic marketing and has great creative entomological12 society, far more than "sell" and "peddled" and "advertising". At least the following method can realize: online 1, at present a lot of enterprise dedicated products and service marketing and advertising sales; 2, attract and train, operation customer resources (to attract potential customers, understand customer, customer communication, to cultivate customer loyalty depth); Three, market information collection and processing (many enterprise noticed who "buy" what, need what, actually, customer information, products information, technical information, competitive information, information industry, the policy is not only real marketing information... must be, network marketing can also be important information source added); 4, Internet marketing management, the author will encounter some enterprise, hope for their development network marketing work platform, the solicitor platform, customer platform is some good practices; 5, corporate image of the publicity and promotion; 6, online public relations; 7 and online customer service; 8, on-line enterprise cooperation; So on, including various enterprises create more means, more features. Online marketing invalid, may be realistic marketing of these means are not in value result is marketing also stay in "selling concept" performance. Three, marketing style problem Marketing not pragmatic, eager, blundering wind also reflect on the network. Build a web site and send some e-mails, they want to receive one transaction, the hope customers buying immediately, the management process of the reality doesn't lay the foundation of the blood, toil, enterprise management level of the enterprise's business credit enhancement, and establish, enterprise customer resources' training, enterprise technical quality progress, cultivate enterprise competitive advantage, where is the day will achieve no advantage in offline, is the advantage on the net? Even the site itself, also not the wish input, expect the "bottom line, even network marketing" as is "without this marketing". Often hear a enterprise said, I built on the Internet websites, how will not bring a transaction, even visit people have no! He who seem hinting cause. Website customers come from visitors, and customer is produced by numerous visitors, you don't go to understand visitors (possible customer), where nakedly, lack of fundamental attraction peddle, again not to cultivate visitors resources, who come to visit you. Web site again not planning, content and insipid, information updates, and even fewer mistakes, some enterprises or even product prices have, some enterprise in different page price and type is paradoxical. Can you say this kind of practice is responsible earnestly, pragmatic? Not on the Internet still good, just exposes his management style. The network marketing, no target market, and no target market, no effective marketing mix strategy, no systematic thinking and planning, no foundation work dependably how can you be? Although the network marketing and traditional marketing in the way a lot of difference, but marketing in common is mutually, to do "network marketing", must have the ability to do the traditional marketing, can more effectively, more and more channels for a greater scope on make full use of the Internet tools and resources 。

The 5 Most Powerful Online Marketing Methods-Their Advantages and Disadvantages【5种最有效的网络营销方式的优点和缺点】While there are countless of promotional methods available to market your services and products, it would be almost impossible to use them all. You will want to choose marketing tools based on your desired goals, the preferences of your target clientele and of course the time and budgetary constraints of your this article, we identify five of the most frequently used tools and point out some of the positives and negatives of . Search Engine MarketingSEM drives targeted traffic to your site with sponsored advertising. Google AdWords would be one example. Results can be almost immediate, you pay only for clicks, and it allows highly detailed analytics. However, advertising campaigns can quickly get very expensive and you must be constantly conducting tests to keep from getting overloaded; many firms have lost their shirts doing PPC (pay per click) . Organic Search Engine OptimizationThis is a term used for traffic pulled to your site from search engine results from appropriate keywords. This free method brings targeted traffic to your homepage and can have long term benefits which can last very long. Web searchers tend to trust this type of results more than they trust paid results. Since it takes longer for organic SEO results to show up on your balance sheet, it can sometimes get very expensive and time . Affiliate MarketingUsing this tool, you pay your affiliates a commission on any sales they generate for you. This method can cost you considerably less to drive targeted buyers to your homepage. It not only brings sales to you, affiliate marketing also gives back-links to your site. However, your sales will depend on how strong your affiliates are. Also, even though this is a much lower overall cost than PPC and SEO marketing, the set up costs for the affiliate software must be taken into consideration. These can be minimized by using existing affiliate networks such as Commission Junction or . Use Online Social NetworkingOnline Social Networking or Online PR is a tool much touted lately; it simply means using social networking sites like Facebook to promote a favorable image of your company to a new online audience. It also includes proper management of your press releases and your online newsroom. The main advantage is that it is fairly inexpensive to use. Since this tool produces results of people sharing with others online about your product, it is much like a referral and you have the potential of getting hot leads. However, the consumer drives social media, thus you don’t have the ability to control the message. You also can’t control the kind of traffic your site will get. You may just get a lot of ‘window shoppers’ not targeted traffic ready to buy your . Marketing by EmailThis tool markets your product by taking your message directly to the consumer. This method can be used as a complementary adjunct to your PPC marketing as well as to enhance the relationship with your current customers. This tool gives you a high ROI compared to other marketing efforts. You must be careful to avoid alienating customers by not overdoing your email campaigns or your subscribers will stated at the beginning of this article, it isn’t practical to use all of these tools but you will want to choose the ones more suited to your purposes and budget. Now that you have some pros and cons for each method, perhaps you can choose your marketing strategies more competently. The key point being made here is that your business plan should detail your methods of marketing products so that your company will not get in over its head.建议你下载一个有道词典,这样不懂的单词你可以参考一下。题目我已经给你翻译出来了,其余的如果有不清楚的,可以请有道帮一下你的忙哈。希望对你有帮助!^-^

很长的论文吗? 一页左右我可以接受,但时间可能会长些。 我人工翻。 邮箱发在你留言版上了哦~~




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Marketing is an integrated communications-based process through which individuals and communities discover that existing and newly-identified needs and wants may be satisfied by the products and services of is defined by the American Marketing Association as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. [1] The term developed from the original meaning which referred literally to going to market, as in shopping, or going to a market to buy or sell goods or practice tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution and selling. It is also concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and wants, which are often discovered through market research. Seen from a systems point of view, sales process engineering views marketing as a set of processes that are interconnected and interdependent with other functions[2], whose methods can be improved using a variety of relatively new is influenced by many of the social sciences, particularly psychology, sociology, and economics. Anthropology and neuroscience are also small but growing influences. Market research underpins these activities. Through advertising, it is also related to many of the creative arts. The marketing literature is also infamous for re-inventing itself and its vocabulary according to the times and the the early 1960s, Professor Neil Borden at Harvard Business School identified a number of company performance actions that can influence the consumer decision to purchase goods or services. Borden suggested that all those actions of the company represented a “Marketing Mix”. Professor E. Jerome McCarthy, also at the Harvard Business School in the early 1960s, suggested that the Marketing Mix contained 4 elements: product, price, place and : The product aspects of marketing deal with the specifications of the actual goods or services, and how it relates to the end-user's needs and wants. The scope of a product generally includes supporting elements such as warranties, guarantees, and support. Pricing: This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts. The price need not be monetary; it can simply be what is exchanged for the product or services, . time, energy, or attention. Methods of setting prices optimally are in the domain of pricing science.

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