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Not Such a Simple QuestionAlan Chang was a handsome young man with good manners. One morning he was walking along a street on his way to an appointment. He did not want to be early or late. He had forgotten to put on his watch so he went up to a man who was waiting for a taxi. “Excuse me, sir,” he said, very politely, "but could you tell me the time?" The man, who was very well-dressed and looked quite rich, said nothing. He did not even look at Alan. Alan spoke to him again. "Excuse me, sir," he said, "but could you please tell me what time it is?" This time the man looked at him, but he did not speak and looked quickly away. Alan thought to himself: Well, he's not deaf. He must be just rude. "Why won't you tell me the time, sir?" he demanded. The man turned towards him and said, "Try to understand me. I am standing here waiting for a taxi. You come up to me and ask me for the time. If I tell it to you,you will thank me. I will say, 'That's all right.' You may then say, 'It's a beautiful day,' to which I may reply 'Yes, I like these sunny winter days.' Before we know what is happening we have a friendly conversation. You are a pleasant, polite young man and so when my taxi comes, I offer you a ride. You accept. We talk. I like you. You like me. I invite you to my home. You meet my daughter. She is a very pretty girl. You are a good-looking man. You like each other. Soon you fall in love. You want to marry. Now do you understand my problem?" Alan shook his head. "No sir, I'm sorry, I don't. Everything you have said seems very natural to me." "Exactly," the man said, "and I do not want my daughter to marry a man who is too poor to buy a watch. Good morning to you,"And with these words he hurried away.

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A sad story一个可悲的故事 Jim met two friends in the street. “Come back to my apartment for a meal,”he said "ou can see the whole of the city from my bedroom window.” 吉姆会见了两位朋友在街上。 “回来我的公寓,吃一顿饭,”他说: “其他指定用途可以看到,整个城市从我的卧室窗口” 。 His two friends agreed and they went back with Jim to the apartment building where he lived on the 40th floor. 他的两位朋友,同意和他们回去与Jim向公寓大楼,他住在40楼。 When they arrived ,however ,the elevator was out of order.”I'm sorry, ”Jim said , 当他们抵达,不过,电梯是不合乎规程。 “我很抱歉, ”吉姆说, ”we'll have to walk.” “我们将要步行” 。 ”but it's forty floors!” thay said. “但它的40层” ! 他们说。 ”we'll talk as we climb ,”Jim said.” You can tell me the new jokes you've heard “我们会继续谈,因为我们攀登, ”吉姆说, “你能告诉我新的笑话你听说过 and when we get to my apartment i'll tell you a story .” His friends agree and they started to climb the forty flights of last they reached the top floor and were standing outside the door of Jim's apartment. 当我们到我的公寓,我告诉你一个故事, “他的朋友,同意和他们开始攀登40航班最后,他们达成的顶层,并站在门外的吉姆的公寓。 ”Now tell us a good story, ”his friends said. “现在,请告诉我们一个好故事, ”他的朋友说。 Jim looked at them sadly and said , ”once upon a time there was a man who met two friends. 吉姆看他们可悲的,并说, “一次,有一名男子谁见了两个朋友。 He invited them to his apartment on the fortieth floor. The elevator wasn't working and they had to climb forty flights of stairs. When they reached the fortieth floor he put his had in his pocket for the key to the door of his apartment. It wasn't there . Then he remembered where it was . it was in his car .” 他邀请他们在他的公寓就第四十楼。电梯是没有工作和他们不得不爬上40航班的楼梯。当他们到达第四十楼,他提出他曾在他的口袋为关键的大门,他的公寓。这是不在那里。然后他记住,而它在该处。这是在他的汽车“ 。 The Best Salesman in World世界上最好的推销员 Harry saw an ad in a window. It said: "Wanted. The Best Salesman in the world .Top Pay." 哈利在橱窗上看到一则广告,上面写着: “ 招人,世界上最好的推销员,高薪 ” "I'm a great salesman," Harry told himself . "I can sell anything. I'll go in and ask for that job." “我就是个不错的推销员”哈利心里想着“我能卖掉任何东西,我要进去请求这份工作” He went into the building and spoke to the manager. "I'm the best salesman in the world," he said. "Give me the job." 他走进商店并对经理说“我是世界上最好的推销员”, 他说“给我这份工作吧” "You must prove you're the best," the manager said. “你必须证明你是最好的”经理说。 "I'll pass every test you give me," Harry told him. “我会通过你给我的所有测试”哈利对他说。 "Good." “好的” The manager took a box of candy out of his desk. 经理从他的桌子里拿出一盒糖。 "Last week, I bought a thousand boxs of this candy. "If you can sell them all before the end of the end of the week, you can have the job." “上礼拜我买了一千盒糖,如果你能在这礼拜之内把它们都卖掉,我就给你这份工作” "That's easy," Harry said. “很简单”哈利说。 He took the box of candy and left the office. 他拿着这盒糖离开了办公室。 Every day and all day, he went from shop to shop, trying to sell boxes of the candy. He could't sell one. 哈利每天并且一整天都忙着从一家店跑到另一家,试着卖糖,可是一盒都没卖掉。 The candy was so bad he could't even give it away.糖是那么的低劣,他甚至不能把它送人。At the end of the week he went back to the manager. "I'm sorry, sir,"he said. "Iwas wrong about myself. I'm not the best salesman in the world, but I know who is." 到了周末,他回到经理那,“很抱歉,先生”他说“我看错自己了。我不是世界上最好的推销员,但是我知道谁是” "Oh," said the manager. "Who?" “哦”经理说“是谁啊” "The person who sold you athousand boxes of this candy," Harry said. “那个把一千盒糖卖给你的人”哈利说。 Your Need is Greater Than Mine你比我更需要 In many big cities there are people who cannot get they do not want to work, but sometimes there isn’t any work for them to do. 在很多大城市都有人没有工作。有时是他们不想工作,但有时他们是根本没有工作可做。 Some of these people beg for money. Some of them sell boxes of matches or cheap pens, and some of them sell flowers. 这些人中有的讨钱,有的卖火柴或者廉价的钢笔,而有的则卖花。 Andrew Chen never gave money to beggars. “People should work for money,” he believed. He also believed there was work for everyone, which was not true. 陈安鲁从来不给乞丐钱。他认为,人应该工作赚钱。他还错误地认为,每个人都是会有工作的。 One day when he waiting for a bus, a beggar came up and asked him for money. The beggar was an old woman wearing very old and dirty clothes. She had no shoes and she was selling some sweet-smelling flowers. 有一天,他正在等公车,一个乞丐走上前来,向他讨钱。这个乞丐是一个老妇人,穿着一件又旧又脏的衣服,没穿鞋。她卖的花气味芳香。 “Give an old woman ten dollars, mister,” she said to Andrew. “I haven’t had a meal for three days.” “给我十美元吧,先生。”她向陈安鲁恳求道,“我已经三天没吃饭了。” “I’m not giving you ten dollars,” Andrew said. “我不会给你十美元的。”陈安鲁道。 “What about five dollars, then, mister,” the poor old woman said. “That’ll buy me a couple of pieces of bread.” “那么,给五美元呢,先生?”穷苦的老妇人继续恳求,“那够我买两块面包的了。” “No,” Andrew said. “不给。”陈安鲁拒绝道。 “Then what about one dollar,” the old woman said. “I can buy an orange for one dollar.” “那么,一美元?”老妇人继续,“一美元我可以买一个橘子啦。” “I haven’t got one dollar,” Andrew said, “Now go away.” “我没有一美元,请你走开。”陈安鲁说。 The old looked at him sadly, and then gave him her flowers. 老妇人悲哀地注视着他,然后把她的花都给了陈安鲁。 “Here, mister,” she said. “You have these. You need them more than I do.” “给你,先生。”老妇人说道:“拿着这些花,你比我更需要它们。” 14 吉儿琼斯在城市的一个与众不同的地段有了一个新的工作,她必须每天坐火车去上班。 在火车中只有两个人,她及一个穿着很好的男人看一份报纸。 经过旅程的一半,突然男人开始将他的报纸撕得粉碎。 做完之后,他坐了下来,闭上了他的眼睛,剩下的旅程他一直在睡觉。第二天,吉儿琼斯进入了相同的火车。 还是那个穿着良好的男人在坐那里 ,看一份报纸。 经过旅程的一半,男人开始将他的报纸撕碎。然后他拾起碎片, 打开了窗户而且把碎片全部扔出去。 做完之后,他坐了下来,关闭了他的眼睛,剩下的旅程他一直在睡觉。 每天就这样,持续发生了一个星期。 最后,在星期五,吉儿琼斯跟男人说话。 "对不起 , 先生 , " 她说 , "我不想你粗鲁无礼,我要问你一个问题。当我们经过我们的旅程一半的时候,你将你的报纸撕碎然后打开窗户把碎片扔出去。请告诉我, 先生,你为什么这样做 ?” 穿着良好的男人微笑。 "我有一个非常简单的理由 , " ,他说。 "我喜欢睡觉来打发旅程的后一半,但是如果火车充满大象,我不能够睡觉。因此我对大象丢出去报纸。它阻止他们进入火车。” ”但是这里没有大象啊”!”她说! ”我知道”,他说,”可见我扔报纸很管用啊!”

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张艾伦是一个英俊的年轻男子礼貌。一天早晨,他步行一条街,他的方式预约。他不希望是早期还是晚期。他忘了把他的手表,让他去一个人谁在那里等候的出租车。 “对不起,先生,”他说,很客气,“但你能告诉我时间吗?”的人,非常好,穿好衣服,看上去很丰富,什么也没有说。他连看都不看,艾伦。艾伦再次对他说话。 “对不起,先生,”他说,“但你能告诉我这是什么时候?”这时候的男人看了他一眼,但他没说话,赶紧走了。艾伦心想:嗯,他不是聋子。他必须是公正粗鲁。 “你为什么不告诉我的时候,先生?”他要求。那人转过身来对他说,“试着了解我,我站在这里,等待出租车,你来找我,问我的时间,如果我告诉你,你会感谢我,我会说,“这是正确的。”你可能会说,“这是一个美好的一天,”我可能会回答“是的,我喜欢这阳光明媚的冬日里。”在我们知道发生了什么,我们有一个友好的交谈。您有一个愉快的,有礼貌的年轻人,所以,当我的车来了,我给你一程。您接受我们谈,我喜欢你,你喜欢我,我请你我的家。你满足了我的女儿,她是一个非常漂亮的女孩。你是一个好看的男人。你喜欢对方,很快你爱上。你要结婚的,现在你明白我的问题吗?“艾伦摇摇头。 “不,先生,对不起,我没有你所说的一切似乎很自然的我。”“没错,”那人说,“我不希望我的女儿嫁给一个男人谁是太穷了,买一块手表。早上好,”他用这句话匆匆离去。

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