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In human history, once successively appeared many "powers", such as the ancient Greece and Rome, Britain,France and the United States today, etc. In these powers, England is the only ever established a single world hegemony countries, other countries are either regional powers,or once shared world hegemony with other country. From the 19th century, Britain have completely established the hegemony of advantages in the global scope, almost lasted for a century. However, being called "day falls empire", Britain will never escape the fate of dominating a century later,Britain began gradually to decline and become a second-tier national. Former radiance, although never to return,Britain for the world influence really should not be neglected, it involves political, economic, cultural and other aspects. For Britain's rise and fall, scholars always have different views. It about three timesThe first period, Queen Elizabeth ascended the throne from the ruling to the end of the Glorious Revolution. British colonization began in the sea, and has defeated the Spanish Armada and the Netherlands Navy, from the rise of British sea power, a Europe. Glorious Revolution, the British formally established a constitutional monarchy form of the system, other countries follow the United Kingdom to establish the emerging capitalist system, and the actual situation of development in accordance with their own economic, if the right way, catch up with the UK is possible.。The second period, from the end of the Glorious Revolution to the first industrial revolution. During this period, the British annexed the success of Scotland, and in the Anglo-French victory in the Seven Years WarThe third period, from the first industrial revolution to the nineteenth century. The first industrial revolution of the rich raw materials, vast domestic market and changing technology, as well as the great achievements of thought - Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations" was published。Britain is a pioneer of world capitalism, but not foreverThe international situation changes, early capitalism, the capitalist world market has not yet formed, and very underdevelopedNot a perfect market to where consumers only through the expansion of land area, looting of raw materials to maintain and develop. When Germany, the United States, Japan, the rise of the emerging capitalist countries such as France and the old capitalist countries to catch up, the international market fundamentals improved, has formed a stable supply of raw materials and consumer groups. The shift, there is no more but starting to lag behind the UK, while the rise in other countriesFight two world wars. Are basically two world wars of the European battlefield, the war greatly the long-term consumption of a British nationalIn the war many of his original sphere of influence and economic and political influence is replaced by the United States, this is a very important reasonBritish Empire Is the largest global colonial empire, envy of the world for more than a century. The formation of the British Empire 300 years of trade, migration and military conquest of the results, the period also of commercial diplomacy of peace and empire atrophy. Throughout the territory of the empire, including the seven continents, including Antarctica, four oceans, has been described as "empire the sun never sets"Meanwhile, his decline is inevitable.

99 评论


哥们,一个学校的,哈哈。我舍友跟你一样,给你分答案吧In human history, once successively appeared many "powers", such as the ancient Greece and Rome, Britain,France and the United States today, etc. In these powers, England is the only ever established a single world hegemony countries, other countries are either regional powers,or once shared world hegemony with other country. From the 19th century, Britain have completely established the hegemony of advantages in the global scope, almost lasted for a century. However, being called "day falls empire", Britain will never escape the fate of dominating a century later,Britain began gradually to decline and become a second-tier national. Former radiance, although never to return,Britain for the world influence really should not be neglected, it involves political, economic, cultural and other aspects. For Britain's rise and fall, scholars always have different views. It about three timesThe first period, Queen Elizabeth ascended the throne from the ruling to the end of the Glorious Revolution. British colonization began in the sea, and has defeated the Spanish Armada and the Netherlands Navy, from the rise of British sea power, a Europe. Glorious Revolution, the British formally established a constitutional monarchy form of the system, other countries follow the United Kingdom to establish the emerging capitalist system, and the actual situation of development in accordance with their own economic, if the right way, catch up with the UK is possible.。The second period, from the end of the Glorious Revolution to the first industrial revolution. During this period, the British annexed the success of Scotland, and in the Anglo-French victory in the Seven Years WarThe third period, from the first industrial revolution to the nineteenth century. The first industrial revolution of the rich raw materials, vast domestic market and changing technology, as well as the great achievements of thought - Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations" was published。Britain is a pioneer of world capitalism, but not foreverThe international situation changes, early capitalism, the capitalist world market has not yet formed, and very underdevelopedNot a perfect market to where consumers only through the expansion of land area, looting of raw materials to maintain and develop. When Germany, the United States, Japan, the rise of the emerging capitalist countries such as France and the old capitalist countries to catch up, the international market fundamentals improved, has formed a stable supply of raw materials and consumer groups. The shift, there is no more but starting to lag behind the UK, while the rise in other countriesFight two world wars. Are basically two world wars of the European battlefield, the war greatly the long-term consumption of a British nationalIn the war many of his original sphere of influence and economic and political influence is replaced by the United States, this is a very important reasonBritish Empire Is the largest global colonial empire, envy of the world for more than a century. The formation of the British Empire 300 years of trade, migration and military conquest of the results, the period also of commercial diplomacy of peace and empire atrophy. Throughout the territory of the empire, including the seven continents, including Antarctica, four oceans, has been described as "empire the sun never sets"Meanwhile, his decline is inevitable.

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