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Reading magazines. 阅读杂志。


杂志[zá zhì]


magazine ; records ; notes ; journal

网 络magazine;journal;Magazines;Fortune



The distribution of the magazine is 2000.


Fashion magazines are glossy.


I subscribed to several magazines.


This magazine published excellent stories.


That educator published many articles in these magazines.


This magazine has a large circulation.


And they got really excited about it.


In the parcel there are all back numbers of magazines.


I will read any magazine you give me.

1. I supported us by writing bilge for women's magazines. 我胡乱给女性 杂志 写点东西,维持我们的生计。

2. Frank Deford is a contributing editor for Vanity Fair magazine. 弗兰克·德福特是 杂志 《名利场》的特约编辑。

3. I have been a subscriber to Railway Magazine for many years. 我订阅《铁路 杂志 》已有很多年了。

4. Cruz had to scavenge rmation from newspapers and journals. 克鲁兹不得不从报纸和 杂志 中搜寻资讯。

5. Jill was starting to get some freelance writing jobs from trade magazines. 吉尔开始从一些行业 杂志 接点自由撰稿的活儿。

6. She turned down £ million to pose nude in Playboy. 她拒绝了为《 *** 》 杂志 拍摄 *** 的120万英镑开价。

7. The magazine's aim is to discuss topical issues within a Christian framework. 该 杂志 的宗旨是在基督教框架下讨论时下的热门话题。

8. There'sno need for that kind of language in this magazine. 这份 杂志 没必要出现那种语言。

9. US magazines hailed her as the greatest rock'n'roll singer in the world. 美国 杂志 把她奉为世界上最伟大的摇滚歌手。

10. Would you turn down $7,000,000 to appear nude in a magazine? 给你700万美元要你裸体登上 杂志 ,你会拒绝吗?

11. Grace Robertson started as a photographer with Picture Post in 1947. 格雷斯·罗伯逊于1947年参加工作,做了《图片邮报》 杂志 的一名摄影师。

12. Thereafter she wrote articles for papers and magazines in Paris. 此后她给巴黎的报纸和 杂志 撰稿。

13. She had a libel action against the magazine pending. 她对该 杂志 提起的诽谤诉讼尚未判决。

14. For details of the nearest performance look in the local listings magazines. 欲知离自己最近的演出的详情,请查询当地文娱预告 杂志 。

15. No reason was given for the banning of the magazine. 杂志 被无端取缔了。

16. Before long he took over the editing of the magazine. 他不久就接手负责 杂志 的编辑工作。

17. In rural France, English language magazines are rather hard to e by. 在法国乡村,很难找到英语 杂志 。

18. Frank Deford is a special correspondent for Newsweek magazine. 弗兰克·德福特是《新闻周刊》 杂志 的特派记者。

19. They asked her to put together a dummy for a new magazine. 他们让她为一本新 杂志 攒一份小样。

20. The management tries to produce the magazine as cost-effectively as possible. 管理层试图尽可能地让 杂志 盈利。

We whiled away the time at the airport reading magazines . 我们在机场 阅读杂志 消磨时间。

I had been so enthralled by reading the serial stories in the magazine supplement . 我一直迷恋著 阅读杂志 增刊上的连载小说。

We whiled away the time at the airport reading magazines 我们在机场 阅读杂志 消磨时间

Before reading on , you may pke to check it out : it s called ,您可能会喜欢通过查看它来 阅读杂志 。

Onpne magazines ! fpp - book magazines are a revolution is how magazines are viewed and distributed digitally Fpp - books电子期刊打破了传统 阅读杂志 的方式,将杂志内容压缩成小小的

Male respondents in general had a preference for electronic games , ic books and newspapers while female respondents , for magazines and going to the cinema 一般而言,男性被访者偏好使用电子游戏阅读漫画及报纸女性被访者较喜欢 阅读杂志 及看电影。

Those who performed poorly in language examinations tended to spend a lot of time on electronic games , watching television , pstening to pop music , and reading magazine and ic books 一般而言,语文考试表现较差的被访者倾向花费较多的时间玩电子游戏收看电视听流行音乐 阅读杂志 及漫画。

Above all , the quan yin web sites transcend both time and spatial constraints to bring you the news magazine onpne anytime and anywhere - a privilege unaffordable in the print format . efficient and easy 更重要的是,无论您身处世界任何角落,随时都可以上网 阅读杂志 浏览观音网站,完全突破时间与空间的限制,这些功能都是以往纸本杂志所望尘莫及的。


我可以以很快的速度阅读报纸,但读过之后都弄不清文章的大意。这个问题让我困惑。 我们很少逐词地精读报刊上的文章,因为它与我们的生活无大碍。我们通常采取浏览的方式,读到哪儿算哪儿。在我们浏览用母语写的报刊文章时,我们就这样做,也就可以应付了。即便在读用我们的母语写的文章,要想完全 理解它并记住它的内容,我们也必须备加仔细。 你可以试 试以下方法: 1)慢读。你大可不必以极快的速度读某篇文章。没有人在追你。你可以以你认为适宜的速度读下去。 2)不要试图读一整张英语报纸。你可以挑选一篇你感兴趣的文章,仔细阅读。 3)在阅读时,记下文章的中心思想。在读每一段文字时,要记下每一段谈论了有关中心思想的哪些内容。你没有必要理解每一个单词,但必须抓住总体意思。注意句子间的连接方式,以便你能抓住贯穿全文的主线。 4)阅读时,做些笔记,可能更有帮助。 5)读完一篇文章后,可以告诉自己或别人你对这篇文章的看法。


《英语广场》内容比较时尚、青春,当中所写的文章都是中学生比较感兴趣的。每期杂志开头都有2页彩色印刷的关于名人的语录。杂志分为“In every issue每期必有”“Readd&Recite美文诵典”“In the news快报""VIP人物”“Discovery发现”“Speak smart脱口而出”“Teen Topic话题”“Over there那边”“Movie上映”“Literary World名篇”“Sports体育”“Read for fun轻松阅读”“Living English实战英语”“Music音乐”“Chicken Soup心灵鸡汤”几个模块。推荐推荐。。。。而且难度不大,并且附有中英文对照,而且有生词解释等.而且价格不高, 《英语角》“说时尚美语的第一选择”“一本地道、时髦、好玩、实用的美语口语杂志”就我个人意见来说《英语角》还是不错的,内容有点像剧本,主要是通过人物之间的对话这种方式去提高口语(表达)能力的——每一篇东东都有列举相关的句型句式并进行剖析,而且针对不同的对话背景有相关的背景介绍(文化)。中英对译。难度不大,适合初中生阅读(阅读年龄:14~20岁)《英语画刊》(初一~初三)针对不同水平的学生而量身定做。主要栏目有名著之窗、国际新闻、风云人物、时文阅读、五洲四海、卡通列车、文娱天地、体育之窗、我们的园地、英语作文、妙语如珠、你问我答、课测练习、学习指导、阅读理解、科技纵横、文化博览、趣味小品、幽默与笑话等众多栏目,并配有与英语教学同步的练习和中、高考复习资料。《疯狂英语中学版》我还是觉得难度稍微大了点,而且可读性不太强(我买过一本,但觉得没有兴趣去看)也不妨可以考虑一下报纸:《二十一世纪学生英文报》有初一~高三版,以阅读材料为主,而且分为8个版面-主版(热点),时事频道,青春校园(讲述校园故事),知识之窗(2版),轻松阅读,英语加油站和文娱空间。最重要的是它的内容与课本内容完全无关,不像《英语周报》《英语辅导报》那样,它旨在提高阅读能力和词句积累,而且有阅读提示"teens点金”——包括中考词汇、考点看台、拓展词汇、真题演练等等,我觉得这个挺不错,强烈推荐,订了2年了..



读杂志 用英语怎么说? Read Magazine 通过电视看运动节目Watch sports program on TV

We whiled away the time at the airport reading magazines . 我们在机场 阅读杂志 消磨时间。

I had been so enthralled by reading the serial stories in the magazine supplement . 我一直迷恋著 阅读杂志 增刊上的连载小说。

We whiled away the time at the airport reading magazines 我们在机场 阅读杂志 消磨时间

Before reading on , you may pke to check it out : it s called ,您可能会喜欢通过查看它来 阅读杂志 。

Onpne magazines ! fpp - book magazines are a revolution is how magazines are viewed and distributed digitally Fpp - books电子期刊打破了传统 阅读杂志 的方式,将杂志内容压缩成小小的

Male respondents in general had a preference for electronic games , ic books and newspapers while female respondents , for magazines and going to the cinema 一般而言,男性被访者偏好使用电子游戏阅读漫画及报纸女性被访者较喜欢 阅读杂志 及看电影。

Those who performed poorly in language examinations tended to spend a lot of time on electronic games , watching television , pstening to pop music , and reading magazine and ic books 一般而言,语文考试表现较差的被访者倾向花费较多的时间玩电子游戏收看电视听流行音乐 阅读杂志 及漫画。

Above all , the quan yin web sites transcend both time and spatial constraints to bring you the news magazine onpne anytime and anywhere - a privilege unaffordable in the print format . efficient and easy 更重要的是,无论您身处世界任何角落,随时都可以上网 阅读杂志 浏览观音网站,完全突破时间与空间的限制,这些功能都是以往纸本杂志所望尘莫及的。


magazine英 [ˌmægəˈzi:n] 美 [ˈmægəzi:n] n.杂志;弹药库;弹仓;胶卷盒复数: magazines双语例句Her face is on the cover of a dozen or more magazines. 她的面孔出现在十几种杂志的封面上。


Thoughts on Reading A NewspaperI read a piece of news in the newspaer lately,telling about the earthquake in Wenchuan,Sichuan May 12th,2008,a terrible earthquake rocked Wenchuan,killing many was shocked at the bad news first,but people throughout China helped the victims people went there to help rebuild the victims's homes. The natrual disaster is cruel,but our people are kind and on Reading An Articl in A Magazine I read an article about Bill Gates Gates was the founder of was very set up his company when he was still in Harvard studied and worked very made him the richest man in the was the idol of thousands of people,especially the youth. I was moved by Bill Gates' story after reading the must learn from him

上面是书名,然后是读后感,有的书有两篇读后感Baby SharkReview:The story of baby shark is tragic, page-turning and horrific. A teen witnesses the murder of her father, endures the unthinkable, and then barely lives to be haunted by it. The choice she makes to overcome is understandable and that is where the reader begins to accept the road, the blood-soaked, slippery road, Kristin begins to walk,Baby Shark is the nickname Kristin earns as she picks up the pool cue that was ripped prematurely from her hustler father. Pool is only one of the skills she masters. The others are far more important than a game. They boil down to life and death, mostly the I began reading Baby Shark, I, within pages of her physical recovery, knew where the story was going. You will, too. However, even though the situation borders on stereotypical, there is enough new and unique to make the story fresh and engaging and the characters 'd caution chickens to avoid visiting Kristin's Texas as there are some pretty intense scenes. PI and vendetta/underdog-out-to-clean-up-the-world fans will likely find much to like in Baby Shark, both the character and the PerfectReview:Some books I’ve read had an Amish girl seeking to break away from tradition and try out the world and all it offers. This book is about a worldly woman trying to break into the Amish community, seeking a place of refuge and meaning to this really felt for and enjoyed Lillian, as she tried to make some sense of her life at twenty -seven when she goes to live with her Amish grandparents. She wanted to get to know them and their ways. Lillian was in search of peace and meaning for her life. She wanted to leave her complicated, hurtful, miserable life behind -make a FRESH read something in an article that spoke to her “The road to happiness is filled with paths of self-discovery. One slip and you can end up going down the wrong path with no map to guide you back to the main road.” She was earnestly looking for the right road to take in her says,” Grandma, I want so badly to feel the calmness inside. I want so badly to live a good life.” …It’s just hard for me to understand why sometimes things happen the way they do.” Lillian had to deal with the failures of her life and her mother’s. She didn’t want to be like her mom. Lillian had to make a drastic change, but it had to be for the right was a really good story of hope, healing, forgiveness and second chances. It reminds me that we all have choices in life; it’s always up to us as to how we handle our struggles. We can do it alone or we can choose to embrace God’s comfort for us and to thrive in the middle of bad times. This is a different Amish story, which I totally Traitor’s WifeReview:With as many novels, books, movies and documentaries available about Henry VIII, I was intrigued to learn about a novel which examines prior generations of England’s monarchy. The period of history Ms. Higginbotham explores does not in the fourteenth century, Edward II’s realm is falling apart due to failed military campaigns, political upheaval, and his inability to reign. Distracted by his extramarital relationship with men, he fails to recognize his danger and how disgruntled the lords of the realm have become. He is not without adoring subjects, however, and chief among them is his niece Eleanor Traitor’s Wife follows her story as she marries Hugh Depenser and enters the court as a lady-in-waiting to the new queen of England. Despite her promising beginning, she is not destined for a life of ease. When her husband becomes the king’s lover, and her queen overthrows the king to set up the reign of her son, Eleanor Despenser soon finds herself in first half of the book moves slowly and is burdened endless historic facts. Lady Depenser is unlikable for being too sweet—too innocent, too forgiving. Midway through the story, though, the book’s tension increases and I found growing very interested in the characters’ does not reflect well on Edward II, and Susan Higginbotham does a good job presenting a different face to him—an affectionate with a kind soul. The balance of character depth, however, becomes spoiled when his wife, Isabella, is painted as a diabolical villain without redeeming story is told omnisciently and I found myself wishing it had been told strictly from Queen Isabella and Lady Despenser’s points of view, putting a twist on the title, while cutting back on history lessons stuffed between the review is mixed. For the first half, I did not think I would recommend the novel. During the second half, I found myself Googling the characters in order to distinguish fact from fiction. Overall it is an intriguing SashimiReview:Chick-Lit has lost some of it's charm for me. When I began reading it, I loved nearly every novel I read. But then, I began to resent the whining and selfishness of many first person narratives. Oh, sure, the heroines always got themselves into a heap of self-induced drama, usually humorous drama. But I found myself getting bored with the same old, same old whining as it oozed out of the , Camy Tang has created a series of characters who've made Chick-Lit fun again. She has crafted a family of Chinese and Japanese or blended cousins who've embraced Christianity instead of Buddha, and modern customs instead traditional, The stories have been honest, too. The girls have embraced Christianity, but have not attained anything close to Sashimi places cousin Venus in the spotlight. Held together by sheer will and protected by stilettos and designer suits, oh, and cleaning products, Venus has created quite the little gaming empire. She is ready to take on the gaming world as a key player, if only she had the actual resources to do is my favorite in the series which speaks well of Tang. Her third book is as good as the first. The writing is fresh. And the glossary alone is pure you like sassy and at the edge of the emotional abyss heroines, unique flavors, a chance to maybe learn a little something and a sweet dash of romance, Sashimi may be exactly what you need to place on your next takeout orderBoneMan's DaughtersReview:If you are having trouble staying awake at night, I have a cure. Read Ted Dekker’s latest thriller “Bone Man’s Daughter and you will not sleep for a week. The cover warns you that this book is “A new reason to keep the lights on and the doors locked” and it is more than a cute quote to sell the book. They are serious! My wife gave me this book because she knows I love to read Ted and actually have read everything he has written. I must confess that I almost didn’t read this one though. I mean I started to read it and there is one chapter that was so disturbing that I actually threw the book on the floor and told her I was done with it. I actually walked by it for two days before I decided to pick it up and finish what I have read most of Stephen King and I am a big Brandilyn Collins fan so it is not like I am thin skinned about my reading. This book has a dimension of violence, especially in the beginning, that is both intimate and personal and I warn you it is not for those who are lives up to his reputation for creating adrenaline laced-plots with an incredible confrontation between good and evil and then also transcends the enmity between evil and innocence. What he does in this book is very different than anything he has written before, in my humble opinion. He has connected us with the helplessness and horror of the victim and in such a way that it festers fear in the very heart, as well as rage at the unanswered pleadings of those about to die. It makes it more than personal and this can be extremely those with thicker skins, who see this type of mental manipulations as entertaining, I will promise you that this will be a fantasy ride worth climbing into. A virtual “Space Mountain” of a book, with twists and turns those of you expecting a simple; action packed, thriller from the mind of Ted: I say beware! You are about to enter into the dark side where your heart will be removed, wrung out and replaced upside down and backwards, if at all and where you will certainly awake with a start at the things that go “BUMP” in the night. At least for awhile. Muuhahahaha….Bonus Review:A serial killer who could be a few different men is dormant for two long years. It may be because the man who's been convicted has been placed behind bars, or maybe because he is yet uncaptured and fighting terrorism in a desert across the world. Or maybe the man is waiting and stalking his next twists and turns keep the reader wondering, doubting and riveted. Plenty of horror and bursts of adrenaline will keep any Honken Chicken Club members buried under blankets for weeks, and may tilt even the most stoic of readers off-center. Heed the warning if you are classic Dekker. Good vs. evil where good is broken and imperfect and evil is broken and unredeemable. A spiritual allegory plays out clearly, especially in the last seven or eight chapters. The characters are an interesting blend of stereotype with unexpected elements that make them feel real. Though the FBI is involved this is a very tense suspense more so than a police procedural. If you are a Dekker fan, you won't find threads connecting Boneman to other stories unless I missed something. PG-13 overall, including a smattering of curse words, R in intensity and subject Sister DillyREVIEW:I have to be honest… when I started reading this book about a woman getting out of prison and entering society again, I really didn’t want to read it. Then when I read about what this woman tried to do; I thought this book might go into really dark places, I was afraid to continue. But, I have to say that since Maureen Lang has such an endearing insight into the heart of the matter, I kept reading. This story went in a direction I never expected it to go; it became quite eye opening which made me want to finish the story and so will applaud Maureen for not being afraid to talk about the elephant in the room. Nobody wants to discuss much less think about special needs children and what is involved in their care day-in and day-out. I loved her take on how a special needs child affect the immediate, extended family, and everyone they meet. It’s eye opening author shares what it would be like for a prisoner trying to fit back into in a very small town – a town who doesn’t forget why you went to prison in the first place. Dilly reaches out to another woman in a similar situation she was in years ago. This is what she says, “I know what Carla did was wrong. I hate what she did. But the punishment has already begun, even before she’s sentenced. And she’s still human; I know she feels all the hatred people like that guy have. I just wanted her to know not everybody has forgotten she’s still a person with feelings.” Wow! The author has a great insight into God’s love for us and how we should love one was a deeply moving book .At the same time, the author lets us see and feel how life could be in a small town; and what all goes into running a farm. It’s quite fascinating. This was the first book I’ve read by Maureen Lang it definitely won’t be the lastDeadlockReview:Deadlock follows John Hutchinson (Hutch) and his family as he puts his life back together after his harrowing nightmare as detailed in Deadfall. Dillon and Laura have come to Denver for a visit. Life is calm, a little boring, even, except for Hutch's growing obsession with Brendan Page, the billionaire father of Declan. Declan, the young man who nearly killed Hutch, Laura and Dillon and did kill several people near and dear to them paid the ultimate price, but, it seems Brendan Page's money is keeping him safely out of the reach of the law and free to dabble in war a warning that ends up turning deadly and into a kidnapping, war breaks out between Page and his sophisticated killing forces and Hutch and a rag-tag band of kids and a is a page-turning story that had me rooting for Hutch, not just to take care of the bad guys, but to discover the children who love and need his time and attention. Other than some intense scenes complete with gore, I found Deadlock to be a very good and satisfying novel. The characters are solid and likable, the action is twist and turn complex, the writing continues to satisfy even though Liparulo has several irons in the fire. Action and adventure lovers, gamers, guys, suspense hounds and character collectors might want to look a little deeper.






2、Flipboard 或ZAKER之类的杂志聚和平台,所有杂志都在一个平台上阅读,阅读体验还不错。比较推荐Flipboard真的很不错,还有英文版。zaker算是使用最频繁的APP了,操作体验也很良好。




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