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汽车牌照定位与分割技术的研究论文编号:TX069 字数:35716,页数:73摘 要汽车牌照自动识别技术是计算机视觉和模式识别技术在现代智能交通系统中的一项重要研究课题,是实现交通管理智能化的重要环节。汽车牌照自动识别系统是以数字图像处理、模式识别、计算机视觉等技术为基础的智能识别系统,它利用每一辆汽车都有唯一的车牌号码,通过摄像机所拍摄的车辆图像进行车牌号码的识别。在不影响汽车运行状态的情况下,计算机自动完成车牌的识别,可降低交通管理工作的复杂度。汽车牌照自动识别技术在车辆过路、过桥全自动不停车收费,交通流量控制指标的测量,车辆自动识别等方面有重要作用,因此ALPR技术的研究有重要的现实应用意义。本文重点介绍了汽车牌照自动识别系统中的关键技术,包括了图象预处理、汽车牌照定位与识别等内容。图象预处理方面主要介绍了图象灰度化和图象增强技术。在此基础上,还阐述了图像二值化和图像倾斜校正等方面的内容。对于汽车牌照定位与识别技术,重点是介绍了图像分割方法,简要提到了字符的识别技术。对于汽车牌照定位与分割系统的设计与实现,本文分别对该系统的两大模块进行了算法分析,并详细阐述了各模块实现的原理,最后给出了实验结果。关键词: 汽车牌照,图像预处理,牌照定位,图像分割,区域标识 ABSTRACTAutomatic license plate recognition (ALPR) is one of the most important aspects of applying computer techniques towards intelligent transportation systems. ALPR System uses computer vision and pattern recognition technology to management modern intelligent transportation. ALPR System is a smart identification system which based on digital image processing, pattern recognition and computer vision technology. ALPR System can identification license plate number because each vehicle have only one vehicle license plate number. Without affecting the operation of the vehicle, the computer can identify the license plate number automatically, which can reduce the complexity of the traffic management. Vehicle license automatic identification technology has important effect in vehicles crossing the bridge, measure the traffic indicators and automatic vehicle identification. Vehicle license automatic identification technology has played an important role in many different aspects. This paper focuses on the key technologies of the vehicle license plate recognition system, which include image preprocessing, vehicle license orientation and identification. In the part of image preprocessing introduces gray-scale image and image enhancement technology. On the other side, this paper also expounds on the value of the two images and proofread the gradient image. For vehicle licenses plate identification technology, the point is on the image segmentation method. This part also introduces the character recognition technique. In this paper, the design of the orientation and segmentation vehicle license plate system has two major modules. The most important is the algorithm analysis and the principle of the two modules. The end of paper is the experimental WORDS vehicle licenses, image preprocessing, license positioning, image segmentation, regional identification 目录摘 要 IABSTRACT II第一章 绪论 研究背景及意义 国内外发展现状 车牌自动识别系统概述 论文组织结构 6第二章 车辆图像的预处理 图像的灰度化 图像增强 对比度增强 直方图均衡化 图像的滤波 图像的二值化 图像二值化的意义 二值化方法介绍 图像的倾斜校正 17第三章 车辆图像的分割 图像的分割 灰度门限法 灰度门限的确定 车牌分割的简介 基于区域的图像分割 基于边缘的图像分割 字符的分割与识别 字符的分割 字符的识别 25第四章 车辆定位与分割系统的设计与实现 图像预处理模块 图像灰度化算法实现 图像增强算法实现 牌照区域定位与分割模块 图像边缘检 31 阈值选取与图像二值化 定位车牌 设计介绍 系统模块分析 开发环境简介 界面功能介绍 37第五章 总结 工作总结 设计中遇到的困难 心得 工作展望 42致 谢 44参考文献 45附 录 程序 47--73以上回答来自:

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