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首页 > 学术期刊 > 湿地开发与环境保护关系研究论文

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中国杭州西溪第二届湿地论坛论文摘要选编7 发布:西溪湿地媒体:原创 作者:刘想 摘录 2008-7-7 16:24:11Wetland restoration and biodiversity conservationof Lake DianchiYang Junxing Wang Li Chen Xiaoyong Cui Guihua Shu shushing Du LinaKunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of SciencesLake Dianchi was formed in million years ago. The lake is now situated at the watershed among Changjiang River, Honghe River and Zhujiang River. Dianchi is a hotspot for biodiversity because of its richness in aquatic biodiversity, unique origination and special plateau aquatic ecosystem. Since 1970s, freshwater biodiversity declined sharply as the result of water quality degradation, habitat destruction as well as the invasion of alien species. In order to save the lake biodiversity of global importance, Kunming Institute of Zoology was granted by GEF in 2003 to restore the lake wetland and pilot sites were set up for the wetland restoration activities, representing three different types of wetlands. Macrophytes, mollusks and fishes were given a special priority in the restoration activities. Among the three types of organisms, those species with aesthetics, endemism and economic values are particularly favored. In the pilot site Baiyukou, emergent macrophytes were planted as well as some submerged ones. An exciting result was that the famous submerged macrophyte Ottelia acuminata replanted in Baiyukou site seemed growing very well. Some indigenous bivalve Anodonta were cultivated in the site. In the other two pilot sites, Xialiangwang, the submerged macrophytes are designed as the major plants for the restoration from field surveys and monitoring throughout the basin revealed some relict biodiversity spots, Dragon springs in Buddhism temples. These refugee springs inhabited some endemic species that were once supposed to be extinct. For these relict populations of endemic species, both in situs and ex situs conservations were undertaken. An ex situs conservation base with 15000m2 was set up for cultivation and breeding of these relict endemic fishes and macrophytes. These refugee springs were also set up as protected reserves for in situs played a key role in protects the relict population of the endemic species of Dianchi. However, some religion releasing of life introduced alien species to these refugee spings inhabited endemic species. In order to improve the behavior of religion life-releasing, our research team worked together with Buddhism association. The first out coming of the cooperation is publication of the book Buddhism & Biodiversity Conservation co-written by famous Buddhism and biologists in the research team. The book recognized two types of life releasing activities from bio-religion viewpoint, releasing indigenous creatures and alien creatures. The first type of activity was encouraged by the Buddhism, releasing alien animals was rejected. The second yielding of the science-Buddhism cooperation was a series of awareness educations of Buddhists. In the Buddhism ceremonies our research team always organized biodiversity lectures and displaying, encouraging the Buddhists and local people to protect endemic species and avoiding releasing alien creatures to surrounding environments. At the same time, the research team transferred also knowledge to local villagers, encouraging them to participate in wetland conservation and monitoring of biodiversity and water quality was carried out in the pilot sites, Lake Dianchi, the upstream running to Lake Dianchi and adjacent springs. Not only is it necessary for measuring the outcome of restoration activity, but also it could help to guide further restoration of wetland. Bio-monitoring is also expected to help predicting and preventing the invasion of alien is the key of any wetland restoration and management. Wetland Park is supposed to be one of the most sustainable ways. It could maximize the function of wetland ecosystem,ensuring the monitoring of biodiversity and accessing outcomes of wetland restoration. The project team is pushing the pilot sites to be further built up as wetland words: Dianchi Wetland; Wetland restoration and biodiversity conservation滇池湿地恢复示范研究杨君兴中科院昆明动物研究所滇池的污染和环境变化受到了国内外的广泛关注与高度重视。2003年,中国科学院昆明动物研究所申请到全球环境基金(GEF)万美元主要采用生物手段开展滇池湿地恢复工作。通过在三个湿地修复示范点内养殖土著底栖生物(主要是双壳类),鱼类,大型水生植物等水生生物,达到恢复滇池土著种及其生境,改善水质,恢复滇池淡水水生生物多样性的目的。双壳类滤食蓝藻,还可养殖淡水珍珠;养殖土著鱼类可以改善水质,给渔民带来巨大商业利益;大型水生植物抑制蓝藻,吸收氮磷,为鱼类提供食物栖息地,还可以作为经济作物。选种指导原则:土著,经济,美观。土著物种安全,不会给环境带来负面影响;物种的经济性使得恢复工作能够可持续开展,减少了政府的资金投入;物种的美观性可提供美丽风景。此外,环境的美化和生物多样性的恢复会吸引更多越冬水鸟来滇池,增加生物多样性。结合当地特有的文化和历史背景,建立大型湿地公园,既修复滇池,又增加当地居民收入。除湿地恢复与管理工作外,每年进行三次大型生物多样性监测调查。对滇池管理局和昆明市环保局等政府相关单位开展能力建设培训,增强和改进政府对滇池的管理,控制污染。结合公众教育,提高公众对滇池的环境保护意识。综合多方面手段,修复滇池,重现“高原明珠”的光辉。关键词:滇池湿地 恢复研究

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    中国杭州西溪第二届湿地论坛论文摘要选编7 发布:西溪湿地媒体:原创 作者:刘想 摘录 2008-7-7 16:24:11Wetland restoration

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