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4 论文:Zhou Yixing,On the Relationship between Urbanization and Gross National Product(SSCI),也见周一星,城市化与国民生产总值关系的规律性探讨,《人口与经济》,1982年1期,28-33页,Chinese Sociology and Anthropology,, No. 2,1989年,3-16页被推荐人所起的作用和主要贡献:(限100字)提出城镇化水平与经济发展水平之间对数关系的定量模式,纠正了R. Northam粗略线性关系模式,在理论上把城镇化与经济发展的两种阶段性逻辑地统一起来,为实践工作提供了预测城镇化水平的简便方法。被广泛引用和应用,个人独著。5 论文:Zhou Yixing,The Metropolitan Interlocking Region in China: A Preliminary Hypotheses,in The Extended Metropolis:Settlement Transition in Asia,Edited by Ginsburg, and ,,1991年,89-111页被推荐人所起的作用和主要贡献:(限100字)1988年在夏威夷国际会议上首先提出与大都市带接轨的中国都市连绵区(MIR)概念、标准和分布格局,前瞻性地预见到改革开放和全球化背景下中国人口与经济向沿海6个城市密集区集聚的趋势,正被实践证实。广为国际引用。个人独著。6 论文:Zhou Yixing and Yang Qi,Geographical Analysis of the Industrial Economic Return of Chinese Cities(SSCI),也见周一星,中国城市工业产出水平与城市规模的关系,经济研究,1988(5):74-79,和周一星、杨齐,中国城市经济效益的多因素分析,经济地理,1990(1):43-50,Urban Geography,. 6,1995年,505-520页被推荐人所起的作用和主要贡献:(限100字)发现城市经济效益与城市规模呈正弱相关,发现中国城市经济效益的主要影响因素及其在东中西和不同规模级城市间的规律性变化,是对城市经济效益分析的科学表述,有重要理论和实践意义。第一作者、执笔者。杨齐负责多元回归计算。7 论文:周一星、张莉,改革开放条件下的中国城市经济区,地理学报,58卷2期,2003年,271-284页被推荐人所起的作用和主要贡献:(限100字)兼顾内向、外向两种经济联系对中国城市经济区的大型实证研究,刻画了改革开放后我国经济空间格局的实际态势和发生的巨大变化。对泛珠三角等区域协调提供理论依据。主要观点提出和主要执笔人,张莉分析资料和写作第一稿。8 论文:Yixing Zhou and Laurence J. C. Ma,China's Urbanization Levels: Reconstructing Comparable Time-Series Data Based on the Fifth Population Census(SSCI),China Quarterly,No. 173,2003年,184-204页被推荐人所起的作用和主要贡献:(限100字)为弥补四普和五普间中国城市化水平口径差距,建立中国城市化水平可比数据序列,利用联合国法,参照历史资料,提出合理的数据修补方案。向国际学术界介绍和评价了中国五普城镇人口的新概念。发表在中国研究的国际顶尖学术刊物。9 论文:周一星,主要经济联系方向论,城市规划,1988年2期,1998年,22-25页被推荐人所起的作用和主要贡献:(限100字)探讨在非均质条件下的城市发展规律。提出主要经济联系方向对城址变迁、城市扩展、区域中心城市发展的规律性作用。能解释众多城市现象,是中心地理论的发展和推广,对确定城市发展方向和区域发展重点有重要理论指导。个人独著。10 论文:Zhou Yixing and Yang Qi,Changes in the Urban Hierarchy in China and the Territorial Types by Province(SSCI),也见周一星、杨齐,我国城镇等级体系变动的回顾及其省区地域类型,地理学报,1986年,41卷2期,97-109,Chinese Sociology and Anthropology,, ,1987年,137-159页被推荐人所起的作用和主要贡献:(限100字)分析1964-1980年我国3000多个市镇的人口资料,发现省域城镇等级体系有六种不同类型,类型间具有平衡/不平衡循环上升的演变规律。发展了原有的城市规模分布理论,对城镇体系规划具有指导作用。第一作者和执笔者。

195 评论


叶林. 中国公共管理研究的国际化道路.《复旦公共行政评论》2012年第9辑 叶林、夏晓凤.公平与效率:高密度环境下的基本公共服务“均等化”. 《城市中国》2012年第56期 叶林. 转型过程中的中国城市管理创新:内容、体制及目标. 《中国行政管理》2012年第10期 叶林. 找回政府:“后新公共管理”视阕下的区域治理探索. 《学术研究》2012年第5期 叶林、陈瑞莲. 全球化视野下的中国区域发展研究. 《学术研究》2012年第3期 Lin Ye. 2011. Demographic Transition, Developmentalism and Social Security in China. Social Policy and Administration, 45(6), 678-693. (SSCI) 叶林. 2011. 构建服务型的中国城市治理研究. 《编制管理研究》2011第5期,38-42. 黄锦荣、叶林. 2011. 公共服务“逆向合同承包”的制度选择逻辑—以广州市环卫服务为例. 《公共行政评论》2011年第5期,100-120页. Lin Ye. 2011. Urban Regeneration in China: Policy, Development, and Issues. Local Economy, 26(5), 337-347. Lin Ye. 2011. Metropolitan Region and Governance in the Pearl River Delta. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Public Administration, 399-404. Lin Ye. 2011. Mega-city and Regional Planning and Development in the Pearl River Delta Region, China. Proceedings of the 5th International Association of China Planning Conference. 叶林. 超越国家与市场:第三条道路—对话奥斯特罗姆(整理). 《公共行政评论》2011年第3期,1-14页. 叶林. 新区域主义的兴起与发展:一个综述. 《公共行政评论》2010年第3期,175-189页. Jian Sun and Lin Ye. 2010. Mega-events, Local Economies, and Global Status: What Happened before the 2008 Olympics in Beijing and the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 39(2), 133-165. Lin Ye. 2009. Regional Government and Governance in China and the United States. Public Administration Review, December, S116-S121. (SSCI) Savitch, ., Ronald K. Vogel, and Lin Ye. 2010. Beyond The Rhetoric: Lessons from Louisville’s Consolidation. American Review of Public Administration, 40(1), 3-28. (SSCI) Lin Ye, Jian Sun, and Xiaochuan Wu. 2009. Toward Successful Overseas Training for Chinese Public Officials. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 15(2), 203-218. Gilderbloom, ., Lin Ye, M. J. Hanka, and Kareem M. Usher. 2009. Inter-city Rent Differentials in the . Housing Market 2000: Understanding Rent Variations as a Sociological Phenomenon. Journal of Urban Affairs, 31(4), 409-430.(SSCI) Lin Ye. 2008. Regional Strategies for China’s Sustainable Development. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Public Administration, 411-419. Lin Ye. 2008. Tourism and China’s Development. Review Essay. Journal of the American Planning Association, 74(1), 150-151. (SSCI书评) John Gilderbloom and Lin Ye. 2007. Thirty Years of Rent Control: A Survey of New Jersey Cities. Journal of Urban Affairs, 29(2), 207-220. (SSCI) Lin Ye, Sumedha Mandpe, and Peter B. Meyer. 2005. What is “Smart Growth”—Really? Journal of Planning Literature, 19(3), 301-315. (SSCI) John Gilderbloom, Zhenfeng "Terry" Pan, and Lin Ye. 2005. The Worsening National Nursing Home Crisis. Practicing Planner, 3(2), 1-3. Lin Ye. 2004. The MPA Curriculum Development in China: Learning from the American Theories and Practices. China Public Administration Review, 2(3/4), 46-53. 专著章节 Ye. 2011. Pensions. Entry in Paul Quirk and William Cunion (Eds.) Governing America: Major Policies and Decisions of Federal, State, and Local Government. New York, NY: Facts-on-File. Ye. 2011. Developing a PAYGO Social Security System in China: Retrospect and Prospect. In Zhiqun Zhu (Ed.) The People’s Republic of China Today: Internal and External Challenges, 199-212. World Scientific Ye. 2010. China's Healthcare System Reform: Development, Issues, and Prospects. In Baogang Guo and Dennis Hickey (Eds.) Toward Better Governance in China: an Unconventional Pathway of Political Reform, 89-102. Rowman & Ye. 2009. Review of Challenges Facing Chinese Political Development Sujian Guo and Baogang Guo (Eds.). Journal of Chinese Political Science. 14(2), , ., Ronald K. Vogel, and Lin Ye. 2009. Louisville Transformed: A Survey of a City Before and After Merger. In Don Phares (Ed.) Governing Metropolitan Regions in the Twenty-First Century, 164-184. . Ye and Savitch, . 2008. Municipal Government. Entry in Michael A. Genovese and Lori C. Han (Eds.) Encyclopedia of American Government and Civics, 941-944. New York, NY: , . and Lin Ye. 2008. Pros and Cons of Rent Control. In Gilderbloom, . (Ed.) Invisible City: Housing Opportunities for Everyone, 67-101. University of Texas Press.

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