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Racial discrimination, or, the color problem, refers mainly to Negroes in the United States, as they constitute one tenth of the total population. The term "Negro" is applied to people descended or partly descended from slaves transported from Africa long ago. It is now avoided by many white Americans for fear of offending their "non-white" brothers. The old term "nigger" is now considered to be insulting, and is altogether avoided in decent usage. In official statistics the term "non-white" is used, and in ordinary situations it is acceptable to call non-white people "black", although this term was once also somewhat insulting. 种族歧视或肤色问题,在美国主要指与黑人有关的问题,因为他们占美国总人口的十分之一。尼格罗(Negro)这一词,是指很久前从非洲运来的黑人奴隶的后裔或混血后裔。现在许多美国白种人避免使用尼格罗这一名称,以免引起"非白种"兄弟们的不快。旧的称呼黑崽(nigger)如今被认为是污蔑黑人的用语,在正规的习惯用语中已完全摒而不用。在官方统计中用的是"非白种"一词,在通常情况下,把非白种人称为黑种人(black)是行得通的,虽然该词一度也带有几分侮辱的意思。 Without some reference to historical back- ground, the Negro position today couldn't be understood. The black population is about 20 million. Their ancestors were brought to America as slaves in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Nearly all their descendants were kept in legal slavery in the South until 1865. The southern states were defeated in the Civil War and were forced to abolish slavery and set the slaves free. But the southerners were determined to keep the Negroes from becoming equal in anything but constitutional law. 不掌握些历史背景方面的材料,就无从了解黑人今天的地位问题。目前美国的黑人人口略多于三千万,其中百分九十的人,祖先是在十七和十八世纪被作为奴隶引进美洲的。他们的后裔,直到一八六五年在美国南方还全部处于法定的奴隶地位。在南北战争中。南方诸州战败,被迫废除奴隶制,释放了奴隶。但是南方人决心,除了在宪法上(意思是指仅在一纸虚文上),任何方面都不让黑人得到平等待遇。 The Federal Government has, gradually compelled the white majority in the South to allow Negroes to enjoy civic rights. But legal protection has been slow to develop and has not yet solved the social problem of inequality in voting, education, employment and housing. 联邦政府逐渐地迫使在南方占多数的白人允许黑人享有公民权利。但是有关的法律保障进展缓慢,至今未能解决在选举、教育、就业和住房方面不平等的社会问题。 The masses of the unemployed black and the mounting wrath against social injustice constitute an active volcano in society and are attracting more and more serious public concern. Those who worry about the future of the country have been seeking a way to the solution of the problem. So in 1954 , the Supreme Court decided that the whole system of separate education in the South was denying the constitutional right of equal treatment to the Negroes. It ordered that the southern educational authorities should integrate their schools for the white with the schools for the black. In 1964 President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Acts, banning discrimination in public place based upon race or color. But if the Federal Government has been making some effort for a program of providing equal education opportunity to all minority people, the progress has been slow and difficult. 黑人失业群众以及社会不公平引起的日益增长的愤慨,构成了隐藏在社会里的一个活火山,愈来愈引起公众密切的关注。担心国家前途的人士一直在寻求解决问题的途径。于是在一九五四年,美国最高法院裁定,南方的整个隔离教育制度违反了宪法规定的黑人享受平等待遇的权利。最高法院命令南方教育当局将黑人儿童学校与白人儿童学校合并。一九六四年,约翰逊总统签署了民权法案,禁止在公共场所实行种族或肤色上的歧视。但是即便联邦政府曾进行过一定的努力,来实现向所有少数民族提供教育机会均等的计划,其进展也是缓慢而艰难的。

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The injustices suffered by victims of racial discrimination and related intolerance are well known: limited employment opportunities, segregation, and endemic poverty are only a few among these. The disadvantages faced by women in societies around the world are also familiar: lower pay for work of equal value, high illiteracy rates and poor access to health care. While race is one reason for inequality and gender is another, they are not mutually exclusive forms of discrimination. Indeed, too often they intersect, giving rise to compounded or double many women factors relating to their social identity such as race, color, ethnicity and national origin become "differences that make a difference." These factors can create problems that are unique to particular groups of women or that disproportionately affect some women relative to others.你自已改通俗易懂不就行了?

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关于种族歧视的根源,我想,可能来源于人类的天性。人类诞生之初,解决生存问题的关键—食物问题,使用的方法莫过于采集和捕猎。当食物源充裕时,人类原始种群的竞争少,矛盾小;而当食物源匮乏时,竞争和矛盾就激化了。可以推知当时的多数情况下,食物是匮乏的,出于生存的本能,人类产生了占有欲,从而发展为土地和资源的保护欲。 种族是由种群发展而来的。种族歧视,当然是优势种族对于相对劣势种族的歧视。占有资源的过程本身,分化出了优势种族和劣势种族,而这种分化的形成又深刻地影响着资源的占有。当优势种族渐渐地掌握了占有资源的主动权时,出于保护欲的天性,就开始了对弱势种族的排挤。于是歧视产生了。 那么,国与国之间、意识形态与意识形态之间的种种争端和矛盾,是否也是出于同样的原因?有没有真正解决这些问题的方法?如果占有欲和保护欲是每个人类个体的天性,那么这个方法是否客观存在?假如一定要从根本上解决这些问题,是否要湮灭人类的天性,也就是通过改变人类现在的营养摄取方式?如果有朝一日,科学家能将叶绿体植入人类皮肤,资源的争夺是否可以告一段落直到光源危机的出现?而那期间的人类世界是否可以称之为"大同世界"呢?

343 评论


在知网上搜了几篇可能相关的,希望可以帮助到您。[1]谢剑玲. 美国电影中刻板化的华人形象[D].南昌大学,2012. [2]苏滨. 2013~2017年美国警察枪杀黑人事件的媒介呈现研究[D].兰州大学,2018. [3]谢晓霞.媒体视角下的美国种族现状——基于2016年下半年以来的典型事件[J].新闻传播,2018(02):13-16. [4]来莎莎.从《新闻文化》看媒体对性别问题和种族问题的呈现[J].商,2016(26):231+193. [5]樊云. 论种族主义阴影下黑人媒体地位的演变与美国媒体的实质[D].云南大学,2011.

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