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Second third rubber is that rubber industry is hit by most important one raw material, but is binary second the third, three yuan mark second the third, changes nature second third sums hot plasticities second third rubber. With the Shan olefin ethene , propylene copolymerization but able be called second third binary rubber; Use ethene , propylene and a small amount must conjugate that pair of alkene are monomer copolymerizations but make second third San Yuan rubber. Can change the nature means by bromination , chlorinating , sulphonating second third rubber are carried out etc. with the person changing nature, third rubber extensive use has provided a lot of breed and grade to second. Low-density height filling , outstanding functions such as being able to bear an ageing , being able to bear corrosivity , the person had by that second third rubber have had in addition applying broadly already in auto industry , building industry , fields such as electrical equipment and electron industry. Second third San Yuan rubber among them uses rubber to seal off a product already becoming main body material in giving birth to a child in our country vehicle , whose develops and applies having the vast marketplace prospect. At present, the second third rubber industry productive technologies route has solution aggregation method , suspension aggregation method, and meteorological phenomena gather three legal species, culture Lieutenant General introduces it's technology situation , technology characteristic respectively.标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、

232 评论


Abstract: ethylene-propylene rubber rubber industry is an important raw material, can be divided into binary ethylene-propylene, epdm, modified ethylene-propylene and thermoplastic ethylene-propylene rubber. In a single ethylene, propylene olefin copolymerization and called binary ethylene-propylene rubber, With ethylene, propylene and a small amount of acrylic monomer conjugate double copolymerization and epdm. Can pass will ethylene-propylene rubber for brominated, chlorinated, etc, the modification methods for ethylene-propylene rubber modified widely offers many varieties and grade. Furthermore ethylene-propylene rubber with low density filling, aging resistance, corrosion resistance, excellent properties etc in the automotive industry, construction industry, electric and electronic industry, and other fields have a wide range of applications. One epdm rubber seal in China's automotive products has become the main materials, in its development and application has wide prospect of production process route ethylene-propylene rubber industry has solution polymerization, suspension polymerization, and meteorological polycondensation three, this paper introduces the technical conditions respectively, technical : ethylene-propylene rubber, epdm rubber, rubber seal, modification

271 评论


恒顺达生物能源有限公司安全评价报告字数:13199,页数:31摘要 江苏恒顺达生物能源有限公司生产的生物柴油是将植物油、动物油、废餐饮油等原料油与甲醇反应得到脂肪酸甲酯。在生产过程中在生产过程中用到甲醇,硫酸,氢氧化钠。这三种物质都有一定的危险,是危险有害物质。在生产过程中存在火灾爆炸、中毒窒息、机械伤害、物体打击、高处坠落、淹溺、触电、噪声与振动、灼伤、毒物等危险有害因素。为了提高建设项目安全管理的效率和经济效益,确保实现安全生产,使事故及危害引起的损失最少,预防因小的失误而导致大的灾难,对项目的生产中危险有害物质、危险有害因素、产品和原料贮存、各种设备和作业的危险等级进行分析,从而编制安全评价报告。在评价过程中运用了危险度评价方法、作业条件危险性评价方法和预先危险性分析方法对本项目进行评价。对此,要加强安全管理,建立和完善各种制度;采取防火、防爆、防毒措施;按照操作规程生产;对一些压力容器、起重设备的操作必须经过培训,要持证上岗。同时,每个员工都应牢记“安全第一,预防为主”,每个员工都要有安全意识,只有这样才能保证安全生产。关键词:生物柴油 甲醇 硫酸 氢氧化钠 危险度评价方法 作业条件危险性评价方法 预先危险性分析方法 安全对策措施Safety appraises a report of HENGSHUNDA bioenergy CO.,LTDAbstract HENGSHUNDA bioenergy CO.,LTD produces the living things diesel oil is that reaction gets the fatty acid A ester with raw oil and methanol such as plant oil ,animal oil ,useless meal drink oil. Be useful in procedure of production in procedure of production to methanol , sulfuric acid , sodalye. This three kinds, It both, matter certain danger , is dangerous hazardous wastes. For improving the efficiency and economic effect building project safety administration's , ensuring that realizing safety at work, make the loss that the accident and damage arouse the fewest , prevent from leading to big disasters because of minor fault, dangerous hazardous wastes , dangerous harmful factor , product and raw material reserve , various equipment and dangerous school assignment grade go along analyse , work out thereby safety in the turn out to the project to appraise a report in advance. The danger degree having applied in the process of valuation estimates that method , school assignment condition danger estimate that method and danger analyses method in advance carries out valuation on the project. To here, be going to reinforce safety administration , to build and perfect various system; Adopt fire prevention , explosion protection , gas defense measure; Give birth to a child according to handling directive rules; The operation to a little pressure container , lifting equipment must train through , need to hold a certificate going to post. At the same time, every employee all should learn "safety and prevention are the top priority by heart", Every employee all needs to have safe mental consciousness, only when such ability ensures safety in words Living things diesel oil Methanol Sulfuric acid Sodalye Danger degree appraises method School assignment condition danger appraises method Safe countermeasure measure Danger analyses method in advance目录引言 1第一章 概述 安全评价的目的、内容、范围和依据 评价的目的 评价的内容 评价的范围 评价的依据 建设单位概况 概况 项目简介 地理位置及周边情况 公司平面布置 生产工艺 主要设备 5第二章 危险有害因素分析与辨识 主要危险有害因素分析 主要危险有害物质的危险有害因素分析 生产工艺过程中主要危险有害因素分析 公用工程主要危险有害因素分析 主要危险有害因素辨识 火灾、爆炸 中毒窒息 烫伤 触电 机械伤害 高处坠落 物体打击 起重伤害 淹溺 毒物 噪声与振动 重大危险源辨识 重大危险源辨识方法介绍 辨识 11第三章 安全预评价方法和评价单元的确定 安全预评价方法 危险度评价方法 作业条件危险性评价法 预先危险性分析方法简介 确定评价单元 15第四章 定性定量评价 危险度评价方法 作业条件危险性评价法 预先危险性评价方法 16第五章 安全对策措施及建议 工艺和设备装置方面的安全措施 工艺方面的安全措施 安全工程设计方面的安全措施 安全管理对策措施 重大危险源对策措施 防火,防爆对策措施 20第六章 安全预评价结论 项目主要危险有害因素评价结果 危险度评价结果 作业条件危险性评价 预先危险性分析评价结果 需要强调的重要安全对策措施 安全评价结论 22结论 23致谢 24参考文献: 25以上回答来自:

117 评论



229 评论


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