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American education system in the United States is the world's cause of education of the most developed countries in the world. American education system as early as the founding of beginning to take shape when, after 200 years of development and gradually perfect, Formation of the primary, secondary and tertiary institutions 3. More than half of American universities are private, because these universities, first by the Church and other religious groups founded, Although these schools are still with the church was inextricably linked, but they no longer mainly to a religious education. All 50 states, almost every state has at least one state government or local investors founded by public universities, Although the source of funding and Mody University different, but the structure and the curriculum does not have much difference. America's current institutions are largely overlapping part of Chinese gown, 2002, or four years of academic, as more than two-year technical colleges and community colleges. Is a link between the high school and the regular four-year university a bridge, primarily the United States needs the skills and expertise and low tuition. Regular four-year schools mainly Academy of Arts and Sciences, an independent professional colleges and universities. Representative of the United States in scientific research and teaching the highest level, and train large numbers of high-level professionals. In addition to teaching in these institutions, but also the United States government bears a large number of sophisticated research tasks. American teacher endowed institutions of higher learning, academic, Teachers should teach in a four-year schools of higher learning are required to obtain a doctorate, and the teaching methods and content meet professional needs. In the United States, the 18-year-old student graduates from high school entrance examination will not enter institutions of higher learning. more than 60% of high school graduates enter university for further studies. American College Credit System. Teachers at the beginning of each semester to students layout lot of reading programs and materials, training students learning and academic research capacity, Based on this fight for every Section 6 -18 credits, a four-year undergraduate degree to win, must be in accordance with the regulations Eng 120 ~ 128 credits, through written examinations and graduate theses, qualified only after obtaining a degree. American universities, the University after graduating with a bachelor degree to be eligible to study for a master's degree. 5 degree system using the system, namely :-degree, bachelor's, master's and doctoral, and first professional degree. With a master's degree is divided into two kinds : one must write a thesis not required to write theses However, a higher-credit requirement, but also for the oral and written. Master's degree is usually two academic school year, doctorate 2 -3 years. Doctoral students from several experts and professors of the steering group responsible for the guide, pass professional examinations doctoral thesis Office signed after obtaining a degree. American higher education schools through various channels for undergraduate various economic assistance, such as scholarships, grants, their long-term low-interest loans, short-term loans and long-term external low-interest loans, federal work-study program outside schools and working part-time jobs. American education is the first church and private schools after public schools, Therefore, the traditional education system is decentralized system, and both the public and private system of the founding of the United States Constitution, the federal government has no right to interfere in states of the North-South education .1865 years after the end of civil war in the United States is beginning to set up a central leadership education the need for institutionalization. In 1868 the Ministry of the Interior will set up a Department of education, it is only rarely manage federal education funding State schools to provide help and advice, It was not until 1979 before the formal establishment of the Federal Ministry of Education. states of the Board of Education and the subordinate local school district, with the primary school district remains were master of education around the major political, development programs, allocation of funds and other powers. But federal education funding because of the increase since 1958, and several education Dafa (eg "Law on National Defense Education Act of primary and secondary education gifted education; Adult Education Act; etc.) The promulgation and implementation so that the central government's education policy is gradually infiltrated into the state and localities. National right to impose strong impact. education is to target the entire population, and relate to each family and personal future, Therefore, education is state affairs, but also state and local governments and community groups, a major event that all of us human, material and financial resources energy invested in education so as to form a multi-track system of education, mobilize various education in the enthusiasm, use of the market economy laws, "all three" (universal, comprehensive, full) education, This is the American education system the best characteristics. This is better than simply relying on government-funded (monorail system) school, according to plan economic laws get a higher education efficiency and good results. The United States in many social groups (religious, labor unions, Enterprises), and educational organizations (Education Foundation, the Association, the study) to the United States to promote the education reform played a huge role, Catholicism, Carnegie, Ford, Rockefeller Foundation, its abundant capital and strong public opinion to promote the education of the experiment, education reform, research and the creation of new professional, advanced experiences, educational purposes and policy proposals. its influence and potential often exceed government departments. American education is a multi-culture education in the national policy. Multicultural education is a multi-ethnic immigrants to integrate into American culture of the main ways the biggest. "naturalized" is dominant to the culture of oppression, eliminate or other mixed culture. and "pluralistic culture," which is a country of cultural acceptance for a variety of characteristics. independent components, on the basis of equality and complementarity agree. American education is the high level decision in the United States the world's leading technology to spaces. As the Americans see it, everyone has the right to education. United States law provides children 6 to 16 years of age must attend school. American public schools by the government tax support, the students free admission; Private schools more support from the church. American schools by age is divided into the following four categories : 1. Primary schools : grades 1-6 (6-12 years old) 2. junior high :7-8 grade (13-14 years old) 3. Secondary : 9-12 grade (15-18 years old) 4. University (College) : Most of the four-year (over 18 years old), Another "The Institute" or "college" to university graduate students engaged in research established. American University is currently the associate degree, bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree system, on behalf of the two undergraduate and postgraduate education category four different academic standards. As associate degree just finished his two-year junior or community college certification first degree is not an inevitable stage, the United States places the system is basically the three level structure. Degree by nature, is usually divided into academic (research) degree and professional (specialist) degree two. In addition, American University also awarded honorary degrees, which does not reflect the degree of academic achievement, but right to an outstanding contributor to social recognition. American University habits are divided into the following three categories : two-year colleges, also known as junior or technical colleges, most of the public, Most of the local communities have organized, it is commonly referred to as the community colleges. Community College to provide the courses are of two kinds : one for the transitional humanities courses, which is equivalent to a four-year university for the first two years. Xi Bi students into four-year university to continue their education; Another termination of vocational and technical courses, graduates direct employment. Community College is a degree from associate degree. Community College enrollment for a simple, open-age, is not required to pass entrance examinations; Flexible learning time, a full-day, half-day weekend, evening courses are more choices, there is the creation of the cold summer holiday classes; As for the shorter, low fees and but also against the region need to create programs to facilitate employment, therefore increasing the community's favor. Four-year college, generally there are two types : one is the Academy of Arts and Sciences or the Academy of Sciences. Basic courses including human Literature (language, literature, philosophy, art, music, cultural history, etc.), social and behavioral sciences (history, geography, economic, political, sociology, anthropology, psychology, etc.) and natural sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, etc.) areas. Others are independent specialist colleges, such as machinery Institute, School of Architecture, Engineering, College of Music Teachers College, mainly provided specialist vocational education. These two types of institution general structure of four years. Academy of Arts and Sciences, Culture awarded to the graduates of the most common is the degree Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science, Academy were awarded professional degree. Comprehensive University, the University of integrated large-scale, complex organizations, teacher enrichment, complete facilities, generally includes a College of Arts and Science at the core of the Institute, a degree course in addition to the usual arts and sciences courses, There engineering and technology, business, international issues, health, education, agriculture, home economics, architecture, communication, journalism, library science, hotel management, and so on. Most comprehensive university focus on research, not only has the most advanced equipment available, strong research institutions, have to have a community college and transfer of teaching and research talent of a dual mission of the Graduate School, These universities also known as the Research University. In addition, many comprehensive universities there are a number of senior professional colleges, such as the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, School of Management, and so on. Enter these professional institute and often requires a four-year university degrees, the structure is usually 3 to 4 years, the high cost of a long time. Comprehensive university awarding bachelor's, master's and doctorate degree three species.

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China and The USA educate contrastThere are dramatic differences between the education in China and education and education in education system in the east is mainly based on the test books。All of the book to be done is in the test book and requires no additional research The education in USA is different .It involves the test book , but many times , the students have to do research to answer some of the problems left by the teachers。They would also be given assignments that can last over a few weeks to work on. In there exams .the test papers are created as a challenge for every student, so obviously, no one is supposed to achieve 100 percent. Each of the two different kinds of education has its own advantages and disadvantages .USA education system encourages students to learn to have individual thought and opinions .They want the students to learn, to ask “Why”. They want the students to learn to be independent in life as well as in their studies. They teach things outside of the books ..They have a variety of curriculums ..They try to bring out the students interests in things rather than just tell them that is what they have to do。Western students spend a lot more time in sports. There is not nearly as much homework for the students so they have time to spend on their hobbies and interests. The Chinese education system only requires students to finish their test books and have a solid kind of knowledge so that they can reply to their important two kinds of education all have their own disadvantages. One of the disadvantages of China education is that it makes students like a machine which is for studying knowledge and remembering knowledge. And the China education makes that the students have a lot of knowledge, but not teaches them to think of the questions in independence and can not give a creative answer. They only have the knowledge of theory but are short of getting to work practice.补充:Bur we should clearly see that the top students in two countries are much the same regardless of quality or quantity .We can not simply criticize American students for their sloth because the matriculate rates of colleges in the USA are much high than ours .Having so much comparison above, we can see the complexity of what we are trying to figure out ,that is much more than these thin pieces of papers. As a typical oriental students, I confirm that we should hold the belief of importance of education and try some new changes to get out education pattern more reasonable and of toleration.望采纳!

206 评论


2007-2-2 作者:曾芝兰 来源:太原师范学院学报(社会科学版) 2006年1月 [摘要] 家庭是对儿童进行启蒙教育的最主要场所,对其日后良好习性的养成和智力开发有着十分重要的作用。中美两国在家庭教育上存在显著差异,如在家庭成员的相互关系上,我国家长大多处于统治地位,而美国家长更注重与孩子平等相处;在育儿观上,中国家长大都希望孩子能出人头地,而美国家长更看重提高孩子的生存适应能力;在教育方式上,中国家长喜欢包办替代,而美国家长更愿意让孩子自己动手实践,这些差异导致了两国儿童成人后在生存适应能力上的明显差距。正确认识并借鉴国外先进的教育方法,对促进孩子健康成长、提高未来人才的素质具有很重要的现实意义。 [关键词] 家庭教育;育儿观;传统;素质教育 家庭教育指的是在家庭互动过程中父母对子女的成长发展所产生的教育影响,也是全社会各个教育环节中最重要的一环。中美两国由于在文化传统、观念意识、生活方式以及社会习俗等方面存在诸多不同之处,导致了两国在家庭教育方面也存在着很多差异,正确认识和了解两国之间的这种差异,对于促进我国当代家庭教育的良性发展有着十分重要的指导作用和现实意义。 看过《刮痧》这部影片的观众一定会注意到其中一个场景:一位中国父亲在看到自己儿子丹尼斯与他的外国老板的儿子打架时,让丹尼斯向老板的儿子道歉,遭到拒绝后给了自己儿子一个耳光。这位父亲这样做是出于对他老板的尊敬,隐含的意思就是“因为你的缘故我才惩罚我的儿子”。但这一幕却让他的老板感到特别吃惊,很迷惑为什么一个父亲要通过打自己的儿子来表示对别人的歉意?这就是中美两国在家庭教育上存在着的一个明显差异。[1]传统的中国式教育强调仁爱与服从,而美国家庭则注重公正和自由。中国家长通常喜欢“塑造”孩子,希望孩子按自己的意愿去发展。他们往往用自己的理性来干涉孩子们的自然发展,因此很大程度上剥夺了孩子自由选择的权利。美国家庭则更重视孩子们的自主权,让孩子学会在社会允许的条件下自己做决定,独立解决自己所遇到的各种问题。其差异大致可归纳为以下几点: 一、两种不同的家庭成员关系 我国当代家庭教育受传统的家庭观念影响,家长总是意味着权威,作为统治者在家庭中处于核心地位。孩子在父母眼里永远是长不大的,父母对孩子的教导可以持续到孩子长大以后许多年。另外,在中国人的逻辑中有这么一条,即“长者恒为师”,在家庭中,年长者一定可以教育年幼者,这就在家庭内部形成一种人际关系的不平等,儿童也由此学会了对不同的人说不同的话,懂得了父母比朋友重要,长者是权威的象征。长期处于这种环境下,孩子慢慢习惯了在多重规则下生活。然而随着物质生活水平的提高和计划生育政策的执行,许多家庭走向另一个极端,让孩子在家庭中处于特殊地位并加以重点保护,孩子成了中心人。对孩子采取百依百顺的态度,好吃的让孩子独享,该让孩子做的却由父母包办代替了。他们过分满足孩子的任何需要,生活上过分优待孩子,经济上过多偏重孩子,这就造成家庭关系的另一种不平等。 而在美国家庭,家长更注重自由与平等的相处。从小就尊重孩子,重视给孩子的个人自主权,让孩子学会在社会允许的条件下自己做决定,独立解决自己所遇到的各种问题。他们把孩子当做一个独立的个体平等对待,给孩子应有的尊重和理解。孩子在父母面前可以畅所欲言地发表自己的见解,所言有独到之处,父母还会给以适当的奖励。孩子有独立的时间和空间去自由的想像或进行创造性活动。 二、两种不同的育儿观 中国式家庭教育往往着眼于孩子将来是否有出息,能否找个好职业,能否在顺境中度过一生。基于这种期盼,很多家长认为,父母对孩子的责任就是让他们生活得更好,父母能给他们多少幸福就给他们多少幸福。若能给孩子创造最优越的生活条件,再苦再累也愿意。为此,父母在孩子成长过程中,除了生活上进行无微不至的照顾,还特别关心孩子的智商,为了能让孩子成龙成凤,除了学习,什么都不让孩子干。至于孩子的独立生活能力、对未来生活的适应能力,以及公民意识等却很少考虑,认为孩子只要成绩好,什么问题都能解决。[2]与此相比,美国家庭的育儿观有很大不同,他们的着眼点在于培养孩子具有适应各种环境和独立生存的能力。基于这种观念,他们十分重视孩子的自身锻炼。他们普遍认为孩子的成长必须依靠自身的力量。因此从小就注重培养锻炼他们的自立意识和独立生活能力。所谓锻炼是多方面的,诸如劳动锻炼、意志的锻炼等。但最根本的是适应各种艰苦环境和劳动能力的锻炼。通过劳动,让孩子从小养成独立自主的意识和热爱劳动的习惯。在劳动和艰苦的环境中去克服困难、磨炼意志、发展自身的能力特长,增长才智,并养成刻苦、节俭的好品质。在这种潜移默化的过程中,随着年龄的增长逐渐促其成为具有独立生存能力和社会责任感的公民。 三、两种不同的教育方式 由于育儿观上存在着根本差别,使两国在教育孩子的方式上也有很大的不同。中国方面大致体现在以下几点: 1.生活上的包办代替。中国家长尤其是独生子女的家长,在生活上对孩子的衣食住行包办代替,不让孩子沾家务活的边。这种包办横向涉及孩子的方方面面,纵向延伸到孩子长大成人。于是出现了小学生还要家长接送,中学生还要家长洗衣服,大学新生入学还要家长护送。 2.社交上的过度保护。不少家长怕孩子吃亏或学坏,于是限制孩子与外界的接触,一旦孩子与小朋友或同学之间发生争执或不愉快的事情,多数家长采取袒护自己孩子而指责其他孩子的办法。 3.经济上的放任。不少家长对孩子的要求百依百顺,有求必应,连经济拮据的家庭,家长也要勒紧裤带省下钱来满足孩子的需求。不少小学生都拥有手机、数码相机、MP3等高档消费品,这无形中助长了他们奢华浪费的习惯。 4.学习上的过于严厉。与生活、经济、社交上的纵容相比,家长对孩子的学习却要求很高,甚至达到一种苛刻的程度。古往今来,应试教育一直深深桎梏着中国家长们的思想,导致家长们把孩子的学习成绩与能否考取高等学府视为孩子成材的惟一标准。当孩子出生后就以天才的标准来要求、教育孩子。[3]平时,孩子在做完老师布置的作业后又让孩子再做一套同步练习题,以求巩固。弄得孩子精疲力尽,一旦孩子辜负了他们的期望,那只能通过打骂这一招来解“恨铁不成钢”之怒。 而美国家长从锻炼孩子独立生活能力的角度出发,对孩子的教养采取放手而不放任的方法进行。所谓放手,就是从孩子生下来,父母就设法给他们自我锻炼的机会和条件,让他们在各种环境中得到充分锻炼。父母除了照管孩子的安全,其他生活上的事,如游玩、学习都让孩子自主选择。如让他们从小就有存放个人衣服、玩具和学习用品的地方,自己收拾整理房间,布置属于他们自己的小天地,父母决不替孩子包办,顶多在一旁提醒参谋。[4]所谓不放任,一般反映在三个方面:第一,宁苦而不娇。家长特别注重培养孩子的吃苦精神。第二,家富而不奢。美国许多家庭,对孩子的零花钱都有严格的要求和规定。基本原则是:定期发给,数额多少根据孩子的年龄和家庭收入的实际情况而定。第三,严教而不袒。西方人对孩子的缺点错误绝不听之任之,更不袒护,而是设法教孩子自己知错改错。此外,美国家长大都对孩子的学习不施加太多压力。他们的观点是:孩子对感兴趣的知识自然会努力去学,为什么要强制他们去做本不愿做的事情呢?强拗着去做,反而会伤害孩子的感情与个性。人的兴趣、爱好和才能本来就各不相同,孩子适合做什么就做什么,人生道路要让孩子自己去走。成功的家庭教育,应该是家长拿出时间跟孩子以平等的态度进行沟通、交流,对孩子正确的想法和行为给予充分肯定,让孩子在尊重和鼓励中成长。 四、两种不同的教育结果 由于育儿观和教育方法的不同,其教育结果也表现出明显不同。美国孩子从小就表现出很强的独立生活能力,这体现在:(1)具有很强的自立能力。绝大多数18岁以上的孩子,都靠自己挣钱来读书。有的人把钱赚够了才进学校读书,也有人一边打工、一边读书,或读读停停,花十几年时间拿个博士学位。孩子们认为,长这么大还伸手向父母要钱很不光彩,会被人家瞧不起,让人觉得无能。所以必须工作,才能做到经济上独立。(2)具有适应市场经济的头脑。美国不少家庭的孩子,从小就参与当家理财,通过亲身体验使他们深知金钱来之不易,从而养成精打细算、勤俭度日的好习惯。(3)具有适应社会环境的本领。由于从小的艰苦磨炼,美国孩子更能吃苦,具有战胜困难的勇气和毅力;遇事镇定沉着,能与周围人们和谐相处,有作为社会成员而独立存在的信心和勇气。这些素质和技能,为他们将来走向社会奠定了坚实的基础。 与此相反,中国的儿童、青少年乃至大学生,虽然学业成绩上不亚于西方,但普遍表现出独立生活能力差,缺乏自主意识,依赖性强,做事被动胆怯,缺乏对环境的适应和应变能力;不懂得人际交往的技巧,人际关系差;怕苦怕累,只要求别人照顾,却缺乏同情心和帮助别人的能力;在家不懂得尊敬自己的长辈,在外缺乏社会责任感。 综上不难看出,不同的家庭成员关系、育儿观和教育方法产生了两种截然不同的教育结果,孰优孰劣非常清楚。要提高未来我国在国际上的竞争力,关键在于提高人才的质量和素质,这就必须从家庭教育做起。因为家庭教育是整个学校教育(包括学前教育)和社会教育的基础,它是学校教育和社会教育无法取代的。我国的家庭教育受几千年封建传统的影响,无论从家长的价值观、育儿观看,还是从家庭教育内容、方式和方法看,儒家思想影响至深。然而随着中国的改革开放,社会结构的变化,家庭教育中某些传统观念、手段及方法已无法适应当代中国的家庭教育。因此我们应该在弘扬中华民族几千年灿烂文明的辉煌结晶的同时,也吸取西方国家的民主、开放的家庭教育观。自觉转变家庭教育中的落后观念,扩展家庭教育的领域,丰富家庭教育的内容,改善教育的手段、途径和方法,熔铸古今,汇通中西,我们才能造就出非凡的下一代。

195 评论


The difference between Chinese and American education lies in the different teaching objectives of the elementary education in the two countries: = China's primary education will develop children's intelligence, children's high scores as the primary goal; and in the United States, the purpose of primary education is only one: to foster children's creativity. Attitude towards performance is different The Chinese child, a bad report card will make him receive pressure from all sides. However, in the United States, the end of each student's articles transcripts are time private. Parents do not give children too much pressure. Scores in the hearts of adults than the ability to far. But most of the students to China "the score". = The two countries are different in the view of knowledge: Education in China pays attention to the accumulation of knowledge and the cultivation of students' respect for knowledge and authority as well as the inheritance of knowledge and the construction of the system of knowledge. The United States is more emphasis on training students to use the practical ability of knowledge, pay attention to the cultivation of students' knowledge and authority of the question, critical spirit and knowledge of the expansion and creation. These two kinds of education expressed a different attitude towards knowledge: the difference between the static dynamic Chinese education with the United States, a move that reflects this static view of knowledge between the two differences.

275 评论


long sentences short to say USA‘s family education is better than chinese’s education,because chinese‘s education is not real education

359 评论


随着经济社会的转型、家庭结构的变化,我国家庭教育又面临着许多新的问题。中美两国教育交流的日益频繁,两国在家庭教育方面的差异也日渐突显。下面是我给大家推荐的,希望大家喜欢! 篇一 《中美家庭教育的差异比较》 摘要:随着经济社会的转型、家庭结构的变化,我国家庭教育又面临着许多新的问题。中美两国教育交流的日益频繁,两国在家庭教育方面的差异也日渐突显。本文首先从介绍我国家庭教育的现状入手,分析目前我国家庭教育存在的主要问题。其次从家庭教育的目的、内容和方法三个方面对中美两国家庭教育进行比较,分析形成两国家庭教育差异的原因,进而对我国家庭教育的发展提出几点建设性的思考。 关键词:家庭教育 中国 美国 差异 中图分类号:G125 文献标识码:A 教育自古以来就是家庭社会的纽带,社会政治生活的核心。传统的中国式家庭教育,即长辈对晚辈“上施下效”的垂直式教育,社会教育也是以家庭教育为中心建立起来的。从目前看这种“上施下效”的教育已不适合我国发展的需要。 1 我国家庭教育存在的主要问题 家庭物质生活水平提高,导致孩子养尊处优、劳动意识淡薄 劳动教育即非智力因素的教育在家庭教育中是一个不可忽视的环节,也可以说是对孩子意志的磨练教育。近年来,人们的收入大幅度增加,家庭的物质生活水平也有很大的提高,这为儿童的发展创造了有利的条件,同时家长对教育子女也有了更坚实的物质基础。与此同时,由于物质条件的改善,也给教育子女带来了负面影响。很多孩子在家里过着衣来伸手、饭来张口的生活,缺乏劳动习惯和劳动意识,当然有些家长也忽略了对孩子劳动方面的教育。经常进行力所能及的劳动,不仅能让孩子养成热爱劳动的习惯,还能增强动手能力,对成长十分有益。 家庭结构简单化,致使独生子女的教育问题日渐突出 中国过去的家庭一般是成员较多、结构复杂。随着计划生育政策的实施,中国家庭的成员结构日益简单化,由父母和子女两代人组成的小家庭居多。虽然这样的家庭结构使父母对子女的教育不易受外界的干扰,但这也给孩子的教育带来许多新的问题。许多家庭对独生子女的期望值过高,溺爱孩子、过度保护、重智轻德,这不利于孩子养成健全的人格。 家庭稳定程度降低,给孩子的成长带来了很大的伤害 现代社会由于受许多因素的干扰,家庭关系开始松动,家庭稳定程度大大降低。据社会学学者调查显示,离婚夫妇“婚姻年龄”一般是在婚后六年左右,而大多数夫妇离异是在婚后六年到十六年间。这个年龄阶段的孩子,正处于成长发育的关键时期,对父母的依赖性还很大。由于父母的不和,孩子缺少关爱,没有安全感。很多离异家庭的孩子变得自卑、孤僻、压抑、冷漠、易怒,甚至有的孩子产生了心理疾病,极个别的孩子甚至走上了违法犯罪的道路。 社会资讯化的涌现,冲击了传统的家庭教育 家庭是一种较为封闭的社会组织形式,资讯化的飞速发展,对封闭的家庭产生了冲击。而青少年知识和社会阅历有限,对资讯的分辨筛选和取舍能力较差,难免受到不良资讯的影响和腐蚀。 2 中美家庭教育之差异 教育目的的不同 中国家庭的教育目的倾向于家庭本位。中国社会的根基在家庭,家国同构是中国社会的典型特征。在中国传统的以“家”为本位的文化中,个人利益是与家庭家族利益紧紧捆绑在一起的。尊敬长辈是中华民族的优良传统,但长期以来,我们过于强调对长者的尊崇与服从,家长习惯于把自己的思想与意志强加给孩子。这种“家长制”导致孩子依赖性强,失去了自主性和能动性。在确定家庭教育目标时,家长也较少考虑孩子的意愿,一般是家长在综合考虑了孩子的升学、就业以及将来的成就能否“光耀门第”之后,做出最终的决定。 美国的家庭教育目的倾向于个人本位。家长尊重、鼓励儿童“自我选择、自主负责”,在设定家庭教育的目标时,家长会尊重孩子的意愿,其着眼点在于培养具有适应各种环境的能力。家长在重视孩子的学习和智力开发的同时,更加关注孩子的全面发展。 教育内容的不同 中国的家庭教育总体上遵循着“培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的人才”为原则。受我国教育现状的影响,当孩子入学以后,培养孩子的智育会上升到首位,出现了一种不平衡的倾向。家长为了孩子能进入一所名牌大学,找到一份好工作,不惜重金给孩子买习题、报辅导班,然而这种能力的培养仅仅能应试,和实际能力并无太大关系。相比之下,美国的家庭教育内容显得更丰富、轻松,更能体现“素质教育”的精神。家长以赋予孩子社会适应能力为目标,从孩子幼儿时期就注重加强孩子的户外活动和体育锻炼,着力培养孩子的学习兴趣,激发他们的学习愿望,扩大文化视野。 教育方式的不同 在中国,家长在家庭中拥有绝对的权威,在对孩子的教育方面父母起主导地位,忽视孩子的独立意识。而在美国,孩子与父母之间的关系相对民主,家长对孩子的教育方式以民主和开放型为主。在孩子的成长过程中,美国家长对孩子的鼓励多于保护,他们会鼓励孩子勇敢地去尝试,培养孩子的自信心。民主、宽松的家庭教育给美国孩子提供了表达想法以及决定事情的机会。 中美家庭教育差异形成的原因 历史文化背景 美国是一个历史较短的移民国家,深受文艺复兴的影响。民主、自由理念渗透于各个角落。因此,在美国家庭,他们把孩子当作一个独立的个体,平等对待,给予孩子充分的独立空间。中国的传统思想影响着大多数的中国人,以儒家文化为核心的传统文化主张“尊卑有别,长幼有序”,文化价值观上多是比较保守的,缺少冒险精神和创造性的思维。 社会经济条件的不同 众所周知,美国经济发达、社会保障制度健全。在美国父母看来,无论岗位的高低,只要子女能立足于社会,他们就很满足了。美国的家庭教育很注重孩子的社会实践能力和独立人格的培养。相比之下,中国是发展中国家,社会保障制度还不够完善,并存在一些陈旧的观念。中国家长认为子女的教育是与他们的生活紧密联络的。 3 对我国家庭教育的启示 由于两国不同文化背景的影响,中国和美国形成了各具特色的家庭教育。我们应该尊重彼此的文化特点,并借鉴美国在家庭教育方面有价值和合理的成分来丰富我国家庭教育的理念和方法。通过对中美两国家庭教育的对比分析,对我国家庭教育提出几点建议。 家长应转变教育观念 家长在尊重孩子、尊重孩子的年龄特征、个性特征的基础上也要认识到以往家庭教育的不足,改变家庭教育方式,使孩子努力学会生存、学会交往、学会劳动。在此基础上我们应从以下几点来尝试改革: 更新评价子女的标准 科学合理的评价具有很强的引导性,能指导孩子养成良好的行为习惯,形成健康的心理状态。家长不要再一味地要求子女“听话”、“顺从”了,而应根据社会发展的需要,培养子女的创新意识,支援他们有自己的见解。 建立新型的父母子女关系 家长应放下自己权威型的角色定位,和子女建立平等民主的关系,子女应当接受父母的教育,而不是父母任意支配的附属品。父母有教育子女的权利,同时这也是父母的义务,绝不是特权。父母应当转变观念,尊重子女的人格和自 *** 利。只有这样,家庭教育工作才能顺利进行,培养出来的子女才能自尊、自信、自立、自强,才会有所作为。 建立新型的家庭教育模式 由封闭型的家庭教育向开放型家庭教育转变。要把家庭教育搞活,使家庭教育保持内外资讯的交流与沟通。家长要充分利用社会生活教育子女,让子女在实践中主动接受教育。家长要学会开启家门,放手让子女接触社会生活,鼓励子女支配自己的言行,在实践中经受锻炼,主动接受教育。 社会和学校要加强对家庭教育的指导,有效提高家庭教育的质量 首先,各级 *** 和妇联组织要重视家庭教育,强调家庭教育必须以德为先、以德为重,把社会主义核心价值理念融入到家庭教育。其次,办好家长学校,发挥自身的优势,有针对性地选择教育内容开展教育。再次,普及科学正确的教育理念,提高家长的素质和教育能力,使家长、学校和社会紧密协作,帮助孩子们在德、智、体、美、劳诸方面得到全面发展。 加强对独生子女的家庭教育问题的引导 独生子女家庭教育问题在我国当代的家庭教育工作中已成为一个十分突出的问题。总体来说,我国独生子女家庭教育的基本状况是好的,但也存在许多令人担忧的问题。通过对中美两国家庭教育的对比分析,我们可以从以下几点来引导独生子女的家庭教育: 改变观念,摆正家长与独生子女的关系 家长对独生子女的正确态度应该是爱而不宠、养而不骄。爱子女不应仅停留在生活上,更应体现在对孩子的培养和教育上,对孩子要严格管教、精心培养,使孩子在德、智、体、美、劳等方面健康成长。 抓住孩子的心理特点进行教育 我们可以抓住孩子们喜欢表扬和亲近这一特点,用表扬和奖励及时肯定孩子的良好个性品质使之得到正面的强化,并及时地用批评和处罚否定孩子的不良个性,这样不仅可以抓住教育时机,对孩子进行及时教育,更重要的是对孩子的品德教育有了一个好的引导。 加强建立规范的幼儿行为规章制度 强化训练幼儿的个性品行;统一各方面的教育要求,即统一学校的教育要求,也要统一家庭和社会的教育要求,使孩子在不同的环境中都能受到良好的个性品质的规范性教育和训练。 参考文献 [1] 黄磊.中美家庭教育比较[J].中华文化论坛,20088. [2] 郑维佳.由中美家庭教育的比较看中西文化差异[J].安顺学院学报,20095. [3] 赵忠心.探索改革家庭教育的新途径[J].班主任,201012. [4] 孟小佳.论中美家庭在教育方式上的差异[J].前沿,201011. [5] 李明巖.中美家庭教育观比较[J].学园,20119.

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