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首页 > 学术期刊 > 外国雕塑毕业论文

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让雕塑为祖国“四化”出力冯河;谈作动物雕塑[J];美术研究;1980年04期刘开渠;对雕塑创作的几点意见[J];文艺研究;1980年04期傅天仇;雕塑的遗产和创造[J];文艺研究;1980年04期路艳霞;环境剧 雕塑剧悄然露头[N];北京日报;2000年 王展;论西方现代雕塑多位空间的视觉表达方式[D];西安建筑科技大学;2001年 王岩;现代雕塑与现代建筑的共融[D];大连理工大学;2002年 郑蕾;建筑与雕塑的关系[D];中央美术学院;2002年 崔健;写实性雕塑的原理及中国城市雕塑的现状[D];中央美术学院;2002年 王琪;谈人物雕塑的姿势[D];中央美术学院;2002年 陈其端;现代城市公共艺术问题解析及其对策[D];武汉理工大学;2003年 刘熠;城市广场的水景雕塑研究[D];中央美术学院;2003年 黑晓东;写实雕塑的观察方法及形体认识[D];中央美术学院;2003年 马军;试论雕塑材料语言与造型[D];中央美术学院;2003年 李亮;中国各美术学院雕塑系教学改革考察报告[D];中央美术学院;2003年

238 评论


Sculpture as a sex strong body art form, whether use items as raw material for the traditional meaning of the creation, or artificial materials directly used as works in modern and contemporary sculpture, or a large number of unprocessed natural substances are used directly, it is the product of the subject and the object is actually a sex act of creation. Sculpture referred to should not be limited to the physical nature of materials, material, and should make the whole process of looking for sculpture. In the context of Chinese culture, sculpture very clearly points to the physical nature of the body - - the system of heart. In this system, the sculptor of the subjectivity and the material object is peer interaction. That is to say, the sculptor of the body and sculpture material is equally important, the sculpture of the production process and presentation of the sculpture of the final form is equally important, these constitute the concept of "sculpture" as a whole. Emphasizes the sculpture of the property, in fact is not cancel the main body of the spiritual, it is through this kind of stress to defuse the conflict between subject and object, in the sculpture is created of the sculpture is created in order to achieve the freedom of spirit and heart of nature.

222 评论


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