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仅供参考:An Investigation into the Situations of Lameness Disease in a Scaleful Diary Farm in Helongjiang ProvcinceSummary: Lameness is a common disease among milk cows that is caused by external injuries, bacterial or virus infections, or mal-nutrition. Lameness not only affects milk cows with their breeding and management, but also significantly lowers their productivity. If not dealt with propertly, milk cows with lameness may eventually be laid off. However, limping diseases of a milk cow have complicated causes, higher rates of incidence, longer course, and are often hard to cure, which then seriously affects the milk cow's productivity and life. As a result, such disease can cause huge economic loss to diary cattle industry. By using a 5-grade lameness evaluation method, an experiment was carried out at a scaleful diary farm in Heilongjiang Province, in an effor to analyze the impact of ranching environment and management measures towards lameness of cows. Keywords: Lameness evaluation, limping disease, breeding management


Abstract cow hoof disease has been haunting the production of a cow problem, cow hoof is important to support and campaign organ, Sports can play through the pump function, promote blood circulation. Neatsfoot health is directly related to the high-yielding cow, productivity and the use of life. Cows are related to the superior performance can play the most important factor. Confinement way with the rapid development and yield cows upgrade the standard of foot disease on dairy industry growing hazards, Each rangeland management is the most difficult one. Hoof disease has been present in dairy production as second only to mastitis and reproductive system diseases cow forced out of the three major diseases If not cow pasture feeding and management attention on prevention and treatment, will foot the morbidity rate high Cow seriously affect yield and efficiency. To study the treatment of diseases of the foot we use the following experiment Niuti integrated control measures for some time. hoof disease morbidity and by and to 4%. Amoy death rate from to and . Severely deformed right foot for foot corrective amendments, Amendment hoofed week than one month after the amendment foot a month ago to increase milk production and words : cattle; Hoof disease; Integrated pest management; ; Movement organs; Clinical results


仅供参考:An Investigation into the Situations of Lameness Disease in a Scaleful Diary Farm in Helongjiang ProvcinceSummary: Lameness is a common disease among milk cows that is caused by external injuries, bacterial or virus infections, or mal-nutrition. Lameness not only affects milk cows with their breeding and management, but also significantly lowers their productivity. If not dealt with propertly, milk cows with lameness may eventually be laid off. However, limping diseases of a milk cow have complicated causes, higher rates of incidence, longer course, and are often hard to cure, which then seriously affects the milk cow's productivity and life. As a result, such disease can cause huge economic loss to diary cattle industry. By using a 5-grade lameness evaluation method, an experiment was carried out at a scaleful diary farm in Heilongjiang Province, in an effor to analyze the impact of ranching environment and management measures towards lameness of cows. Keywords: Lameness evaluation, limping disease, breeding management

Abstract: claudication disease is a disease often cows, there are the more common cause of traumatic, bacterial, viral or by malnutrition and other reasons. Not only affect the normal feeding and management, but also lead to the production performance of dairy cows decreased significantly; if not handled properly will even cause the cow culling. Since the cow hoofdisease causes complex, high incidence rate, longer course of disease,cure is difficult, has the serious influence on the performance and service life of production. Therefore, the disease has caused great economiclosses to the dairy industry. Through this experiment, 5 claudicationevaluation method, one of Heilongjiang large-scale dairy farm were limpevaluation. Analysis of the influence of rearing environment andmanagement measures of cow : claudication evaluation, hoof disease, feeding and management





Abstract: claudication disease is a disease often cows, there are the more common cause of traumatic, bacterial, viral or by malnutrition and other reasons. Not only affect the normal feeding and management, but also lead to the production performance of dairy cows decreased significantly; if not handled properly will even cause the cow culling. Since the cow hoofdisease causes complex, high incidence rate, longer course of disease,cure is difficult, has the serious influence on the performance and service life of production. Therefore, the disease has caused great economiclosses to the dairy industry. Through this experiment, 5 claudicationevaluation method, one of Heilongjiang large-scale dairy farm were limpevaluation. Analysis of the influence of rearing environment andmanagement measures of cow : claudication evaluation, hoof disease, feeding and management

仅供参考:An Investigation into the Situations of Lameness Disease in a Scaleful Diary Farm in Helongjiang ProvcinceSummary: Lameness is a common disease among milk cows that is caused by external injuries, bacterial or virus infections, or mal-nutrition. Lameness not only affects milk cows with their breeding and management, but also significantly lowers their productivity. If not dealt with propertly, milk cows with lameness may eventually be laid off. However, limping diseases of a milk cow have complicated causes, higher rates of incidence, longer course, and are often hard to cure, which then seriously affects the milk cow's productivity and life. As a result, such disease can cause huge economic loss to diary cattle industry. By using a 5-grade lameness evaluation method, an experiment was carried out at a scaleful diary farm in Heilongjiang Province, in an effor to analyze the impact of ranching environment and management measures towards lameness of cows. Keywords: Lameness evaluation, limping disease, breeding management





奶牛腐蹄病是奶牛的主要病症之一,多发生在散养户中,会导致奶牛生产性能下降。其主要是因为饲养不当导致蹄角质发育不良或角质层腐败,严重者会使其深层组织腐败化脓,局部化脓坏死性炎症等。 以下是畜牧堂对奶牛腐蹄病的防治的介绍:奶牛腐蹄病发病原因营养不良体质弱,日粮中矿物质钙、磷不平衡(正常比例:1),日粮中钙磷供应不足,蹄角质疏松,可能是造成腐蹄病发生的主要原因之一。管理不善牛舍阴暗潮湿,运动场泥泞,粪便不及时清除,牛蹄长时间被粪、尿、泥水浸渍、牛蹄软化,修蹄不定期。场地不平奶牛运动时牛蹄被尖硬异物损伤,造成坏死杆菌、化脓性棒状杆菌、链球菌、结节状梭菌等细菌的感染。奶牛腐蹄病症状病初表现为一肢或多肢跛行,喜卧;强行站立时频频提举病肢,患蹄刨地或踢腹;患蹄系部和球节屈曲,免负体重,后蹄患病时蹄尖轻轻着地,前蹄患病时患蹄前伸;趾(指)间皮肤和蹄冠呈红色或暗紫色、发热、肿胀、敏感,皮肤裂开,有恶臭味;蹄底不平整,角质呈黑色。若病情进一步发展,炎性肿胀可蔓延至系部、球节或掌(趾)部,当炎症波及腱、趾(指)间韧带、冠关节或蹄关节时表现为体温升高(有时达41℃),食欲下降或废绝,精神沉郁,产奶量急剧下降,起卧困难,机体逐渐消瘦等。严重者蹄角质分离,甚至造成整个蹄匣脱落。蹄趾间腐烂乳牛蹄趾间表皮或真皮的化脓性或增生性炎症。通过蹄部检查可以发现蹄趾皮肤充血、发红肿胀、糜烂。有的蹄趾间腐肉增生,呈暗红色,突于蹄趾间沟内,质度坚硬,极易出血,蹄冠部肿胀,呈红色。病牛跛行,以蹄尖着地。站立时,患肢负重不实,有的以患部频频打地或蹭腹。犊牛、育成牛和成年乳牛都有发生,但以成年牛多见。腐蹄腐蹄为乳牛蹄的真皮、角质部发生腐败性化脓,表现在两蹄趾中的一侧或两侧。四蹄皆可发病,以后蹄多见。成年乳牛发病最多,全年皆可发生,但以7-9月发病最多。病牛站立时,患蹄球关节以下屈曲,濒濒换蹄、打地或踢腹。前肢患病时,患肢向前伸出。进行蹄部检查时,可见蹄变形,蹄底磨灭不正,角质部呈黑色。如外部角质尚未变化,修蹄后见有污灰色或污黑色腐臭脓汁流出,也有的患牛由于角质溶解,蹄真皮过度增生,而肉芽突出于蹄底之外,大小由黄豆大到蚕豆大,呈暗褐色。炎症蔓延到蹄冠、球关节时,关节肿胀,皮肤增厚,失去弹性,疼痛明显,步行呈“三脚跳”。化脓后,关节处破溃,流出乳酪样脓汁,病牛全身症状加剧,体温生高,食欲减退,产乳量下降,常卧地不起,消瘦,治疗困难。奶牛腐蹄病的防治奶牛腐蹄病预防措施生产中应坚持定期修蹄,保持牛蹄干净;搞好环境消毒卫生,创造干净、干燥的环境条件,保护牛蹄健康。保持运动场平整,及时清除异物和粪便。加强饲养管理,减少蹄部的损伤。加强对牛蹄的监测,以及时治疗蹄病,防止病情恶化。当畜群中发生感染时,应将病畜从畜群内隔离,以控制感染。在厩舍门口可放干的防腐剂或药液如2%-4%硫酸铜溶液;硫磺石灰1:15药浴;潮解的石灰或5份硫酸铜和100份1石灰相混,令牛从中经过。饲料中添加二氢碘化乙二胺和尿素或硫酸锌饲喂,对腐蹄病有预防作用。同时要保持日粮平衡,钙磷的喂量和比例要适当,以减少腐蹄病的发生。1.牛舍、运动场地面应平整,无坚硬异物,防止牛受伤;及时清理粪便,排除污水,经常消毒,保持牛舍清洁卫生、干燥。2.加强饲养管理,维持日粮平衡,加强运动,增强抵抗力。3.定期用5%硫酸铜、高锰酸钾、新洁尔灭等药物浴蹄。药浴前必须将蹄清洗干净。4.每年春秋季节对成母牛修蹄,定期普查牛只蹄形,及时修整变形蹄。5.禁用有肢蹄遗传缺陷的公牛的冻精配种。奶牛腐蹄病治疗方法蹄趾间腐烂防治以10%~30%硫酸铜溶液,或10%来苏儿水洗净患蹄,涂以10%碘酊,用松馏油涂布(鱼石脂也可)于蹄趾间部,装蹄绷带。如蹄趾间有增生物,可用外科法除去,或以硫酸铜粉、高锰酸钾粉撒于增生物上,装蹄绷带,隔2-3天换药1次,常于2-3天次治疗后痊愈,也可用烧烙法将增生肉烙去。腐蹄病分急、慢性两种。当奶牛患急性腐蹄病时,应先消除炎症,临床上可用抗生素和磺胺进行全身治疗。金霉素、四环素按每千克体重用克,或磺胺二甲基嘧啶每千克体重用克,一次静脉注射,每天1-2次,连用3-5天。青霉素250万国际单位,1次肌肉注射,每天2次,连用3-5天。当奶牛患慢性腐蹄病时,应将病牛从牛群挑出,单独隔离饲养。并将患牛蹄部修理平整,找出角质部腐烂的黑斑,用小刀由腐烂的角质部向内深挖,一直挖到黑色腐臭脓汁流出为止,然后用10%硫酸铜冲洗患蹄,内涂10%碘酊,填入松馏油棉球,或放入高锰酸钾粉、硫酸铜粉,最后装蹄绷带。如伴有关节炎、球关节炎,局部可用10%酒精鱼石脂绷带包裹,全身可用抗生素、磺胺等药物,如青霉素200万-250万国际单位,肌肉注射,每天两次;或10%磺胺噻唑钠150-200毫升静脉注射,每天1次,连续7天。如患牛食欲减退,为消除炎症,可静脉注射葡萄糖,5%碳酸氢钠500毫升或40%乌洛托品50毫升。当病牛体温升高,全身症状严重时,可应用磺胺药和抗生素治疗。磺胺二甲基嘧啶按体重,1次静脉注射或磺胺嘧啶按50-70mg/kg体重,静脉或肌肉注射,每天2次,连注3天。金霉素或四环素按体重,1次静脉注射。为了解除酸中毒,防止败血,可用5%葡萄糖生理盐水1000-1500ml、5%碳酸氢纳液500-800ml、25%葡萄糖液500ml、维生素C5g,1次静脉注射,每天1-2次。奶牛腐蹄病是危害农村散养户奶牛生产、导致奶牛生产性能下降的重要疾病之一。从上可得知,该病发生后,蹄的真皮和角质层组织发生化脓性病理变化,其特征是真皮坏死与化脓,角质溶解,病牛疼痛,跛行。 以上是畜牧堂对其防治措施的介绍,希望对大家有所帮助。

您的问题是腐蹄病,下面是腐蹄病的详细介绍:奶牛腐蹄病是蹄间皮肤和软组织具有腐败、恶臭、真皮坏死与化脓,角质溶解,疼痛,跛行的运动障碍性疾病。腐蹄病也被称为蹄间腐烂、指(趾)间腐烂、传染性真皮炎、蹄间蜂窝织炎或坏死性蹄间真皮炎。在饲料中添加乳易康或康之源效果非常好。 一、 发病原因 1、 在奶牛腐蹄病的病原学方面,意见尚不十分统一,大多数学者认为坏死厌气丝杆菌是该病的主要病因,但脓性棒状杆菌和其他化脓性细菌、结节状拟杆菌等也可以在感染组织涂片中发现,此外还有梭菌、牛足腐蚀螺旋体和病毒等。 2 、环境因素 ⑴、蹄球损伤、蹄间溃疡、皮炎、角质延长等均能引发该病,促使化脓性棒状杆菌及其他化脓菌的二重感染。 ⑵、 在阴雨潮湿季节,畜舍、运动场积有粪尿,场地泥泞,蹄冠周围或蹄间有污泥沾附形成缺氧状态,也是促成该病的另一主要原因。 ⑶、奶牛长期营养不良、饲养管理不当(没有及时修蹄、厩舍清理不及时),机体抵抗力降低,奶牛腐蹄病的发病率也会逐渐增多。 ⑷、蹄病与遗传有一定的关系,根据道,蹄病的遗传力范围较大,约为~,一般在~(Distl,1990)。蹄形也与遗传有关。 二 、症状 检查时病变部位呈现明显的急性蜂窝织炎,蹄间和蹄冠皮肤充血、红肿,有时可能坏死或出现表在性溃疡,有恶臭分泌物,有的蹄间有不良肉芽组织增生。蹄底角质部呈黑色,叩击时有痛感,修蹄时有污灰色或污黑色恶臭脓汁流出;病变若向上扩展可以变为脓性屈趾腱鞘炎、化脓性关节炎,有时角质溶解,蹄真皮过度增生,肉芽突出蹄底,球节感染发炎时会脓肿,疼痛;如果病情加重,患病奶牛个别卧病不起,并表现全身症状,如发热、食欲不振、消瘦、产奶量下降等。 整个蹄间皮肤可能坏死或出现表在性溃疡,患肢负重不起或各肢交替负重,以一肢或多肢跛行、跪地或卧地及剧烈疼痛为特征。 三、诊断 患牛一肢或多肢跛行,蹄间和蹄冠皮肤充血、水肿,蹄底流出恶臭脓液是主要特征,但应与脓性皮炎蹄型、化脓性皮炎、口蹄疫和肢蹄急性创伤性跛行相区别。 四、 治疗 视病程和损伤部位及全身反应,施以蹄部处理,辅以全身治疗。 1、 蹄部处理:清洗、除创或修蹄以去除腐败物、脓液后,用高锰酸钾溶液清洗,也可用‰新洁尔灭清洗,之后用10%~20%硫酸铜溶液或5%~10%福尔马林浸泡蹄部约10分钟,并用消炎粉或下列涂搽剂之一涂擦或填塞。青霉素10万单位,鱼肝油50毫升,蒸馏水5毫升,制成乳剂,用棉球蘸塞患部;松节油20毫升、鱼肝油20毫升混匀,用棉球蘸塞患部;高锰酸钾粉末95克,磺胺50克,研成细末,撒敷患部;松节油3毫升、塞洛仿5毫升、蓖麻油(或鱼肝油)100毫升蘸塞患部。 2、 次醋酸铅溶液128毫升,硫酸铜64克,醋酸500毫升混匀向患部注入溶液1~2次,如溃疡一时不能愈合,用中药血竭研成粉撒布在患部溃疡面,再用烙铁轻烙,使血竭熔化形成一层保护膜,外用绷带包扎,每隔3~5天处理一次。处理后保持蹄部清洁、干燥。蹄冠炎、球节炎,用10%鱼石脂酒精绷带包扎患部。 3、 对于蹄底出现溃疡性漏洞时,首先用5%的双氧水溶液冲洗,然后用“补蹄膏”配合消炎粉调和成糊状涂抹红肿部位,并用棉球蘸取药膏填塞溃疡部位,每天1~2次,7天后痊愈。 4、若患牛表现全身症状,应及时用磺胺类药物或其他抗生素静注或肌注,如用青霉素200万单位,链霉素200万~300万单位,注射用生理盐水10~20ml,一次肌肉注射,一日2~3次;同时应根据病情给予解热镇痛类药物,直至炎症消除为止;对于卧地不起的牛应切实做好护理工作,防止继发感染。 五、 预防 对于该病的防治主要应加强日常饲养管理。结合我场的预防经验,笔者认为应该从以下几方面做好预防: ⑴、 畜舍、运动场要清洁干燥,定期清除污物,冲刷牛舍及牛床,定期消毒,加强运动场管理,及时剔除可能造成奶牛蹄部损伤的砖块、石头、铁丝头、玻璃碎片等异物。 ⑵、在多雨湿热季节应该定期用10%硫酸铜溶液浸泡牛蹄,每次约10分钟,并应尽可能地保持畜舍的干燥,加强通风。 ⑶、定期修整牛蹄,减少腐蹄病发生的诱因,发现病例应该及时隔离治疗,同时更应该加强护理,防止交叉感染,对牛群进行认真观察,及时发现病牛。



Abstract: claudication disease is a disease often cows, there are the more common cause of traumatic, bacterial, viral or by malnutrition and other reasons. Not only affect the normal feeding and management, but also lead to the production performance of dairy cows decreased significantly; if not handled properly will even cause the cow culling. Since the cow hoofdisease causes complex, high incidence rate, longer course of disease,cure is difficult, has the serious influence on the performance and service life of production. Therefore, the disease has caused great economiclosses to the dairy industry. Through this experiment, 5 claudicationevaluation method, one of Heilongjiang large-scale dairy farm were limpevaluation. Analysis of the influence of rearing environment andmanagement measures of cow : claudication evaluation, hoof disease, feeding and management

仅供参考:An Investigation into the Situations of Lameness Disease in a Scaleful Diary Farm in Helongjiang ProvcinceSummary: Lameness is a common disease among milk cows that is caused by external injuries, bacterial or virus infections, or mal-nutrition. Lameness not only affects milk cows with their breeding and management, but also significantly lowers their productivity. If not dealt with propertly, milk cows with lameness may eventually be laid off. However, limping diseases of a milk cow have complicated causes, higher rates of incidence, longer course, and are often hard to cure, which then seriously affects the milk cow's productivity and life. As a result, such disease can cause huge economic loss to diary cattle industry. By using a 5-grade lameness evaluation method, an experiment was carried out at a scaleful diary farm in Heilongjiang Province, in an effor to analyze the impact of ranching environment and management measures towards lameness of cows. Keywords: Lameness evaluation, limping disease, breeding management


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