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The Economic Journal是一份英国经济学期刊,它是由经济学家和经济学家编辑的,它发表了许多关于经济学的文章和研究。The Economic Journal一直以来都是一份非常重要的期刊,它的文章和研究都是被全球经济学家所重视的。The Economic Journal的文章和研究都是由一些国际知名的经济学家和经济学家编辑的,他们都是在研究不同的经济学问题,并且他们的文章和研究都是非常有价值的。The Economic Journal的文章和研究都是用来帮助经济学家们更好地理解经济学,以及经济学的不同方面。总之,The Economic Journal是一份非常重要的期刊,它的文章和研究都是非常有价值的,它也是经济学家们研究经济学的重要资源。

113 评论


(非权威观点,仅供参考) 顶尖期刊: American Economic Review Econometrica Journal of Political Economy Quarterly Journal of Economics Review of Economic Studies 一流期刊: Economic Journal Games and Economic Behavior International Economic Review Journal of Econometrics Journal of Economic Theory Journal of Finance Journal of Labor Economics Journal of Monetary Economics Rand Journal of Economics Review of Economics and Statistics Journal of Financial Economics Review of Financial Studies 二流期刊: American Journal of Agricultural Economics AEA Papers and Proceedings Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Econometric Theory Economic Theory European Economic Review Journal of Applied Econometrics Journal of Business and Economic Statistics Journal of Comparative Economics Journal of Development Economics Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Journal of Economic Education Journal of Economic Growth Journal of Economic History Journal of Economic Perspective Journal of Economics and Management Strategy Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Journal of Experimental Economics Journal of Health Economics Journal of Human Resources Journal of Industrial Economics Journal of International Economics Journal of Law and Economics Journal of Mathematical Economics Journal of Money, Banking and Credit Journal of Population Economics Journal of Public Economics Journal of Real Estate Economics and Finance Journal of Regulatory Economics Journal of Risk and Uncertainty Journal of Urban Economics Social Choice and Welfare Review of Economic Dynamics 三流期刊: Canadian Journal of Economics China Economic Review Econometric Journal Economic inquiry Economica Economic Development and Cultural Change Economics Letters Economics of Transition Health economics Industrial & labor relations review International Journal of Game Theory International Journal of Industrial Organization Journal of agricultural economics Journal of institutional & theoretical economics Journal of law, economics & organization Journal of regional science Journal of transport economics & policy Land economics Mathematical Social Sciences National Tax Journal Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics Oxford economics papers Public Choice Review of Economic Design Review of Income and Wealth Scandinavian Journal of Economics Southern Economic Journal 四流期刊: 其他SSCI经济学期刊。

193 评论


  • 国家级经济类期刊

    OA的可以不~我像 世界经济探索、低碳经济,核心的是低碳经济,审稿周期好像是6——12天,版面得:1800,学生还有6折优惠

    健健康康。 5人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 经济学论文期刊国内


    殷血丹霞 4人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 中国林业经济期刊

    期刊级别: 国家级期刊 中国林业经济 《中国林业经济》由中国林业经济学会、东北林业大学主办,国家级期刊,综合影响因子:0.302。中国林业经济是一本全国性林业企

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  • 外文经济类期刊


    美利达达道路 3人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 国外经济学期刊

    The Economic Journal是一份英国经济学期刊,它是由经济学家和经济学家编辑的,它发表了许多关于经济学的文章和研究。The Economic Jo

    大漠金鹰 2人参与回答 2023-12-11