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首页 > 学术期刊 > 关于网恋的论文题目

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With the widely-spreading use of computers and Internet, it is easy for us to download many things ranging from MP3 to Chatting tools; still there is something that you cannot download only with computers and the Internet, which is called love. When I get up in the morning, mostly the first thing I’m going to do is turning on the computer and loading my QQ. It has become a part of my every day’s life. I think there are many people do the same just like me. They chat online, say something quite personal to strangers, write down their soul, and make friends with people they have never seen. More and more people spend a great deal of time a day on computer. Communicating through the wire, two hearts get closer and closer. Finally, fall in love with a person they have never touched or even seen. With the unbelievable development of Internet, this kind of situation becomes common, pervasive and popular recent do so many people chose a lover from the Internet? I think there maybe some reasons: firstly, science and technology make our lives more convenient. We don’t need to go out door to call on a friend, just give him a ring. We don’t need to write families a letter, just send them an E-mail. So people spend more time online. As a consequence, there are more chances to stay at home with computers and find a man who you are fond of online. Secondly, the cyber-love is usually based on people’s imagination instead of the reality. And people always imagine their cyber friends as what they want. I think if they found out their cyber friends are not that handsome or beautiful, they would not fall in love with him or her anymore. Thirdly, I think there are many people who are willing to experience the cyber-love only because there are lonely and have no one else. Or just follow the speaking, cyber-love is neither good nor bad. As we all know, every coin has two sides. So does cyber-love. We should not reject it totally. To be honest, it helps some people find their true love. But personal speaking, I don’t agree with it. Internet is not the reality, after all. When you need an arm to rest yourself on, he is not with you. When you need a shoulder to cry on, he is not here for you. When you are enjoying the beautiful of the sea, he can not stand shoulder by shoulder with you. He cannot give you what you really need. Maybe the only thing he can do for you is talking to you online. It’s really sad, isn’t it? So as for me, I would rather pour my love to someone whom I can see, speak to, stay with than a virtual person in the invisible cyber world. Anyway, Wish everyone find their true love.

147 评论


Recently, our class had a fierce discussion about whether to love on net. On the one hand,some students believe that online dating is very childish is an illusion, a lot of things are not true, if you don't care enough,it may eventually hurt yourself On the other hand, some students hold the view that networks have the truth on, not all online dating ended up with failure, but when you talk with someome, what you should do is that you must be careful to really understand the person. As far as i'm concerned, i agree with the point that online dating is not to be encouraged,we should live in a reality life.最近,我们班对是否应该网恋展开了激烈的讨论,一些同学认为,网恋是非常幼稚的行为,网络是虚幻的,很多东西都不真实,如果你不够当心,最后可能会伤害了自己,还有些同学认为网络也有真情在,并非所有的网恋都以失败而告终,但当你和某人交谈的时候,你应该谨慎点,深入了解这个人,在我看来,网恋不值得提倡,我们应该活在现实生活中一定要采纳啊,打了半天。。。

245 评论


= =,什么……其实网络想说爱你很容易。这是中心定了的议论文吧,我爱莫能助。大致上可以找一段悲情点的中外都有的事例,根据各年龄层次的不同,选一个本国的告白失败的,选一个外国的告白失败的,再写一个历经坎坷磨难无数终于成功了的。这样会比较饱满,议论要到点子上。开门见山,首尾呼应,当然要懂得煽情。最后,字数大概是定的,我也不罗嗦了。

313 评论



128 评论


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