Gender: female
Graduate school: city university of technology
Date of birth: 197 x years March 3
Professional: industrial enterprise management (undergraduate)
The communication address: so-and-so province on a street, a town
Postal zip code:
Can skilled listen, speak, read, and write. And through the national English band 4 examination. Particularly good at writing and reply to English business correspondence, proficient in use of network access relevant document in English and can be translated in time.
Computer level:
National computer rank examination, familiar with network and electronic business. Proficient in office automation, skilled in the operation Windows / 2 k. Can the independent operation and timely and efficient complete daily office document editing work.
Internship experience summary
200 x years July so-and-so chemical site e-commerce practice. During my internship main responsibility is 1. To assist in the Internet website editor of both domestic and foreign chemical information. 2. Collect and organize related Chinese and English material. 3. Sorting and translation of English material.
Education background
In September 200 x in July mm200x XXX university of technology
In September 200 x mm200x years July so-and-so city the first middle school
Major courses:
The higher mathematics, operations research, forecast and never measure, marketing, western economics, international trade, marketing and negotiations, computer sales management, e-commerce
Elizabeth Dorothy
4097 Calumet Ave, Apt#5
New York, NY 10040
Career Objective:
Creative and enthusiastic creative graphic designer looking for the profile of an Associate Web Designer where my skills and ability will be used for the growth of the organization.
Possess excellent designing and layout skills
Excellent communication and presentation skills
Ability to work in a fast paced environment
Extensive knowledge of current web design and technologies
Ability to manage time effectively with good organizational skills
Excellent knowledge of color and scale
Attention to detail and ability to execute multiple tasks
Ability to explore, learn and apply software and technologies to increase business prospects
Possess excellent documentation and problem solving skills
Technical Skills:
Extensive knowledge of creative tools like Abode Illustrator, Abode Dream Weaver, Abode Photoshop and HTML
In-depth knowledge of Action script, CSS and Flash
Familiar with JavaScript, HTML, Perl, Windows 95/98, Macro Media Dream Weaver, Windows XP and Illustrator
Educational Qualification:
Bachelor's degree in Web Designing from Information Web Centre College, University of New York in the year 1997
Master's degree in Web Designing from university of New York in the year 2001
Certification Course:
Certification Course in Associate Web Designing from Techno Web Designing Centre,NY 19XX
Work Experience:
ABC Web Designing Co Inc, NY
2005 till date
Associate Web Designer
Responsible for generating and modifying well-designed email creative and banner advertisements
Worked closely with Senior designers in establishing project requirements and deliverables
Handled the tasks of proposing artwork to support team-wide project communication and vision
Assigned the tasks of identiifying priorities and gaps in current designs and delivering creative solutions for the same
Created conceptual wire frames, high-fidelity prototypes and user flow diagrams
Reviewing competitor websites and updated the information to the business units
ABC Software Co, NY
2003 to 2005
Web Designer
Created corporate portals, websites and large scale-web based applications
Responsible for generating graphic and media essentials by using Photoshop and Flash
Handled the responsibilities of designing graphics and overall layout of the company website
Designed and created color scheme, graphics and images for the client's prospective website
Worked with marketing professionals to guarantee highest exposure of advertisements
Assigned the tasks of converting written, audio, graphic and video components to compatible formats by using software applications
Personal Details:
Name: Elizabeth Dorothy
Date of Birth: XX/XX/19XX
Marital Status: Single
Employment Status: Permanent
Paul Lawrence
Associate Web Designer Specialist
Global Web and Graphic Design Centre, NY
英文编辑职责: 1、 每日检查负责网站或栏目; 2、 根据《信息上网规范》编辑制作文章; 3、每日检查中文网站上与英文网站栏目对应的栏目更新情况,及时翻译、编辑、上网; 4、所选取的翻译内容应该符合一般国外读者的需求;网站英文编辑工作内容为:编辑、翻译英文资料,对网站内容做日常维护.“英文编辑需要的不是翻译,也不是演说家,而是一个综合能力强同时英语又好的人才。面对主考官时,要有自信,英语交谈时,气氛是靠自己调整的。在轻松和谐的对话中,在看似平淡的提问回答中,要恰当显示自己的思维和思想。另外其实,在面试中遇到一些让自己感到不是很顺心的事也是很正常的,关键是不要因此而破坏了自己整个心情,应该尽量让自己从阴影中走出来,及时调整心态,使自己在接下去的面试过程中最好地发挥应有的才能。求职英语——应聘英文编辑(一些常见问题,最好要把握好:) 英文编辑English Editor A:Your English is excellent,how long have you been studying Enghlish?A:你的英语非常出色。你学英语多长时间了?E:More than twenty started to learn English when I was in the ;20多年了。我从小学开始学习英语.A:What kind of education have you had?A:你接受过什么教育?E:I was English major at Peking University and got a bachelor :我在北京大学主修英语专业,已获得学士学位。A:Why do you want to be an English Editor?”A:你为什么想成为一名英文编辑?E:As an English Editor is my a dream,I think the job is suit me completely .E:做一名英文编辑是我的梦想,我认为我是十分适合做这份工作的。A:Have you learned something about editing in English?A:你学过英文编辑吗?E: took the English editing course in university,and I learned a lot from this :当然。我在大学里专门学习过英文编辑课程,我从中学到了很多东西。A:Do you have any experience as an editor?A:你有没有当编辑的经验?E: I enjoy writing and I have published a number of essays in Benjing Evening Newspaper and a little scientific fiction in Science :没有,但是我酷爱写作。并在北京晚报上发表了一些文章,我还在科学园地上发表过几篇科幻小说。A:Have you even tried translating?A:你试过翻译吗?E:Yes,I my spare time I usually do some translations for some :我干过。在业余时间我经常为一些公司翻译一些东西。以上内容中,“A:”代表主考官,“E:”代表面试者。
1、首先进入网站“360xixi.com”,点击“选择文件”将需要编辑的BT种子上传,如下图所示,成功上传后会显示种子名称; 2、我们点击上图中的“高级编辑”,
一、内容要求 毕业设计报告正文要求: (一)理、工科类专业毕业设计报告正文内容应包括:问题的提出;设计的指导思想;方案的选择和比较论证;根据任务书指出的内容和指
省级刊物:《民营科技》主管单位:云南省科学技术厅 主办单位:云南省民办科技机构管委会国际刊号:ISSN 1673-4033,国内刊号:CN 53-1125/N,
陕西省气象台主要职责:负责编制和发布陕西省分区的天气预报和警报; 负责向陕西省政府领导机关,陕西省防汛抗旱部门及省农业、林业、救灾等部 门及时提供重要天气预报、