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in the last two monthsI was practicing as an internfor this jobI was responsible for filling in the contracts and bills of the an assistant后的第二个困难know 可以删去I spent so much time in learning these skills so I can handle it my opinion ,working in the foreign company,IF you don't have this qualification,you may detracts from the profits of the company不好意思,这个有些专业,我不明白怎么说,不好误导你in these two months,I wanted to give upI felt tred and had no confidence in finishing the i think it is a test to prove that I am qualified for the on the internetraise the interests in the the pratice (如果你指的是实习,我建议改为internship)build up my faith to learnt how to i think this is helpful for my future

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321 评论


you may lose a lot of money from the company. 容易被误解 I want to gave up 语法错误 search for the Internet 换成FORM作为论文来讲 句子太简单 无修饰 单调的不行 没有美的感觉 你还是自己再好好修改修改吧 去英语专业找个学生 请他吃个炒饭 你先把中文写出来 让他给你翻译一下咯

309 评论


一、因为…所以…在中文中,我们说到原因和结果时,用的是因为… 所以…的句式,那么写成英文就是because…so…吗?其实并不是的。英文里的because和so是不能同时出现在一个句子里的,所以我们只可以使用其中的一个。例如:It will snow this evening, so I’m going home the mutant receptor has higher affinity for the ligand than the wild-type receptor, it can effectively block the binding of the ligand to the wild-type receptor and the downstream mutant receptor has higher affinity for the ligand than the wild-type receptor, thus it can effectively block the binding of the ligand to the wild-type receptor and the downstream :So在科技论文的写作中很少见,一般是用thus,当然therefore和hence也可以。二、虽然…但是…英文中虽然(although)和但是(but)也不能出现在同一个句子中,一个句子只可以用一个。例如:GATA6 is known to play important roles in heart development, but its role in the hematopoietic system has not been well the mutant mice received the same dose of LPS, all of them survived through the experimental period.三、不仅…而且…相信小伙伴们都知道,这个短语就是not only…but also…啦~例子:He is not only a world-class athlete, but also a world-class not only wrote the story, but also drew the pictures for the book.用这个句式可以一句话说明两个意思,且显得简练,不过这个句式要求两部分的结构要对称。在科技写作中这个句式实际上用得很少,尤其是两个从句都很长很复杂的时候,我们就很难做到两部分对称了,所以是不适合用这个句式的。51due建议小伙伴们尽量不要用这样的结构,除非是简短的句子,而两部分可以保证对称。那么我们又应该如何改写这样的句子呢?其实很简单,只要拆成两个句子,中间用in addition来连接就可以了~PS:Furthermore和moreover也可以用来代替in addition,虽然这三个词之间存在一些细小差别,不过这些是可以忽略的。四、一方面…另一方面…这个短语即是一方面…另一方面…的意思:On the one hand….on the other hand…例子:On the one hand, the story has an interesting plot, but on the other hand, the writing is so poor that I can’t stand reading it.关于这个句式,51due建议小伙伴们不要在论文中使用。一方面是因为这个句式并不正式,而另一方面是因为这个句式很容易会用错。在英文中,这个句式只能用来表达两个相反的意思,只有为了突出两者之间的矛盾时才会用这个句式。但是在中文里并不一定要表达相反的意思,我们经常用这样的句型是为了从两个不同的角度来支持同一个观点。那么我们又应该怎么改写呢?如果确实是表达相反意思的话,其实用but在中间连接就可以了。像上面的例句,去掉“On the one hand, on the other hand”而只保留“but ”,意思也是不变的 。PS:Versely和However也可以用来连接表示相反含义的两句话。如果表达的是近似的意思,也可以拆成两句,然后中间用in addition, furthermore 或moreover来连接。

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