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我花了15分钟给你人工翻译,为的是你不被机器翻译蒙,希望你能满意。 The Office family has the very complicated relation with VB and VBA is built in all applications of Microsoft Office components so that objects of Word applications can be operated through VB or VBA and the purpose of recovery of lost passwords can be achieved by using exhaustive testing methods. This paper will discuss how to use VB Programming to clear up the passwords of Word documents through exhaustive testing methods, and add interruption in the process of broken solution so that consumers can interrupt it at any time. Word has offered a wide range of methords to limit access to the user's document so as to avoid unauthorized persons viewing and changing it. However, in the contemporary times of informationization, there are so many passwords for users to remember that once the password is lost they cannot open or have access to the document, which, as a consequence, causes very big losses to the user. In order to decode the password, the only choice is to use the exhaustion methods to decipher documents, and to untie the password with the aid of computer's high speed movement in the case of Word encryption algorithm. In the actual design process, I have designed the subject so that it is easy for consumers to find the lost password. Keywords: exhaustive methodd, decryption, WORD documents, passwords

205 评论


随着科学技术的迅猛发展,图书馆管理工作的自动化所需的软硬件条件已经成熟。 Along with the rapid development of scientific technology, library management work of the hardware and software of the automation required conditions ripe. 因此,我按照软件工程思想和管理信息系统的开发步骤,以中小学图书馆的应用需求为背景,设计开发了本图书馆管理系统。 Therefore, I according to the software engineering idea and the management information system development steps to middle and primary school library application requirements for background, design develop this library management system. 本文介绍了在Borland JBuilder 2006 Enterprise环境下开发本系统的详细过程,提出实现图书馆信息管理、资源共享的基本目标,从而推动迈向数字化图书馆的步伐,并阐述系统结构设计和功能设计,从图书的入库登记到查询浏览,从借书证发放到图书的借阅,形成了一个整体自动化管理模式,从软件工程的角度进行了科学而严谨的阐述。 This paper introduces JBuilder Borland Enterprise in 2006 under the environment of development of the system, and puts forward the detailed process realize the library information management, resources sharing, and promote the basic goal towards the pace of the digital library, and expounds the construction and design of the system and function design, from books to inquires incoming registration card issued to browse, from the borrowing books, formed a whole automation management mode, from a perspective of software engineering scientific and strict elaboration.

336 评论


Office with the VB family was inextricably linked, Microsoft Office components of all applications are built VBA, so you can operate through VB or VBA in the Word application object, with exhaustive testing to find the way to achieve The purpose of the password is lost. This article discusses how to use the VB programming, through the exhaustive method to lift WORD document password. And break the interruption of the process of adding the convenience of users at any time to break the process of disruption. Word provides a wide range of methods to limit access to user documentation, in order to avoid unauthorized persons to view and change. However, in today's information-based, users need to remember too many passwords, once the password is lost, users will not be able to open or access the documents, to be very costly to the user. Whether the use of computer code to solve the high-speed operation, in the case of Word encryption algorithm, using the exhaustive method to try to decrypt the document is decrypted only option. In the actual design process, I designed to facilitate the task is to find lost password of the user password, Lost password has been resolved the loss and inconvenience caused. Keywords: exhaustive method, decryption, WORD document, password

263 评论


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