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The purpose of the research and significance of Through the interchange bridge at home and abroad access to research, Huaihai Road and the Canal Bridge, according to the present layout, topography and road cross-situation, carry out a serious investigation, analysis, comparison, selection of appropriate interchange interchange bridge; carrying out of project feasibility demonstration, and to consider the vision of two decades the volume of traffic, after comparison, to determine the optimum type of bridge. Designed to be able to interchange bridge-type solution to the intersection of traffic jams, traffic delays and eliminating conflicts Department intersection points, thereby significantly improve the traffic speed and increase the traffic capacity, and ensure traffic safety, improve traffic environment, improve society economic benefits. Therefore, the bridge design and construction of Huaian city transport development is of great significance. generate the development of interchange Interchange of produce (1) the characteristics of cross-plane Planar cross-road are two or more roads intersect in the same plane or connections, and its characteristics are mainly embodied in the following areas: There is a danger point, the traffic complexity of public existence Noodles (2) ways to improve the cross-plane 1) From time to consider: the intersection of the various traffic flow line, from the time of separation, that is, through the police or control signal. 2) Implementation of Traffic Organization: Department set up at intersections all kinds of transport facilities or through the line, the installation of traffic signs and other traffic Drainage and Traffic Organization, so that traffic flow in the plane lines各行其道, the implementation of the separation. 3) construction of the interchange: By the construction of cross-line structure, so that intersection of the main line of traffic flow in space separated from the fundamental line of separation between the traffic flow at the same time interfere with each other through the construction of the ramp to the main line of traffic flow between the line connecting , realize the conversion between the flow of traffic. Interchange of produce The emergence and development of interchange has always been associated with motor vehicle traffic and the development of cities. With urbanization, development, delivery Just sub 20:22:13 Flux of the rapid development of car ownership is the rapid growth of the original traffic capacity of roads should not have been required to meet the growing traffic. At the same time, pedestrians, non-motorized vehicles and motor vehicle for Road between the phenomenon is becoming increasingly serious, the use of signal control and the plane deal with organizational measures such as traffic has been far from a fundamental solution to urban traffic problems exist. In this context interchange first came into being in the city, and quickly become the problems of urban traffic congestion problem of a medicine which is widely used. the development of interchange I With the emergence of high-grade highways, trunk roads of development, and improve the speed of vehicles, there is an urgent need to improve road capacity; At the same time, to ensure road safety is also of particular significance, all of which for the rapid development of the provision of interchange the premise. Highway Interchange in 1925, appeared in Germany. After this, interchange the fastest growing, most widely is the United States. Before and after World War II, Germany also built a substantial, high grade grade separation. In addition, as the economy and the rapid development of highway transport of substantial construction, the post-war Japan has also built a lot of functionality is better, economical and practical interchange interchange, and the diversification of forms of interchange design has provided a lot of experience, Interchange at design standards and design specifications can be made from results. Up to now, countries have built a lot of interchange, and gradually formed a style different characteristics. As China's urban road and highway construction and development, the construction of interchange ascendant. In urban and high-grade highways have been built a lot of interchange. According to incomplete statistics, China's Beijing alone, the Board go zones have been completed more than 100 Interchange, some interchange regardless of size, shape or design and construction standards, greening and beautifying the areas can be termedembodied in our country interchange of the ad hoc design and innovation.

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同学,专家提醒,论文一定要自己写哦,有问题可以找专家帮忙施工组织设计(Construction organization plan )是用来指导施工项目全过程各项活动的技术、经济和组织的综合性文件,是施工技术与施工项目管理有机结合的产物,它能保证工程开工后施工活动有序、高效、科学合理地进行。施工组织设计一般包括五项基本内容:(一)工程概况工程的基本情况,工程性质和作用,主要说明工程类型、使用功能、建设目的、建成后的地位和作用;(二)施工部署及施工方案施工安排及施工前的准备工作,各个分部分项工程的施工方法及工艺;(三)施工进度计划编制控制性网络计划。工期采用四级网络计划控制,一级为总进度,二级为三个月滚动计划,三级为月进度计划,四级为周进度计划。(四)施工平面图根据场区情况设计绘制施工平面平置图,大体包括各类起重机械的数量,位置及其开行路线;搅拌站、材料堆放仓库和加工场的位置,运输道路的位置,行政、办公、文化活动等设施的位置,水电管网的位置等内容。(五)主要技术经济指标施工组织设计的主要技术经济指标包括:施工工期、施工质量、施工成本、施工安全、施工环境和施工效率,以及其他技术经济指标。

259 评论


住宅楼施工组织设计文献综述和开题报告一、文献综述1.编制施工组织设计的意义及作用伴随着全球经济危机的影响,国内的次带危机也越发严重。虽然中央政府采取了各种措施以抵御经济危机的影响,但是当前的建筑市场仍然未走出低谷。在当前建筑市场步入低谷的情况下,建筑企业要在激烈的竞争中求生存、求发展,就必须向用户提供质量好、造价低、工期合理的建筑产品。要想生产一个优良的建筑产品,除了设计、材料供应等因素之外主要靠先进合理的施工组织设计和有效的、科学的现场施工管理来保证。施工组织设计,就是对拟建工程的施工提出全面的规划、部署、组织、计划的一种技术经济文件,作为施工准备和指导施工的的依据。它在每项工程中都具有重要的规划作用、组织作用、指导作用,具体表现在:(1)施工组织设计是对拟建工程施工全过程合理安排,实行科学管理的重要手段和措施。(2)施工组织设计是统筹安排施工企业投入与产出过程的关键和依据。(3)施工组织设计是协调施工中的各种关系的依据。(4)施工组织设计为施工的准备工作、工程的招投标以及有关建设工作的决策提供依据通过编制施工组织设计,可以全面考虑拟建工程的具体施工条件、施工方案、技术经济指标。在人力和物力、时间和空间、技术和组织上,做出一个全面而合理符合好快省安全要求的计划安排,为施工的顺利进行做充分的准备,预防和避免工程事故的发生,为施工单位切实的实施进度计划提供坚实可靠的基础。根据以往工程实践经验,合理的编制施工组织设计,能准确反应施工现场实际,节约各种资源,在满足建设法规规范和建设单位要求的前提下,有效的提高施工企业的经济效益。2.施工组织设计编制工作的由来和发展现状施工组织设计是前苏联经济体制下的产物。在20世纪60~70年代,我国各施工企业均为计划经济体制下企业,所以对施工组织设计重视不够,当时只将施工组织作为一本技术性文件,职能单一,与整个项目管理项目组织无关。在进入80年代,随着市场经济的深入,施工组织设计也在不断地改变自己的角色,在施工组织中加入了项目管理的一些职能,施工组织设计由原来的纯技术性文件改变为技术管理性文件。随着项目法在全国的大面积推广和我国招投标工作的开展,作为施工组织设计已经不单纯是一个技术组织文件了。它不仅指导项目的技术实施,而且在质量管理、安全管理、进度管理、季节性管理、项目组织、项目协调等方面做了大量文章。近几年,在施工组织设计中又增加了关于降低成本与新技术开发的一些内容。3.施工组织设计编制工作存在的问题从目前我国施工组织设计编制情况的现状来看,还存在以下几个问题: (1)目前所累积的建筑施工技术资源得不到有效、充分的应用,特别是其中的智力资源,这一方面是编制人员自身素质和经验不足造成的;另一方面是传播渠道不足不畅通所致。对早已有的成功经验没有进行借鉴,所编制的内容缺乏新技术、新工艺,没有起到提高劳动效率、降低资源消耗的作用。(2)有的施工组织设计编制人员缺乏技术理论基础和具体施工经验,编制中只是对技术规范照搬照抄,而未对具体工程的特点进行有针对性的规划和设计,没有起到指导施工作用。 (3)施工组织设计必须对每个建筑工程逐个进行编制,以适应不同工程的特点,但不同编制人员对于同类型的施工工艺在进行编制工作的同时,作了大量不必要的重复劳动,降低了工作效率。(4)现在编制的施工组织设计只作为技术管理制度的一项工作,它主要追求施工效益而很少考虑经济效益,存在只注重组织技术措施,而没注重经济管理的内容,以至在实施过程中不讲成本,没有实现经济效益的目标。(5)目前施工组织设计的编制经常是技术部门的几个技术人员包揽,技术部门搞编制,生产部门管执行,出现设计与实施分离的现象,以至造成施工组织设计只是个形式而已,不能真正起到指导施工的作用。4.结论随着工程管理水平的逐步提高,施工组织中存在的各种问题正在逐步的得到纠正。从目前我国施工组织设计内容上逐步变化的趋势来看,它正在慢慢地向目前我国颁布的项目管理规范推进,由项目管理规范中规定的项目管理策划代替施工组织设计也指日可待。二、设计(论文)主要内容(一)施工组织设计编制说明书部分1.工程概况:工程名称、地点特征、建筑面积、结构特点,施工条件等。2.施工组织管理机构:(1)选择该项目的组织形式;(2)确定项目经理部的机构设置;(3)项目经理的遴选与职责;(4)项目经理部成员的主要职责;(5)施工项目经理部的管理制度等。3.施工部署及施工方案:(1)选择土方工程施工方案;(2)选择基础工程和主体工程施工方案;(3)选择装饰工程施工方案等。4. 施工进度计划:编制单位工程施工进度网络计划或单位工程水平横道进度计划,必要时对计划进行优化,在横道图中,做出劳动力资源需要量统计图。5.各种资源需要量计划:(1)技术准备工作;(2)主要施工机械需要量计划;(3)主要材料需要量计划;(4)主要工种施工力量需要量计划;(5)现场准备工作等。6. 施工现场布置:设计布置垂直运输机械、搅拌机械、材料和构件堆场、钢筋和木工加工棚、办公及休息用房、食堂、厕所、现场施工的临时供水供电线路、施工临时道路等。其中材料和构件堆场、临时房屋等的面积,应根据定额标准和经验确定。7.质量安全技术组织措施:主要拟定编写在施工中如何保证质量的技术措施、保证安全的技术措施、降低成本的技术措施等。8.计算技术经济指标:施工场地占地面积、施工工期、劳动量、劳动力均衡系数、采用合理施工方案和先进技术的成本节约指标等。(二)外文资料翻译翻译与本题目相关的不少于3000字的英文文献1篇。

340 评论


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