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The progress of economic globalization has greatly hit the social life.

Advertising has become an important way of modern marketing and has attractedmerchants and the company. As people's consciousness worldwide enhances, manyproducts and services of advertising will be translated into other languages forpromotion to explore overseas markets. Advertising, as an effective way ofdisseminating brand information, has penetrated into many aspects of social life, andit plays a bridge role in connection and communication. Since China's accession tothe WTO, its connection with the world gets even closer. More and moreinternational enterprises and product brands come into China's huge market.

Translation of products and services for overseas consumers is not only the functionof promoting consumption, but also the effect of external publicity. In the globalmarket, advertising translation not only brings an opportunity for advertising, butalso has brings the huge challenge. Therefore, mastery of both Chinese and Englishadvertising translation is particularly important.

Skopos theory is the foundation and the core theory of functionalism. Skopostheory holds that the process of the whole translation behavior is determined to thepurpose of translation action, that is, the end justifies the means. The purpose of thetranslation behavior is the core element which determines the translation process.

Advertising translation has a strong purpose. What is more important toadvertising translation is whether translation can convey the purpose of source textand achieve the anticipated target of the source text, so as to attract the attention offoreign customers to induce their consumption desire, eventually to incur purchasebehavior.


1 Advertising Translation Studies in the West.

Advertising translation was mentioned in translation studies for the first time inHurbin's (1972) article “Peut-on traduire la langue de la publicé” (Can OneTranslate the Language of Advertising?)。 At that time, linguistics was the dominanthumanistic discipline, meanwhile, linguistics made translating a code-switchingoperation. Equivalence-based linguistic approaches mainly focus on the source text.

Hurhin argued that for one source text, there are several translations, and thetranslators chose which translation is the most appropriate one. Hurbin also pointedthat if glossaries of advertising language is compiled, this was made easier. So thetranslators will be easy to find the most appropriate equivalent expressions betweenthe source and the target text.

In Candace Seguinot's (1995) article “Translation and Advertising: GoingGlobal in Cultural Functions of Translation”. The main opinion of which is thatacross cultural boundaries, there is an understanding of culture and semioticsappearing in the marketing of goods and services. It goes well beyond both languageand design.

Another representative article “Advertising: a five-stage strategy for translationin Translation” as Intercultural Communication which is edited by C. Nord et al. Thearticle is published by Smith & Klein-Braley (1997)。 In this article, they conduct acontrastive analysis of English and German advertising. Then they developedtaxonomy of strategies for the analysis of advertising translation.

Up to now, the book which maybe the only one published exclusively onadvertisement translation is Translation Practices in International Advertisingwritten by Mathieu Guidere (2001)。 This book mainly talks about various aspects ofadvertising translation in international market and mainly concerns the globaladvertising of multinational companies, because they need to translate their productsinformation into other languages. The author analyzes some examples in advertisingtranslation and he shows readers some essential problems in current translation ideas.

This book introduced the strategies of translation which are implemented by the multinational firms to break into new markets.

2 Advertising Translation Studies in China.

Domestic advertising translation studies officially started in 1990s. In terms ofresearch contents, the initial studies mainly focused on the discussion about specificadvertising translation of idioms and the existing problems in Chinese-Englishadvertising translation. That was the primary stage. Years later, advertisingtranslation principle and criteria became the research themes. People hold the viewthat, advertising translation should give attention to in many aspects, such as text,language beauty, consumer psychology. Researchers illustrated their respectivepoints of view from different angles. Since the late 90s, although the discussion oftranslation principle and criteria were still mentioned, the researchers' attention weregradually focused on translation of difficult parts in advertising, such as therhetorical devices, emotional transmission, brand image and trademark reproduction ,etc. In terms of research methods, domestic advertising translation study mainly usesthe inductive method and the case study. Nevertheless, in recent years, researchersbegin to use the theory achievements of pragmatics and other related disciplines toanalyze different kinds of problems in advertising translation, and then put forwardsome translation strategies.

As early as xx, Li Fan proposed the development of the advertising languageposed a severe challenge to advertising translation. The artful advertisings require thetranslator to break hard the tradition of the original, boldly innovate, and improve thequality of translation. There are three reasons for flexible advertising translation: 1)the purpose of advertising is to induce consumer to purchase products. Text is justmeans, so translations do not have to stick to the text equivalent; 2) the feature ofadvertising language is vivid, which is the essence of advertising language. If thetranslation is not bold to change, there will be no magic translation; 3) formulaicexpressions are common use in advertising, if not alternative, it may be translatedinto foreign stereotyped writing (黎凡 xx:29-31)。 At the same time, researchersthought in terms of some specific advertisements, flexible translation seems to be theonly way, especially in the four kinds of advertising: 1) advertising used of witty and polished words; 2) advertising used of brand name; 3) advertising used of puns; 4)advertising with strong national culture color.

In order to achieve concise expression, attract more readers' attention, facilitatereaders recognize and remember, advertising writing should follow the KISSprinciple, namely, “keep it short and sweet” (郭可 1992:57-64)。 A great number ofstudies on advertising translation are associated with concise problem. Ding Shude isdedicated to his studies. He holds that: 1) Chinese advertising often uses modifiers toemphasis, product characteristics, while English advertising is simple words, mainlywith oral type. a lot of subject-predicative phrases in Chinese can be directlytranslated into adjectives English , such as 速度快、效率高、行动灵活 can betranslated into “fast, efficient and handy”; 2) There are a large number of the fourwords in Chinese advertising structure, which bring parallelism and overlapping tostrengthen language, but there is no such characteristic in English. InChinese-English translation should hold the center, around the center word leads toall aspects; 3) there are often loose sentences, which express a large amount ofinformation in Chinese advertising. Translation should be concise and compact,strengthen the logic; 4) Chinese advertising commonly uses formulaic expressions.

Translation should be fascinating, considering the overall rhetorical, but not stackrhetoric. Good English advertising language is not many words, but it is impressive(丁树德 xx: 42-43)。 Cao Shunfa also takes a large number of examples of bothEnglish-Chinese translation two aspects show that based on the principle of simple,the translation of advertising language should strive to use the most simple languageto express the most complex meaning, to make it easy to be remembered (曹顺发xx: 43-45)。

Equivalence theory is based on Nida's equivalence translation theory. On thisbasis, some researchers point out that commercial advertising translation is mainlyon the equivalence of semantic, social and cultural, and stylistic aspect. 1) Thesemantic equivalence. This is the most basic and important equivalence. From wordto chapter, in order to achieve the semantic equivalence, the first thing to thetranslator is that he must determine the meaning of the translation unit in context.

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江西服装职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告 课题名称 院系名称 服装院服工系 专 业 服装工程专业 班 级 .. 学生姓名 .. 急待解决的问题有: 款式设计模块与结构设计模块之间的接口。现有几乎所有的服装CAD系统的款式设计与结构设计之间相对脱节,在款式设计模块中完成的效果图只能供结构设计师参考,结构设计完全凭借对图片审视和人为经验进行。所以,开发效果图与样板之间的接口将使服装CAD系统内部一体化,使前者的输出成为后者的输入,即服装效果图(或部分地)自动转化为平面纸样或立体服装结构。 CAD技术的发展至今已有30多年的历史。在CAD发展中,新的技术和新的算法不断涌现,它主要表现在建模、数据管理、标准化技术的研究和发展方面。我国CAD系统开发、应用已取得初步成果,但还存在一些问题……CAD技术的发展与工业实际应用和需求密切相关,随着实际应用的需要,一些计算机应用的新技术和一些新的算法在CAD中不断出现和发展,主要表现在:建模技术的研究和发展;数据管理技术的研究和发展;标准化技术的研究和发展三个方面。 建模技术是CAD的核心技术,建模技术的研究、发展和应用,就代表了CAD技术的研究、发展和应用。二维建模是最初的CAD技术用来解决二维绘图问题的,后来发展为三维的几何建模技术。三维几何建模又分为线框建模、曲面建模和实体建模。线框建模是以线来构造三维物体,其主要算法是空间自由曲线的拟合和表达相对简单。曲面建模是由曲面来构造三维物体,其主要算法是自由曲面或雕塑曲面的生成算法等,其算法较为复杂。实体建模是构成真实的实体,其算法比较复杂。随着几何建模技术的发展和实际应用的要求,到80年代后期又出现了参数化和变量化的建模技术。特征建模是CAD建模方法的一个新发展。特征建模是着眼于更好地表达产品完整的功能和生产管理信息,为建立产品的集成信息模型服务。特征包含了产品的特定几何形状、拓扑关系、典型功能、绘图表示方法、制造技术和公差要求等。特征的引用直接体现了设计意图,使得建立的产品模型更容易为人理解和组织生产。产品集成建模是面向产品生命周期的关系型产品模型的概念。这一概念的提出,较好地解决了信息在设计、制造、检验和装配等环节的共享问题,完整地描述了产品在概念设计——装配设计——零件设计全过程中的各种属性和相互关系,实现了产品生命周期中的内部描述信息(如产品设计、计划、加工、检验等信息)和外部过程信息(如内部描述信息所依赖的环境、知识和规则等)的集成。这种产品集成建模技术仍在研究中。CAD技术的研究和应用中,数据管理技术是其又一重要的技术,特别是在CAD集成系统中更为重要。在70年代之前,主要靠文件系统对数据进行管理;到1968年美国IBM公司研制了第一代数据库管理系统——层次型数据库管理系统IMS;1969年美国的数据库研究小组CODASYL发表了DBTG报告,建立了第二代数据库管理系统——网状数据库管理系统。到70年代,第三代数据库技术的研究和开发集中在关系型数据库技术上,70年代末80年代初,出现了商品化的关系型数据库管理系统,目前仍很流行。80年代后期,开始了第四代数据库技术的研究,即工程数据库和面向对象数据库的研究和开发。近几年来,我国CAD系统的开发和应用取得了一些成绩,国内已初步形成了二维CAD商品化软件市场,在一些企业也引进了CAD系统,并取得一些效益。但与国外相比差距仍然很大。1、目前我国CAD系统仅仅作为绘图工具,缺乏设计方法和设计理论的指导2、我国三维CAD系统还不成熟,必须加快开发 真正解决产品设计问题的是三维CAD系统,而目前我国自主开发的三维CAD系统还未真正形成商品软件。3、我国CAD技术开发创新少、仿制多 没有创新就没有竞争力,只仿制就不能开发出有竞争力的产品。从我国二维CAD到目前研制的三维CAD都存在这一问题。4、我国CAD软件的开发缺乏理论研究和算法的研究 CAD技术是一项综合性的高新技术,涉及面广而复杂,技术变化快,竞争激烈。就建模技术而言会涉及很多模型建立的理论和算法,这些都是为解决用户需求而研究开发的,每种理论和算法用于CAD系统中,会产生新的CAD软件。如有名的CSG、B-rep、NURBS等等。而我国CAD软件开发者缺乏这方面的研究,多年来也未见过有名的理论和算法用于CAD中。只能引用别人的,当然也只能跟在人家的后面走。5、信息集成技术落后6、CAD中的数据交换格式和标准化落后 指导老师_____________ 完成日期________________

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据学术堂了解,开题报告的目的是确定研究什么,用什么方法研究,相当于论文的研究计划,不是给别人看,而是为自己的论文制定研究方案和研究纲领.注意,开题报告不是写论文提纲.因此,开题的核心问题是研究方法是否具体可行,分析什么,如何收集数据,用什么方法.一、写开题报告之前的准备1.明白开题报告的含义与作用:开题报告是在学位论文研究课题确定之后对课题进行的论证和设计,阐述这个课题有什么价值、应该怎样进行研究,提出研究方案,以保证整个研究工作有条不紊地进行.也就是说,确定了的开题报告是研究工作的行动指南,尽管可以随时修正,但不能随意推翻.2.开展充分的调查研究工作:开题报告不是凭空写出来的,动笔写之前要做到大量的工作,包括广泛地阅读文献,熟悉导师或师兄师姐做过的工作,落实实验室工作条件,摸清楚研究对象基本情况.3.认清开题活动的作用:开题活动是集思广益的学术交流,其作用是从同行那里获取更多有益的帮助.通过开题活动,让更多同行--导师以外的其他老师,课题组以外的其他同学--在短时间里听懂、看懂自己要做什么,并给予具体的建议.自己的开题报告写得不清晰,同行不知从何帮助,开题活动也就沦为走过场.二、 开题报告的编写提纲1.科学问题:开题报告总有一个准确、规范、简洁的题目.紧接着这个题目,就必须说明,本课题要做什么研究,即开题报告要开门见山地说明本研究的科学问题.这里,要让读者在很短的时间里读懂,本课题要做什么.可以枚举一些事件、现象作为开场白来引出本研究的科学问题,但这些事件、现象要简洁,要贴切,要直指本科学问题.很多老师和学生喜欢把科学问题放在立题依据下面或者后面写,曰"摆事实,讲道理",总结出科学问题.可是,对于初学的学生,会把读书心得都写出来,很难聚焦到自己的科学问题上.使读者,参与开题活动的老师和同学,摸不着头脑.因而,倡导开门见山地写科学问题.2.立题依据:包括学术上的理论依据和社会实践中的现实需求.就题目、科学问题涉及的相应方面,阐述、分析国内外的相关研究现状、取得的成就、存在的不足(问题).为了表达言而有据,要尽可能多地引用国内外同行近3-5年的研究成果,包括声誉高的和一般的学术刊物上的成果.引用他人的数据、图件、观点,要在相应的地方作标注,且只标注自己读过的文献.科学研究没有国界,写立题依据时,不要分国内进展、国外进展.通过这一科学阐述、分析,认定本研究的问题,是个科学问题,值得开展研究.如果读者从这些阐述、分析中无法得出这个认识,说明立题没有科学依据,或者立题依据没有写好.对于有地域空间限制的研究对象,应该对研究对象进行详细但简洁的介绍.3.研究目标和目的意义:说清楚通过本课题研究,解决所提出的科学问题的全部,或者部分.要求简洁、明确.几句话就可以,避免啰嗦.目的意义包括学术上的理论意义(价值),社会实践中的应用意义(价值),可以做适当的广义延伸,但不能夸夸其谈.4.研究的内容:包括两个侧面.一是要写清楚开展哪几方面的研究(通常3-5个方面),在每个方面下面还可以写出更细致的次一级内容;二是拟解决关键问题,关键问题是前述几个方面中的某个或者贯穿其中的什么,解决了关键问题,整个课题研究就迎刃而解.常见学生把内容和方法放在一起写,有记流水账的感觉.看见了很多操作细节,但不清楚要从哪些方面开展研究,各个方面之间的联系是什么.所以,建议把内容和方法分开写.5.研究方案:针对研究内容,说明怎样做,包括两个层次.第一是研究思路,整个研究分哪些步骤,每一步骤具体作什么,各个步骤组合起来,使整个研究圆满完成.为了方便阅读,使用步骤框架图,做到一目了然.第二是具体的研究方法,包括选择研究的材料(对象)、使用什么取样(试验)方法获取什么数据、使用什么分析方法(指数、公式、模型)处理什么数据得到什么结果.通用的方法,一笔带过,具体的要求则越细越好.假设自己有事不能操作,与自己有相近背景(知识和技能)的其他人可以依照该方案去操作.6.创新性:研究生学位论文研究,都要有创新,指本研究在内容、方法上的创新.以肯定语气,几句话概括,不超过3条.创新是个相对的概念,有世界性创新、国内创新、地区性创新,后者的创新价值已经很勉强了.研究生的研究,有时是补充一些必要的科学数据,距离学术创新较远,但不等于没有价值,要说明补充这种科学数据的价值.可以用新意来表达,不要总是用创新这个词.7.可行性分析:如果研究问题是科学的,研究内容是翔实的,那么,研究方案是否可行,就要论证.可行性分析包括方案的可行性,人力、财力、物力(试验条件)、时间等,是否可行,特别要说明自己能否胜任.8.预期成果:针对研究目标,写出预期成果.包括两方面:得出什么数据、结论;怎样表达方式这些数据、结论,以及展示(呈现)形式及数量.9.研究进展计划:针对研究内容和研究方案,用时间顺序依次阐述,什么时候做什么,得到什么.10.参考文献:按规范格式[作者.论文题目(专着名称).发表刊物,年度,卷(期):页码(出版地:出版社,年度,页码)],列出前文标注引用的参考文献.不列没有标注引用的文献,标注引用的文献则一定要列出.三、 编写开题报告1.遵循既定的格式要求撰写.不再赘述.2.使用规范的学术语言:尽量使用学术术语,行文逻辑要清晰,使用字体要统一.3.使用必要的图、表:用图(照片)、表来直观、翔实地表达观点,图(照片)、表要有连续的编号.如果是引用他人的图(照片)、表,一定要在引用的地方标注来源.4.提交两个文本:详细论述的打印(Word)文本和用于演讲的PPT文本.PPT文本是在打印文本基础上精简的,要求图多、字少,色彩鲜艳,布局朴实.四、开题报告的考核指标包括以下几点问题界定清晰.选题应该源于实践,问题要具体,解决问题高视角,方案上升到理论,有普遍借鉴意义.研究目标明确有限.剖析实际问题,将实际问题提升到理论水平解决.研究内容具体、明确.不要大题小作,要小题大做.不同内容点之间的系统性、有限性、适中性.研究方法与技术方案具体可行.论文要用数据说话,在此必须指出数据的收集方法.

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  • 服装品牌论文的开题报告范文

    学生姓名 课题名称 阅读文献 情 况 国内文献 17 国外文献 3 篇 篇 开题日期 开题地点 学 号 专业 服装艺术 设计 文献综述与调研报告: 新古典主义兴

    紫童vivi 4人参与回答 2023-12-10
  • 服装品牌翻译论文开题报告

    翻译学论文开题报告 开题报告是提高选题质量和水平的`重要环节。下面是我为大家整理的一篇以《目的论在英汉广告翻译上的应用》为例的语言学硕士论文开题报告,供参考阅读

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    Johnhockson 4人参与回答 2023-12-12
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    开 题 报 告文 献 综 述 服装是人类生活最基本的需求之一,它是人的整个物质生活与精神生活中占有重要地位。对于自然层面的人,服装是肌体受到保护和愉悦的穿

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