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Libeijia natural yearning for a simple expression of the feelings "of the I." She began a novel left-Hatton girls school in Aimilie family house. When she saw Jos to his sister bought two gorgeous cashmere shawl when. She said with emotion: "There is a more than a good brother" The statement is right and fair and reasonable. Diema her own premature death. And no relatives, Gugulingding. Aimilie word on the cause of sympathy, but also manifests her family and happy life Hefen. In Libeijia "I this" publicity stage, we can see that the work is a serious and careful work, first joined the community image. She is the joy of freedom, is reflected by the "Happy principle." Kelaolai Manor, the old masters of the various tasks to her let her arrangements. In order to consolidate the status of respect for her family every Kelaolai status, even if no buyers on the Kelaolaifu also given the right attitude. Free attitude to the students, not a lot of homework. So students like her. She Kelaolai night with a walk, and children, masters male is almost not at home when the hostess house yard, which can be embodied in her life at the beautiful. Libeijia out to the aspirations of the poor life, the use of all means to get the money. This is the "I 'performance. Doing everything they could to please her Jiaochiaoshi this, Shidanen Lord, as well as other rich and powerful people who aim to cheat money. She said cordially Jiaochiaoshi the" Cupid "exhaustion of sweet talk, with the result that he Baidao in her Danliuqun, requested before the battle of Waterloo in Beiji eloped with him. Gutieleizhanyi LUO Deng left her during her high horse to the high prices again are not sold to Joe Cerf. Gutieleizhanyi after she and LUO Deng living comfortably in Paris, by the name of Miss Kelaolai everywhere attempted. later Beiji stick by means of only 500 pounds of cash to pay off all the debt LUO Deng actually only has a total / 10. them to return to London. Libeijia pursuit of the upper class life, is' I am the 'manifest. She married to doing everything possible to the aristocratic youth LUO Deng, Waterloo Luzhou campaign ended, the victorious and LUO Deng deserved promoted colonel, they lived in luxury in Paris airflow life. He used George aunt, the impact of entering into Paris high society boldly attempted. Libeijia LUO Deng both using each other and each other hide and deceive the landlord partners for their money shopping, porn and alcohol have a few years of life. France and the United Kingdom from her husband every time entertaining guests "to drink red wine is fine" and "often drive in the Park" and "three floors in the opera house there is a packet box" wearing fashionable, wore expensive jewelry, fine Then one popular jargon, "Yitai grace. hear the rich aunt Kelaolai LUO Deng Miss ill after the news of the death, to scramble for heritage, they came home to attend the funeral. left before LUO Deng instigated in Libeijia , sold the officer positions, and return to the home county Han Park, and LUO Deng's brother, from Members of Parliament, Sir Saosaojienfu people together. Libeijia with fine words and sex, relying on his sister-in-law of Dabaizi and honest引见, the palace met with the King. "a board goal, worth ten times." Libeijia into high society pleasure of a star, all day dealings in the upper reaches of the debauchery lives of the aristocracy. this humble origin, was ignored Huangmaoyatoulibeijia, 10 years, all the way prostitution, the world on his back, and finally her life at the pinnacle of dazzling brilliance, as the upper class "Jiaojihua." Shidanen Jue Xun private banquet, a number of dignitaries to London soon She accepted. she had become a customer of the Embassy of France. banquet If not Fengzi about Billy the LUO Deng, Kelaolaifu participation, people do not think it perfect. word, she was recognized by the upper class society.

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议论文,要不要追逐名利范文:古人云:要淡泊名利。“淡泊”是一种古老的道家思想,《老子》就曾说“恬淡为上,胜而不美”。后人一直赞赏这种“心神恬适”的意境,如白居易在《问秋光》一诗中,“身心转恬泰,烟景弥淡泊”。“名利”是人生活在世界上,无论贫穷富贵,穷达逆顺,都免不了与名利打交道。《清代皇帝秘史》记述乾隆皇帝下江南时,来到江苏镇江的金山寺,看到山脚下大江东去,百舸争流,不禁兴致大发,随口问一个老和尚:“你在这里住了几十年,可知道每天来来往往多少船?”老和尚回答说:“我只看到两只船。一只为名,一只为利。”一语道破天机。淡泊名利是一种境界,追逐名利是一种贪欲。当今社会真正淡泊名利的很少,追逐名利的很多。然而,也应当看到,今天的社会是五彩斑斓的大千世界,充溢着各种各样炫人耳目的名利诱惑,要做到淡泊名利确实是一件不容易的事情。但淡泊名利者并非没有。志遥教育在其博文中常常强调这一点,且身体力行,把荣誉给别人,快乐自然留心中。本人非常钦佩他的学识修养。“名利”——人的一生又有谁不是在追逐,努力地工作就是为了使自己的事业有所建树,可以说是求名;拼搏使自己的生活能够富裕也能说是逐利。人活着,有谁敢说没有追求过这两个字呢?我认为“名利”主要是一个度的问题,只要不过,不贪,追逐一下也是一种积极的生活态度。安于清贫的目的不是守贫,而是静心。淡泊名利是人生所为的一种态度,是人生的一种哲学。淡泊名利,就是要超脱世俗的诱惑与困扰,实实在在的对待一切事物,豁达客观的看待一切生活。首先要树立正确的人生观,价值观,要做到信仰至上。人生总要有所追求,如果心中没有远大的志向,必然就会看重眼前的利益。要淡泊名利,需要的是充实思想,为之奉献勇于牺牲的精神,追求名利主要还是为了满足欲望。其次要做到工作上高标准,生活上低要求,才能更好地做到控制物欲。只有树立远大的乐于奉献的精神,才可能经受住各种诱惑的考验,始终不渝地坚守自己的道德标准和信念,不重名利,不计得失,以淡泊的情怀书写出高贵的人生。范文:善待名利 名利是一种什么“病”?是一种通“病”,从人类文明开始至今,从地球的最南端到最北端,每个人都与名利结下不解之缘,有的人一味地追名逐利,有的人则善待名利。名利不是罪恶,在不同的人的身上有不同的价值。“有些人因为贪婪,想得到更多的东西,却把现在所有的也失掉了。”的确,许多人在名利场上失掉了理智的指南针,陷入了名利的漩涡,结果越陷越深,难以自拔。这样的例子在历史上不胜枚举。但是,名利虽然做了一切恶事,而很多好事也是由名利而生的。武则天当政时的宫廷诗人宋之问虽媚附权贵,人品低下,为世人所鄙,但他所作的诗语言精练,气势流畅,为后世批评家所推崇。欧阳修、苏东坡是历代推崇的名士,但他们仕途不顺之后写下的名篇,不也是在为自己的怀才不遇而愤懑,为名利上的郁郁不得志而寄情山水吗?今天,当运动员在刷新一项项世界纪录,科学家在攻克一道道世界难题时,他们难道没有受到金牌、荣誉和金钱的诱惑吗?当然有。正因为在名利的驱动下,人类才会不断追求,在追求名利的过程中不断探索与创新:我们生活在名利之中,名利是我们生活的一部分:如果没有名利,就像没有绿洲的沙漠,使旅人失去了心中的希望。没有名利,就像没有黑夜的白昼,在纯粹的光明中,就像在纯粹的黑暗中一样,什么也看不见。没有名利,就像味觉失去了苦的感觉,虽然品尝得到甜的滋味,但失去了品尝甜的欣喜。没有名利的生活是不完整的,没有名利的生活是不可想像的。老子“小国寡民”、没有名利、远离名利的构想是不现实的。世上没有不为名利的超人,只有善待名利的智者。名利绝不是万恶之源,关键在于你如何面对。如果你把名利看成一切,那么你将迷失自我,名利会成为切断你幸福的利刃;如果你善待名利,将名利作为奋勇进取的动力,那么名利将成为你的风帆,伴你渡过征程,送你走向成功。每一杯过量的酒都是魔鬼酿成的毒汁,多一点的贪婪都是幸福的刽子手。善待名利,你将获得彩虹般绮丽的人生。

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