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首页 > 学术期刊 > 注塑模具设计论文英文文献

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你去找网络硬汉字典摘要内容是: 随着计算机和自动化测量技术的高速发展,逆向工程已经成为以实物为研究对象,利用计算机技术进行产品仿制及新产品开发的技术手段。目前逆向工程技术已和CAD/CAM 等先进制造技术结合,并发展为CAD/ CAM 系统中的一个相对独立的研究领域。 将逆向工程应用到注塑模设计中,是注塑模设计的一个新的发展方向。它以塑件实体为研究对象,利用先进的测量技术和反求软件重构曲面,在曲面的基础上进行产品设计。这种设计方法能灵活的适应具有复杂曲面的塑料制品,极大的满足了人们除产品结构外对产品外型的需求。 本文将以时钟外壳为例,主要介绍逆向工程在模具设计中的应用及注塑模设计流程。通过三坐标非接触式激光检测仪测量实物点云数据,利用先进的Pro/E三维设计软件,对测得的点云进行曲面重构。在重构曲面的基础上,设计产品结构。根据产品结构设计相应的注射模具。其中,注射模具的设计包括:成型塑件的分析、分型面的确定、型腔和流道布局以及浇注系统设计、冷料穴和钩料脱模装置的设计、排气系统设计、注射模工作零件的结构和尺寸设计、合模导向机构设计、推出机构设计、温度调节系统的设计等。

114 评论



260 评论


Measure high-speed development of technology with computer and automation, reverse project become research object of regarding material object as already, utilize computer technology to carry on the technological means of product image and new product development. Reverse engineering has already been combined with advanced manufacturing technologies such as CAD/CAM ,etc. at present, develop into a relatively independent research field in CAD/ CAM system. Apply reverse project to note mould design , it is the note that moulds a new developing direction designed. It regards moulding an entity as the research object, utilizes advanced measurement technology and asks the software to reconstruct the curved surface instead , carry on the product design on the basis of curved surface . This plants plastic products with complicated curved surface of adaptation that design method can be flexible , the great one has met the demands for the appearance of the products besides product structure of people. This text take outer cover of clock as an example, introduce reverse project application and note of mold design mould the procedure of designing mainly. Measure some cloud data of material object through 3 coordinate non- contact-type laser detectors, utilize advanced Pro/E three-dimension to design the software , reconstructs the curved surface to some clouds that are measured. On the basis of reconstructing the curved surface , design product structure. According to the injection mould that the structural design of the products is corresponding. 自己翻的,,翻了好长时间

295 评论


Abstract:This article discusses the whole process of design of bottle cap of Tjoy cleansing facial milk. First, measure the sizes the cap, and creat 3-D mould of the cap by using CAD and Pro/E. Second, perform mould separation by Pro/E. Then, analyse the appearance and structure of the plastic, and design the mould selection of the materials, design of the mould uses Pin-point gate, the straight guide pillar guidance. So, this design guarantees the credibility of the mould. Finally, verify the matching of the structure of mould and the injectionor, plot an assembly diagram and a diagram of parts. 笔译,参考一下吧。

269 评论


三通连接弯头Tee junction elbow 注塑模Plastic Injection Mould 液压元件Hydraulic components 模具设计Mould design工艺分析process analysis 分型面Parting Surface浇注系统: Gating system(这里需要注意:浇注是pouring,但是浇注系统gating用的比较多)注射机Injection Molding Machine 成型零部件 Molding parts侧浇口Side Gate 直导柱straight pillars导向Guide推杆puncher 液压侧抽芯Hydraulic Side Action AbstractThis paper discussed the design of plastic injection mould of tee junction elbows, and the process analysis of the parts' structures. The author determined the parting surfaces and the gating system etc, choosed the injection molding machine, calculated the sizes of the molding parts. Side gate and hydraulic side action was used, straight pillar and puncher was used for guiding and conveying the materials. The author also choosed the materials of the mould. The structure designed in such way can ensure the reliable running of the , the author checked the match between the mould structure and the injection molding : Tee junction elbow,Plastic Injection Mould,Hydraulic components,Hydraulic components

278 评论


The Graduation Project Manual describes the packaging of Ding Yi face cream to cover the whole process of mold design. The first is the physical measurement of face cream covered package size, use of the current mainstream CAD software Pro / E three-dimensional modeling of products, re-use Pro / E Mold Design module of the product sub-module design. Plastic parts and then by analyzing the quality and appearance of the appearance of the structural characteristics of the die structure design. The use of the mold gate feed points, the use of column-oriented direct introduction, putting the completion of release, and molds to choose the materials. The structure of such a design work to ensure that reliable operation die. Finally, the structure of the mold injection machine with a matching check, and a set of AutoCAD drawing die assembly drawings and parts diagram.

280 评论


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