The second part of the article on China's elderly population is currently special legislation to protect the rights and interests of in-depth analysis of the status quo. China's elderly population on the special protection of the rights and interests of the legal structure of the incomplete system, legal system and the effectiveness of the non-balance laws and regulations as well as the distribution of scattered in three areas of legislation exists. At the same time, the elderly population from the level of legal awareness and legislative level, the two aspects of China's elderly population in the legislative obstacles. The third part through the introduction and study of other countries to enact legislation to protect the rights and interests of the elderly population policies and advanced experience, mainly Japan, Germany, Russia, the United States, Brazil and other countries to protect the rights and interests of the elderly population in the special legislative experience, learn from each other and for our rights and interests of the elderly The protection of the law to provide a strong draw for the fourth chapter of the study to lay a theoretical foundation. The fourth chapter in the first three chapters on the basis of theoretical study to explore the rights and interests of the elderly population in special legislation to strengthen and improve the proposed perfecting China's elderly population in special legislation to protect the rights and interests. Legislation to amend the "Law on the Protection of the rights and interests of the elderly," highlighting its central position. Strengthen legislation to strictly control early retirement, the use of legal recognition and protection of employment rights of the elderly population. To strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of the elderly population in particular the popularity of the Legislative and Research; strengthen grass-roots and community-old rights legislation; the elderly to improve legal aid legislation; improve old-age insurance legislation. The use of legislation to protect the elderly population, "do not go hand in marriage" and housing "mortgage down" old-age problem. The law is to protect the rights and interests of the most powerful, to use the law to protect elderly people's legitimate rights and interests groups, the aging of the population is another important issue to deal with legal mechanisms. Special rights and interests of the elderly population and the protection of the basic contents of the scope of the legislation by the need to identify the specific, special rights and interests of the elderly population to achieve the required legal access, the protection of the rights and interests of the elderly population in particular need to strengthen legislation and improve. Contemporary China's elderly population is the nation's material and spiritual creator, inheritance and disseminators, they are the country's construction and development, social stability and unity of the family and for the political, economic, science, technology, culture Spread, plays an irreplaceable role. Effectively protect their special rights and interests of not only the responsibility of the state and society, it is our bounden duty of every citizen. Therefore, we must improve our existing legislation as soon as possible in order to better protect the special rights and interests of the elderly population. Key words: the aging of the population, the rights and interests of the elderly population, the special rights and interests protected by law
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中国社会科学院院报 陈佳贵 黄群慧 从经济发展角度看,长期以来我国的基本国情一直是农业大国。但是,在经过几十年的建设特别是改革开放20余年高速工业化进程以