下面是我整理的雅思考试大 作文 范文 :博物馆的作用,以供大家学习参考。
It is almost impossible to talk of human civilizationwithout mentioning the significant roles played bysome places, such as museums, art gallery and soon. From London to Paris, from Beijing to New York,museums attract millions of visitors from all over theworld annually.
Museum is where people go to get theireducation and entertainment. Nowadays, more andmore parents are energetic for taking their childrento visit history museums or art museums in weekend, because they find the collections andantiques displayed in museums can stimulate their children’s curiosity and enlarge theirscope. Besides, recent years, some entertainment facilities were equipped in many China’smuseums. For example, in Beijing Aviation Museum, visitors have chance to steer glider underthe guide of pilots. Obvious, museums have become vital parts of our lives.
The second main purpose of museums is related to the protection of culture. As we know,a lot of cultural relics, literature and antiques are exhibited in various museums ranging fromhistory museum to technical museum, from militaries museum to sea museum. Here, visitorswill not miss any achievement our ancestors have made and they will be shocked by humancivilization. We cannot find better places than museums to protect those symbols of humanhistory and culture.
However, partly because of limited fund from governments, partly because of inefficientmanagement, more and more museums have to face severe financial problems. It is commonlybelieved that our governments should burden more responsibilities and invest a great deal ofmoney on museums. Besides, the managers of museums also should solve those troubles bythemselves, such as improving management efficiency, increasing the price of tickets andselling souvenirs.
In summary, as the symbol of human civilization, museums take up very significantpositions in our lives. There are still many troubles need to be solved, however, I do believethat, as time passes, people will come to realize the value of museums eventually.
Nowhere in the world has the issue of museum’sprogress been so much debated as in our , more and more museums have to facethe serious economic problem. Therefore, manypeople doubt museum’s existent signification. In thisessay we will discuss the existent signification ofmuseum and the solutions, such as buying bygovernment and supporting by society
Firstly, museum is considered the historicalsymbol that it exhibits traditional culture of anation. Nations of difference have different culture and history. The museum is the best way tolet the younger generation savvy their ancestor’s history and let visitors and foreigners knowvaried culture and tradition.
Secondly, museum could save plenty of cultural relics that they are not destroyed and equipments of museum could perfectly save all kinds of displays.
As a result of the future of museum, the outlook is somewhat grim. People already realizethis problem exists and are trying to solve it.
For one solution, the government ought to buy all museums. If museum belong togovernment, it will means main economic problem of museum is second solution isthat society ought to donate lots of money to maintain development of museum. The museumprotects our history and culture, so we have obligation to support progress of museum.
Museums illuminate the culture, history and artsof the world. Every country and government spareno effort or money to enrich the collection ofmuseums to cater for different tastes or needs ofpeople, for the benefit of the present and are bounteous museums all overthe world.
The British Museum, which is maybe the largestone in the world, provides visitors with all-roundknowledge about the world culture and arts. Thevisitors to the museum are all overwhelmed by themagnificence of the culture and history of mankind. If one wants to know about thedevelopment of human science and industry, he can have a tour to The Museum of Science andIndustry located in Chicago, the United States,where a detailed scientific progress is presentedvividly. You cannot miss every achievement human beings have made in history and you aresure to be shocked by the civilization our forefathers created. If one wants to have a browse ofthe important events in the past, American Museum of Photography is the best choice. Itabounds in precious historical pictures and gives visitors unforgettable memory.
Apart from the state-owned museums, there are also innumerable private museums whosepurpose is to exhibit their cherished collection and popularize a view togiving people updated information and rendering them a more detailed overview, manycountries invest a great deal of money in the foundation of museums, because museumsdisseminate human knowledge and culture, which are more significant for the development ofthe young generation.
Besides, entrepreneurs and individuals should also lay a fund for the improvement andrebuild of prosperity of human culture is not only the responsibility of thegovernment, but also the responsibility of every individual and organization.
It is well known that a museum is a building todisplay a collection of artistic,historical,cultural ormilitary objects. Undoubtedly museums can have avariety of purposes in the city; I think two roles themuseums play can illustrate they are worth visiting.
Visiting museums is informative. (topic sentence)Once I visited a military museum in Beijing,China,soon I learned that an ancient warrior might haveoutfought his enemies in combat if he had had great strength while a modern soldier should bearmed with sophisticated present soldiers should spend far much time onstudying modern technology instead of building up muscles. Likewise, If you visit othermuseums, you will have a better perception on a certain field, because you can witness somegenuine objects which cannot be seen on books.
In addition, a museum can function to cultivate one's sense of patriotism.(topicsentence) In china, schools often organize trips to some historical museums. When thestudents learn that many years ago, a number of countries invaded China robbing treasure andkilling Chinese civilians, promptly they will establish a strong sense to defend the nation,revealing that only a strong motherland can give them pride and safety.
Now we talk about how to fund a museum. A museum can never be considered as afinancial burden to society. I suggest that the Government should invest a small amount ofmoney on advertisements for the museums in the city. For example, ads of the museumsshould be forwarded on the travel brochures or maps of the city. Consequently tourists comeand admission tickets are collected. Both reputation and funds are earned.
In brief, museums should play a role as an instructive means of the city and incomes fromadmission can keep them running properly.
博物馆在适应社会发展的漫长历程中,形成多职能的 文化 复合体。随着社会的发展,博物馆的职能仍在不断地发展变化之中。下面是我为大家带来的参观博物馆的感悟与启示优秀 范文 ,希望你喜欢。
给我印象最深刻的是“解放战争时期”展厅的一块课桌面大小、黑黝黝的钢板,上头布满了大大小小的窟窿。这是什么呢?带着疑问,我迫不及待地看起介绍,原先这是渡船钢板,“1949年4月下旬,解放军在渡长江的战斗中,为了保护艄公,在渡船艄公的前方安放钢板,用来阻挡敌人的子弹。”我不禁感叹:这真是一块生命之板呀。解放军一心为老百姓,钢板上那么多窟窿眼,足见敌人的火力多么强,战斗多么激烈呀,可他们找了一块钢板挡在艄公前面,而不挡在自我的面前。而当时艄公们不顾自我的安危,冒着枪林弹雨,帮忙解放军顺利渡过了长江,同样了不起。他们互帮互助,顺利渡过长江,把天堑变通途,把不可能变可能。一件件真实的物品、一个个感人的 故事 ,使我深深地体会到:咱们的党与群众,无论是在抗日战争,还是在解放战争中都体现出“军爱民、民拥军,军民一家亲”的深厚情感。
首先我们直接来到了三楼,看到楚文化的展品可多了,那里有称为天下第一剑的“越王勾践自作用剑”,刻制优美的“ 彩绘 凤鸟纹木雕漆座屏”,以及“曾侯乙铜冰鉴”,还有贵重的双耳金杯,可爱的彩绘猪形漆盒······。
第1个是介绍海南非物质文化遗产是指海南省各族人民时代相承的、与群众生活密切相关的各种 传统文化 表现形式和文化空间。包括民间文学、表演艺术、民俗活动、传统知识和技能、以及与之相关的器具、实物、手工制品,还有定期举行的传统文化活动或集中展现传统文化表现形式的场所,如歌圩、庙会、传统节日庆典等。这些非物质文化遗产的突出特点是有传承性、民众性,是一种“活态”的文化。具有较高的历史、科学、艺术等方面的价值。本馆所展示海南省非物质文化遗产主要有:传统表演艺术、民俗活动、礼仪、节庆、传统手工技艺等。
“起来,起来,快起来,你可别忘了,今日要和应乐天一齐去博物馆参观。”妈妈象只大闹钟大声喊道。我朦朦胧胧的睁开眼睛,打了个哈欠,从床上坐了起来。“快点,快点,时间不等人,不要像只小蜗牛。”妈妈催促道。我立刻从床上跳了下来,飞奔到卫生间洗漱,很快就洗濑好了。我跑到妈妈面前,幽默的对妈妈说:“ 报告 妈妈,张慧燕洗漱完毕,特来报告。”
我们首先来到第三展区—————巧夺天工的织绣工艺,王文瑛的双面异色异物异景《雷锋今昔》屏给我留下了深刻的印象。之后我们来到了第四展厅—————经天纬地的 编织 工艺,赵锡祥的特重工万缕丝全雕镶边床罩给我留下了更深刻的印象,它是由一个挑绣能手花费4年半时间,用1500万针精心绣织820朵形态各异的花朵而成的,荣获2000年首届西湖博览会工艺美术金奖。参观完展厅我们开始答题,耶!我们两个都得了一百分。
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