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生物活性肽是蛋白质中25个天然氨基酸以不同组成和排列方式构成的从二肽到复杂的线性、环形结构的不同肽类的总称,是源于蛋白质的多功能化合物。活性肽具有多种人体代谢和生理调节功能,易消化吸收,有促进免疫、激素调节、抗菌、抗病毒、降血压、降血脂等作用,食用安全性极高,是当前国际食品界最热门的研究课题和极具发展前景的功能因子。以下为几种重要生物活性肽的发展状况。乳肽早在20世纪50年代,该公司即以乳酪蛋白酶解制取了第一代的酪蛋白肽和氨基酸混合物,含5~8个氨基酸组成的肽和70%以上的游离氨基酸,用于低抗原性防过敏牛奶粉,在市场上行销40多年;60~70年代,开发出第二代的高度水解乳清蛋白肽混合物,含10~12个氨基酸组成的肽和40%~60%的游离氨基酸。以上两代产品的游离氨基酸含量过高,影响了产品的风味和生物效价;90年代,推出了低度水解乳清蛋白肽混合物,含10~15个氨基酸组成的肽和20%以下的游离氨基酸,产品风味明显改善,生物效价提高。 992年,和研究了胰蛋白酶、凝乳蛋白酶等酶的固定化反应器制取乳肽的工艺,可以通过调节流速来控制反应程度,并通过重复使用酶来降低成本。1989年,.和.研究了带超滤膜的酶反应器,在反应器内加入钙和磷酸根离子,用于制备酪蛋白磷酸肽和去磷酸化酪蛋白多肽。 我国对乳肽的研究不多,主要是进行蛋白酶的筛选和酶解工艺的优化,如1991年,肖安乐等人筛选出胰蛋白酶的胰酶是水解变性乳清蛋白质的最佳酶种;1994年,王凤翼等人对胰蛋白酶控制水解α-酪蛋白的最佳条件进行了优选;张和平等人采用胰蛋白酶水解热敏性乳清蛋白,获得热稳定好、易溶解的多肽,并以此开发出稳定性良好的乳清饮料;1995年,于江虹也从牛乳酪蛋白中分离提纯获得酪蛋白磷酸肽,证实了其在小肠中可与钙、铁等矿物质形成可溶性络合物,促进人体对钙、铁的吸收;广州市轻工研究所生产的酪蛋白磷酸肽CPP含量达85%以上,易溶于水,加工性能稳定,已在我国市场上推出。最近,我国生物工作者开发了采用微生物发酵控制、蛋白转化率高的乳肽产品,其中氨态氮占20%左右、肽态氮占80%左右,产品无不良气味,已获专利;湖北工学院吴思方等人进行了固定化胰蛋白酶生产酪蛋白磷酸肽的研究,CPP得率为%,产品中CPP总含量为15%,此工艺中酶可重复多次使用,既降低了成本,又有利于产品分离和生产自动化。大豆肽大豆肽是大豆蛋白质经酸法或酶法水解后分离、精制而得到的多肽混合物,以3~6个氨基酸组成的小分子肽为主,还含有少量大分子肽、游离氨基酸、糖类和无机盐等成分,分子质量在1000μ以下。大豆肽的蛋白质含量为85%左右,其氨基酸组成与大豆蛋白质相同,必需氨基酸的平衡良好,含量丰富。大豆肽与大豆蛋白相比,具有消化吸收率高、提供能量迅速、降低胆固醇、降血压和促进脂肪代谢的生理功能以及无豆腥味、无蛋白变性、酸性不沉淀、加热不凝固、易溶于水、流动性好等良好的加工性能,是优良的保健食品素材。 大豆肽的生产有酸法水解和酶法水解。酸法因水解程度不易控制、生产条件苛刻、氨基酸受到损害而很少采用;酶法水解易控制、条件温和、不损害氨基酸而大多被采用。酶的选择至关重要。通常选用胰蛋白酶、胃蛋白酶等动物蛋白酶,也可选用木瓜和菠萝等植物蛋白酶。但应用较广的主要是放线菌166、枯草芽孢杆菌1389、栖土曲霉3942、黑曲霉3350和地衣型芽杆菌2709等微生物蛋白酶。 20世纪70年代初,美国首先研制出大豆肽,公司建成了年产5000吨食用大豆肽装置;日本于80年代开始研制大豆肽,不二制油公司首先采用酶法规模化生产出3种大豆肽,雪印和森永等乳业公司应用大豆肽生产食品。 我国近几年也开展了大豆肽的生产和应用研究。江西省科学院高科技中心李雄辉等人采用ASI389中性蛋白酶和木瓜蛋白酶双酶水解生产大豆肽,使大豆肽生成率为%,肽态氮含量大于85%,游离氨基酸含量小于8%,平均肽键长度5~8,分子质量2000μ左右。双酶水解工艺既缩短了酶解时间、提高了蛋白质水解度,又减轻了产品苦味。华南理工大学黄惠华等人用木瓜蛋白酶对大豆分离蛋白进行水解试验,测得木瓜蛋白酶的动力学常数。另外,无锡轻工大学的葛文光对大豆肽的生理功能及作用效果进行了研究;郭敏亮采用豆粕生产出大豆肽饮料等。 根据大豆肽的理化特性,可用大豆肽为基本素材,开发肠胃功能不良者和消化道手术病人康复的肠道营养食品的流态食品、降胆固醇、降血压、预防心血管疾病的保健食品,增强肌肉和消除疲劳的运动员食品、婴幼儿及老年人保健食品、促进脂肪代谢的减肥食品、酸性蛋白饮料和用作促进微生物生长、代谢的发酵促进剂等。高F值寡肽高F值寡肽即是由动、植物蛋白酶解后制得的具有高支链、低芳香族氨基酸组成的寡肽,以低苯丙氨酸寡肽为代表,具有独特的生理功能。F值是指支链氨基酸(BCAA)与芳香族氨基酸(AAA)的摩尔比值。 1976年,Yamashita等人首次利用胃蛋白酶和链霉蛋白酶从鱼蛋白和大豆分离蛋白酶解中制得含低苯丙氨酸的寡肽混合物,产率分别为%和%,苯丙氨酸含量分别为%和%。1982年,Nakhost等人用α-胰凝乳蛋白酶和羧肽酶A酶解大豆蛋白,也制得相似的产物。1986年,Soichi等人进行了多种酶分别酶解乳清蛋白制取低苯丙氨酸寡肽的多种工艺、方法试验,结果以胃蛋白酶-链霉蛋白酶两步水解法为佳,产品得率为%、苯丙氨酸含量为%。1991年,Shinya等人用嗜碱蛋白酶和肌动蛋白酶水解玉米醇溶蛋白,制取了无苦味高F值寡肽,产率为%,F值,AAA含量为%。 1996年,西班牙的Bautista等人用肌动蛋白酶和Kerase中性蛋白酶酶解葵花浓缩蛋白,制取高F值寡肽,产率为%,F值为,AAA含量为%。王梅也在1992年首次采用碱性蛋白酶和木瓜蛋白酶降解玉米黄粉;成功地研制出高F值寡肽混合物,产率为%,F值为,AAA含量为%,完全符合高F值制剂的要求,为解决玉米湿法淀粉厂副产品——黄粉的综合利用开创了新路子。 高F值寡肽具有消除或减轻肝性脑病症状、改善肝功能和改善多种病人蛋白质营养失常状态及抗疲劳等功能,除可制作治疗肝疾药品外,还可广泛用作保肝、护肝功能食品,烧伤、外科手术、脓毒血症等高付出病人及消化酶缺乏患者的蛋白营养食品和肠道营养剂,高强度劳动者和运动员食品营养强化剂等。谷胱甘肽(GSH)谷胱甘肽是由谷氨酸、半胱氨酸和甘氨酸经肽键缩合而成的活性三肽,广泛存在于动物肝脏、血液、酵母和小麦胚芽中,各种蔬菜等植物组织中也有少量分布。谷胱甘肽具有独特的生理功能,被称为长寿因子和抗衰老因子。日本在50年代开始研制并应用于食品,现已在食品加工领域得到广泛应用。我国对谷胱甘肽的研究尚处于起步阶段。 谷胱甘肽的生产方法主要有溶剂萃取法、化学合成法、微生物发酵法和酶合成法等4种,其中利用微生物细胞或酶生物合成谷胱甘肽极具发展潜力,目前即以酵母发酵法生产为主。 由于谷胱甘肽分子有一个特异的γ-肽键,决定了它在人机体中的许多重要生理功能,如蛋白质和核糖核酸的合成、氧及营养物质的运输、内源酶的活力、代谢和细胞保护、参与体内三羧酸循环及糖代谢,具有抗氧化、抗疲劳、抗衰老、清除体内过多自由基、解毒护肝、预防糖尿病和癌症等功效,因此而成为机体防御功能肽的代表。谷胱甘肽除可在临床上用作治疗眼角膜疾病,解除丙烯酯、氟化物、重金属、一氧化碳、有机溶剂等中毒症状的解毒药物外,还可用于运动营养食品和功能食品添加剂等。中国在生物活性肽的研究开发上,从事活性肽的研究单位也多从医药角度出发,研究力量及投入较少,限制了活性肽药食两用功能的发挥,市场上国产的活性肽药品和食品寥寥无几。但近几年研究逐步活跃起来,报道渐多,前景看好。当前生物活性肽研究开发的方向是:肽的定向酶解技术开发,包括高效、专一性强的酶种选育、复合酶系共同作用机理、机制,脱苦微生物的分离、纯化和机理研究,酶解工艺改进技术等;功能性肽的分离、分析技术开发,包括新型高效分离设备和分离工艺,灵敏度高、简单易行的目标肽活性分析检测体系和分析技术及下游精制技术;肽的功能性生物学评价研究;生物活性肽功能食品开发等。


摘要肝硬化是各种原因所致的肝脏慢性、进行性的弥漫性改变。其特点是一种病因或数种病因长期反复刺激和损伤肝细胞,导致肝细胞变性和坏死,并伴有多种脏器功能损害,晚期可并发上消化道出血、肝性脑病等严重疾病。因此,对肝硬化患者的护理和知识宣教就尤为重要。同时对我们护理工作也提出了更高的要求。我院2007年1月至2008年2月共收治了78肝硬化例患者,现具体报道如下。关键词肝硬化;护理;措施1临床资料我院2007年1月至2008年2月共收治78例肝硬化患者,发病原因为肝炎所致68例,酒精所致5例,药物所致3例,其他因素所致2例。其中男62例,女16例,平均年龄50岁。并发上消化道出血12例,肝性脑病3例。总结78例肝硬化患者的临床护理经验,对他们的临床资料进行回顾分析,治愈、好转64例(82%),自动出院10例(13%),死亡4例(5%)。通过对患者实施恰当而合理的护理措施,减轻了患者的痛苦,提高了患者的生活质量,延长了患者的生命。2护理措施一般护理〔1〕注意休息卧床休息可以增加肝脏的血流量,有助于肝细胞修复和再生。因此,休息是保护肝脏的重要措施之一。失代偿期肝硬化患者应绝对卧床,这样有利于增加肝脏的血流量,减轻肝脏负担,促进肝细胞的恢复,而代偿期肝硬化患者不强调卧床休息,但应适当减少活动,增加休息时间,注意劳逸结合,以不引起疲劳为原则。饮食合理的饮食是正常生命机能的基本保证,营养的合理调配和摄取,在肝硬化的治疗过程中起着非常重要的作用。它可以增加机体的免疫力,增加肝细胞的再生能力,使疾病早日痊愈。因此,要保证足够的营养供给,食物要多样化,应以高糖、高维生素、富含氨基酸的高效蛋白质、低脂肪、少渣饮食为主,对腹水或浮肿患者,一定要限制钠盐和水的摄入量,对有肝脏损害倾向的患者,应限制蛋白质摄入,每日蛋白质摄入量不超过20 g,以免诱发肝性脑病。有食管及胃底静脉曲张者禁食干硬、粗糙及刺激性食物,以防损伤食道黏膜及胃底血管而引起出血。 保持大便通畅肝硬化患者如果饮食不当,加之活动减少,胃肠蠕动减慢,易导致习惯性便秘,对该病的愈后极为不利。因此,要给患者适量进食一些富含纤维素的食物和香蕉之类的水果,既能通便又可补充钾,必要时可服用缓泻剂,例如乳果糖口服液,减少肠道氨的吸收,避免诱发肝性脑病。做好口腔皮肤护理每日口腔护理2次,指导患者用软牙刷刷牙,忌用牙签剔牙,保持床铺整洁,保持皮肤清洁,建议患者穿柔软宽松的棉质衣服,有水肿处用棉垫或气垫圈予以保护,避免造成皮肤破损,而增加感染机会。用药护理正确合理用药,减少肝脏负担。应用利尿药物时,密切观察药物的利尿效果及副作用,准确记录患者的液体出入量,注意电解质的平衡。 心理护理肝硬化是一种康复过程较长的慢性疾病,患者很容易产生焦虑、急燥和恐惧的心理。因此,对患者要给予耐心的解释、鼓励和安慰,消除患者的顾虑,树立战胜疾病的信心,保持乐观坦然的心情。同时指导家属给予心理支持,多与患者沟通,鼓励其说出自己的感受,建立良好的护患关系,使患者处在最佳心理、生理状态下主动接受治疗及护理操作。并发症的观察及护理上消化道出血是肝硬化最常见,最严重的并发症,应及时发现出血征兆并积极投入抢救。当患者出现黑便,呕血等症状时,应迅速建立静脉通道,快速输液,必要时输血,应用止血药物,必要时应用三腔双囊管压迫止血,加强护理,密切观察生命体征及病情变化;安慰患者嘱其卧床休息,保持安静,采取平卧位头偏向一侧,将下肢抬高,注意保暖、吸氧;禁食,及时清除呕吐物避免患者紧张。肝性脑病是肝功能严重损害,以意识改变和昏迷为主要表现的综合征,早期发现患者神志、行为异常,应及时通知医生,应用降血氨药物,加强休息和饮食护理,禁食蛋白质;随时保持呼吸道通畅;详细记录24 h出入量,保持大便通畅;有躁动不安者加床档,慎用镇静剂。出院指导出院前向患者和家属讲解肝硬化的有关知识,特别强调休息和饮食的重要性,按医嘱服药,定期复查肝肾功能、电解质。有呕血、黑便或便血、神志改变应及时就诊。指导患者保持心情愉快,树立战胜疾病的信心。加强自我护理和保健,提高生活质量。还要关注患者家属,对其讲解肝硬化相关知识,正确认识传播途径,减轻其担心被传染的顾滤,与患者保持温馨和谐的关系,从而有利于患者的康复。3结论精湛的医疗技术加上细致的护理,一定能达到最理想的效果,通过对肝硬化患者的精心护理,健康教育指导,使患者能充分认识到肝硬化的发病特点,提高了自我防护能力,消除了诱发因素,减少了并发症,延长了患者的生命。提高了生命质量。按参考文献


Results � 2 181 cirrhotic patients with the infection rate of 101 cases of infection. infection rate was , of nosocomial infection. � infection sites were 101 cases of infection times for a total of 133 cases of infection occurred. 4 cases of which three infections, 24 cases of infection of two parts, one part of the remaining 73 cases of infection. By the frequency of infection sites were as follows : 59 cases of primary peritonitis time, 15 cases of intestinal infection. 12 cases of upper respiratory tract infection, bacteremia nine cases meeting, lung infection and pleurisy meeting of the eight cases. Biliary tract infection, urinary tract infection and oral infection five times, four cases of skin and soft tissue infections time, 3 cases of septic shock. � incidence of infection-related factors causing infection and liver function grades of Child - Section 101 cases of infection. A, B and C patients respectively 11 cases, 41 cases and 49 cases. 80 cases of non-infected group, A, B and C patients respectively 26 cases, 39 cases and 15 cases. Child-C infection in patients with cirrhosis group were significantly higher than non-infected patients. significant difference between the two groups (x2=, ) is shown in Table 1. � liver function Child-grade comparison group (X2) A B C Total infected groups of 11 (20. 6) 41 () 49 () 101 non-infected group, 26 () 39 ( ) 15 () 81 Total 37 80 64 181 Note : Theoretical data for the number of brackets (T) nosocomial infection and hospital stay time "in January. Ointment and "half of those on the incidence of nosocomial infection rates were , , . Cirrhotic patients at the hospital, "hospital occurred in January were significantly higher than the chances of infection" in January (P <) in Table 2. Nosocomial infections of the relationship between length of stay and hospital infection cases of infection "half 5 1 Ointment 3 , "January 31 nosocomial infections and 133 cases of invasive operation between infection , the number of patients with invasive operation in the first three places respectively : 25 cases of deep venous catheter infection received before the operation. 14 patients with abdominal paracentesis, four cases Thoracentesis. � add : pathogenic bacteria has been detected in the culture of Escherichia coli bacteria are : (ascites); aeruginosa (ascites); Klebsiella foul nose (blood, phlegm, bedsore pus), fungal prima Sisha (blood jugular vein cannulation), grape skin bacteria (sputum), Candida albicans (sputum, feces throat), Rumsfeld Xidixi bacteria (sputum). Staphylococcal ears (urine). � vesting who died 29 cases of infection occurred, the mortality rate for infected persons died in 2002 two cases did not occur. mortality rate of . The remaining 72 cases were infected in pathogen detection based on the rational use of antibiotics and protective, and diuretic therapy, etc., maintain a clean mouth and skin care benefit under both improved infection control discharged The average hospital stay was days for the few. No infection in the other 78 cases under treatment and care are reasonable discharged improved, the average length of stay was days. Mortality was significantly higher than non-infected patients with cirrhosis infected. (X2= ) Table 3 � infected and non-infected group compared mortality improvement in the number of death cases Total number of infected cases, 29 () 72 () 101 non-infected group 2 () 78 ( ) 80 Total 31 150 181 difference between the two groups is statistically significant




1 临床资料

一般资料:2009年1月至2010年12月我院共收治酒精肝109例,其中:男108 例,女1例,年龄29-63岁,平均年龄43±岁,酒精性脂肪肝11例,酒精性肝炎26例,酒精性肝硬化72例。均符合《酒精性肝病诊断指南》的诊断标准。①饮酒史:5-33年,平均年限±年,饮酒量:45-700g/d折合乙醇,平均日饮酒量±。②临床表现:不同程度的上腹部不适,食欲不振,乏力,发热,黄疸,严重者伴腹水,消化道出血,肝性脑病等。③ 实验室检查:肝功能异常、不同程度贫血,血清r-GT升高明显。④ 超声,CT扫描有慢性肝损害改变,肝活检有助诊断。



2 护理干预






3 讨论

调查发现 我国酒精肝呈现发病率逐年上升、肝脏损害程度加重、受损功能器官增多等态势,已对我国人群健康造成系统性危害,已成为乙型病毒性肝炎之外的第二大杀手。应引起国家 *** 及社会居民的高度重视。从我院2009至2010年收治的109例酒精肝的诊治情况也证实了以上调查结果,109例患者中有三例因严重的并发症在入院后短时间内死亡。由于酒精肝尚无特效药物,因此预防和早期诊治十分重要,加强对过量饮酒危害性的宣传和教育,强调节制饮酒、理性饮酒,倡导文明用酒,酒文化渊源流长,要让社会居民懂得怎样用酒,什么时候能饮酒,什么情况不宜饮酒,比如:身体不适、心情烦躁、抑郁忧愁,或盛怒之时要严禁饮酒,否则就会对身体造成损害,只有充分认识才能更加自觉的把握适量饮酒或戒酒,才能更大程度地预防疾病的发生和进展,本文通过对106例酒精肝患者实施护理干预表明,系统的护理干预可提高患者对疾病的认知水平和治疗依从性,改变不良行为习惯,对降低复发率、提高治愈好转率、促进患者康复起到了至关重要的作用,收到事半功倍的良好效果。


[1] 付小红,王维琴.慢性酒精性肝病病人心理性因素的调查分析及临床干预[J].护理研究,2007,213:264

[2] 沈雪妹,汪敏.医学心理学[M].上海交通大学出版社,2006:244

[3] 周艳馨,朱立君.酒精性肝病患者心理分析及护理干预[B].实用护理杂志,2009,06;147


2 results infections formation rates 181 examples liver cirrhosispatient merges infects 101 examples, the infection formation , in the courtyard the infection percentage is . infections has the spot 101 examples infections altogether to haveeach kind of infection example order is 133. 4 examples are 3 spotsinfect, 24 examples are 2 spots infect Other 73 examples are a spot infect. The infection spotaccording to has the frequency height is in turn: Primary peritonitis59 examples, the intestinal tract infects 15 examples, on The respiratory tract infects 12 examples, bacteriemia 9examples, the lungs infection and pleurisy each 8 examples. Thebiliary duct infects, the urine road infection and the oral cavityinfects each 5 examples The skin soft tissue infects 4 examples, infectiousness is inshock 3 examples. has the infection correlation factor infections and liver function child - pugh graduationrelational infection group 101 examples. A, B and the C level patientpopulation respectively is 11 examples, 41 examples and 49 Example. The non- infection group 80 examples, A, B and the Clevel patient population respectively is 26 examples, 39 examples and15 examples. In liver cirrhosis merge infection group child - pugh Clevel The patient counts obviously are many to the non- infectiongroup, two groups compare the difference to be extremely remarkable(x2=, P < ) see Table 1. Two groups of liver function child - pugh graduation comparison (X2) Group other A B C grand total Infection group 11 () 41 () 49 () 101 Non- infection group 26 () 39 () 15 () 81 Amounts to 378064181 Note: In the parenthesis the data is various numbers theorynumber (T) In courtyards infects with is hospitalized the timerelations to be hospitalized the time > in January, 1/2 ~ in Januaryand < 1/2 month courtyard 内感 dyes the formation rate respectivelyis , , . The liver cirrhosis patient is hospitalizedwhen > January has the opportunity which in the courtyard infectsobviously to be higher than < January (P < ) to see Table 2. In the courtyard infects with is hospitalized the time relations Is hospitalized the time infection example number infectionpercentage < 1/2 5 1/2 ~ in January 13 > In January 31 In courtyards the infection and in the attack operationrelational 133 examples infection, accepts the attack operationpatient person sequence to the first 3 distinctions is: 25 examples Before the infection accepts the deep vein to set at the tubetechnique, 14 examples abdominal cavities puncture method, 4 exampleschest cavities puncture method. Question supplement that, etiology bacilliculture examined thebacterium includes: Large intestine Egypt hopes the fungus (ascites);假单胞菌 (ascites); Smelly nose 克雷 伯氏 fungus ( The blood, the phlegm, the bedsore pus fluid), Purey Mao theSi sand mold (blood, neck vein inserts a tube), epidermis grape fungus(phlegm), white rosary fungus (phlegm, excrement, Swallows 拭子), pulls west west the peduncle the fungus(phlegm), ear grape fungus (urine). revolutions turn over to have the infection to die of illness 29examples, the mortality rate are ; Has not had the infection todie of illness 2 examples, the mortality rate . Other 72 examplesinfection The reasonable use antibiotic and guarantees treatment and soon liver, diuresis in the etiology examination foundation, maintainsthe patient oral cavity and the whole body skin cleanly in order tohelp the control infection and so on Under nurses all good extension to leave the hospital, equallyis hospitalized the number of days is days. Under has not had theinfection other 78 examples reasonably to treat and to nurse all goodextension to leave the hospital, even Is hospitalized the number of days is days. The livercirrhosis merge infection mortality rate obviously is higher than thenon- infection. (X2= P < ) see Table 3 The infection compares with the non- infection mortality rate The group other death example number change for the betterexample number equals Infection group 29 () 72 () 101 Non- infection group 2 () 78 () 80 Amounts to 31150181 Two groups of differences have 显著性 the significance

摘要肝硬化是各种原因所致的肝脏慢性、进行性的弥漫性改变。其特点是一种病因或数种病因长期反复刺激和损伤肝细胞,导致肝细胞变性和坏死,并伴有多种脏器功能损害,晚期可并发上消化道出血、肝性脑病等严重疾病。因此,对肝硬化患者的护理和知识宣教就尤为重要。同时对我们护理工作也提出了更高的要求。我院2007年1月至2008年2月共收治了78肝硬化例患者,现具体报道如下。关键词肝硬化;护理;措施1临床资料我院2007年1月至2008年2月共收治78例肝硬化患者,发病原因为肝炎所致68例,酒精所致5例,药物所致3例,其他因素所致2例。其中男62例,女16例,平均年龄50岁。并发上消化道出血12例,肝性脑病3例。总结78例肝硬化患者的临床护理经验,对他们的临床资料进行回顾分析,治愈、好转64例(82%),自动出院10例(13%),死亡4例(5%)。通过对患者实施恰当而合理的护理措施,减轻了患者的痛苦,提高了患者的生活质量,延长了患者的生命。2护理措施一般护理〔1〕注意休息卧床休息可以增加肝脏的血流量,有助于肝细胞修复和再生。因此,休息是保护肝脏的重要措施之一。失代偿期肝硬化患者应绝对卧床,这样有利于增加肝脏的血流量,减轻肝脏负担,促进肝细胞的恢复,而代偿期肝硬化患者不强调卧床休息,但应适当减少活动,增加休息时间,注意劳逸结合,以不引起疲劳为原则。饮食合理的饮食是正常生命机能的基本保证,营养的合理调配和摄取,在肝硬化的治疗过程中起着非常重要的作用。它可以增加机体的免疫力,增加肝细胞的再生能力,使疾病早日痊愈。因此,要保证足够的营养供给,食物要多样化,应以高糖、高维生素、富含氨基酸的高效蛋白质、低脂肪、少渣饮食为主,对腹水或浮肿患者,一定要限制钠盐和水的摄入量,对有肝脏损害倾向的患者,应限制蛋白质摄入,每日蛋白质摄入量不超过20 g,以免诱发肝性脑病。有食管及胃底静脉曲张者禁食干硬、粗糙及刺激性食物,以防损伤食道黏膜及胃底血管而引起出血。 保持大便通畅肝硬化患者如果饮食不当,加之活动减少,胃肠蠕动减慢,易导致习惯性便秘,对该病的愈后极为不利。因此,要给患者适量进食一些富含纤维素的食物和香蕉之类的水果,既能通便又可补充钾,必要时可服用缓泻剂,例如乳果糖口服液,减少肠道氨的吸收,避免诱发肝性脑病。做好口腔皮肤护理每日口腔护理2次,指导患者用软牙刷刷牙,忌用牙签剔牙,保持床铺整洁,保持皮肤清洁,建议患者穿柔软宽松的棉质衣服,有水肿处用棉垫或气垫圈予以保护,避免造成皮肤破损,而增加感染机会。用药护理正确合理用药,减少肝脏负担。应用利尿药物时,密切观察药物的利尿效果及副作用,准确记录患者的液体出入量,注意电解质的平衡。 心理护理肝硬化是一种康复过程较长的慢性疾病,患者很容易产生焦虑、急燥和恐惧的心理。因此,对患者要给予耐心的解释、鼓励和安慰,消除患者的顾虑,树立战胜疾病的信心,保持乐观坦然的心情。同时指导家属给予心理支持,多与患者沟通,鼓励其说出自己的感受,建立良好的护患关系,使患者处在最佳心理、生理状态下主动接受治疗及护理操作。并发症的观察及护理上消化道出血是肝硬化最常见,最严重的并发症,应及时发现出血征兆并积极投入抢救。当患者出现黑便,呕血等症状时,应迅速建立静脉通道,快速输液,必要时输血,应用止血药物,必要时应用三腔双囊管压迫止血,加强护理,密切观察生命体征及病情变化;安慰患者嘱其卧床休息,保持安静,采取平卧位头偏向一侧,将下肢抬高,注意保暖、吸氧;禁食,及时清除呕吐物避免患者紧张。肝性脑病是肝功能严重损害,以意识改变和昏迷为主要表现的综合征,早期发现患者神志、行为异常,应及时通知医生,应用降血氨药物,加强休息和饮食护理,禁食蛋白质;随时保持呼吸道通畅;详细记录24 h出入量,保持大便通畅;有躁动不安者加床档,慎用镇静剂。出院指导出院前向患者和家属讲解肝硬化的有关知识,特别强调休息和饮食的重要性,按医嘱服药,定期复查肝肾功能、电解质。有呕血、黑便或便血、神志改变应及时就诊。指导患者保持心情愉快,树立战胜疾病的信心。加强自我护理和保健,提高生活质量。还要关注患者家属,对其讲解肝硬化相关知识,正确认识传播途径,减轻其担心被传染的顾滤,与患者保持温馨和谐的关系,从而有利于患者的康复。3结论精湛的医疗技术加上细致的护理,一定能达到最理想的效果,通过对肝硬化患者的精心护理,健康教育指导,使患者能充分认识到肝硬化的发病特点,提高了自我防护能力,消除了诱发因素,减少了并发症,延长了患者的生命。提高了生命质量。按参考文献











注意劳逸结合避免劳累过度,要注意休息,过重的体力劳动,过度紧张的脑力劳动,剧烈的体育运动可诱发癫痫病。 只要有了良好的心理状态,积极配合医生,坚持长期治疗,绝大多数病人可基本治愈而过与正常人一样的生活。 合理饮食合理营养,饮食有节,避免过饱或过饥或一次性大量饮水。另外,喝浓茶、食用含大量咖啡因的食品如巧克力可使癫痫病发作,故应禁忌。那么,戒除烟酒,烟酒均能诱发癫痫病,尤其是饮酒害处更大,慢性酒精中毒可引起大脑皮层结构和功能改变,从而使癫痫病发作。





2 results infections formation rates 181 examples liver cirrhosispatient merges infects 101 examples, the infection formation , in the courtyard the infection percentage is . infections has the spot 101 examples infections altogether to haveeach kind of infection example order is 133. 4 examples are 3 spotsinfect, 24 examples are 2 spots infect Other 73 examples are a spot infect. The infection spotaccording to has the frequency height is in turn: Primary peritonitis59 examples, the intestinal tract infects 15 examples, on The respiratory tract infects 12 examples, bacteriemia 9examples, the lungs infection and pleurisy each 8 examples. Thebiliary duct infects, the urine road infection and the oral cavityinfects each 5 examples The skin soft tissue infects 4 examples, infectiousness is inshock 3 examples. has the infection correlation factor infections and liver function child - pugh graduationrelational infection group 101 examples. A, B and the C level patientpopulation respectively is 11 examples, 41 examples and 49 Example. The non- infection group 80 examples, A, B and the Clevel patient population respectively is 26 examples, 39 examples and15 examples. In liver cirrhosis merge infection group child - pugh Clevel The patient counts obviously are many to the non- infectiongroup, two groups compare the difference to be extremely remarkable(x2=, P < ) see Table 1. Two groups of liver function child - pugh graduation comparison (X2) Group other A B C grand total Infection group 11 () 41 () 49 () 101 Non- infection group 26 () 39 () 15 () 81 Amounts to 378064181 Note: In the parenthesis the data is various numbers theorynumber (T) In courtyards infects with is hospitalized the timerelations to be hospitalized the time > in January, 1/2 ~ in Januaryand < 1/2 month courtyard 内感 dyes the formation rate respectivelyis , , . The liver cirrhosis patient is hospitalizedwhen > January has the opportunity which in the courtyard infectsobviously to be higher than < January (P < ) to see Table 2. In the courtyard infects with is hospitalized the time relations Is hospitalized the time infection example number infectionpercentage < 1/2 5 1/2 ~ in January 13 > In January 31 In courtyards the infection and in the attack operationrelational 133 examples infection, accepts the attack operationpatient person sequence to the first 3 distinctions is: 25 examples Before the infection accepts the deep vein to set at the tubetechnique, 14 examples abdominal cavities puncture method, 4 exampleschest cavities puncture method. Question supplement that, etiology bacilliculture examined thebacterium includes: Large intestine Egypt hopes the fungus (ascites);假单胞菌 (ascites); Smelly nose 克雷 伯氏 fungus ( The blood, the phlegm, the bedsore pus fluid), Purey Mao theSi sand mold (blood, neck vein inserts a tube), epidermis grape fungus(phlegm), white rosary fungus (phlegm, excrement, Swallows 拭子), pulls west west the peduncle the fungus(phlegm), ear grape fungus (urine). revolutions turn over to have the infection to die of illness 29examples, the mortality rate are ; Has not had the infection todie of illness 2 examples, the mortality rate . Other 72 examplesinfection The reasonable use antibiotic and guarantees treatment and soon liver, diuresis in the etiology examination foundation, maintainsthe patient oral cavity and the whole body skin cleanly in order tohelp the control infection and so on Under nurses all good extension to leave the hospital, equallyis hospitalized the number of days is days. Under has not had theinfection other 78 examples reasonably to treat and to nurse all goodextension to leave the hospital, even Is hospitalized the number of days is days. The livercirrhosis merge infection mortality rate obviously is higher than thenon- infection. (X2= P < ) see Table 3 The infection compares with the non- infection mortality rate The group other death example number change for the betterexample number equals Infection group 29 () 72 () 101 Non- infection group 2 () 78 () 80 Amounts to 31150181 Two groups of differences have 显著性 the significance

The result � Infect with 181 cirrhosises of the occurrence rate sufferer the merger infects with 101, infecting with of the occurrence rate, the infection rate inside the hospital is .� Infection occurrence the part 101 infections totally take place a time of various infection is among those exampleses infect with for 3 parts,24 the examples infect with for 2 parts, Rest 73 the examples infect with for a with the part press occurrence the 频 degree is high and low one by one in order is:At first the peritonitis 59 times of hair, the bowel way infects with 15, topBreathe the way infects with 12 times, the disease 9 times of the germ blood, an infection of lung and pleuritis 8 for each infection of 胆 , urine the road infects with to infect with 5 for each time with mouth cavity, The soft organization of skin infects with 4 times, the shock 3 times of infection.� Occurrence related factor � of the A 101 of the relation infection of the infection and the liver function child- pugh , B and the C class sufferer's numbers distinguish to 11,41 example and with 80 of set not, A, B and the C class sufferer's numbers distinguish to 26,39 examples and cirrhosis merger infects with the C class of child- pugh in setThe number of the sufferer is obvious and precious sight more to infect with the set not, two relatively differ to show the 著 ( x2=, P<) to see the table very much 1.�Two livers function child- pugh ratings compare( X2)Set do not the A B C is totalInfect with the set 11()41()49()101Infect with the set not 26()39()15()81Total 378064181Note:The data inside the brackets counts for the theories of each number( T) Hospital inside infection and hospitalization time relation hospitalization time> January,1/2-1 months and<1/ February hospital inside infection the occurrence rate is respectively, the sufferer of the cirrhosis stay in the hospital> January the opportunity of the infection inside the occurrence hospital is obvious high in< the of January sees the table 2. Hospital inside infect with and stay in the hospital the horary relationStay in the hospital the time infection number infection rate<1/ of 1/2-1 months> of Infection inside the hospital with encroach upon sex operation to relate to in 133 infections, accept to encroach upon sex to operate sufferer's number before list on 3 respectively is:25 exampleThe infection accepted the deep vein to place to take care of the 术 before,14 belly cavities wore to stab the 术 ,4 chests wore to stab the 术 .�Problem complement: The cause learns the germs that the germs development have already examine to have:Rare germ( the stomach water) of the large intestine 埃 ;False single afterbirth germ( the stomach water);Smelly nose gram thunder 伯 surname germ(Blood, phlegm, the bedsore 脓 liquid), 普 in the hair 斯 sand fungi( the blood, the neck vein puts the tube), the epidermis grape germ( phlegm), white beads germ( phlegm, muck,Swallow to wipe the son), pull the surname west germ( phlegm), the ear grape germ( urine).� The one who turn return to take place the infection dies of illness 29, the death rate is ;Don't the one who take place infection die of illness 2, death rate 72 infectionsLearn to examine the foundation in the cause up the reasonable usage antibiotics and protect the liver, the benefit urine etc. treatment, keep patient's mouth cavity and the whole body skin to sweep for the convenience of control infection descend all turn for the better the hospital discharge, the average hospitalization number is not take place the infection of other 78 example at reasonable treatment and nursing under all turn for the better the hospital discharge, evenAll stay in the hospital the day to count to merger infection death rate obvious high in not the one who infect with.( X2= Ps<) see 3 �s of tableInfect with with not infect with death rate compareThe set do not die the number amendment number to add upInfect with the set 29()72()101Infect with the set not 2()78()80Total 31150181Two differences show the 著 meaning

Results � 2 181 cirrhotic patients with the infection rate of 101 cases of infection. infection rate was , of nosocomial infection. � infection sites were 101 cases of infection times for a total of 133 cases of infection occurred. 4 cases of which three infections, 24 cases of infection of two parts, one part of the remaining 73 cases of infection. By the frequency of infection sites were as follows : 59 cases of primary peritonitis time, 15 cases of intestinal infection. 12 cases of upper respiratory tract infection, bacteremia nine cases meeting, lung infection and pleurisy meeting of the eight cases. Biliary tract infection, urinary tract infection and oral infection five times, four cases of skin and soft tissue infections time, 3 cases of septic shock. � incidence of infection-related factors causing infection and liver function grades of Child - Section 101 cases of infection. A, B and C patients respectively 11 cases, 41 cases and 49 cases. 80 cases of non-infected group, A, B and C patients respectively 26 cases, 39 cases and 15 cases. Child-C infection in patients with cirrhosis group were significantly higher than non-infected patients. significant difference between the two groups (x2=, ) is shown in Table 1. � liver function Child-grade comparison group (X2) A B C Total infected groups of 11 (20. 6) 41 () 49 () 101 non-infected group, 26 () 39 ( ) 15 () 81 Total 37 80 64 181 Note : Theoretical data for the number of brackets (T) nosocomial infection and hospital stay time "in January. Ointment and "half of those on the incidence of nosocomial infection rates were , , . Cirrhotic patients at the hospital, "hospital occurred in January were significantly higher than the chances of infection" in January (P <) in Table 2. Nosocomial infections of the relationship between length of stay and hospital infection cases of infection "half 5 1 Ointment 3 , "January 31 nosocomial infections and 133 cases of invasive operation between infection , the number of patients with invasive operation in the first three places respectively : 25 cases of deep venous catheter infection received before the operation. 14 patients with abdominal paracentesis, four cases Thoracentesis. � add : pathogenic bacteria has been detected in the culture of Escherichia coli bacteria are : (ascites); aeruginosa (ascites); Klebsiella foul nose (blood, phlegm, bedsore pus), fungal prima Sisha (blood jugular vein cannulation), grape skin bacteria (sputum), Candida albicans (sputum, feces throat), Rumsfeld Xidixi bacteria (sputum). Staphylococcal ears (urine). � vesting who died 29 cases of infection occurred, the mortality rate for infected persons died in 2002 two cases did not occur. mortality rate of . The remaining 72 cases were infected in pathogen detection based on the rational use of antibiotics and protective, and diuretic therapy, etc., maintain a clean mouth and skin care benefit under both improved infection control discharged The average hospital stay was days for the few. No infection in the other 78 cases under treatment and care are reasonable discharged improved, the average length of stay was days. Mortality was significantly higher than non-infected patients with cirrhosis infected. (X2= ) Table 3 � infected and non-infected group compared mortality improvement in the number of death cases Total number of infected cases, 29 () 72 () 101 non-infected group 2 () 78 ( ) 80 Total 31 150 181 difference between the two groups is statistically significant

3 讨论 本组肝硬化患者感染发生率,肝硬化肝功能失代偿child—pugh C级患者合并感染者明显增多。院内感染总发生例次率,住院时间超过1月者发生院人感染机会明显增加,住院期间由于诊冶需要而行各种创伤性操作也增加了医源性感染的机会。肝硬化验室患者肠道内菌群上移,而小肠段肠壁较薄,门脉压增高使肠壁淤血,淋巴流量增多,导致肠壁水肿,致使肠壁屏障被破坏〔3〕。肝硬化患者肝细胞坏死、纤维化的同时,肝脏的单核—巨噬细胞系统功能亦显著受损,使来自肠腔的细菌不能被清除,易发生肠源性感染。本资料已培养检测到的细菌以条件致病菌居多,治疗选用抗菌药物最多的是甲硝唑和头孢第三代类。本组发生感染者病死率%,明显高于无合并感染者的病死率%。提示肝硬化合并感染是造成病情加重,导致死亡的重要原因。这主要与机体免疫功能低下,高胆红素血症、白蛋白明显下降及肝功能衰竭有关。而感染又常诱发生上消化道出血,肝性脑病及肝肾综合征等严重并发症,使肝硬化进展为慢性重型肝炎、肝功能衰竭甚至多脏器功能衰竭而死亡,病死率明显增高。因此,肝硬化患者住院后应抓紧时间检诊,在诊治过程中加强消毒隔离,严格无菌操作及掌握各种侵袭性操作的适应症,尽量减少医源性感染的诱因。对肝功能child—pughC级患者采取绝对卧床休息、给予高热量、适量蛋白质(以植物蛋白为主)、丰富维生素等易消化饮食,并应细嚼慢咽,绝对戒烟酒,加强口腔及皮肤护理,病情稳定后尽早出院。发现感染征兆如不明原因的持续低热,黄疸明显升高,顽固性腹胀、腹痛、腹泻、腹水量明显增多或利尿剂无效等,应及早作细菌培养,合理应用抗菌药物,加强支持利退黄治疗,积极预防和控制感染及严重并发症的发生

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