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柳叶刀是英国创办的医学杂志。最早的编辑部在英国伦敦 ,后来在纽约也设立编辑部,北京也有它的编辑部。

1 北京大学 2 复旦大学 3 上海第二医科大学 4 中山大学 5 皖南医学院 6 中南大学 7 四川大学 8 首都医科大学 9 中国医科大学 10 吉林大学 11 浙江大学 12 天津医科大学 13 南京医科大学 14 山东大学 15 武汉大学 16 河北医科大学 17 哈尔滨医科大学 18 苏州大学 19 暨南大学 20 重庆医科大学 21 西安交通大学 22 青岛大学 23 郑州大学 24 北京中医药大学 25 南京大学 26 山西医科大学 27 福建医科大学 28 中国药科大学 29 东南大学 30 安徽医科大学 31 广西医科大学 32 新疆医科大学 33 昆明医学院 34 广东医学院 35 南京中医药大学 36 成都中医药大学 37 上海中医药大学 38 沈阳药科大学 39 南昌大学 40 广州中医药大学 41 贵阳医学院 42 兰州医学院 43 温州医学院 44 大连医科大学 45 山东中医药大学 46 黑龙江中医药大学 47 内蒙古医学院 48 广州医学院 49 宁夏医学院 50 徐州医学院



《中国当代医药》杂志是经国家新闻出版总署批准,卫生部主管,中国保健协会、当代创新(北京)医药科学研究院主办的国家级医药卫生专业期刊,国内刊号CN11-5786/R,国际刊号ISSN1674—4721;本刊现为旬刊,每册定价20元人民币,国内外公开发行,国内邮发代号2-515,国外发行代号M5169。 刊名:中国当代医药China Modern Medicine主办:中国保健协会;当代创新(北京)医药科学研究所周期:旬刊出版地:北京市语种:中文;开本:大16开ISSN:1674-4721CN:11-5786/R邮发代号:2-515历史沿革:现用刊名:中国当代医药创刊时间:2008 设有专家论坛、论著、短篇论著、研究进展、实验研究(基础研究)、临床研究、药理与毒理、生物医药、药品鉴定、药物与临床、新药评价、麻醉与镇痛、医学检验、病理分析、影像与介入、中医中药、护理研究、医药教育、健康教育、个案报道、误诊误治、社区医疗、乡村卫生、不良反应监测、药物经济学、制剂与技术、制药装备、营养与保健、疾病防控、医疗器材、政策研究、法规与标准、产业研究、市场透视、卫生管理、医疗保障、药品监管、医院管理、企业管理、营销与服务、人力资源、财务管理、科研管理、药事管理、设备管理、医药文化、医风医德、医药信息化、调查研究、工作探讨、医护论坛、封面报道、医药资讯、业界关注等。


科技论文统计源期刊相对来讲是比较多的。如果你只是为了发表,请选择综合性的统计源期刊。我摘录了一些,希望对你有帮助。G001 ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICAG002 北京大学学报医学版G003 基础医学与临床G004 北京生物医学工程G005 第二军医大学学报G006 生物医学工程学杂志G007 中草药G008 药学学报G009 中国药学杂志G010 中医杂志G011 癌症G012 安徽医科大学学报G013 安徽中医学院学报G014 吉林大学学报医学版G016 北京医学G017 北京中医药大学学报G018 病毒学报G019 成都中医药大学学报G020 大连医科大学学报G021 第三军医大学学报G022 第四军医大学学报G023 南方医科大学学报

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2014版 北大中文核心期刊目录(目前最新版)中,口腔医学方面的核心期刊不多。只有如下6个期刊: 中华口腔医学杂志 华西口腔医学杂志 实用口腔医学杂志 口腔医学研究 (2014版新增) 国际口腔医学杂志 (2014版新增) ============如下这2个杂志,是2011版北大中文核心,在2014版中文核心期刊目录中被踢除了。所以2014版新增了2个,又踢掉了2个。 上海口腔医学 牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志

stomatologyn.[医]口腔病学.(名词)The medical study of the mouth and its diseases.口腔学:研究口腔及其疾病的医学分支是这个了.补充:中级,intermediate中间的; 中级的再补充:个体工商户privately or individually-owned business(百度辞典)



Job title: Director of China-Japan Friendship Hospital physicians; professor of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine; Chinese Variety Protection Committee for the Review of proprietary Chinese medicines; north consultant infertility treatment center; "Chinese Medical Journal," Journal Editorial Board. Engaged in traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment of more than 60 years. Scientific research: research results won the medicine prize tubal, editor-in-chief and seven women participated in the preparation of monographs. Repeatedly to the United States, Japan and other academic exchanges and to treat the patients. Attending subjects: gynecology. Infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, tubal blockage, endometriosis, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, pregnancy fever, postpartum fever, such as breast hyperplasia. Job title: China-Japan Friendship Hospital: China-Japan Friendship Hospital of TCM oncology first director, chief physician; Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Professor, . tutor; disciplinary council of the State Council Academic Degree Committee of the third group of members; China Cancer Research Foundation executive Director of Chinese medicine and chairman of the Professional Committee of the tumor; CACA traditional medicine, vice chairman of the Honorary Committee; the first batch of 500 national experts, one of the famous traditional Chinese medicine; the national well-known expertise in the succession of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine mentors; central health expert consultation. Engaged in traditional Chinese medicine 60 years. Scientific research: there are the "traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment of cancer" (the book has been translated into English in Britain, the United States and other countries to issue), "Zhang Wenzhao cancer on behalf of Experience" and other books. Editor-in-Chief "in traditional Chinese and western medicine to treat cancer effectively Li election cases," "traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment of radiotherapy and chemotherapy toxicity." Tumor has participated in international academic meetings, went to Italy, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea, the United States, the Netherlands and Hong Kong to give lectures and other countries and regions, the diagnosis and treatment. Attending subjects: Tumor Job title: Professor of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine; Chief Physician and PhD supervisor. Engaged in traditional Chinese medicine 40 years. Scientific research: in the China Central Television, "100 platform" column speaker of Chinese medicine theory and knowledge of health care. Attending subjects: allergic rhinitis, asthma, esophagitis, gastritis, enteritis,肝胆病, heart disease, mental depression, Alzheimer's, cervical spondylosis, menstrual disorders, menopausal syndrome. Job title: Beijing China-Japan Friendship Hospital Chief Physician; professor of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. Thyroid-China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, vice chairman of the professional. From more than 40 years of Chinese medicine treatment. Scientific research: access to China's State Council issued the cause of the Chinese who have made outstanding contributions of health certificate, certificate 100 TCM experts. From 1995 to 1996, Japan was invited to University Hospital of Oriental medical specialist work, was hired as a visiting professor at Nihon University, and Chinese medicine treatment of a large number of the problems from patients throughout Japan by the Japanese patients and scholars alike, won the Japan University Department of Medicine Award. Attending subject: hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, sub-a-yan, the function of the lower parathyroid disease, breast fibroids, breast hyperplasia, prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, Seminal Vesiculitis, cavernous hemangioma of the liver, thromboangiitis obliterans, Raynaud's disease, erythema acrodynia, eczema, atopic dermatitis, erythema nodosum, psoriasis and other skin diseases. Job title: Beijing China-Japan Friendship Hospital Chief Physician, Professor of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. Engaged in traditional Chinese medicine 40 years. Scientific research: editor in chief of "Chinese and Western medicine combined with medical therapy," "traditional Chinese medicine geriatrics" and "Chinese medicine" software part of the text. Was invited to Japan, Taiwan, diagnosis and treatment, to give lectures. Attending subjects: medical diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, menopausal syndrome, Neurosis (depression), dizziness, such as the elderly. Job title: Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Dongzhimen Hospital Chief Physician, Professor. Engaged in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 40 years. Scientific research: was invited to Japan to give lectures, clinical teaching for many years in Japan, Korea, the United States, Italy, Spain, Singapore, Argentina, Australia, Sri Lanka and other countries all over the country training students and physicians. Sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Health as the international standard of the examination of Chinese medicine practitioners working title. Attending subjects: internal medicine diseases. The spleen and stomach disease, lung and heart. Reflux esophagitis, acute gastritis, superficial and atrophic gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcer disease, gastroptosis, coronary heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, such as Kechuan. Job title: Beijing Children's Hospital, director of traditional Chinese and western medicine doctors. Engaged in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 40 years. Scientific research: editor in chief of "common symptoms of pediatric cases series" 21, editor-in-chief to participate in "Encyclopedia of the 21st century do infants Code." Guinea has been invited to. Burkina Faso and other countries teaching and clinical diagnosis and treatment. Attending subjects: acute and chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcer 12 colorectal, gastric ulcer; all kinds of pneumonia, bronchial asthma, chronic pharyngitis, rhinitis, etc.; Henoch-Schonlein purpura, thrombocytopenic purpura and acute glomerulonephritis, etc.; such as rheumatoid arthritis.


北京大学医学部(Peking University Health Science Center,英文简称PKUHSC),前身是国立北京医学专门学校,创建于1912年10月26日,是中国政府教育部依靠中国自己的力量开办的第一所专门传授西方医学的国立学校。




以上内容参考 百度百科-北京大学医学部


Chinese Medical Journal Chinese Medical Sciences Journal 安徽医学 安徽医药 包头医学 北京医学 重庆医学 广东医学 广西医学 广州医药 贵州医药 国际医药卫生导报 哈尔滨医药 海南医学 航空航天医药 河北医学 河南医学研究 黑龙江医学 黑龙江医药 黑龙江医药科学 华北国防医药 华南国防医学杂志 华西医学 华夏医学 华中医学杂志 淮海医药 吉林医学 江苏医药 江西医药 交通医学 辽宁医学杂志 旅行医学科学 内蒙古医学杂志 宁夏医学杂志 农垦医学 齐鲁药事 齐鲁医学杂志 青岛医药卫生 青海医药杂志 全科医学临床与教育 人民军医 山东医药 山西医药杂志(下半月版) 陕西医学杂志 上海医学 生理学报 实用医技杂志 实用医药杂志 首都医药 四川医学 天津医药 微创医学 西北国防医学杂志 西部医学 西藏医药杂志 西南国防医药 西南军医 现代临床医学 现代实用医学 现代医学 现代医药卫生 新疆医学 新医学 亚太传统医药 医学理论与实践 医学新知杂志 医学信息 医学研究生学报 医学研究与教育 医学研究杂志 医学与社会 医学与哲学 医学综述 医药论坛杂志 英国医学杂志(中文版) 右江医学 云南医药 浙江实用医学 浙江医学 中国高等医学教育 中国社会医学杂志 中国实用医刊 中国实用医药 中国数字医学 中国现代医生 中国现代医学杂志 中国乡村医药 中国医刊 中国医疗前沿(上半月) 中国医疗前沿(下半月) 中国医疗设备 中国医师进修杂志 中国医师杂志 中国医学伦理学 中国医学装备 中国医药 中国医药导报 中国医药指南 中国自然医学杂志 中华全科医师杂志 中华全科医学 中华医学科研管理杂志 中华医学信息导报 中华医学杂志 中日友好医院学报 中医药管理杂志


新英格兰医学期刊 (The New England Journal of Medicine;简称NEJM) 是由美国麻州医学协会( Massachusetts Medical Society)所出版的评审性质医学期刊(medical journal )和综合性医学期刊,1811年由约翰·柯川博士创办,始称《新英格兰医学与外科期刊》。


期刊内容包含有:主题性之社论,原创性的论文,旁征博引性的评论性文章,即时短篇论文,案例报告,亦有一独特的报导项目称之为《临床医学影像》(Images in Clinical Medicine)。



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