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首页 > 学术期刊 > 零售业有关外国文献的论文

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Shoe Retailing Today is NSRA’s magazine, published bi-monthly in color, in January, March, May, July, September and November. Editorial content focuses on shoe retailing issues, business management, industry news and trends, and features on and interviews with people in the footwear industry. Members receive SRT as a benefit of membership; subscriptions are also available to non-members at a rate of $100 per year. (For information on advertising in SRT, contact info@.)Business Performance Report. NSRA抯 biennial Business Performance Report is a comprehensive report on the profitability and productivity of the independent shoe retailing sector. Based on a survey of stores whose combined volume wasover $400 million. The BPR is the industry抯 primary in-depth statistical analysis of shoe retailers?sales and expenses, including their productivity of space, people and inventory. It allows retailers to review their businesses against industry norms, and also is invaluable to credit managers, financial officers and people interested in getting into the business of shoe here for ordering information.“NSRA Online” is the Association’s e-newsletter, e-mailed to members only. “NSRA Online” is published on an occasional basis, as news breaks that is of interest to Sales Training DVD. Created for the retail footwear sales associate, this quality training tool addresses both the entry-level and the veteran shoe fitter. WISER Sales Training combines the art of professional shoe fitting with the experience of professional shoe selling. The flexible curriculum slices the training process into 揵ites?that can be realistically achieved in a shoe store environment ?even for a part-timer. The DVD抯 6 segments can be completed one segment per shift, and the format allows associates to work at their own pace without sacrificing learning impact. In addition to the DVD, the package includes a workbook for sales associates, a training guide for the mentor/trainer responsible for skills development, self-tests and score cards. Price: $295 to NSRA members, $395 to non-members. Additional workbooks and mentor handbooks also available ($10 to members, $15 to non-members).Click here for more informationThe Learning Center is NSRA’s mail-order bookstore, stocked with publications on shoe retailing and business management. While the bookstore is open to all customers, NSRA members receive great discounts on purchases. To see the Learning Center Catalog, click Manual for Shoe Sales Association – Written by Tony Knapp, founder and president of The Training Consortium and a highly sought-after trainer and consultant to the footwear industry, this 142-page manual is a guide to creating an in-store training program for salespeople. It can be used by the company’s designated training manager to show new employees how to perform effectively and to help veteran employees stay fresh with their selling skills. Available in paperback or CD. Cost $35 to NSRA members, $50 others. When the Shoe Fits – The Basics of Professional Shoe Fitting is a 2 1/2-hour course in a 2-CD collection., with a companion reference book, instructor抯 guide and 100-question 搕est?that reviews the 11 instructional sections. Sections cover foot evaluation and measurement, testing for fit, fitting the special foot, foot anatomy and biomechanics, worn shoe evaluation, and more. It is available to members only, at a cost of $150. (NOTE: Currently out of stock. Please check back in early 2007.)Professional Shoe Fitting by William A. Rossi, DPM and Ross Tennant, 160-page manual teaches shoe store employees the fundamentals of fitting customers, from measuring feet to understanding the fitting characteristics of different shoe brands to utilizing fitting aids such as pads, footbeds and other devices to insure a comfortable fit. It is available at a cost of $25 to members, $50 to non-members. (NOTE: Currently out of stock. Please check back in early 2007.)“Ten Tips to GREAT Shoe Fit” is a consumer education brochure NSRA developed that members give away to customers, to begin teaching them the importance of shoe fit to overall mobility and health. It’s a classic, with color illustrations and ample space on the back to imprint your store name, address and contact information. Packed in lots of 100, pricing for members is:200 @ $15500 @ $251,000 @ $452,500 @ $755,000 @ $125这是有关鞋子的零售文章。建议你去下面两个网站看下,也许会有帮助。都是介绍有关零售业的。

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这些我搜到的资料,如果需要我把整篇发给你。 连锁经营——未来零售业的主流 邓竟成 文献来自:财贸研究 1995年 第03期 [CAJ] [PDF] <正> 一、零售商业连锁经营的来历和发展 零售商业连锁经营最早起源于美国,至今已有130多年的历史。世界第一家连锁店,是由纽约市一家小茶叶店首创。1859年这家商店作为同一资本的所有者,在全国各地开办了自己的分店,实行统一管理,统一经营,在激烈的市场竞争中依靠薄利多销、扩大与消费者的接触面和经营规模求得发展。今天,开办连锁店、实行连锁经营的方式使该店已发展成全美最大的超级市场连锁店之一——大西洋和太平洋茶叶公司(A&P公司)。从此,商业连锁经营在美国逐渐发展起来。开始主要流行于专业商店,以后又扩展到百货商店... 快照...一、零售商业连锁经营的来历和发展 零售商业连锁经营最早起源于美国,至今已有130多年的历史。世界第一家连锁店,是由纽约市一家小茶叶店首创。1859年这家商店作为同一资本的所有者,在全国各地开办了自己的分店,实行统一管理,统一经营,在激烈的市场竞争中依靠薄利多销、扩大与消费者的接触面和经营规模求得发展。今天,开办连锁店、实行连锁经营的方式使该店已发展成全美最大的超级市场连锁店之一—大西洋和太平洋茶叶公司(A&P公司).从此,商业连锁经营在美国逐渐发展起来。开始主要流行于专业商店,以后又扩展到百货商店、饮食服务... 文献引用 - 相似文献 - 同类文献 发达国家连锁经营的发展趋势及其启示 刘志远 文献来自:财经研究 1997年 第05期 [CAJ] [PDF] 发达国家连锁经营的发展趋势及其启示刘志远连锁经营一般是指流通领域中若干同行业店铺,以共同进货或授予特许权等方式联结起来,实现服务标准化、经营专业化、管理规范化,共享规模效益的一种现代经营方式和组织形式。本文就发达国家连锁经营的发展趋势及其对我国的启示... 快照...发达国家连锁经营的发展趋势及其启示刘志远连锁经营一般是指流通领域中若干同行业店铺,以共同进货或授予特许权等方式联结起来,实现服务标准化、经营专业化、管理规范化,共享规模效益的一种现代经营方式和组织形式。本文就发达国家连锁经营的发展趋势及其对我国的启示作些探讨。一、发达国家连锁经营的发展趋势连锁经营产生于19世纪中叶的美国,以后传入欧洲、日本,在20世纪50年代后得到迅速发展,如今在发达国家已成为流通领域中重要的组织形式,显示了强大的生命力和广阔的发展前景。就目前态势来看,发达国家的连锁经营呈现如下几方面发展... 文献引用 - 相似文献 - 同类文献 经济全球化与中国连锁经营对策探析 龙镇辉 文献来自:肇庆学院学报 2001年 第04期 [CAJ] [PDF] 经济全球化给中国连锁经营带来了机遇和挑战,中国连锁经营与国外存在较大差距,在宏观调控对策上要改革体制、完善机制、制定规划、健全法制和发展中介组织策略;在微观经营对策上,中国连锁经营是否成功,关键在于市场定位策略是否正确,并提出规模定位集团化、业态定位多元化、业种定位多样化、商品定位大众化以及经营定位科技化和品牌化策略。 快照...连锁经营被称为零售业的第三次革命,专家预计,今后五至十年,它必将成为中国经济发展新的增长点。经济全球化是指一个过程,是科学技术生产力发展的必然趋势。商业作为流通领域,在我国对外开放中,将不可避免地被卷人经济全球化的大潮之中。目前跨国公司在更加开放的中国市场中的竞争日益激烈,特别在连锁经营中更为突出。这种竞争是错中复杂的,有国外与国内连锁之间的竞争,有国外与国外连锁之间的竞争,也有国内与国内连锁之间的竞争。中国连锁业只有迎合这一发展趋势,才能在世界经济的不断变化和国际竟争中立于不败之地,任何回避都是没有出路的... 文献引用 - 相似文献 - 同类文献 我国中小零售业的发展方向——走专业店连锁经营之路 吴飞美 文献来自:福建商业高等专科学校学报 2002年 第01期 [CAJ] [PDF] 专业店连锁经营是中国大型零售业连锁经营之后出现的又一次新浪潮,也是中国零售业多业态发展的必然趋势之一。本文分析了发展专业店连锁经营的优势,提出了我国中小零售业的发展方向,应走专业店连锁经营之路,推进我国流通产业向现代化迈进。 快照...市场经济建设时期,我国把提高流通企业的组织化作为推动本国流通产业现代化的主要措施,鼓励零售业发展连锁经营。如今,大型零售业已以超级市场实现了连锁经营的突破,但如果完全依靠这样的大型超市及综合商店来提高商业组织化水平,不仅不能满足消费者的需求,反而更会导致社会资源的浪费、市场的垄断及中小商业企业的破产和倒闭,以至于不能实现社会的组织化。要实现组织化,就必须解决好规模经营与提高市场竞争力的问题。在我国,还存在许多中小商业企业行为和利益私人化倾向,在经营中会有许多不规范的市场行为,造成流通秩序的不稳定和混乱,这也... 文献引用 - 相似文献 - 同类文献 连锁经营的物流组织系统分析与设计 张正祥,姚小涛 文献来自:西安交通大学学报 1997年 第S1期 [CAJ] [PDF] 论述连锁经营的物流组织系统,对物流组织过程进行了分析,提出了设置配送这一连锁经营的物流组织机构,并对物流中心进行了设计,建立了物流中心的选址模型 快照...连锁经营的物流组织系统分析与设计张正祥姚小涛(西安交通大学,710049,西安)摘要论述连锁经营的物流组织系统,对物流组织过程进行了分析,提出了设置配送这一连锁经营的物流组织机构,并对物流中心进行了设计,建立了物流中心的选址模型.关键词连锁经营物流组织系统分析设计中国图书资料分类法分类号F27现代市场经济的一个显著特征就是社会化大生产以及社会化的大流通,这种市场经济形态要求改变传统的那种独立、分散的小规模生产,消除其流通环节不连贯、流通渠道不畅通、流通费用较高等局限性,建立一种能将生产、流通和消费等多个环节...参考资料:CNKII

144 评论


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