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Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, behaviour, feelings and physical well-being. Depressed people may feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, or restless. They may lose interest in activities that once were pleasurable, experience overeating or loss of appetite, or problems concentrating, remembering details or making decisions; and may contemplate or attempt suicide. Insomnia, excessive sleeping, fatigue, loss of energy, or aches, pains or digestive problems that are resistant to treatment may be number of psychiatric syndromes feature depressed mood as a main symptom. Mood disorders are a group of disorders considered to be primary disturbances of mood. Within them, major depressive disorder (MDD), commonly called major depression, or clinical depression, is a condition where a person has at least two weeks of depressed mood or a loss of interest or pleasure in nearly all activities. Dysthymia is a state of chronic depressed mood, the symptoms of which do not meet the severity of a major depressive episode. People suffering bipolar disorder may also experience major depressive the mood disorders, dysthymia is also commonly a feature of borderline personality disorder. Adjustment disorder with depressed mood is a mood disturbance appearing as a psychological response to an identifiable event or stressor, in which the resulting emotional or behavioral symptoms are significant but do not meet the criteria for a major depressive number of psychiatric syndromes feature depressed mood as a main symptom. Mood disorders are a group of disorders considered to be primary disturbances of mood. Within them, major depressive disorder (MDD), commonly called major depression, or clinical depression, is a condition where a person has at least two weeks of depressed mood or a loss of interest or pleasure in nearly all activities. Dysthymia is a state of chronic depressed mood, the symptoms of which do not meet the severity of a major depressive episode. People suffering bipolar disorder may also experience major depressive the mood disorders, dysthymia is also commonly a feature of borderline personality disorder. Adjustment disorder with depressed mood is a mood disturbance appearing as a psychological response to an identifiable event or stressor, in which the resulting emotional or behavioral symptoms are significant but do not meet the criteria for a major depressive episode.文字来源是维基百科,请自己根据需要删节吧

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1.标题Titles are to be written to be understood by those in your field, telling them exactly what you have done in your work.(告诉你的同行确切研究了什么)要求:1) Short and concise(简明扼要):Write in one line (not a sentence); not containing an active verb; not exceeding 25 words or 120-140 letters and spaces; no abbreviations or chemical symbols except those that are generally accepted, . DNA, RNA, AIDS, CT, etc.;2) Informative(信息丰富):State exactly what you want the reader to know about your paper and your work; 3) Indexing(便于索引):Pack as many key words or indexing terms as possible into the title without overloading it; key words not in the title will be in the abstract or can go in the “Key Words” section of the paper; key words are usually in the beginning or ending place of the title.示例:(请根据上述原则说明以下标题的修改的理由)1) 视网膜小血管变化是冠状动脉疾病的一个指标Original: Retinal arteriolar changes are an indicator of coronary artery diseaseRevised: Retinal arteriolar changes as an indicator of coronary artery disease2) 用大剂量氨甲喋呤治疗急性淋巴细胞白血病的初步体会Original: Preliminary experience in using high dose of methotrexate to treat ALLRevised: High dose methotrexate therapy in acute lymphocytic leukemia3) 关于饮食中钾含量与血压关系的研究Original: A study of the relationship between the content of potassium in diet and blood pressureRevised: Dietary potassium and blood pressure 为了满足标题写作的上述,有时对较长标题可采用副标题(subtitle)处理,如出现:1) 病例数时,如:对急症室连续170例腹痛病例的回顾性研究Original: A retrospective study on 170 consecutive cases of abdominal pain in the emergency roomRevised: Abdominal pain in the emergency room: Retrospective study of 170 consecutive cases2) 研究性质/方法时,如:用磁共振成象术对正常怀孕期间垂体增大进行活体内研究Original: Use MRI to conduct an in vivo study on the enlargement of the pituitary gland during normal pregnancyRevised: Pituitary gland growth during normal pregnancy: An in vivo study using magnetic resonance imaging3) 并列结构时,如:军队卫生防疫工作中出现的问题、原因与对策的初探Original: A preliminary study on the problems, causes and countermeasures in health and epidemic prevention work of CPLARevised: Military health and epidemic prevention: Problems, causes and countermeasures

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