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首页 > 学术期刊 > 陕西装备制造业毕业论文

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Shanxi Province is located in China's western region, In recent years, with the support of the country's western development aid policy and own resources and environmental advantages. By increasing the strength of the economic structural adjustment, prompting producer services has been development. However, compared with the developed areas, it remains at a low level. This article will explore the Shaanxi province producer services impacts of manufacturing productivity. Based on the data of Shanxi province from 2004 to 2012, using panel model, and controlling other economic variables, we tested the degree that the producer services impacts the productivity of the manufacturing industry. The empirical results show that the development of producer services not directly stimulate the industry to enhance the level of efficiency, but improve the manufacturing efficiency by moderating effect, Scientific research and Integrated Technical Services, Transport, Storage, Post and Telecommunications two industries both to the relationship between the level of economic development 、technological innovation capability and manufacturing productivity has significant moderating effect. As Shanxi Province using traditional producer services, so the moderating effect of the relationship between human capital and manufacturing efficiency, the relationship between Finance and insurance and manufacturing efficiency was not significant. Finally, we provide the corresponding countermeasures to enhance the manufacturing productivity industry through developing producer services. Key Words: Producer Services; manufacturing productivity; moderating effect

189 评论




















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1 建立健全电子商务领域金融秩序 电子商务 2007/01

2 携程电子商务模式组成要素分析 电子商务 2007/01

3 电子商务经营模式给企业带来了什么 电子商务 2007/01

4 服务中小企业的第三方电子商务模式研究 电子商务 2007/01

5 电子商务中《消费者权益保护法》适格主体研究 电子商务 2007/01

6 谈新就业形势下的职业院校电子商务专业建设 电子商务 2007/01

7 浅谈物资采购的电子商务化 电子科技 2007/01

8 中国电信新一代B2B电子商务网站商集网上线运营 互联网周刊 2007/02

9 Web数据挖掘在零售业电子商务中的应用 经济师 2007/01

10 电子商务环境下的税收 经济师 2007/01

11 试论电子商务物流隐性成本控制 经济师 2007/01

12 破除制约我国电子商务发展的四大瓶颈 通信世界 2007/02

13 电子商务代表网站及业务模式分析 通信世界 2007/02

14 组建基于企业服务总线的电子商务集成系统研究 计算机应用与软件 2007/01

15 基于SOAP的即时消息在B2C电子商务系统中的应用计算机应用与软件 2007/01

16 电子商务对会计的影响及电子商务会计的发展 会计之友(中) 2007/01

17 电子商务中数据挖掘技术的使用 内蒙古电大学刊 2007/02

18 电子商务专业毕业生就业率低的原因及其对策 内蒙古电大学刊 2007/02

19 浅谈烟草行业电子商务 华北、东北地区2007年度烟草学术交流研讨会论文集 2007

20 B2C电子商务模式下物流配送路径优化问题研究 北京交通大学 2007

21 电子商务环境下传统企业流程变革研究 同济大学 2007

22 浅析电子商务诚信体系的构建与实现 商场现代化 2007/01

23 基于电子商务的供应链管理研究 商场现代化 2007/01

24 电子商务体系结构与电子支付技术 商场现代化 2007/01

25 论新农村建设中农业电子商务的发展战略 商场现代化 2007/01

26 旅游电子商务网站的构建 商场现代化 2007/01










2 携程电子商务模式组成要素分析 电子商务 XX/01

3 电子商务经营模式给企业带来了什么 电子商务 XX/01

4 服务中小企业的第三方电子商务模式研究 电子商务 XX/01

5 电子商务中《消费者权益保护法》适格主体研究 电子商务 XX/01

6 谈新就业形势下的职业院校电子商务专业建设 电子商务 XX/01

7 浅谈物资采购的电子商务化 电子科技 XX/01

8 中国电信新一代b2b电子商务网站商集网上线运营 互联网周刊 XX/02

9 web数据挖掘在零售业电子商务中的应用 经济师 XX/01

10 电子商务环境下的税收 经济师 XX/01

11 试论电子商务物流隐性成本控制 经济师 XX/01

12 破除制约我国电子商务发展的四大瓶颈 通信世界 XX/02

13 电子商务代表网站及业务模式分析 通信世界 XX/02

14 组建基于企业服务总线的电子商务集成系统研究 计算机应用与软件 XX/01

15 基于soap的即时消息在b2c电子商务系统中的应用 计算机应用与软件 XX/01

16 电子商务对会计的影响及电子商务会计的发展 会计之友(中) XX/01

17 电子商务中数据挖掘技术的使用 内蒙古电大学刊 XX/02

18 电子商务专业毕业生就业率低的原因及其对策 内蒙古电大学刊 XX/02

19 浅谈烟草行业电子商务 华北、东北地区XX年度烟草学术交流研讨会论文集 XX

20 b2c电子商务模式下物流配送路径优化问题研究 北京交通大学 XX

21 电子商务环境下传统企业流程变革研究 同济大学 XX

22 浅析电子商务诚信体系的构建与实现 商场现代化 XX/01

23 基于电子商务的供应链管理研究 商场现代化 XX/01

24 电子商务体系结构与电子支付技术 商场现代化 XX/01

25 论新农村建设中农业电子商务的发展战略 商场现代化 XX/01

26 旅游电子商务网站的构建 商场现代化 XX/01

27 分销商网络团购营销的电子商务模型研究 商场现代化 XX/01

28 电子商务及其安全技术 商场现代化 XX/01

29 浅析电子商务的安全 商场现代化 XX/01

30 web 技术在电子商务中的应用 商场现代化 XX/01

116 评论


请+Q 三三零四四九二五七 毕业论文/期刊论文/职称论文有相应得理论基础 材料分析 国内外现状对比 问题提出 解决对策 !原!创! 包通过!

131 评论



301 评论


Shaanxi Province is located in China's western region, but in recent years the country's western development aid policy support and its own resources, environmental advantages, through increasing economic structural adjustment efforts to promote producer services has been some development. However, compared with the developed areas in Shaanxi development of producer services is still relatively backward state, the equipment manufacturing industry is the pillar industry of Shaanxi Province in the west and the country occupies a very important position, research shows that producer services in Shaanxi Province and without the simultaneous development and manufacturing, producer services behind the level of development has been seriously hampered the development of manufacturing and upgrades. Inefficient manufacturing sector in Shaanxi Province is the reason for the development of producer services and manufacturing industry is not able to match the development of the manufacturing sector is not able to provide adequate services. Shaanxi Province in recent years, using panel data, combined with the impact of manufacturing efficiencies and other economic variables, the use of econometric models of producer services on manufacturing test efficiency. The results show that: the development of producer services not directly stimulate the manufacturing efficiency to enhance the level, but the effect achieved by adjusting the improved efficiency in manufacturing, scientific research and comprehensive technical services, transportation, storage and communications sector two sectors were on the level of economic development and technological innovation capability and manufacturing efficiency has a significant relationship between the regulation effect due to Shaanxi Province or traditional producer services, so the relationship between human capital and manufacturing efficiency and finance and insurance is right manufacturing efficiency regulation effect was not significant. Finally, to further enhance the productive service industry in Shaanxi Province to enhance manufacturing productivity positive role in promoting policy recommendations. Keywords: producer services; manufacturing productivity; equipment manufacturing

248 评论


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