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汽车租赁是指在约定时间内租赁经营人将租赁汽车交付承租人使用,以取得租赁费用,不提供驾驶劳务的经营方式。 世界汽车租赁业起源于是20世纪的美国,经过半个世纪的发展,目前已经成为全球营业额近千亿美元的一个重要行业。在中国,随着整个社会消费水平的不断提高,汽车租赁从无到有取得了快速发展,虽然仅有十几年的历史,但也表现出巨大的发展潜力和良好的发展前景,特别是汽车租赁业所具有的对于中国汽车工业、汽车流通业、传统运输业,以及旅游业等相关行业发展的带动作用,更是其他行业所无法比拟的。从另一方面看,汽车租赁业在中国尚属起步阶段,租赁营业额较低,行业相关政策法规不配套,而且租赁企业的经营管理水平还有待提高。汽车租赁业对整个社会经济发展的特殊功能和优势尚未发挥出来。 纵观国内外租赁市场状况,对我市汽车租赁市场经营中存在的问题及对策进行如下分析: 一、存在问题 1.行业政策、法律法规不完善,造成行业管理滞后,使企业运作起来无章可循。 2.企业规模小,经营方式单一,管理水平低下。唐山较北京、上海等中心城市的租赁企业经营规模小。汽车租赁业作为资金密集型、科技密集型行业,小作坊式的规模带来的弊端显而易见。车辆周转期短,得不到很好的维护,加之配套设施较差,安全隐患较大。由于服务质量难有大的突破,相互间只能拼价格,造成恶性竞争。科技含量不足,企业或企业间网络化经营难以开展。此外,企业规模偏小,抵御市场经营风险能力也较弱。 3.外部环境制约租赁业发展。这里所讲外部环境一是指社会经济状况,租一辆车的费用每天不少于是200元,对于普通工薪阶层,难以承受,应急而已;二是指社会环境,包括社会治安和公民素质,这些因素关系到经营风险和管理难度,这是多年来汽车租赁企业难以回避的问题,也是制约该行业发展的重要原因。租、盗、逾期不还车、逾期不交费、租金无法收回、超出约定范围行使等屡有发生。在唐山几乎每家租赁企业都遇到过这些事件,有的中小企业因承受不起打击而导致企业倒闭或陷入困境。目前的防范办法就是不断增加对租车者的信誉考证条件使得租赁行业的市场被压缩在极少数消费群体上,但这不仅限制了业务发展,而且仍难以摆脱上述风险的阴影,整个业务过程却由此复杂化,工作效率降低。 二、解决对策 1.通过国家有关部门的努力,逐步建立和完善相应的政策法律法规,创造公平、公正的宏观发展环境。管理部门本着“总量控制,规范管理,规模经营,扶优限劣”的原则开展管理工作,加大宏观调控力度的前提下,增大科技含量。一方面大力培育市场的规范化发展;另一方面加大打击非法经营和服务质量低劣的力度,净化竞争环境。同时争取其他相关国家部门的政策扶持,如物价、税务、公安、金融、保险、修理业。只有这样,汽车租赁业才能真正成为一个新兴产业,为整个国民经济服务。 2.汽车租赁业要不断增强自身实力,提高人员素质,努力改善汽车租赁业自身发展环境,积极与国内其他城市及国际汽车租赁业接轨。加强全国性的联网工作,争取做到属地租车,异地还车业务,加强网络化联系,形成规模,杜绝车欠费等现象的发生,使企业朝着规范化、规模化、正规化、网络话的理念向前发展。 3.汽车租赁业与汽车生产企业之间要加强行业间协作,以利汽车更新换代。如果汽车生产企业与汽车租赁企业能够加强合作,可以说两全其美,互利互惠。对于汽车租赁企业来说,如果汽车生产企业可以像发达国家一样以削价、分期付款等方式销售给汽车租赁公司,将有利于汽车更新换代,提高了竞争力,租赁公司将乐此不疲。另一方面生产企业增大了销售额,也受益匪浅。就目前而言,令租赁公司最头疼也最害怕的事就是汽车降价问题,今天更新的车,明天就可能大幅降价,令公司捶胸顿足,抑制了汽车更新换代。如果生产企业对租赁公司有倾斜政策,能很好地协作,对双方都将很有利。 4.汽车租赁行业应加强自我宣传力度,大力挖掘市场潜力。首先利用媒体等多种手段宣传其不可替代的作用。如:租赁汽车可以解决人们有照无车与出行需要之间的矛盾;可以有效地提高车辆的利用率;可以带动汽车及相关行业的发展;可以缓解现阶段政府机关、单位用车之间的矛盾,节约用车费用;可以满足对社会车辆总量控制的要求,在一定程度上缓解交通拥挤;可以解决婚丧嫁娶、外出旅游、公务商务、会议等用车之急;可以免去购车资金、不必支付保险费、养路费和维修保养费,甚至不需要车库。这一系列好处都要通过宣传让大家了解认可,不断扩大汽车租赁业的知名度,使其像出租车一样走进千家万户。 在中国飞速前进的新时代里,汽车租赁业也一定能够占有一席之地,让我们共同来拓展这条道路。

287 评论


The development of financial leasing industry in China is facing new challenges and opportunities, development to the world leasing yearbook of statistics, in 1999 the global equipment leasing transaction volume has amounted to $470000000000 (not including the personal car rental). Equipment permeability equipment lease transactions industrial developed countries reached 20% - 35%. And our country in the last few years equipment lease transactions accounted for only 1% of all equipment trading volume, market potential is very great. At the dawn of the new century, to accelerate the development of the financial leasing industry in China has important practical the process of economic globalization, China is the largest developing country, give full play to the potential of the domestic market is an eternal topic. The development of modern leasing industry is conducive to the promotion of investment, enliven the domestic demand, accelerate the technological transformation of enterprises. Give full play to the Finance Leasing Company financing function, is conducive to stimulating social investment, change the investment of fixed assets of enterprises "credit" too serious, directly dependent on the status of banks. Process for commercial banks. Leasing industry to implement the proactive fiscal policy, change the financial funds, expand the multiplier effect of financial investment. The development of rental sales and long-term operating lease help accelerate the reform of circulation field, to establish and perfect a financing lease business carrier and distribution system of marketing. Leasing is beneficial to the popularization and application of high and new technology and equipment, mobile communication industry uses a lot of financing lease to high-speed development is the best proof. The positive development of manufacturers of equipment leasing company background and professional, carry out small equipment rental sales, second-hand equipment leasing, to make an inventory of existing assets, idle assets play a role, is conducive to the promotion of the re employment project, to support the development of small and medium enterprises and non - public ownership present, China's leasing industry organization structure is not perfect, the financing lease as circulation carrier, not to open, non financial leasing companies cannot lawfully engaged in lease financing business, the existing Finance Leasing Company and joint venture leasing companies less quantity, small scale, can not meet the needs of the market. Part of the Finance Leasing Company, Sino foreign joint venture leasing company due to various reasons asset condition is not good, continue to operate in difficult. Some shareholders intend to withdraw from business, the transfer of shares, some companies prepare due winding. Asset restructuring existing lease enterprise task. Theoretical study on the financing lease is seriously lagging behind, development professionals will seriously affect the serious shortage of the leasing industry. The financial leasing industry development to a succession of the new to the old, the survival of the fittest, asset restructuring, reorganization of the turning point of the development entering the WTO, China in the field of financial services will accelerate the pace of opening to the outside world, more and more foreign investors, the Multi-National Corporation will be involved in the financial leasing industry in china. Further into the foreign capital, to inject new vitality into China's leasing industry at the same time, domestic leasing industry will face severe challenges,At the same time, the legal environment of China modern leasing industry and the business environment is further improved. To expand domestic demand, accelerate the technological transformation, manufacturing and logistics requirements set up Finance Leasing Company to promote strong external demand equipment sales. Issued accounting standards make the sale and leaseback, leveraged lease, rental sales, long-term operating lease and other new business form common development potential. The implementation of the new accounting law, further standardize all kinds of intermediary business, make the enterprise information disclosure more open, transparent. Deepening reform of SOEs, the modern enterprise system will be established, vigorously develop the mixed ownership, non-public enterprises, will provide a lot of potential customers for financing lease. Banks generally carry out management of line of credit loans, will enable more enterprises to financing lease as an important financing channel for investment in fixed assets. With the deepening of the reform of the financial industry, between the money market and capital market channel of communication is smooth, the funding problem of leasing companies will gradually be resolved, and diversified development. The country enlarges the utilization of foreign capital and technology support for the development, financing and leasing industry in the introduction of foreign investment, accelerate the renewal of equipment, avoid equipment obsolescence risk, increasing its market share will be further play to the role of. Some rental companies through the reorganization of assets and transfer of shares, revitalized, and provided successful low-cost access to new investors in the leasing industry. The financial leasing industry in China is facing new development opportunity hitherto 20 years of reform and opening up, China's financial leasing industry has made many valuable experiences and lessons, and lays a foundation for further development. In recent years, many large Multi-National Corporation have set foot in the leasing industry, fully shows that China's continuous improvement of the investment environment, the huge potential of the rental market and customer groups, which has a great attraction to foreign investors. Although China's leasing industry still faces many difficulties, but after entering the WTO, the development of further opening of financial service trade field will give China's leasing industry has brought new opportunities for development. The development prospects of China leasing industry wide, Unlimited Business Opportunities!翻译:我国融资租赁业发展面临新的挑战和机遇,发展前景广阔。 据世界租赁年报统计,1999年全球设备租赁交易额已达4700亿美圆(尚不包括个人汽车租赁)。工业发达国家的设备租赁交易额的设备渗透率达20%—35%左右。而我国近几年来设备租赁交易额仅占全部设备交易额的1%左右,市场潜力十分巨大。在新世纪到来之际,加速发展我国融资租赁业有着重要的现实意义。 在经济全球化的进程中,我国作为最大的发展中国家,充分发挥国内市场潜力是一个永恒的课题。大力发展现代租赁业有利于促进投资,搞活内需,加速企业技术改造。充分发挥融资租赁公司的投融资功能,有利于拉动社会投资,改变企业固定资产投资严重“信贷化”,过分直接依赖银行的状况。有利于银行的商业化进程。租赁业有利于配合积极的财政政策,改变财政资金的投入方式,扩大财政投入的倍数效应。发展租赁销售和中长期经营租赁有利于加速流通领域里的改革,建立和完善以融资租赁为营销方式的经营载体和分销体系。租赁业务的开展有利于高新技术和装备的推广应用,移动通信业大量采用融资租赁方式得以高速发展就是最好的明证。积极发展厂商为背景的专业化的设备租赁公司,开展小额的设备租赁促销、二手设备租赁,有利于盘活现有资产,发挥闲置资产的作用,有利于促进再就业工程的实施,有利于支持中小企业和非公有制经济的发展。 目前,我国租赁业的组织架构很不完善,融资租赁作为流通载体,尚未对内开放,非金融机构的租赁公司还不能合法地从事融资租赁业务,现有的金融租赁公司和合资租赁公司数量少,规模小,远不能适应市场的需求。部分金融租赁公司、中外合资租赁公司由于种种原因资产状况不好,继续经营步履艰难。有的股东打算撤出经营,转让股权,有的公司准备到期清盘。现有租赁企业资产重组任务艰巨。对融资租赁的理论研究严重滞后,专业人员严重不足也将会严重影响租赁业的发展。融资租赁行业发展到了一个新老交替、优胜劣汰、资产重组、整顿发展的转折时机。 入世后,我国金融服务领域将加快对外开放的步伐,更多的外国投资者、跨国公司将介入我国融资租赁业。外资的进一步进入,在为我国租赁业注入新的活力的同时,内资租赁业将面临严峻的挑战, 与此同时,我国现代租赁业的法律环境和业务环境正进一步完善。为扩大内需,加速技改,制造业和流通业要求成立融资租赁公司促进设备销售的客观需求强烈。会计准则的颁布使出售回租、杠杆租赁、销售租赁、中长期经营租赁等新的业务形式有普遍开展之势。新会计法的实施,各类中介机构的进一步规范经营,使企业信息的披露更加公开、透明。国企改革进一步深化,现代企业制度将普遍建立,混合型所有制、非公有制企业的大力发展,将会为融资租赁业提供大量潜在客户。银行普遍推行贷款授信额度管理,将使更多企业把融资租赁当作固定资产投资的重要筹资渠道。随着金融业的改革深化,货币市场和其它资本市场之间的沟通渠道会日益畅通,租赁公司的资金来源问题会逐步得到解决,并向多样化发展。国家加大对利用外资和高科技发展的支持力度,融资租赁业在引进外资、加速设备更新、避免设备陈旧风险,扩大市场份额方面的作用会得到进一步发挥。一些租赁公司通过资产重组和股份转让,重新焕发了活力,为新的投资者介入租赁业提供了低成本进入的成功经验。我国融资租赁业又面临前所未有新的发展机遇。 经过20 年的改革开放,我国融资租赁业取得了不少宝贵的经验教训,奠定了进一步快速发展的基础。近几年来,很多大跨国公司纷纷涉足租赁业,充分说明了我国不断完善的投资环境,潜力巨大的租赁市场和客户群体,对外国投资者具有极大的吸引力。尽管我国租赁业还面临不少困难,但入世后,金融贸易服务领域的进一步对外开放会给我国租赁业的发展带来了新的发展机遇。中国租赁业的发展前景广阔,商机无限!

232 评论


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