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毕业设计ASP《网上订餐系统》:1、浏览管理:对菜单的浏览主要是建立在首页,在浏览时可以看到顾客登录,美食检索,我的订单,美食分类,最新特价美食。2、用户注册管理:用户注册模块的功能是接受用户注册,在检查过用户注册数据的合法性后将用户信息写入数据库。注册用户注册流程图(如图2-3)所示: 图2-3 注册用户流程图3、查询订购菜单:此模块要实现的功能是让顾客根据自己的喜好、口味等查找适合自己美食,此模块在我们设计中主要是对上架的美食进行查询,对自己查询后感兴趣对菜式,可以下订单,下单后也可以取消订单或者继续添加订单。4、用户结账:这个模块就是顾客下完订单,准备结账。这里分为三步,第一步为防止顾客下错单,在一次确认,菜名,数量:第二步填写顾客个人资料姓名,性别,送餐的地址:第三步就是价钱的统计。如果没有下订单直接结账就出现提示:对不起,您没有点菜,请在点菜后,再去“结算中心”。你也可以对此菜发表评论或者说明一下此菜,如果顾客需要的话,餐馆也会提供发票。5、管理员登录:管理员可以对网站的所有信息进行更改,本订餐系统的管理员功能主要包括:修改管理员的密码,注销管理员登录,添加商品,对已有的商品的信息进行修改,处理订单,客户留言以及投诉,管理所有的注册用户,可删除注册用户,分类管理可以对已有商品进行分类,数据处理,数据库操作等功能。管理员登录模块与用户登录模块基本类似,它是通过数据库对管理员的帐号密码进行核对,如果发现管理员帐号与密码不匹配,则返回错误信息。网上订餐系统全文


















我又购物网站的设计毕业论文的资料 球球296 145 855 需要的话。联系我

网上购物系统论文摘要本文以当今火爆流行的ASP技术开发设计了”maomao电子购物街”交互式电子商店系统。采用结构化生命周期法,自顶向下、逐层分解,模块化的系统结构设计。全文共分为绪论、软件计划、需求分析、概要设计、软件的详细设计与编码、网站的运行维护及系统测试和总结等七章。绪论中阐述了电子商务的起源与电子商务的意义。软件计划中阐述了市场调查、可行性研究、软件工程方法以及构建本网站所需的开发环境。需求分析阶段阐述了本网站的功能需求、外部接口的需求,将来可能提出的功能需求,并设计系统的逻辑模型。概要设计中阐述了网站的总体设计思想、首页的设计、网站的总体功能设计以及数据库的逻辑设计。在软件的详细设计中阐述了数据库的详细设计、网站各模块功能的具体实现,完成了本系统的ASP交互式电子商店的系统。系统运行与维护中阐述了软件维护和测试的重要性。文中详细说明了系统分析、系统设计的方法在系统实际开发中应用,并总结了开发过程中的一些经验和体会。关键字 网上购物系统,电子商务,ASP,HTML,系统开发目 录第一章 绪论电子商务的起源电子商务的意义第二章 软件计划市场调查可行性研究结构化生命周期法构建网站的开发环境构建Web服务器安装与设置使用脚本编辑器数据库的选择第三章 需求分析功能需求功能划分功能描述外部接口需求系统将来可能提出的要求系统逻辑模型的提出数据流图数据字典第四章 概要设计网站的总体结构设计网站首页的设计网站的总体功能设计第五章 软件的详细设计与编码数据库设计数据库的结构创建数据库的安全性及配置网站各模块功能的具体实现第六章 网站的运行维护及系统测试网站的运行维护网站的系统测试第七章 展望与总结



1、论文题目:要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。2、目录:目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列目录)3、提要:是文章主要内容的摘录,要求短、精、完整。字数少可几十字,多不超过三百字为宜。4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。主题词是经过规范化的词,在确定主题词时,要对论文进行主题,依照标引和组配规则转换成主题词表中的规范词语。5、论文正文:(1)引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。〈2)论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容:a.提出-论点;b.分析问题-论据和论证;c.解决问题-论证与步骤;d.结论。6、一篇论文的参考文献是将论文在和写作中可参考或引证的主要文献资料,列于论文的末尾。参考文献应另起一页,标注方式按《GB7714-87文后参考文献著录规则》进行。中文:标题--作者--出版物信息(版地、版者、版期):作者--标题--出版物信息所列参考文献的要求是:(1)所列参考文献应是正式出版物,以便读者考证。(2)所列举的参考文献要标明序号、著作或文章的标题、作者、出版物信息。

餐饮企业服务现代化的途径研究 论文编号:GC013 论文字数:13544,页数:19 摘要 我国是一个有着悠久饮食文化的国家,我国餐饮业经过几十年的发展,已经成为第三产业服务行业的重要力量,而且在高速发展的同时还蕴含着巨大的潜力。纵观我国餐饮市场,随着我国经济的快速发展,我国与国际越来越接轨,餐饮业的传统服务方式的不足处越来越突出,不适合现代社会的发展,使我国餐饮业在国际竞争中处于不利的地位。本文针对餐饮业服务方式方面的不足处并借鉴现代服务方式的优势,对我国餐饮业传统服务方式的改进提出了一些意见,使我国在国际竞争中能做好充分准备把握机会,迎接挑战,在国际竞争中确立自己餐饮业大国的地位。 【关键词】餐饮业; 服务现代化;餐饮服务 Abstract China has long food culture and is famous for the “delicious meal”. The catering industry developed several decades and already has become the important strength to support the third industry to keep on development. The trade of Chinese food still has a huge potentiality in high speed development for a long time. Review the Chinese food trade market, as the development of economy, china is increasingly converging with international countries. The catering industry has become increasingly obvious shortcomings of the traditional means of service and it is not suitable for the development of modern society, our restaurant placed in a disadvantageous position in international competition. In this paper, point some of the services of the shortcomings in the restaurant industry and benefit from of modern means of service advantages, and then give some advice to the restaurant industry’s traditional service so that we will win in the international competition and furthermore can get back what belongs to us ,and eventually ,we can probably get more than it . Key words: the restaurant industry;services modernization ;catering services 目录 第一章 绪论 4 研究背景 4 .国内研究现状综述 5 研究的理论价值和现实意义 6 研究的理论价值 6 研究的现实意义 6 第二章 相关概念界定 7 餐饮企业 7 餐饮服务 8 服务现代化 8 第三章 餐饮企业概况及现行服务特征研究 8 餐饮企业传统服务方式不足 8 手工作业效率低下 8 操作程序不规范 8 从业人员素质普遍较低 9 食品加工卫生状况不理想 9 管理理念和管理方式落后 9 规模化程度不够高 10 营销观念弱,品牌意识差 10 第四章 餐饮企业服务现代化的必要性研究 11 适应规模化经营的需要 11 适应国际化市场竞争需要 12 适应科学技术发展 12 适应中国餐饮消费市场发展 13 第五章 餐饮企业服务现代化的可能性研究 14 原料成本下降、质量提高 14 外资的大量涌入 14 加入世贸组织 14 战略性重组速度加快 15 拥有相对稳定的消费者群体 15 第六章 餐饮企来服务现代化的途径 15 全面提高从业人员素质 15 积极引进高科技手段 16 制定餐饮服务标准规程 17 6. 5完善劳动报酬结构 17 积极发展绿色餐饮 17 参考文献 18 以上回答来自:


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网络购物行业呼叫中心解决方案 电子商务发展到今天,许多网民已经习惯足不出户从网上购物。整个买卖过程电子化、数字化和网络化,购物成本低且方便,使得网上购物这种方式获得了网民尤其是年轻网民的喜爱。但是据网民反映网络购物主要存在两个问题:一是这种新兴的购物方式与人们传统的购物习惯不符合,网民无法仅仅根据网页上的信息做出购买决定,常需要交互式的询问与回答才能完成购买活动;问题二是网民对网上购物的投诉也日趋增多。网上购物买来次品、售后维修困难等等问题都是困扰网民进行网络购物的大问题。 因此,在购物平台内部设立一个咨询、投诉客户服务中心,集中处理客户在网上购物时所产生的产品咨询与服务投诉,以及为产品的售后服务提供中间服务,可以免去客户网上购物的后顾之忧,提高网站的服务质量以及客户的满意度与忠诚度。 购物网站后台呼叫中心客服系统的建立,不仅为网站与网民之间架起一座良好沟通的桥梁,为顾客的购买过程提供实时咨询、购买指导等服务,为顾客提供了强大的支持,很大程度上缓解了不少网民对网上产品“看得见,摸不着”的顾虑。同时,客服人员通过呼叫中心进行的回访调查、投诉、售后服务等能够消除客户对售后服务的后顾之忧,从而提高网上成交率,促进整个购物平台的营业额的上升,同时也将提高网站后台客服人员的工作效率,优化后台资源,降低管理成本与人力成本。 购物网站建设呼叫中心系统的现实意义 1. 提升购物网站形象,彰显购物网站实力; 2. 有利于购物网站的宣传,拓展客户群体和广告客户群体; 3. 加强与客户的联系,提升客户忠诚度; 4. 提高购物网站内部管理效率及员工满意度; 5. 7*24小时服务,保证客户与广告客户服务的连续性; 6. 增强与客户的互动联系,是购物网站争夺客户的有效武器; 7. 多方面降低购物网站的管理和运营成本; 8. 良好的售后服务与沟通机制让顾客免去后顾之忧,提高网上成交率。 系统概述 系统将语音查询、自助服务、人工服务紧密结合,把购物网站进销存、配送资源、供应链资源、客户资源等通过网络进行整合,建立起网络购物的快速反应机制,增强客户群体与购物网站的互动,实现资源的统一分配与利用。系统为一个开放的对话平台,购物网站客服人员与客户进行互动和协作,从而完成客户服务与客户关怀;同时,客服人员能够随时了解到网站内部的进销存状况,方便对商品和供应商的各项信息进行掌握。 系统功能 1. 自助服务 客户致电购物网站呼叫中心首先进入语音查询系统,在语音导航的指引下输入不同按键,选择自己想要的信息。在自助服务中,客户可以得到如下服务: 1) 产品查询; 2) 促销产品信息查询; 3) 购物网站介绍; 4) 会员积分查询; 5) 订单状态查询; 6) 电话挑选商品并下订单; 7) 自助查询并选择付款方式及配送方式; 8) 自助订阅购物网站新品信息; 9) 客户与购物网站间的互动,例如投票、竞选等活动; 10) 自助传真; 11) 相关政策法规查询; 12) 广告商信息查询; 13) 投诉、建议等语音留言,等等。 Online shopping solution for call center industry The development of electronic commerce today, many users have become accustomed to from the Internet without leaving home. The entire process electronic transactions, digital and network-based, low-cost and convenient shopping, online shopping in this way allows access to the Internet users, especially young netizens love. However, according to reflect the network users to the main two problems: First, this new way of shopping and traditional shopping habits of people do not meet, users can not be based solely on the information page to make purchase decisions, and often the need for interactive questions and answers to complete the purchase of activities; problem Second, users of online shopping is also more and more complaints. Defective goods bought online shopping, after-sales maintenance and so on are difficult to users of network problems to the big problem. Therefore, to establish a platform for consultation, complaint customer service centers to focus on online shopping customers to products arising from the consultation and service complaints, as well as provide after-sales service for the products among the services, customers can avoid the worry about online shopping, improve the quality of service, as well as site customer satisfaction and loyalty. Back to site customer service call center system, not only for websites and Internet users to build a good communication between the bridges, the purchase process for customers to provide real-time advice, guidance and other services to buy, to provide customers with a powerful support, to a large extent alleviate a lot of users on-line products "visible or touched" concerns. At the same time, customer service call center through a return visit to conduct the investigation of complaints, after-sales service, such as to eliminate the worry about customer service, thereby enhancing the turnover rate of the Internet, promoting the platform to increase turnover, but also will improve customer service background site the efficiency of the background to optimize resources and reduce management costs and human costs. Call centers to Web site building system practical significance 1. To enhance the image of shopping sites, shopping sites shows strength; 2. Is conducive to the promotion website, to expand customer base and advertising clients; 3. To strengthen ties with customers and enhance customer loyalty; 4. To improve the internal management of shopping efficiency and employee satisfaction; * 24-hour service, customers and advertisers to ensure the continuity of the service; 6. To enhance interaction with customers is to site an effective weapon to compete for customers; 7. To reduce the multi-site management and operating costs; 8. A good after-sales service and communication mechanism that allows customers to worry about replacing to improve the rate of online transactions. System Overview System will be voice information, self-service, service manual closely with the shopping site Invoicing, distribution resources, supply chain resources, customer resources, network integration, to establish a network of rapid response mechanisms, and enhance customer groups and shopping sites interaction, resource allocation and utilization. System as a platform for open dialogue, customer service personnel to site to interact with customers and collaboration in order to complete the customer service and customer care; At the same time, customer service staff to be kept informed of the situation Invoicing internal website to facilitate the suppliers of goods and grasp the information. System function 1. Self-Service Customer call center at the first site to enter the voice query system, under the guidance of voice navigation in different input buttons, select the information you want. In self-service, customers can get the following services: 1) product inquiries; 2) information marketing products; 3) Introduction to Web site; 4) Members of integral inquiry; 5), order status inquiries; 6) the selection of merchandise and telephone orders; 7) self-service query and select the payment method and delivery mode; 8) Self-Subscribe to site new information; 9) the client and to the interaction between sites, such as voting, campaigning and other activities; 10) self-Fax; 11) policies and regulations related inquiries; 12) information to advertisers; 13) the complaint, the proposed voice mail, etc., and so . 自动通告 自动通告为语音导航的一部分,客户致电后可首先听到这部分内容。自动通告可发布的内容有: 1) 购物网站介绍及最新动态; 2) 重要信息公布; 3) 购物网站优惠活动发布; 4) 合作信息; 5) 最新政策法规,等等。 3. 客户咨询 客户在网页选择商品时可随时通过电话、自助语音服务、电子邮件、传真、即时聊天工具等方式与客服人员取得联系,咨询商品性能、类别、使用方法等细节信息,客服人员根据客户的需求提供购物指导,方便客户进行购买判断。 购物网站的客户咨询主要包括:挑选产品实时咨询、支付方式咨询、配送方式咨询、售后服务咨询、合作项目咨询等等。系统对于老客户可建立一对一的亲情关系,将老客户的来话直接转接到以前曾与之通过话的客服人员处,有助于客户的维系和服务的延续性。 4. 业务受理 客户除在网页上点选商品、生成订单并提交之外,还可以通过呼叫中心的自助语音服务自助下单,以及通过转人工服务来下单。多种购买方式让客户随心选择。 客服人员受理客户所下订单,生成派单并转发给相应部门进行配送。待处理结果通过网络返回到购物网站呼叫中心后,工作人员以电话、传真、短信息、电子邮件等方式回复客户。客户也可随时通过本系统了解所提交订单现处于哪一环节及哪一部门所处理。主要受理业务内容除了下单之外,还有选择付款方式、选择配送方式、产品报修等业务。 5. 主动服务/客户关怀 购物网站客服人员通过本系统的外拨功能,可以实现对客户的主动服务。外拨方式分为四种:外拨语音架构,外拨语音文件,群发短信和传真。客户关怀的具体内容有: 1) 对意向客户群体的关怀与跟踪; 2) 对潜在客户的信息告知; 3) 最近购物网站活动通告; 4) 网上调查、投票、征集等活动; 5) 客户满意度调查、客户消费习惯与需求调查; 6) 购物网站促销活动告知; 7) 老客户回访调查; 8) 付款、配送等信息的提醒与确认; 9) 客户购买产品的确认、提醒与祝福,等等。 6. 客户投诉与建议 通过人工服务、语音信箱、传真、电子邮件等方式,客户可将投诉或建议反馈给购物网站客服人员。客服人员接到反馈信息后,可将电话转接给相关部门处理,有助于投诉或纠纷的圆满解决。 7. 购物网站调查 在电子商务逐渐成为企业营销趋势的今天,购物网站需要建立一个能够直接了解市场和客户的需求变化的窗口。系统通过外拨方式可进行市场调查、客户满意度调查、客户消费习惯与需求调查等活动,制定针对性的改善方案,调整购物网站的经营管理策略,提高管理决策的科学性,提高购物网站整体品牌形象,从而提高效益和效率,降低管理和经营成本。 8. 统计报表 系统可根据来去电的详细情况进行有效统计,包括客户在线等待时间、来电记录、自助查询记录、收发短信息记录等,并且生成各种统计图形。购物网站客服人员可以灵活地自定义统计内容,为购物网站决策提供权威有效的数据。统计报表主要包括以下数据: 1) 客户在语音查询中各项产品的查询统计; 2) 每一位购物网站客服人员的接入、拨出电话的数量、时间统计; 3) 每一通来电的客户在线等待时间的记录与统计; 4) 购物网站客服人员的状态记录:示闲、示忙、话务处理; 5) 收发短信的记录与统计,等等。 通过统计报表中的各项统计分析数据,购物网站可以清楚地获知哪类产品或服务最畅销,哪一类产品或服务客户投诉最多,等等。统计报表可为网站及时捕捉和改善服务质量提供科学依据。 9. 扩展服务 本系统具有开放性,可与网络购物企业自有的会员管理、进销存系统、办公系统等实现无缝结合,还可根据企业的具体要求定制开发某些功能。 Online shopping solution for call center industry The development of electronic commerce today, many users have become accustomed to from the Internet without leaving home. The entire process electronic transactions, digital and network-based, low-cost and convenient shopping, online shopping in this way allows access to the Internet users, especially young netizens love. However, according to reflect the network users to the main two problems: First, this new way of shopping and traditional shopping habits of people do not meet, users can not be based solely on the information page to make purchase decisions, and often the need for interactive questions and answers to complete the purchase of activities; problem Second, users of online shopping is also more and more complaints. Defective goods bought online shopping, after-sales maintenance and so on are difficult to users of network problems to the big problem. Therefore, to establish a platform for consultation, complaint customer service centers to focus on online shopping customers to products arising from the consultation and service complaints, as well as provide after-sales service for the products among the services, customers can avoid the worry about online shopping, improve the quality of service, as well as site customer satisfaction and loyalty. Back to site customer service call center system, not only for websites and Internet users to build a good communication between the bridges, the purchase process for customers to provide real-time advice, guidance and other services to buy, to provide customers with a powerful support, to a large extent alleviate a lot of users on-line products "visible or touched" concerns. At the same time, customer service call center through a return visit to conduct the investigation of complaints, after-sales service, such as to eliminate the worry about customer service, thereby enhancing the turnover rate of the Internet, promoting the platform to increase turnover, but also will improve customer service background site the efficiency of the background to optimize resources and reduce management costs and human costs. Call centers to Web site building system practical significance 1. To enhance the image of shopping sites, shopping sites shows strength; 2. Is conducive to the promotion website, to expand customer base and advertising clients; 3. To strengthen ties with customers and enhance customer loyalty; 2. Automatic circular Automatic circular part for voice navigation, customers can call to hear the first part of the contents. Automatic notices can be issued are as follows: 1) to website and the latest developments; 2) The publication of important information; 3) The site offers to release; 4) cooperation in information; 5) the latest policies and regulations, and so on. 3. Customer Inquiry Customers to choose products on the page at any time by phone, voice self-service, e-mail, fax, instant messenger, etc. get in touch with the customer service staff, the Advisory commodity performance, type, details use of information, customer service personnel in accordance with customer needs guidance to facilitate the purchase of customers to judge. Web site consultation to clients include: the selection of products in real-time consultation, advice of payment, delivery consultation, after-sales consulting, project consulting and so on. System could be established and existing customers for one-on-one family relationship to the old customers directly, then have them transferred to the customer service personnel through the Department, then to help customers maintain and service continuity. 4. Business admissibility In addition to merchandise click on the page to generate and submit orders, but also through self-help call center voice self-service orders, as well as services through the transfer of a single artificial. Purchase a variety of ways to allow customers to choose heart. Customer service staff receive customer orders, generating and sending a single transponder for distribution to the appropriate departments. Pending the outcome of the network to return to the site after the call center staff by phone, fax, short messaging, e-mail reply to clients. Customers may also request at any time by understanding the system is now in order to submit links and which departments which are dealing with. In addition to the main contents of the admissibility of business orders, there are payment options to choose, select delivery methods, product repair services. 5. Active Service / Customer Care Customer service shopping site through the outbound function of the system can be achieved in active service to customers. Outbound mode is divided into four categories: structure of outbound voice, outbound voice files, mass text messaging and fax. The specific content of customer care are as follows: 1) of intention to customer care and follow-up groups; 2) information to potential customers; 3) the recent circular to site activities; 4) The online survey, voting, assembly and other activities; 5) customer satisfaction survey, customer habits and needs of the consumer survey; 6) Web site promotional activities to inform; 7) return the survey and existing customers; 8) payment, delivery information such as a reminder and confirmation; 9) confirmed that customers buy products, and best wishes to remind, and so on. 6. Customer complaints and suggestions Through artificial service, voice mail, fax, e-mail, customer complaints or suggestions can be fed back to customer service personnel to site. Customer feedback upon receipt of information, may be call forwarding to the relevant departments to deal with, contribute to complaints or disputes satisfactorily resolved. 7. To site survey In e-commerce has gradually become the trend of today's corporate marketing, shopping sites need to establish a direct understand the market changes and customer demand for the window. System can be carried out through the outbound market research, customer satisfaction surveys, customer habits and needs of the consumer survey and other activities, to develop targeted programs to improve and adjust the operation and management of shopping strategy that will improve the scientific nature of management decision-making and improve the overall shopping brand image, thereby enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency, reduce management and operating costs.
















计算机毕业设计 基于Python的SIFT和KCF的运动目标匹配与跟踪 毕业论文+项目源码 基于Python决策树算法的学生学习行为数据分析 设计报告+代码及数据 基于Sring+bootstrap+MySQL的住房公积金管理系统 课程报告+项目源码及数据库文件 基于C++的即时通信软件设计 毕业论文+项目源码 基于JavaWeb+MySQL的图书管理系统 课程报告+项目源码及数据库文件 基于Android Studio+Android SDK的手机通讯录管理软件设计 课程报告+项目源码 基于JSP+MySQL的校园网上订餐系统 毕业论文+项目源码及数据库文件 基于AndroidStudio的花艺分享平台APP设计 报告+源码及APK文件 基于Python的酒店评论情感分析 课程报告+答辩PPT+项目源码 基于QT的教务选课管理系统设计与实现 毕业论文+项目源码 基于Android+Springboot+Mybatis+Mysql的个人生活APP设计 说明书+项目源码 基于的Web3D宇宙空间数据可视化系统 设计报告+前后端源码及数据 基于java+android+SQLite的保健型果饮在线销售APP设计 毕业论文+源码数据库及APK文件 基于的高校综合资源发布分享社交二手平台 毕业论文+项目源码及数据库文件+演示视频 基于Delphi+MySQL的大学生竞赛发布及组队系统 设计报告+源码数据库及可执行文件+使用说明书 基于Android的名片信息管理系统设计与实现 毕业论文+任务书+外文翻译及原文+演示视频+项目源码 基于Python的电影数据可视化分析系统 设计报告+答辩PPT+项目源码 基于JavaWeb的企业公司管理系统设计与实现 毕业论文+答辩PPT+演示视频+项目源码 高校成绩管理数据库系统的设计与实现 毕业论文+项目源码 基于JavaWeb的家庭食谱管理系统设计与实现 毕业论文+项目源码及数据库文件 基于Python+SQLSERVER的快递业务管理系统的设计与实现 毕业论文+项目源码及数据库文件 基于Python的语音词频提取云平台 设计报告+设计源码 在推荐系统中引入 Serendipity 的算法研究 毕业论文+参考文献+项目源码 基于Html+Python+Django+Sqlite的机票预订系统 毕业论文+项目源码及数据库文件 基于Python的卷积神经网络的猫狗图像识别系统 课程报告+项目源码 基于C++的云安全主动防御系统客户端服务端设计 毕业论文+项目源码 基于JavaSSM的学生成绩管理APP系统设计与实现 毕业论文+答辩PPT+前后台源码及APK文件 基于JavaSwing+MySQL的清朝古代名人数据管理系统设计 毕业论文+任务书+项目源码及数据库文件 基于Python_Django的社会实践活动管理系统设计与实现 毕业论文 基于Servlet WebSocket MySQL实现的网络在线考试系统 毕业论文+项目源码 基于JavaWEB+MySQL的学生成绩综合管理系统 毕业论文+项目源码及数据库文件 基于SpringBoot+Vue和MySQL+Redis的网络课程平台设计与实现 毕业论文+任务书+开题报告+中期报告+初稿+前后台项目源码 基于Java的毕业设计题目收集系统 课程报告+项目源码 基于Java+Python+html的生产者与消费者算法模拟 毕业论文+任务书+项目源码 基于JavaWeb+MySQL的学院党费缴费系统 毕业论文+项目源码及数据库文件 基于Java+MySQL的学生成绩管理系统 毕业论文+任务书+答辩PPT+项目源码及数据库文件 基于Java+MySQL的学生和客户信息管理系统 课程报告+项目源码及数据库文件 基于Java的长整数加减法算法设计 毕业论文+项目源码 基于vue+MySQL的毕业设计网上选题系统 毕业论文+项目源码 基于背景建模和FasterR-CNN的视频前景和目标检测 毕业论文+答辩PPT+项目源码 基于Python的智能视频分析之人数统计的多种实现 毕业论文+答辩PPT+项目源码 基于C#+SQL server的校园卡消费信息管理系统 毕业论文+项目源码及数据库文件








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