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Positioning of new brands in an experiment Vera Hofer·Klaus Ladner Abstract This paper deals with an experimental investigation of positioning new this purpose,a management game was carried out with stu- brands introduced in the cause of the game were analysed in respect to their positions in a two-dimensional feature try to find out which of the two strategies,niche policy and imitation,is more frequently used in complex decision situations and if there is a difference in , we want to find out,whether differences of prices and advertising exist in our experiment depending on the positioning strategy used. Keywords Product differentiation·Heterogeneous oligopoly·Imitation· Niche policy·Complex decision situation 1 Introduction Brand positioning aims at firms’designing their range of products such that their products occupy a specific place in consumer awareness(Kotler and Bliemel 1995,).The term product positioning is not used unambiguously in the literature(Hüttel 1998,).Some authors see product positioning as the determination of the respective marketing mixes, of all sales (B)· Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Karl-Franzens-Universit?t Graz, Universit?tsstra?e 15,8010 Graz,Austria e-mail: e-mail: decisions( literature in Hüttel 1998,).In the present paper,the term positioning is used to mean the determination of specific product features. The possibility of different brand positioning only arises in a heterogeneous such markets brand positioning leads to some extent of product distinguishes between horizontal and vertical prod- uct differentiation,depending on whether there is a ranking among consumers based on their willingness to pay for the product(Mangani and Patelli 2001). Horizontal product differentiation is characterized by everyone’s preferring a different product given equal prices,and it is normally associated with the presence of product are vertically differentiated when all consumers choose the same product given equal of horizontal product differentiation are the models by Hotelling(1929)and D’Aspremont et al.(1979).Among others,vertical product differentiation is considered by Mussa and Rosen(1978)and Shaked and Sutton(1982). Depending on the extent to which firms exhaust the possibility of different brand positioning,a higher or lower degree of product differentiation results. Theoretical studies try to find out the equilibrium degree of product differen- ‘principle of differentiation’, or minimum differentiation cannot be derived from the literature(Brenner 2001;Egli 2005). Rather,the amount of differentiation depends on several parameters of the market structure,such as the possibility of discriminatory pricing and price- matching,demand elasticity,the number of firms,existence of advertising tools, the shape of transport costs,the concentration of consumers in the centre of the market and a firm’s uncertainty regarding the heterogeneity of consumers’ preferences concerning a further dimension of product characteristics(Brenner 2001). Theoretical predictions of firms’decision behaviour in a context of multidi- mensional product differentiation are difficult to test empirically,because of the lack of data and agree among researchers about how to measure vertical and horizontal product order to fill this gap,experimental stud- ies on product differentiation were carried out recently(Mangani and Patelli 2001). The experiments of Brown-Kurse et al.(1993)and Collins and Sherstyuk (2000)deal with spatial differentiation without price competition of two or three firms, et al.(2000)investigates product differen- tiation and price competition in a discrete version of the Hotelling ía- Gallego and Georgantzís(2001)consider multiproduct firms in a symmetric differentiated oligopoly market with uncertainty to test the predictive power of Bertrand–Nash and Thisse(1998)considered multidimen- sional horizontal product further experiment by Mangani and Patelli(2001)was based on their model,but simplified to only two continuous, horizontal studies try to find out if there is a maximum or minimum and Patelli(2001)investigate the relation between product differentiation and are exper- iments considering not only the sellers’behaviour but also the consumers’.Positioning of new brands in an experiment 437 Camacho-Cuena et al.(2005)investigate spatial product differentiation with endogenous prices in a discrete version of Hotelling’s linear market. In the present paper,we investigate product differentiation in a two- dimensional,horizontal product firms can offer several products differing with regard to two discrete taste characteristics,graininess and tart- product differentiation is possible by means of advertising and wrapping in our our dynamic oligopoly mar- ket there is price competition,and uncertainty as to a lack of information on the demand structure. In contrast to other experiments,we investigate a very complex decision values of several determinants of product differentiation as men- tioned before Brenner(2001)are mainly dependent on the particular decision situations in the course of the game, the decision behaviour of the par- instance,demand elasticity is determined not only by the price of a brand but also by other firms’decisions that cannot be predicted,and by various this,the market model is so complex that the participants are not capable of recognizing the values of the determinants of product shown in Hofer and Ladner(2005,),the underlying structure of demand was not to many factors influencing the economic success of a brand,the incentives for posi- tioning brands according to a higher or lower degree of differentiation are not such a complex model in which the participants are left with a lack of knowledge concerning the economically reasonable degree of product differentiation,we investigate various product positioning strategies for intro- ducing new express different degrees of product differentiation. In addition,we analyse the interrelation between these positioning strategies and the decisions with regard to vertical product dimensions and par- ticular we are interested,whether product differentiation is seen as a means of relaxing price competition. The question of how to position brands is not only important when intro- ducing a new brand(first positioning).It is also of relevance for existing brands when enlarging one’s own market potential or when differentiating a brand from its competitors by repositioning(Trommsdorf 2002,).Trommsdorf mentions two main positioning concepts(Trommsdorf 2002,):market exhaustion, of brands in the centre of the consumers’ideal con- ceptions or in a potent market segment,and differentiation, of brands as far away from competitive brands as (1999, )remarks that in the literature placing products in niches is presented as the main idea for optimal product positioning,even though there may possi- bly be only few consumers available in such a addition,studies have shown that the strategy of imitation of successful behaviour,a strategy that is not attributable to one of Trommsdorf’s categories,is often observed in complex decision situations and can be economically successful(Pingle and Day 1996; Schewe 2002;Schipper 2002).However,imitation depends more on watching the competitors than watching the consumers. In this paper,we investigate three types of positioning strategies: policy exhaustion For this purpose we consider four positioning strategies,developed by Reinfeldt(1972):one strategy representing imitation,two strategies represent- ing niche policy and one strategy representing market the present study,we try to answer the questions:

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Which in the homeland automobile enterprise camp pin level maximal? Believe in 90%'s insider city answer: Shanghai GM. This answer I have been also to say yes , the vehicle being that are what it gives birth to a child cannot include a reason achieving best, but selling amounts in the homeland the first. But, the insider who is also maximal , believe in 60% if my doctrine Toyota (include abundant Tian He Guang of China FAW Group Corporation vapor Toyota) camp pin is horizontal may shake head: What camp does Toyota have report back after? Small vehicle mass is good , whose city sells! I have no intention of estimating that whose level height this two automobile enterprise camp sells here, who is low, but depending on that I being engaged in experience of automobile medium reporter for many years , I thinking that face to face be applied or used universally and abundant Tian Ying sells water In the light of at present understanding of the most people, good automobile camp sells the marketing and sales activity being to have an innovative idea , to have effect should be elaborately planned, brand notability attracting medium speculation being advanced from this with the public attention. According to that this standard , Shanghai GM are able to get a maximum score affirmatively,the news "that 100,000 yuan of short separation overcome " makes Beijing Imperial Ancestral Temple hot , Buick GL8 "land public affair cabin " concept extends , monarch strength brand Chinese tradition culture entering , Cadillac brand are in because of Saiou to hold work of announcing ceremony waiting , all being able to be rated as the classics that Chinese automobile camp pin history mounts in recent years. Words sending if the camp pin also shunts, "the beauty style being representative leads Shanghai GM since law " , medium public relation , news make hot , the concept announces , advertisement bombs, ... Hold tall take taxi camp high this one set selling the combination fist being applied exquisite in skill by Shanghai GM, copy of the first edition the Buick main current process Shanghai GM's package and the marketplace hoisting , becoming at one stroke the Chinese saloon belonging to two little brand in USA brand. Who can deny neither, Shanghai GM's overall camp pin level height produces person of the same trade or occupation indeed checking once greatly. By contrast, China FAW Group Corporation Toyota has only wanted a low tone much , it's marketing and sales activity in recent several years has had nothing good or unusual to report , even, public relation crisis events such as "arrogant advertisement event " ", sharp aspiration oil leak event " has appeared , no wonder a lot of insider has all thought that Toyota "has not found the north yet" in Chinese camp pin except that the strength gallops to appear in the market once drew support from Zhang Yi Mou patting the advertising film event make one wheel hot. Guangzhou Toyota has put up a handful trend brutallyly during the period of the beautiful triumphant strains omen (Camry) appears in the market , but, the quilt people has mocked well for "vehicle , the fool city has sold ". Be that the Toyota camp pin had better be applied or used universally really? Need to know that fits in the technology " that Japan produces per day all along camp pin , having "Toyota ,broad ratification , why Toyota accomplishment selling aspect in camp has gained being thought that the camp pin dying to China afterwards on the contrary by person? I think that many people does not all understand that abundant Tian Ying sells the thought marrow, this is to improve a product and serve steadily , the public praise forming the fine marketplace then, sells by the fact that the marketplace drives new vehicle coming public praise. The it is the strongest to return to trend in 2006 triumphant strains US omen saloon comes up. Why does the consumer go after handful of beautiful triumphant strains omen? Who all knows this is that the beautiful saloon has formed fine public praise on Chinese marketplace because of entrance is nice. But, very few somebody asks about: Why in this way good is auspicious beautiful triumphant strains public praise? The answer not the Toyota manufacturing engineering is good , but the product improves well. From the sixties debuted the first beautiful Daiji omens last century, Toyota is improving its quality unceasingly right away , every generation being advanced to some extent, but domestic than the last generation quality city triumphant strains US omens already are sixth generation of it. Mount sustained improvement in the same motorcycle type platform, not only having economized large amount of inkstone hair , cost of manufacture, Antagonism, is applied or used universally , Ford waits for the automobile company to walk to be another a way, their city every year debuts a big heap of new vehicle, but every one new vehicle name , technology platform and before motorcycle type cannot find out connection. This being also leaking from a lot of automobile manufacturer in the homeland now, way, Board Chairman Qirui Yin Tong Yao has one well-known saying to here: "Alone dou, singles fights but you and I, engage in a gang fight right away during the past life big heap of child". For the hot spot extending the new vehicle , manufacturer having to create the various concept and news,hold and the marketplace activity on a large scale , attract the medium and the public eyeball on this account. 相关文章 国内哪个汽车企业的营销水平最高?相信90%的业内人士都会回答:上海通用。这个答案我也是同意的,理由是它所生产的车算不上最好,却做到了国内销量第一。但如果我说丰田(包括一汽丰田和广汽丰田)的营销水平也是最高的,相信60%的业内人士都会摇头:丰田有什么营销?车子质量好,谁都会卖! 在此,我无意评价这两家汽车企业的营销水平孰高孰低,但凭着我多年从事汽车媒体记者的经历,我认为对通用和丰田营销水平的不同评价,正好代表了目前中国汽车界对于汽车营销的两种不同思路。 按照目前大多数人的理解,好的汽车营销就是要精心策划有创意、有影响的市场营销活动,吸引媒体炒作和公众关注,由此提升品牌知名度。按照这个标准,上海通用肯定能够得到最高分,因为赛欧“10万元小别克”的新闻炒作、别克GL8“陆上公务舱”的概念推广、君威品牌中国传统文化的输入、凯迪拉克品牌在北京太庙举行发布仪式等,都堪称近年来中国汽车营销史上的经典之作。 如果营销也分流派的话,上海通用是典型的“美式打法”,媒体公关、新闻炒作、概念宣导、广告轰炸……这一套高举高打的营销组合拳被上海通用运用得炉火纯青,原本在美国属于二线品牌的别克经过上海通用的包装和提升,一举成为中国轿车市场的主流品牌。谁也不能否认,上海通用的整体营销水平的确高出同行一大截。 相比之下,一汽丰田就要低调得多,除了威驰上市曾借助张艺谋拍广告片事件炒作一轮外,几年来其市场营销活动乏善可陈,甚至还出现了“霸道广告事件”、“锐志漏油事件”等公关危机事件,难怪许多业内人士都认为丰田在中国的营销“还没找到北”。广州丰田在凯美瑞(Camry)上市时狠狠地出了一把风头,却被人讥为“车好,傻瓜都会卖”。 真的是丰田的营销不如通用吗?要知道,在日本向来有“丰田的营销、日产的技术”之称,丰田在营销方面的成就获得了广泛认可,怎么到中国之后反而被人认为营销不行了呢?我认为,许多人都不理解丰田营销思想的精髓,这就是持续地改善产品和服务,进而形成良好的市场口碑,通过市场口碑来推动新车销售。 还是回到2006年风头最劲的凯美瑞轿车上来。消费者为什么追捧凯美瑞?谁都知道这是因为进口佳美轿车在中国市场上形成了良好口碑。但很少有人问:凯美瑞的口碑为什么这么好?答案不是丰田的制造工艺好,而是产品改善得好。从上个世纪60年代推出第一代凯美瑞开始,丰田就在不断地改善它的品质,每一代的品质都会比上一代有所提升,而国产凯美瑞已经是它的第六代。在同一个车型平台上持续改善,不仅节省了大量的研发、制造成本,品质得到不断提升,而且消费者的口碑也在不断地累加。 相反,通用、福特等汽车公司走的是另一条路子,它们每年都会推出一大堆新车,但每一款新车的名字、技术平台和以前的车型都找不出联系。现在,国内许多汽车厂家走的也是这条路子,奇瑞董事长尹同耀对此有一句名言:“单打独斗打不过你,我就生一大堆孩子来打群架。”为了推广新车,厂家不得不制造各种概念和新闻热点,并大规模地举办市场活动,以此吸引媒体和公众的眼球。 参考资料:上海网站

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