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浅析外国直接投资对我国外贸收益的影响内容摘要:国际直接投资是一国融入全球化的主要渠道之一,也是企业国际化经营的一种重要模式。从理论角度来看,国际直接投资的贸易效应主要有替代效应和互补效应,即国际直接投资可能减少(替代)贸易,也可能增加(互补)贸易。扩大出口,促进贸易增长,是我国吸引外国直接投资的主要政策目标之一。本文分析了外国直接投资对我国外贸收益的影响效应,并提出相应的政策建议。关键词:外国直接投资 外贸收益 影响效应国际直接投资分为外国直接投资(Inward FDI)和对外直接投资(Outward FDI),它对一国的外贸收益有着重要影响。随着全球化的加速和跨国公司一体化国际生产体系的形成与发展,国际贸易与国际直接投资相互促进发展,国际直接投资的贸易效应成为国际贸易理论的研究重点之一。20世纪50年代,蒙代尔、弗农和小岛清等人对此问题进行了初步研究;马库斯、斯文森和邓宁等在20世纪80年代初做了更为深入的分析,并对传统的国际直接投资的贸易效应理论进行了综合;20世纪80年代中期以后,Bhagwati和Dinopoulos等经济学家又从政治经济学的角度对国际直接投资的贸易效应进行了研究。而后又有研究将纵向一体化、横向一体化对外直接投资纳入国际贸易理论体系,探讨了不同类型国家之间贸易与投资的相互关系。研究表明,外国直接投资对一国或地区对外贸易的影响并不是孤立的,对外贸易规模发展越快,对外资的吸引力也就越大,而外资对东道国的出口增长也能起到明显的带动作用。本文就外国直接投资对我国外贸收益的影响进行分析。外国直接投资对我国外贸收益的影响效应分析近年来,中国经济高速发展,对外开放的程度不断提高,在相当长的时期内对外商投资企业实行出口导向型政策,再加上我国有丰富的、较廉价的劳动力资源,所以连续十多年一直是发展中国家吸收国际直接投资最多的国家。据联合国贸发会议统计,在过去十多年里,中国吸引外资约占全部发展中国家总额的1/5, 2004年中国吸引FDI突破500亿美元,超过美国成为世界FDI最大的受资国。外商投资企业的生产总量不断增加,为中国对外贸易发展做出了突出贡献, 对中国的出口增长起到了很强的促进作用。(一)数量效应:增加我国外贸总额改革开放以来,我国对外贸易保持着较高的增长速度,外国直接投资对促进我国出口贸易发展,增加我国的外贸总额起着重要的推动作用。外商直接投资企业的出口额从1991年的亿美元增长到2005年的4442亿美元,增长了倍,年平均增长率达,增长速度远高于全国平均水平,并且呈现加速的形势。外商直接投资企业出口额占全国出口总额的比重自1991年的开始逐年递增,1995年时突破30%,1997年则突破40%,2001年达到50%,至2005年已经上升到,之后年份小有波动,仍呈上升态势。从出口增加额的角度看,尽管因为受世界经济形势的影响有过较大波动(如1994年外商直接投资企业的出口增加额占全国出口增加额的比重只有,而在1996年则高达),但总体上外商直接投资的出口增加额占据了全国出口增加额的主要份额。2007年,中国出口额占世界出口总额的比重提高到,跃居世界第二位。中国占世界贸易总额的比重由1978年的不到1%提高到2007年的近8%,成为名副其实的贸易大国,其中外国直接投资具有重要作用。外国直接投资有着极强的外向拓展力,没有外资企业的出口绩效,我国就难以实现对外贸易的平稳快速增长,也就是说,在华的外国直接投资的贸易效应尤其是贸易创造和市场扩张效应是极其明显的,外国直接投资的大量进入和外商直接投资企业对外贸易的发展推动了中国对外贸易迅猛发展,促进外贸总额的增加。(二)结构效应:促进贸易结构优化外国直接投资对我国贸易结构的优化调整产生了积极的影响,一方面,外国直接投资对贸易结构的转变有直接效应,自上世纪80年代末以来,我国出口结构与外贸企业增长发生着相随的变化,在外资企业迅猛增长的同时,外商投资企业的出口商品结构进一步优化,我国出口结构也基本实现了从以初级产品为主向以制成品为主的根本性转变。目前我国制成品出口的比重达到85%以上,机电产品、服装纺织、皮革、家用电器、文体用品、塑料及金属制品和电子通讯设备等外资进入比较密集,且外资出口比重高、增长快、贡献率大的行业的迅速增长在我国贸易结构转变中正在发挥越来越重要的作用。另一方面,外国直接投资有间接贸易效应,即经由生产技术和营销知识的外溢、市场网络的转移和示范效应等,带来国内制成品企业出口状况的改善,从而带动中国企业出口的发展。外国直接投资内含的人力资本、研发投入和先进生产力等要素通过各种渠道非自愿扩散, 为我国带来了国外先进的技术设备以及科学的管理经验与管理模式等,实现了技术知识的外溢,带动和加快了我国产业与产品结构的调整和升级。这有利于扩大我国企业产品的出口竞争能力,增强了国内企业的竞争意识,促进我国生产率增长和贸易结构优化,在我国经济建设的转轨时期,对社会主义市场经济框架的建立以及市场机制的完善也发挥着重要作用。外国直接投资在带给我国收益的同时,也带来一些问题。首先,从整体上看,外商对华直接投资在我国三次产业之间的分布格局是:第一产业和第三产业中外商直接投资的比重很小,投向第二产业的资金占据主导地位,外国直接投资对我国出口结构的深层次优化,即在促进技术密集型产品出口方面的作用有待提高。其次,外资企业进口增长过快,以及进入成熟期的外资企业利润汇出的逐步增加,给国际收支平衡造成压力。再者,部分外国直接投资落户中国后凭借其技术、规模、资金等方面的优势挤占我国市场并形成垄断, 尤其在新兴产业和高科技领域,部分外国企业已占据绝对优势,对我国产业安全构成威胁。提高外国直接投资外贸效益的政策建议目前,我国外贸发展呈现进出口增长速度双双回落,贸易顺差明显缩小的特点。在国际市场受金融危机影响的形势下,外商投资企业出口依然保持了的增长率,所以当前我国在进一步扩大内需、拉动经济发展的同时,也要继续强化外国直接投资对我国经济发展的推动作用。政策建议如下:利用我国劳动力和资源等比较优势吸引外商直接投资,推动我国的对外贸易发展。对外资企业出口实施更为有效的管理,保持其贸易高速、稳定的增长。各种旨在提高外商直接投资贸易效应的努力,都应以促进结构优化为核心。优化宏观环境,进行税制、外贸体制改革,促进国内企业和外商投资企业之间的联合与竞争。加速金融体制改革与创新,加速银行商业化进程,健全资本市场,增加金融产品种类,拓宽储蓄转化投资渠道,增强市场活力。建立健全法制,加强基础设施建设,为外国直接投资创造良好环境。制定科学的外商投资企业行业规划,配合以有效的产业政策指导。重点引进技术先进型产业的外商投资,严格控制技术传统型产业的投资,适当引进外国金融产业资本进行有效的产业政策指导,完善外商投资的外贸效益检测评估工作。改变传统的以比较优势为基础,在出口导向战略条件下引进外国直接投资的政策,以竞争优势为导向,将比较优势与新技术优势发展模式结合起来,在充分发挥现有比较优势的基础上,通过吸收发达国家的技术、制度、管理,支持技术创新、制度创新、结构创新,从而实现出口产业国际竞争力的提高。参考文献:1.霍爱英.FDI对我国出口贸易的效应分析.统计与决策,2008(18)2.刘云羹.对外直接投资与对外贸易发展[J].复旦大学学报,2006(1)3.薛斌锋,寿志敏.FDI对我国经济增长的影响[J].统计与决策,2007(2)

237 评论


Hi,介绍你一本关于FDI 的英文书。这本书对FDI有详尽的介绍与分析,是一本很好的书,绝对对你有帮助的。It has everything you want to know aboutFDI and it is UP TO DATE!!! The book draws together key articles on the topic and is the most up-to-date examination of foreign direct investment on the market

209 评论


我帮你找了,翻译确实找不到了,只有原文,你看着给吧,如果合适就给点,文章是关于在中国的FDI介绍的.Analysis: foreign direct investment in China Last Updated(Beijing Time):2006-03-14 11:38 With a comprehensive view on the foreign direct investments since 2005, service industry, energy industry and its relevant sectors remain to be the hotspots of investment growth. At the same time, a lot of inland cities begins to become the targeted areas of foreign investment. As the Chinese government enhances its construction of new countryside, it is also possible for the countryside to attract more and more attention. In recent years, foreign direct investment attracted into China, which hit the historic high of US$ billion in 2004, has been witness a sustained growth; but in 2005, such a growth trend slowed down slightly with a little bit decrease on a year-on-year basis. In 2005, the number of newly established foreign-invested enterprises across China amounted to 44,001 with a year-on-year growth of percent but the foreign investment actually used amounted to US$ billion with a year-on-year decrease of April 2005 (except September 2005), China's amount of foreign funds actually used in a single month has been witnessing a downtrend and the decrease margin for the amount of foreign funds actually used in the three respective months of the second quarter all surpassed 10 percent. Such a huge decrease margin is rarely seen in recent far as the source of foreign funds invested in China is concerned, the number of newly established enterprises with US investment in China and the amount of such investment decreased by percent and percent respectively in 2005. The number of newly established enterprises with funds from 10 Asian countries (regions) in China increased by percentages, but the amount of such investment actually used decreased by percentage. The newly established enterprises with funds from some free ports in China also decreased by percent; yet, the number of newly established enterprises with funds from the original 15 EU member countries in China and the amount of such investment did increase by percent and percent facts that the economies of neighboring countries and developed countries picked up the developing speed and such countries attracted foreign investors with their own advantages have influenced the scale of China's utilization of foreign funds to some extent. In 2005, Russia attracted US$ billion of foreign direct investments, which accounted for percent of Russia's GDP. Russia, where the growth rate of market was only second to that in China, ranked the second in the 2005, the volume of foreign funds attracted to India, which has thus become the country ranking the second in the world, has surpassed that attracted into the United States. Vietnamese Ministry of Planning and Investment announced that Vietnam would attract US$ - billion, thus becoming one of the countries with the quickest economic growth rate in Southeast transition period after the entry into WTO has further cut down the doorsill for the Chinese market. The potentials to enjoy the largest growth rate of the service and trade market is a comparative advantage for China to attract foreign investment. It is expected that during a rather long forthcoming period of time, the service industry will remain as a field in the favor of foreign investment in commerce is a service industry through which foreign investment entered into China rather early; the opening-up of the insurance industry has made it possible for foreign companies to enter into China gradually. At the end of 2004, the Chinese insurance industry had opened up all areas and all businesses except some statutory insurance businesses to foreign investment. The year 2005 is the first year for the Chinese insurance industry to implement the all-rounded opening-up to the outside world, and the market shares seized by foreign-funded insurance companies increased to nearly 7 percent during that shown by statistics of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC), the domestic insurance market opened up step by step in 2005: three foreign insurance companies were permitted to enter into China's market, and 25 foreign-funded insurance agencies set up in China. For the time being, the number of foreign-funded insurance companies has increased from 14 in 2000 to 40 in 2005. Altogether 27 out of the 46 insurance companies listed into the Fortune Top 500 of the World have set up their agencies in since December 6, 2005, China has further scaled up the opening-up of its banking industry. Foreign-funded financial institutions' management of Renminbi businesses has been extended to Shantou and Ningbo while five other cities of Harbin, Changchun, Lanzhou, Yinchuan and Nanning were opened up in advance. The latest statistics indicate that the businesses of foreign-funded banks in China develop very rapidly in recent years, and the respective annual growth rates of assets, deposits, and loans are all above 30 September 2005, the Beijing Office of the US Peabody Energy Corporation, which is the largest private coal company in the world, officially set up. For the moment, Peabody Energy has contacted with Huaneng Power International, Inc., Shenhua Group and some large Iron & Steel enterprises; in future, it will also provide raw materials to and conduct technological exchange with Chinese power and Iron & Steel enterprises. Before that, the US Asian American Coal Inc. (AACI) had established the Shanxi Asian American Daning Energy Co., Ltd. and seized the holding right of 56 percent. Moreover, the US Morgan Bank purchased the 170 million H-stocks of the Yanzhou Mine, and companies from countries like Australia, South Korea, and Japan also went to China's major coal-producing provinces and autonomous regions like Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Inner Mongolia to seek to get shares in local coal mines opened situation of tense power supply goes on as before. Multinationals think highly of the huge market of power-generating equipment in China, thus having expedited their investment in China. In October 2005, a joint venture invested by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) from Japan in Guangzhou was completed and began to produce heat components, the core components of turbines; and it is expected that its sales would amount to 8 billion yen by 2010. Early as in April 2002, MHI signed a "Joint Venture Agreement" with Dong Fang Steam Turbine Works on the joint investment to set up the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Dongfang Gas Turbine (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., a Chinese-foreign joint venture manufacturing heat components on gas turbines and providing after-sale services and maintenance of gas turbines. The total investment in the joint venture is approximately billion yen with MHI offering 51 percent of the overall investment and Dongfang Steam Turbine offering the other 49 percent, and the term for the joint venture is 20 2004, the French Alsthom Ltd. signed a framework agreement to set up a joint venture with the Beijing Jingcheng Mechanical & Electrical Holding Co. Ltd (JCH) and its subordinate enterprise Beijing Heavy Electrical Machinery Factory so as to set up a long-term partnership between two parties on the manufacture of 60,000kw steam turbine the Tenth Five-year Period, China has expedited its steps in international exchanges and cooperation in agriculture and made prominent achievements. From 2001 to 2003, agricultural projects making use of foreign direct investment amounted to nearly 3,000 with a total agreement sum of US$ billion. The annual amount is about US$ billion on average, nearly twice the average annual agreements sum of foreign investment made use of during the 20 years salary costs in China's inland cities is 20~50 percent lower than in coastal cities, and the rising rate of salaries is slower than that in large cities and coastal cities as well; however, the investment environment in such cities has got consummated gradually in recent years. As a result, some foreign investors have stopped their investment in metropolises like Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou; instead, they begin to cast their eyes on Nanjing, Wuhan, Chongqing, Ningbo, Dalian, Shenyang etc., and slightly less eye-catching cities of the second echelon . Wei Xinghua, the AmCham-China Chairman, expressed that in 2006, the investments from the United States in China will not only increase in a sustained way but nearly a half of US companies will also seek to invest in cities on the second and third-tier bench like Xi'an, Chengdu, and Dalian, etc. in the western and northeastern parts of China. According to him, quite many industries are all shifting from place to place at present; for example, the electronic assembly industry that was originally in Guangdong can go to Hohehot Municipality to conduct production. Moreover, there were originally some industries with traditional advantages like agriculture, large machinery, energy resources, chemical industry, etc. in the middle and western parts of China. Inland cities begin to demonstrate their charms, which will create conditions for foreign enterprises to invest there.

137 评论


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