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1 the introduction problems and put forward the significance of the 1Question 1. The put the significance of the the current research status of domestic and foreign enterprise culture 1Foreign enterprise culture research situation 1The study status quo the main research contents 22 enterprise culture overview enterprise culture connotation of enterprise culture characteristic of 4Enterprise culture has specific section for ammeters 4Enterprise culture has his nature and value of 4Enterprise culture has the dynamic the structure of the enterprise culture potential layer 66 surface layer layer appeared six3 social network times this 74 example analysis of Qingdao beer enterprise culture change Qingdao beer Co., LTD profile Qingdao beer enterprise culture change 82 the enterprise's management idea change 9The transformation of enterprise organization structure social network times fast for consumption goods of the new requirements and enterpriseThis analysis, internal and external factors refining speed culture and innovative culture renew the idea, and shape the employee behavior leader physically, abides by the concept of value establishing incentive mechanism, consolidate the enterprise culture 125 summary 136 the x 147 reference 15With 16 recordRead during the degree obtains the research achievements 16statement

319 评论


Chapter 1 Introduction problems are presented and the significance of the study problem 1The significance of study on foreign and domestic research situation of corporate culture foreign enterprise culture research in 1The domestic research on 2 main research content 22 enterprise culture the connotation of company culture 4The characteristics of the corporate culture 4 the structure of company culture 53 the age of social networking overview 74 examples of Tsingtao brewstery corporate culture change Tsingtao brewstery Company Limited Tsingtao brewstery corporate culture change the age of social networking for FMCG enterprises new requirement 115 Summary of 13Thank you 14Reference ..... ... degree obtained during the study results .... .... 16.

320 评论


心理营销写哪个行业 我们给你来做,,可以的,帮助您来写的。

257 评论


康普茶是中国的传统茶饮吗? ——康普茶来源小考 近年来,康普茶这一特色的发酵饮品成为了流行时尚。但是,康普茶究竟是舶来品,还是源自茶叶的故乡——中国呢?答案是:康普茶起源于中国。 现在的康普茶味道颇有几分像气泡苹果醋,由一种叫做“红茶菌”的混合发酵菌种,在茶汤和蔗糖中发酵而成。绿茶和红茶都可以作为茶汤的来源,但是红茶无疑是更好的选择。 有资料显示,康普茶起源于中国东北。在公元五世纪的时候,辽东半岛的朝鲜族医生康普(Kombu) 辽东半岛的朝鲜族医生康普(Kombu),把红茶菌带到日本献给倭王赞(Inkyo),解决了困扰其许久的消化不良问题。随着远东贸易的出现,俄国成为了康普茶进入欧洲的第一个国家和地区。时至今日许多欧洲学者仍然认为康普茶源于俄罗斯地区,可能就是这个原因。接下来,康普茶进入了东欧地区,并在19、20世纪之交出现在德国人的饮品清单之中。二战之后,也就是在上世纪50年代,康普茶进入了法国以及当时处于法国治下的北非地区,从此成为了北非地区非常流行的饮品,广受当地人喜爱。从二战时期开始,康普茶逐渐开始风靡整个欧洲,尽管在当时,由于战争的原因,茶和糖这两种生产该发酵茶饮的原料十分短缺。在上世纪50年代,意大利人对康普茶的热情空前高涨。在上世纪60年代,瑞士学者通过研究报道得出如下结论:饮用康普茶的健康益处可与食用酸奶类似。时至今日,康普茶以快消品的形式,在世界各国的零售店铺和网络商店广为销售。 不过,康普茶在各国语言中有着不同的拼写和表述,而英文通用名Kombucha则是一个源于日语并且经过德语化的词。可见,这一微发酵茶饮经历了许多文化和民族的传播、嫁接、改变,已经具有了多种文化的元素。 参考文献: Jayabalan R, et al., 2014. A Review on Kombucha Tea—Microbiology, Composition, Fermentation, Beneficial Effects, Toxicity, and Tea Fungus. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 13, 538-550.

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