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一种快速消除彩色图像高脉冲噪声的方法 摘要:针对彩色图像脉冲噪声的分布特性,提出噪声检测和滤波复原的2 步算法。该算法通过长针统计检测技术判断脉冲噪声位置,用 改进适应性中值滤波技术复原图像。实验表明,与已有算法相比,该算法能有效去除彩色图像中的高水平脉冲噪声,噪声密度大于80%时 仍有良好性能,且算法实时性好,适宜于在线处理。 关键词:脉冲噪声;长针统计检测;适应性中值滤波 Method for Fast Denoising High Level Impulse Noises in Color Image ZHANG Ting-li, ZHANG Zhi-hong (School of Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001) 【Abstract】Considering the distribution of impulse noises of color images, a two steps algorithm is proposed. The algorithm uses spike statistical detection to detect noise pixels, and rebuilds image using adaptive median filter. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm works effectively in denosing high level impulse noises although the noise density is higher than 80%, compared with other existing algorithms. It is suitable for online processing tasks, as its lower time-cost. 【Key words】impulse noise; spike statistical detection; adaptive median filter 全息图的数字化频域滤波及数值再现研究 【摘要】采用计算机对普通离轴计算全息图及博奇型修正离轴参考光计算全息图进行数字化滤波操作,可在频域将零级及孪生像消除,从而得到单一的清晰实像或虚像。利用快速傅里叶变换算法计算菲涅耳衍射积分,实现了计算全息图的设计制作、频域滤波、再现过程的全数字化,计算机数值模拟结果表明该方法具有再现图像信噪比高、操作过程简便、计算速度快、灵活性强等特点。 关 键 词计算机制全息图; 傅里叶变换; 数字滤波; 数值再现 中图分类号 文献标识码A Digital Frequency Filtering and Numerical Reconstruction of Computer Generated Hologram QIU Yu (Students’ Administration Department, Mianyang Normal University Mianyang Sichuan 621000) Abstract Digital filtering method for frequency domain is employed to process conventional and modified off-axis reference beam computer generated holograms, then the spatial spectra of zero order image and one twin image can be eliminated, and single clear virtual image or real image can be reconstructed numerically. In this paper, fast Fourier transform algorithm is used to calculate the Fresnel diffraction integration, and the total digitization of design, fabrication, frequency filtering, and reconstruction procedures are achieved successfully. The numeric simulation by computer shows that this method has some advantages such as high signal-to-noise ratio, convenient operation procedures, fast computing speed, and high flexibility. Key words computer generated hologram; Fourier transform; digital filtering; numerical reconstruction 一种改进的图像自适应非线性滤波方法 摘要: 针对图像的保边光滑问题,分析了Perona2Malik ( PM) 方程的非线性滤波扩散行为,利用保边正则化 思想给出了由一种新的各向异性扩散方程所决定的图像自适应光滑算法. 这种新的各向异性扩散滤波方法 与PM 方程的不同之处在于:扩散系数不是直接来源于图像的梯度幅值,而是在图像梯度模基础上恢复出图 像的边缘信息. 实验结果表明,所提方法对图像边缘的恢复结果要比PM 的方法具有更高的可靠性和准确 性. 关键词: 各向异性扩散;保边光滑;非线性滤波 中图分类号: TN406 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 0253 - 987X(2004) 02 - 0162 - 05 Improvement of Image Adaptive Nonl inear Filtering Zhang Y uanlin , Zheng Nanning , Y uan Zejian (School of Electronics and Information Engineering , Xi′an Jiaotong University , Xi′an 710049 , China) Abstract : Based on the analysis of nonlinear diffusion of Perona2Malik ( PM) equation , a novel nonlinear filter2 ing method is proposed for image smoothing. The idea of edge2preserving regularization is int roduced through a boundary intensity function. Comparing with PM equation , the diffusion coefficient is not obtained f rom the gradient magnitude of the image directly , but the edge information (i. e. boundary intensity function) restored f rom the gradient magnitude based on the mode of the image. Experiment s demonst rate that the proposed ap2 proach has better accuracy and reliability than PM for the result s of edge restoration. Keywords : anisot ri pic dif f usion ; edge2preserving smoothing ; nonlinear f il tering 一种基于FPGA 的图像中值滤波器的硬件实现基于几何矩的抵抗RST攻击的数字图像水印一种自适应中值滤波器算法的FPGA实现基于真实性鉴别的数字图像盲取证技术综述基于彩色分量的数字图像水印基于数字滤波技术的红外焦平面非均匀校正算法

222 评论



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165 评论


数字图像处理,MATLAB,可好 ,

310 评论


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