Dear Dr ***, Please excuse me for taking some of your submitted a manuscript entitled “***” (Ref. No. ***) to *** on 25 Nov 2011. I do not know whether it is a proper time to contact you regarding the review process. We will be grateful for you if you tell us what has occurred to the review process of my manuscript in the last 5 months. I am looking forward to your early reply. Sincerely yours
英语论文格式模板2017 英语论文格式模板是怎样的呢?撰写一篇优秀的毕业论文,除了细心严谨之外,还要了解论文格式。下面是我分享的英语论文格式模板,欢迎阅读! 英
以正当的理由,委婉地向主编催稿,对于加快审稿速度,还是可行的。下面这封催稿信模板,你可以学习一下Dear Editor:Please excuse me for
SCI论文到底该不该催稿? 很多作者都有这样的经历,文章投稿两三个月了,一点消息也没有,投稿状态也不变,心里很着急,但又不知所措,到底该不该发封催稿信呢?是不是
Dear Dr ***, Please excuse me for taking some of your time.We submitted a manusc
开题报告,老师一般会给模板,还要看你题目是什么。这是我的开题报告,你参考一下吧。课题名称An Analysis of the Different Cultura