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Hua Tuo is a famous physician of the Han Dynasty who is so widely respected that his name and image adorn numerous products (., as a brand name for acupuncture needles and for medicated plasters) and a set of frequently used acupuncture points (called Hua Tuo Jiaji, see Appendix). He is known for the early qi gong exercise set known as the frolics of the five animals, in which one imitates the actions of tigers, deer, bears, apes, and birds; these practices were later incorporated into various health promoting martial arts practices, such as taijiquan. His name is always mentioned in relation to surgery, as he was considered the first surgeon of China, and one of the last famous surgeons of ancient China. He has been compared, in this regard, to Jivaka of India, who lived at the time of Buddha (about 500 .) and was renowned for surgery, but had no significant successors until the modern era when surgery was reintroduced by Western doctors (4). Legends of Hua Tuo's work are mentioned in historical novels, such as Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Taiping's Comprehensive Anthology of Stories. It was a tradition in the past that when a patient had recovered due to the efforts of a competent physician, the family would present a congratulatory board to the doctor inscribed with the words: A Second Hua Tuo. Hua Tuo was born around 110 ., in Qiao of Peiguo (today called Haoxian or Bo) county, in what is now Anhui Province, one of the four major herb distribution centers of modern China. He lived for about 100 years, having died around 207 . He was an older contemporary of China's famous herbalist Zhang Zhongjing, who died around 220 . In the Chronicles of the Later Han Dynasty, it is said that: "Knowing well the way to keep one in good health, Hua Tuo still appeared in the prime of his life when he was almost 100, and so was regarded as immortal." It is said that Cao Cao, ruler of the state of Wei, had Hua Tuo put to death for reasons that are unclear. Cao Cao summoned him to serve as his personal physician, and either became enraged with Hua Tuo's hesitancy to return again later to provide more treatments or suspected an assassination attempt when Hua Tuo suggested brain surgery as a treatment for his severe headaches. According to the Records of the Wei Dynasty (Wei Zhi), Cao Cao had Hua Tuo killed in 207 . at age 97. Cao Cao's second son, Cao Pi (187-226 .), became Emperor of the Wei Dynasty, taking over China upon the forced abdication of Emperor Xian; China then collapsed into chaos, and Cao Pi was left only a few years rule of Wei, the northern kingdom of the "three kingdoms" that resulted from the breakdown. According to the limited existing reports of his life, it is said that Hua Tuo studied and mastered various classics, especially those related to medical and health measures, but also astronomy, geography, literature, history, and agriculture, when he was young. He was stimulated to pursue a career in medicine after seeing so many people die of epidemics, famines, and injuries from wars (Zhang Zhongjing also mentioned the epidemics as leading him to undertake medicine as a career). His father had died when Hua Tuo was seven. His family lived in poverty and his mother wanted him to pursue a career. So, he walked hundreds of kilometers to Xuzhou to access all the medical classics retained there and learned from a famous physician named Cai. He studied tirelessly while practicing medicine, and became expert in several fields, including acupuncture, gynecology, pediatrics, and surgery. For the latter, he invented various herbal anesthetics. One, known as numbing powder (Mafai San), was taken with alcohol before surgery. His ancient prescriptions are lost, but the ingredients are thought to include cannabis and datura, which had been recorded later, during the Song Dynasty, as an anesthetic. Two specific cases of abdominal operations were relayed in Hua Tuo's official biography: A patient who went to Hua Tuo was told: 'Your disease has been chronic, and you should receive an abdominal operation, but even that could lengthen your life by not more than ten years.' The patient, being in great pain, consented to the surgery and was cured immediately, but he died exactly ten years later. A patient who suffered from abdominal pain for more than 10 days and had depilation of his beard and eyebrows asked Hua Tuo for treatment. The doctor diagnosed him as having a deterioration in the abdomen, asked him to drink the anesthesia, then explored his abdomen and removed the deteriorated part, sutured and plastered the abdomen, and administered some herbs. The patient recovered after 100 days. The latter story is believed to be a treatment of acute appendicitis. In the Wei Zhi (5), it was reported that for intestinal diseases Hua Tuo "would cut them out, wash them, sew up the abdomen, and rub on an ointment; the illness would remit if four to five days." There is also the story of general Guan Yu, whose arm was pierced by a poisoned arrow during a battle; General Guan calmly sat playing a board game as he allowed Hua Tuo to clean his flesh down to the bone to remove necrosis, with no anesthetic. This event is a popular historical subject in Chinese art. Hua Tuo has been called the "miracle working doctor" (also translated as divine physician; shenyi) because of his emphasis on using a small number of acupuncture points or small number of herbs in a prescription to attain good results. Some sayings have been attributed to him; for example, in advocating that people exercise to stay healthy, he said: "The body needs exercise, but it should not be excessive. Motion consumes energy produced by food and promotes blood circulation so that the body will be free of diseases just as a door hinge is never worm eaten." Being an accomplished Taoist (Anhui was the birthplace also of the legendary Taoist founders Laozi and Zhuangzi) and following its principles, he did not seek fame or fortune, though much praise was heaped upon him. He served as a physician in what are now Jiangsu and Shandong Provinces adjacent to his home Province of Anhui, and turned down offers for government service. It is said that Hua Tuo wrote several books, but none of them has been handed down, so his teachings remain largely unknown. One story is that while in prison awaiting his death, Hua Tuo handed over his works, collectively referred to as the Book of the Black Bag, to the prison ward and asked him to help save people's lives with his medical books, but the warden dared not accept it, and Hua Tuo burned it. Another story is that the warden took the volume home, but that his wife, afraid of the trouble it might bring them, burned it. Either way, the lasting story is that his written teachings went up in smoke. It is thought that some of Hua Tuo's teachings have been preserved within other books that came out in subsequent centuries, such as the Pulse Classic, Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Gold, and Medical Secrets of an Official. An existent book was ascribed to him, but it has been determined to be from a much later writer; it was translated to English under the title Master Hua's Classic of the Central Viscera (Zhong Zang Jing), with the unsubstantiated claim that only one of Hua's scrolls was burned and this came through unscathed (6). Similarly, a book called Prescriptions of Surgery was attributed to Hua Tuo, but is believed to have been compiled at least a century or two after his death (7). Despite Hua Tuo's reputation in the field, the loss of his works resulted in the first monographs on surgery being erroneously attributed to others. There were many short documents produced during the time from the end of the Han Dynasty through the 5th century, of which one survives, called Liu Junzi's Mysterious Remedies. Like the other documents of this time, it mainly focused on lancing of carbuncles and cleaning out deep ulcers, as well as some other superficial surgeries, not the abdominal surgery that Hua Tuo is said to have done. Hua Tuo had several disciples, including Wu Pu, Fan E, and Li Dangzhi, all of whom were excellent physicians. They also practiced qi gong, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and other things learned from Hua Tuo. It is said that Wu Pu wrote an herb guide and that Fan lived to be over 100, thanks to the exercises he practiced regularly.

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华佗是中国古代著名的医学家。有时候,他可以不开药方,不扎一针,用十分怪异的方法治病,收到意想不到的奇效。有个太守得病已经很长时间了,可总也不见好,找华佗诊治。华佗诊脉后,断定这种病只要让病人痛快淋漓地发一回怒,便可消除胸中郁积,不治而愈。于是华佗向太守索要了很多医药费,却不给他开药,临走时还留下一封信,将太守痛骂一顿。太守火冒三丈,暴跳如雷地要将华佗抓回来杀掉。华佗已跟太守的儿子说明了情况,因此安然回家。太守听说没有抓住华佗,更加气愤,盛怒之下吐出一滩黑血。随后,他的病也就痊愈了。华佗以怒医病,成为我国古代医史上一个著名的案例。 至于你问的这个故事说明了一个什么道理,思忖良久,感觉有两点,一是对症下药,方可出奇制胜;二是勇于创新,方能手到病除。

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华佗的医术已达到炉火纯青的地步。他熟练地掌握了养生、方药、针灸和手术等治疗手段,精通内、外、妇、儿各科,临证施治,诊断精确,方法简捷,疗效神速,被誉为“神医”。其所留医案,《三国志》中有十六则,《华佗别传》中五则,其他文献中五则,共二十六则,在先秦和两汉医家中是较多的。从其治疗范围看,内科病有热性病、内脏病、精神病、肥胖病、寄生虫病,属于外、儿、妇科的疾病有外伤、肠痈、肿瘤、骨折、针误、忌乳、死胎、小儿泻痢等等。华佗高明之处,就是能批判地继承前人的学术成果,在总结前人经验的基础上,创立新的学说华佗医术全面,尤精外科。后人称其为“外科圣手”、“外科鼻祖”。他曾经用自己制作的“麻沸散”麻醉患者后实施剖腹手术,这是世界上最早关于使用全身麻醉实施手术的记载。他还根据动物的形态发明“五禽戏”,是最早的健身体操。另外著有《青囊书》,但已经亡佚 总结了中医基础:望,闻,问,切;发明了五禽戏;发明了最早的麻醉药。 华佗医术全面,尤精外科。后人称其为“外科圣手”、“外科鼻祖”。他曾经用自己制作的“麻沸散”麻醉患者后实施剖腹手术,这是世界上最早关于使用全身麻醉实施手术的记载。他还根据动物的形态发明“五禽戏”,是最早的健身体操。另外著有《青囊书》,但已经亡佚

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学术成就 华佗医术十分精湛,他首创用全身麻醉法施行外科手术,被后世尊之为“外科鼻祖”。他不但精通方药,而且在针术和灸法上的造诣也十分令人钦佩。他每次在使用灸法的时候,不过取一两个穴位,灸上七八壮,病就好了。用针刺治疗时,也只针一两个穴位,告诉病人针感会达到什么地方,然后针感到了他说过的地方后,病人就说“已到”,他就拔出针来,病也就立即好了。另外,他创用了夹脊穴,“……点背数十处,相去一寸或五寸……灸处夹脊一寸上下”。 如果有病邪郁结在体内,针药都不能直接达到,他就采用外科手术的方法祛除病患。他所使用的“麻沸散”是世界史最早的麻醉剂。华佗采用酒服“麻沸散”施行腹部手术,开创了全身麻醉手术的先例。这种全身麻醉手术,在我国医学史上是空前的,在世界医学史上也是罕见的创举。华佗在诊断上,善于望诊和切脉,并依此能正确判断出疾病的预后。在医疗体育方面也有着重要贡献,创立了著名的五禽戏,华佗还善于应用心理疗法治病。 华佗的医术据说被全部焚毁。他的学术思想却并未完全消亡,尤其是华佗在中药研究方面。除麻沸散这样的著名方剂外,在后世医书中记载的华佗方剂不能都视为伪托华佗之名(聂文涛)。其弟子吴普则是著名药学家。《吴普本草》得很多内容可以在后世医书中看到。总结了中医学基础:望、闻、问、切;发明五禽戏;发明最早的麻醉药 五禽,分别为虎、鹿、熊、猿、鸟,常做五禽戏可以使手足灵活,血脉通畅,还能防病祛病。模仿五种动物的形态、动作和神态,来舒展筋骨,畅通经脉。

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