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首页 > 学术期刊 > 跨文化交际毕业生论文题目

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1. A Comparative Study on Privacy (私人权) and Yinsi(隐私).2. A Study on the differences between Western friendship and Chinese . Compare the Western individualistic culture with the Chinese Collectivist . Compare the Chinese Martial Artists and the Western . A Study on the Impact of power psychological factors to intercultural . Compare the differences of gift-giving and gift-receiving in Western culture and Chinese culture. Please explore the deep cultural . A comparative study on some culture-loaded words / some color words between Chinese and American . Compare some typical nonverbal behavior between Chinese and Western . Compare different negotiation styles among Chinese, American, German, French . A comparative study on the Oriental cultural thought pattern and Occidental thought . A study on gender differences in Cross-gender . A comparative study on Western painting/architecture and Chinese painting/. A Comparative study on Western clothes and Chinese . A Comparative study on school education in America and . A comparative study on family education in America and . A comparative study on freedom concept in America and . A comparative study on wedding customs among different . A comparative study on Western advertising 19. A comparative study on food . A comparative study on wine . A comparative study on journalism in America and China.

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英语 文化 论文的题目是英语专业学生进行科学研究即 毕业 论文写作第一步,题目是论文的眼睛 ,是一篇 文章 写作的关键。下面是我带来的关于英语专业文化类毕业论文题目的内容,欢迎阅读参考!英语专业文化类毕业论文题目(一) 1. 浅析 议论文 语篇衔接词 2. 《了不起的盖茨比》中美国梦的形成与幻灭 3. 圆满的精神之旅——重新解读李尔王的一生 4. 商务谈判中模糊限制语的分析 5. 后殖民女性主义在《喜福会》中的体现 6. 论《卡斯特桥市长》的自然主义特色 7. 中西方茶文化比较 8. 隐喻在 商务英语 中的应用及翻译 9. 惠普公司和联想公司 企业文化 对比研究 10. 网络聊天室中网络语言的词汇构成特征 11. 迈克尔·翁达杰《英国病人》中的后殖民主义 12. 集体主义与个人主义——中美不同文化价值观的对比分析 13. 从文化的角度探讨英谚的翻译 14. 以黑人女性主义解析《日常用品》 15. 言语行为理论在公示语中的应用 英语专业文化类毕业论文题目(二) 1. 探究IBM公司的企业文化:基于其网站内容的文本分析 2. 在中英文化背景下对隐喻的理解 3. 浅析汤姆·索亚性格特征 4. 交际教学法在中国英语教学中的运用 5. 浅析商品 说明书 的翻译 6. 从电影《花木兰》中看中美文化的嫁接 7. 从语言文化差异视角看英汉幽默翻译 8. 冰山下的真相——运用冰山原则分析海明威的《五万大洋》 9. 文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响及谈判策略的选择 10. 美国 广告 语中的文化价值观探析 11. 论英语专业学生跨文化交际能力的培养 12. 简述现代英语流行语 13. 从《毕业生》看美国六十年代的反文化运动 14. 中美商务谈判中的文化差异及语言策略 15. 浅析论英国工会在战后英国政治重建中的角色定位及其政治文化内涵 16. 新闻委婉语语用功能分析 英语专业文化类毕业论文题目(三) 1. 美国英语与英国英语语音及拼写之差异 2. 英汉词汇中色彩词的语义 3. 来源于地名的英语词汇的隐喻映射 4. 临沂方言对英语辅音音素发音的负迁移及方式 5. 汉英文字发音特点对比 6. 关联认知语境对话语标记语的解释 7. 英语重音看汉腔英语 8. 浅析中美反倾销法律及实践的差异 9. 中美 家庭 教育 的差异 10. 中美版权侵权行为结构的差异 11. 略论中美日韩学前情感教育之民族差异 12. 谈中美两国地学本科高等教育的几点差异 13. 贸易统计差异与中美贸易平衡问题 14. 中美刑法因果关系的差异 15. 略论中美日韩学前情感教育之民族差异 16. 跨文化交际中的中美文化差异 猜你喜欢: 1. 英语系文化类毕业论文 2. 本科英语专业毕业论文题目 3. 英语语言学论文题目参考大全 4. 英语专业毕业论文选题文化 5. 翻译英语专业毕业论文选题 6. 英语专业论文范文

267 评论


With Christmas a little over a week away,you may be looking to make your holiday shopping a little easier by ordering and sending some of your friends and family gift boxes of cheese,meats or delicious you are planning to send or receive perishable foods by mail that will decay rapidly if not refrigerated,follow these tips to keep them safe. Meat,poultry,fish and other perishable foods need to be handled carefully and in a timely manner in order to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria,which could cause food-borne items,whether store bought or homemade,need to be handled properly. Perishable food gifts must arrive cold to be safe to you receive a gift that is not cold at the time of delivery,do not eat it!Instead,notify the is better to be safe than gifts marked “Perishable” or “Keep Refrigerated” need to be opened immediately and placed in the refrigerator or freezer. If you are ordering food gifts,specify overnight delivery and request a frozen gel pack or dry ice in the time and product packaging — foam or heavy cardboard designed to keep them cold — are also vital. Food prepared at home may also be shipped to friends and family,but care is sure to follow proper food safety procedures,such as hand washing and prevention of cross contamination when preparing you are ready to ship the foods,make sure items are frozen solid or refrigerator cold before in an insulated cooler or heavy cardboard box with a frozen gel may also use dry ice,but don’t let it touch your hands or the the recipient know the box contains dry the box in two layers of brown paper and mark it “Perishable — Keep Refrigerated.” Ship perishable food gifts by overnight mail and try not to send packages at the end of the week,as delivery could be delayed over the the recipient know a food-bearing package is on its way,so someone can be home to accept delivery and get the food under refrigeration is best to send food gifts to someone’s home instead of their can be accidentally left at the office or in the trunk of a that someone will be home and send your surprise to their house.

180 评论


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