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[1] 财政部注册会计师委员会办公室.审计[Z].,2001..[2] 朱荣恩.内部控制的方式[J].中国审计,2002,(7):.[3] 李国盛.内控制度的现状、成因及对策建议[J].四川会计,:.[4] 张俊民.企业内部会计控制目标构造及其分层设计[J].重庆财会,:.[5] 王纬.COSO模型在会计控制中的应用[J].江苏财会,2002,(2):.

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174 评论


以下供参考:Heather M.Hermanson.An Analysi s of the Demand for Report ing on InternalControl[J].Accounting Horizons,2009, (9):325—341.C.W.Houghton.Discussion of godeling Internal Controls and Their Evaluation[J].A Journal of Practice&Theory,1993,(12):135—136.James Roth.Internal Audit’S Role in Corporate Governance[J].111e Instituteof Internal Auditors Research Foundation,2002, (5):102—104.H.P.Holzer,H.Morreklit.Management Accounting and Control System[J]StrategicManagement Journal,2009,(6):201—204.Steinberg,Richard M Tanki.What the Treadway Commissions Internal Control StudyMeans to You[J].Journal of Accoutancy,2005,(7):56.Jorge Nascimento Rodrigues.Strategy and structure[J].Business StrategyReview,2002,(6):101—103Christy Chapaman.Bringing ERM Into Focus—A new COSO Study Providesmuch—‘needed clarity and structure to the fluid topic of enterprisemanagement[J].American Economic Review,2006,(7):12-13.Joseph H Callaghan。Arline Savage.Assessing the Control Environment Using aBalanced Scorecard Approach[J].The CPA Journal,2007,(7):20—25.Michael.The modern industrial revolution,exit,and the fai lure of internalcontrol systems[J].Jounal of Finance,2004,(11):110-112.Jack E.Kiger,Anna M.Rose.Internal Control Evaluation of a Restaurant[J].Issues in Accounting Education,2006,(3):121—132.Mary B.Curtis,A.Faye Borthick.Evaluation of Internal Control from a ControlObjeceive Narrative[J].Journal of Information Systems,2005,(1):63—81.The Institute of Internal Auditors.UK and Ireland,Position Statement:Risk Based Internal Auditing,London:IIAUK and Inland,2003.Jeffrey Doylea、Weili Geb and Sarah of weaknesses ininternal control over financial reporting. Journal of Accounting andEconomics. September 2007, J. Leone. Factors related to internal control disclosure: Adiscussion of Ashbaugh, Collins, and Kinney (2007) and Doyle, Ge, and McVay(2007). Journal of Accounting and , September: pp 224-237.

347 评论


[23] Alchain, A. and H. Demsetz. "The Property Rights Paradigm". Journal of Economic ,(33): 16-27[24] Barzel, Y. "Economic Analysis of Property Rights". Cambridge, Mass.:Cambridge University [25] Coase, R. "The Problem of Social Cost". Journal of Law and Economics. 1960,(3):1-44

320 评论


  • 内部控制论文国外参考文献

    [1] 财政部注册会计师委员会办公室.审计[Z].,2001..[2] 朱荣恩.内部控制的方式[J].中国审计,2002,(7):.[3] 李国盛.内控制度的现

    丸子粉丝 4人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 内部控制外国文献小论文


    来去匆匆的我 3人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 内部控制论文国外研究现状

    一、我国内部控制 (一)内部牵制阶段 最早定义内部控制的是1936年发布的《独立公共会计师对会计报表的审查》。内部牵制,在《柯 氏会计词典》中的定义是指:“为提

    山中彩虹 4人参与回答 2023-12-09
  • 内部控制论文参考文献2022年


    远离的兔子 3人参与回答 2023-12-10
  • 内部控制论文参考文献外文

    以下供参考:Heather M.Hermanson.An Analysi s of the Demand for Report ing on InternalC

    水儿依依 4人参与回答 2023-12-07