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首页 > 学术期刊 > 毕业论文中英文摘要工商管理

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绩效管理:performance management 平衡计分卡:Balanced Scorecard人力资源管理: Human Resource Management完善激励机制 Perfect the Incentive System战略目标 Strategic Target执法部门Law Enforcement公共服务型Public-Service-Oriented新公共管理New public management国税局National Taxation Bureau360度评估360-degree appraisal关键绩效指标key performance Indicator(KPI)Abstract:Performance management is the core content of human resource management, which is vital to improve organizational management, to perfect the incentive system, to found organizational value, and to realize strategic targets. As an important national law enforcement, tax organization is fulfilling the construction strategies of “Public-Service-Oriented” and “modern management” tax organizations. How to strengthen performance management and improve the performance of organizations or individuals has become an important thesis of tax organizations. This paper can be divided into five parts: the first chapter introduced the background and significance of this thesis, the research thinking, as well as the general structure of the paper; the second chapter described the basic theory of performance management, comparatively analyzed the several main performance management systems, and briefly introduced new public management and the performance management of the governments in the western countries. The third chapter introduced the basic information of National Taxation Bureau in H city, and analyzed the developmental strategy and present circumstance and situation of tax organizations, the current performance management flow in National Taxation Bureau in H city was analyzed in details, and the present problems were also shown. The fourth chapter introduced the performance management mode of some national advanced tax organizations, and referenced profit experiences herein. The fifth chapter designed complete performance management system of National Taxation Bureau in H city by means of balanced scorecard, key performance Indicator, and 360-degree appraisal based on the practical case of National Taxation Bureau in H city. The paper has some reference value to tax organizations on how to use modern performance management theory and how to design and perfect characteristic performance management mode.

350 评论


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240 评论


工商管理毕业论文: 中小企业发展战略目标和发展方向的选择 摘要:针对中小企业在各国经济发展中的作用和我国中小企业的现状,指出对我国中小企业发展战略和发展方向进行研究的必要性。在研究战略目标定位时,从中小企业的发展环境、运行结果、噩社会效益三个方面出发,提出了在这三个方面所要达到的战略目标以噩要实现访目标所要迭到的十太要求。在确定中小企业发展方向时,鲒告中国国情、中小企业的特点噩加八WTO给我国带来的机遇和挑战,提出了要坚持发展特色型中小企业、配套型中小企业噩科技型中小盘业等7个发展方向。 关键词:中小企业;中小企业发展战略;中小企业发展方向 世界经济发展实践表明:中小企业以其经营方式灵活、组织成本低廉、转移进退便捷等优势更能适应当今瞬息万变的市场和消费者追求个性化、潮流化的要求,呈现蓬勃发展的良好态势。在包括发达国家在内的世界各国的经济发展中,中小企业都有着举足轻重的地位,发挥着不可替代的作用�6�8。特别是在我国这样一个人口众多、地域辽阔、各地经济发展水平差别很大的国家,中小企业的发展更具有重要的意义。目前我国中小企业约1ooo万户,劳动密集型出口产品和一些高新技术出口产品大多是中小企业生产的,中小企业产品出口额占全国出口总额的6o% ;中小企业提供了大约75%的城镇就业机会,我国从农村转移出来的劳动力绝大部分被中小企业所吸纳 中小企业每年为国家缴纳的工商税收占总额的50%左右。在2o世纪90年代以来的经济快速增长中,工业新增产值的76.7%是由中小企业创造的。但是应该看到,我国中小企业由于受到多种因素的影响,其发展面临着空前的困难,其思想观念、技术装备、经营管理组织结构等方面都存在着严重的问题。为了使我国中小企业能够适应经济发展和市场竞争的需要,充分发挥其在国民经济中的重要作用,有必要首先明确中小企业发展的战略目标和战略方向。 一、战略目标 中小企业发展的战略目标就是对中小企业的战略定位,这种定位既要成为我国中小企业的追求目标,起到引导我国中小企业发展的作用,又要使其在运行过程中通过努力实现并能推动中小企业的逐步发展,是运行过程中的动态目标 。就其目标而言.既要与我国国情相符台,又要与中小企业发展的现状相统一;就其动态来看,还要与加入WTO后的世界经济形势相统一。通过研究我们认为中小企业的发展主要应实现以下三个方面的战略目标:运动状态支持目标、中小企业运行结果目标、社会效益目标。 (一)运动状态支持目标 这主要是从外部环境来讨论中小企业发展的战略目标。企业的发展是一个动态过程,必须在一个有利于其发展的大环境系统中才能成长壮大。特别是中小企业,由于它们是一个弱势群体,更需要系统环境目标的实现才能达到自身运行的结果目标和社会效益目标。因此,运行状态支持目标就自然构成战略目标中最重要的目标之一。而具体要达到以下几个目标。 1.政府扶持到位政府的政策扶持是一个关系到中小企业发展方向和系统目标能否实现的首要问题。由于中小企业资金缺乏、人才短缺、技术落后,很难与大企业相互抗衡,也由于自身条件的限制无法获得发展所必要的资金、人才和技术,这就要求政府对其进行必要的扶持,创造良好的外部环境。政府扶持政策到位目标体现在政府观念的到位、政府身份的到位、政府扶持政策的到位。(1)政府观念的到位是指政府应改变自己的观念,认识到大中小企业都是社会主义市场经济中平等的一员,都能为国家的经济发展和社会稳定做出各自的贡献.并且大中小企业是一个不可分割的整体,这种规模结构的形成过程是既定约束条件下资源的配置过程,它们相互依存、互相协作、互为补充、共同发展,都应给予同等的政治地位和经济地位,而不能只重视大企业,忽视甚至歧视中小企业。(2)政府身份的到位是指政府在促进中小企业发展的过程中以恰当的角色出现在中小企业面前,不能超越其职权干预中小企业的生产经营。政府的行为应该是:代表和维护中小企业的利益;负责对中小企业的宏观指导、发展规划和发展产业指导;负责贯彻落实及督促和检查中央有关中小企业发展的文件的执行;推动服务体系建设,为中小企业创造良好的生存空间和发展环境等。(3)政府扶持政策的到位是指政府制订的政策有利于中小企业的发展,政府运用政策的行为是间接管理而不是直接管理,是引导而不是行政干预。 2.社会服务到住由于中小企业的自我生存和发展的能力差,一般很难通过自身的努力来满足资金、技术和人才的需要以及实现信息、培训、市场、法律等方面的自我服务 资料来源:

254 评论


The achievements management is a human resources management corecontent, it regarding the enhancement organization management level,consummates drives the mechanism, sets up the organization values, therealization strategic target is very important. The tax affairsorganize to take national the important law enforcement department, isimplementing the strategy which the construction public service andthe management modernization tax affairs organizes, how strengthensthe achievements management, promotes the organization and thepersonnel achievements, already became an important topic which thetax affairs organized. The full text altogether divides five parts, the first chapterintroduced this article selected topic background, the selected topicsignificance, the research mentality and the paper overall chapter elaborated the achievements management elementarytheory, has carried on the contrast analysis to several kind of mainachievements management system management system, and has carried onthe brief introduction to the new public management and thecontemporary west government achievements management. Third chapterintroduced the environment and the situation which the H city InternalRevenue Service's basic situation, analyzed which the tax affairs tohave organized the developmental strategy and faces, the multianalysisH city Internal Revenue Service present achievements management flow,and pointed out its existence the question. Fourth chapter introducedthe domestic advanced tax affairs organize the achievements managementpattern, profits from the beneficial experience. Fifth chapter unifiesH city Internal Revenue Service the actual situation, utilizationbalance achievements management theory and the tool and so on ideabranch customs station, essential achievements target, 360 appraisals,designed the integrity H city country tax bureau achievementsmanagement system management system. How does this article organize tothe tax affairs to utilize the modern achievements management theory,the design and the consummation has own characteristic theachievements management pattern to have the certain reference value.

103 评论


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