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随着时代的发展,生活节奏的不断加快,忙碌的人们之间联系日益疏远,更多的人将注意力转移到了宠物的身上。各种萌宠以其容易与人和睦相处,并时常带给人们欢乐的特点,迅速进驻了人们的生活。 宠物队伍的的日益壮大,宠物经济产业也随之快速发展,在继旅游经济,教育经济,体育经济之后,成为又一个新兴产业。统计数据显示,北京,上海,广州,成都成为全国四大宠物城市,上海仅每年的养犬费用就高达6亿元,而成都宠物经济的年收入估计也逾亿元。未来宠物的数量将以成倍的速度增长,宠物经济市场的潜力至少能达到150亿,目前发展状况看显露的还只是“金山一角”。 纵观宠物经济产业链,产业链上端:宠物的衣食住行,生老病死每个环节都蕴含着巨大的商机。维持其生存的吃、住、用、穿等衍生出来的产品和产业由于投入不大,收效快,这一领域发展势头十分强劲。把宠物食品和宠物用品市场作为上游看,那么宠物美容、医疗等服务就可看作中游,相比而言,这一领域发展还不充分,商机仍是无限大。作为产业链的终端,宠物“身后事”受到越来越多的主人关注,广州成都等地都已出现专用宠物墓地,而宠物标本制作也作为宠物继续陪伴主人身边新的方式,当然,收费都不低。 宠物市场前景如此一片大好,反观中国前十年的宠物行业发展却不尽如人意。在过去的十年中,国内宠物行业的发展首先选择了模仿PetSmart模式,酷迪宠物成立了宠物主题连锁品牌,并广泛发展连锁店,宠物公园,美容师学校,宠物五星级酒店等线下服务,线上创建自己的B2C平台和淘宝C店,电商平台相对较弱,营业额虽可观,但利润空间不大。乐宠成立宠物连锁店,动物医院,俱乐部,线上有宠物中国,以及淘宝宠物用品店,乐宠涉及的业务繁多,但网站流量却不乐观。 这种线上电商+线下连锁服务的模式本身没有问题,但却没有实现规模化,细看原因有几点。 行业准入门槛低,两到三人就可以开一家社区宠物店,宠物行业是一个刚刚起步的朝阳行业,不断有从业者进入,市场还处于利用低价来获取竞争的阶段,所以导致正规化经营的连锁品牌无法达到很大的利润空间。同时连锁品牌主打中高端市场,消费者的消费理念与习惯还没有形成。再者是中国房地产业的爆发,导致租金增长太快,直接提升了运营成本,大型的连锁店显然有点行不通。再看,美国养宠物家庭达到百分之六十多,中国刚刚达到百分之十,即使开一家实体宠物店实际能覆盖的目标用户也少的可怜,盈利能力自然也不可能高。最后,垂直电商迅猛发展直接冲击了线下宠物用品的销售,虽然目前也做电商布局,但是依靠淘宝平台,业务重心仍然在线下,且电商先阶段没有盈利。 近几年,波奇一军突起,仿佛让人看到了中国宠物品牌发展的希望。创始人有较好的互联网背景与大公司工作管理经验,能制定公司战略并管理团队,产品规划清晰,定位分明,围绕商城,社区,百科和生活馆发展,并不盲目跟风做业务,重点做电商,打造良好的用户体验,这正符合了现在电商发展做服务的方向。坚持电商战略,但多元化,不局限于自己的商城,还通过淘宝与京东等平台,综合电商平台合作,开通更多流量获取销售渠道也是波奇电商业务增长迅速的重要原因。 从2007年12月上线以来,波奇十分低调,没有大规模的宣传与融资消息,直到12年6月公布了高盛千万级美元的融资消息。波奇电商发展凶猛,迅速的占领了淘宝,天猫,京东,1号店等平台,波奇社区用户也近200万,在上海和华东地区建立了较高的品牌知名度。 现在O2O的发展风潮越来越劲,13年底波奇就上线了新的O2O业务,波奇宠物生活馆,整合线下商家(虽然目前只有上海地区),规范行业服务,让用户享受优惠价格和高质量服务,线上支付然后线下消费。 波奇目前的道路选择无疑是正确的,随着互联网的发展,无线移动端的广泛应用,波奇是否能提高用户数量与流量,还要看是否有足够强大的地面部队,社区活跃度的提高则要看如何向移动互联网转型。 纵观国内宠物互联网的主要商家,大家的发展其实大同小异,社区+电商或者社会化电商,也许这就是中国垂直电商的生存之道。当然不论线上与线下,产品与服务永远都是应该保持专注的焦点。产品做的用心,为客户提供良好的体验,即使目前规模不大,也一定能做出一番成绩。 除了电商以外,宠物社交网站与宠物智能穿戴设备等新领域也悄然出现,也许未来时代中的宠物经济发展将毫不逊色于人们的日常。With the development of the times, the pace of life continues to accelerate, the relationship between busy people increasingly alienated, more people will shift their attention to the pet. A variety of adorable pet with its easy to get along with people, and often give people the joy of the characteristics of the rapid spread of people's lives. With the development of the pet team, the pet industry has been developing rapidly, and has become a new industry after the tourism economy, education and economy. Statistics show that Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu to become the country's four largest pet City, Shanghai, the annual cost of raising the dog is as high as $600 million, while the annual income of the pet economy is estimated at more than 100 million yuan in Chengdu. The number of pets in the future will be multiplied by the speed of the pet market potential of the economy can reach at least 15 billion, the current development of the situation is only a golden corner". The pet economy industrial chain, industrial chain is the basic necessities of life and death: pets, each link contains enormous business opportunities. To maintain its survival of the food, shelter, use, wear and other derived products and industries due to the investment is not fast, the development momentum is very strong in this field. Pet food and pet supplies market as the upstream look, then pet beauty, health care and other services can be seen as the middle reaches, compared to the development of this field is not sufficient, the business is still unlimited. As the terminal industry chain, pet "things behind" has attracted more and more attention master, Guangzhou Chengdu and other places have a special pet cemetery, but also as a pet pet specimens continue to accompany master new ways, of course, fees are not low. Pet market prospects so good, in contrast, China's pet industry in the first ten years of development is not satisfactory. In the past ten years, the development of domestic pet industry first choice model to imitate PetSmart, Kootie pet established the pet theme chain brand, and extensive development of chain stores, pet park, pet beautician school, five star hotel and other online and offline services, create your own B2C platform and Taobao C shop, business platform is relatively weak although considerable profits, turnover, but little space. Le pet set up pet chain, animal hospitals, clubs, online pet China, as well as Taobao pet supplies store, Le pet involves a wide range of business, but the site traffic is not optimistic. This online + offline service chain model itself is no problem, but did not realize the scale, there are several reasons for scrutiny. The industry access threshold is low, two to three people can open a pet shop, the pet industry is a sunrise industry has just started, there have been practitioners into the market is still in, to gain competitive advantage of cheap stage, resulting in formal business chain brand would not reach a large profit space. At the same time, the main chain brand in the high-end market, consumer spending habits and ideas have not yet formed. Moreover, the outbreak of China's real estate industry, leading to the rapid growth of rent, directly enhance the operating costs, large chain stores is obviously a bit unworkable. Again, the American pet family reached more than and 60 per cent, China has just reached ten percent, even if an entity can cover the pet store the actual target user is scanty, profitability can not be high. Finally, the direct impact of the rapid development of vertical line pet supplies sales, although also the layout of the electricity supplier, but rely on the Taobao platform, business focus is still online, and the first stage is not profitable business. In recent years, a porch army, if people see the hope for the development of China pet brands. The founder of work management experience in the background of Internet and big companies are better, to formulate the company strategy and management team, product planning positioning clear, distinct, around the mall, community, encyclopedia and living museum development, do not blindly follow the trend to do business, focus on the electricity supplier, to create a good user experience, which is in line with the development of the electricity supplier to do service now the direction of. Adhere to the electricity supplier strategy, but the diversification, not limited to their own store, also by Taobao and Jingdong such as platform, integrated business platform cooperation, opening up more sales channels is an important reason for the flow of business in the rapid growth of the porch. On-line since December 2007, porch is very low-key, no large-scale publicity and finance news, until 12 years in June announced the news Goldman ten million . dollars financing. The development of the electricity supplier porch is fierce, the rapid occupation of the Taobao, Tmall, Jingdong, shop No. 1 platform, porky community of users is also nearly 2 million in Shanghai and East China has established a high brand awareness. Now the development of the O2O wave is more and more strong, by the end of 13 on the porch on a new line of business O2O, porky pets living museum, the integration of the next line of business (although only the Shanghai area), and regulate the industry, allowing users to enjoy preferential price and high quality services, online payment and offline consumption. At present the porch path choice is undoubtedly correct, with the development of Internet and the wide application of wireless mobile terminal, it can improve the porch number of users and traffic, depends on whether they are strong enough to ground forces, community activity depends on how to improve the transformation of the mobile internet. The main businesses throughout the domestic pet development of the Internet, we are all the same, or community + social business, perhaps this is the China vertical business survival. Of course, both online and offline, products and services should always be the focus of attention. Products to do the heart, for the customer

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