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301 评论


上面的兄弟说的很详细,其实具体分数没有一个统一值的,看一下单位的评职文件,上面有详细的分数,评职 毕业这些需要帮助的话来详聊

164 评论



100 评论


How does(这里goose为单数故为does) the big wild goose voyage the Himalayas? How does the big wild goose voyage the Himalayas?Can they pass the Himalayas exactly. we may not discuss rabidity. we supposed. The prior condition and purposethe of the big wild goose wants to fly the Himalayas, carrying on ratiocinated: consideration is a tallest mountain range of world the Himalayas first, the elevation neared to 9000 meters highly, the apex air was thin and diluted, air pressure very another the person suffocate of, mountain climbing the reason that the member of team can ascend a crest, is because of wear international standard of the mountain climbing take, the equipment oxygen bottle, insure their life a safety, big wild goose, at the time that they fly, the body anti-'s press is to have extreme limit, while feeling a dyspnea, will not continue to fly, at least high fly in a feat space, it's like saying, space shuttle why can fly an Earth, and pilot of inside also the ability is good living in the space, provide the oxygen equipments not just intact, body protection the facilities is a very advanced cause also?Pack with persons all the big wild goose to fly so high mountain range in airplane, certainly had no matter, but your this topic BE, the big wild goose how to fly of, Anne so of reason logically, haven't yet wait to fly to arrive so height, the big wild goose has already been not enough because of the oxygen, barometric reason, die already. 's height that sees much of big wild goose to fly sees through a naked eye, and the person's sense of vision can see maximum limit also certain, but also absolutely isn't 9000 meters, that won't do a long distance eye, also for several 100 meters, sight okay, thousand with lend living common sense, can also predict, the big wild goose fly of the height is also thousand meters or least within the scope of the person's visual field of. big wild goose is an outstanding air travel autumn winter stanza, they from the old house once Siberia take, the south that forms into groups and flies to an our country vastly and mightily pass the spring, their after long and arduous trip, returns to Siberia to produce egg to breed the second airspeed of the big wild goose is very quick, the per hour can fly 68-90 kilometers, several thousand kilometers of of the endless travel have to fly up for 12 months. Endless travel, certainly they wanted to choose the most ample space in the most comfortable height to glide to be in the blue sky, fly of more high, the air pressure influences them to fly more, also wasting energy more, the nature can't fly to 9000 meters the height of that extreme limit, either. does fly the mountain range make?Mountain range what does that have?BE all ccumulated snows on the mountain range, matchless and cold, attain the purpose that the south fly, south's fly is to pass the winter, isn't a collective suicide, also have, a species' multiply greatly is the result of several thousand years, the big wild goose isn't exceptional either of, probably and at the beginning big wild goose lately- is born time, their ancestry can want to fly to mountain range that probably, but continuously of is starve with cold, have dying continuously of, nature, become fixed living scope, the south of the our country to lead an endless winter, so is become at any time! showed from this, the condition and purposes that want to fly all establish, certainly the big wild goose is to fly not past, even fly, is also other friends to say of, cross valley, but still need to die of, so, will not take :译文仅供参考

81 评论



331 评论


How is the big wild goose to fly the Himalayas? How is the big wild goose to fly the Himalayas?Can fly to pass by exactly, we first in spite of, we suppose first once, the big wild goose wants to want to fly the more past prior condition and purpose, carrying on reasonning logically once: consideration is a tallest mountain range of world the Himalayas first, the elevation neared to 9000 meters highly, the apex air was thin and diluted, air pressure very another the person suffocate of, mountain climbing the reason that the member of team can ascend a crest, is because of wear international standard of the mountain climbing take, the equipment oxygen bottle, insure their life a safety, big wild goose, at the time that they fly, the body anti-'s press is to have extreme limit, while feeling a dyspnea, will not continue to fly, at least high fly in a feat space, it's like saying, space shuttle why can fly an Earth, and pilot of inside also the ability is good living in the space, provide the oxygen equipments not just intact, body protection the facilities is a very advanced cause also?Pack with persons all the big wild goose to fly so high mountain range in airplane, certainly had no matter, but your this topic BE, the big wild goose how to fly of, Anne so of reason logically, haven't yet wait to fly to arrive so height, the big wild goose has already been not enough because of the oxygen, barometric reason, die already. 's height that sees much of big wild goose to fly sees through a naked eye, and the person's sense of vision can see maximum limit also certain, but also absolutely isn't 9000 meters, that won't do a long distance eye, also for several 100 meters, sight okay, thousand with lend living common sense, can also predict, the big wild goose fly of the height is also thousand meters or least within the scope of the person's visual field of. big wild goose is an outstanding air travel autumn winter stanza, they from the old house once Siberia take, the south that forms into groups and flies to an our country vastly and mightily pass the spring, their after long and arduous trip, returns to Siberia to produce egg to breed the second airspeed of the big wild goose is very quick, the per hour can fly 68-90 kilometers, several thousand kilometers of of the endless travel have to fly up for 12 months. Endless travel, certainly they wanted to choose the most ample space in the most comfortable height to glide to be in the blue sky, fly of more high, the air pressure influences them to fly more, also wasting energy more, the nature can't fly to 9000 meters the height of that extreme limit, either. does fly the mountain range make?Mountain range what does that have?BE all ccumulated snows on the mountain range, matchless and cold, attain the purpose that the south fly, south's fly is to pass the winter, isn't a collective suicide, also have, a species' multiply greatly is the result of several thousand years, the big wild goose isn't exceptional either of, probably and at the beginning big wild goose lately- is born time, their ancestry can want to fly to mountain range that probably, but continuously of is starve with cold, have dying continuously of, nature, become fixed living scope, the south of the our country to lead an endless winter, so is become at any time! showed from this, the condition and purposes that want to fly all establish, certainly the big wild goose is to fly not past, even fly, is also other friends to say of, cross valley, but still need to die of, so, will not take place.

358 评论


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