Modern various machine and equipment are more than on the gear reducer, generally USES bearing hole processing, and currently 1ta series boring coordinates are in single points, so in mass production to ensure its hole spacing tolerance, and low fine molding machine is a special machine, when using a series of molding method. Once processed clamping workpiece, hole spacing in design, and when the machine has two of the coaxial when spindle box, while processing by rail, which not only ensures the transmission distance between accuracy, but also guarantee the hole, and greatly improve the coaxial tolerance of machining efficiency. Can realize automation, production line. It meets the modern production accuracy and paper introduced a series of molding machine structure, working principle and control method, and automatic assembly line control principle and realization : a large series boring
42 锡林右轴承座组件工艺及夹具设计 43 心型台灯塑料注塑模具毕业设计 44 机械手设计 45 机械手自动控制系统的PLC实现方法研究 46 汽车制动系统实验
电动机故障诊断技术的应用分析论文 无论是在学习还是在工作中,大家一定都接触过论文吧,论文一般由题名、作者、摘要、关键词、正文、参考文献和附录等部分组成。相信写论
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