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首页 > 学术期刊 > 热带水果产业市场分析毕业论文

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China - ASEAN Free Trade Area background Guangxi and ASEAN intra-industry trade of fruits 【Abstract】 The China-ASEAN Free Trade Area of China's accession to the World Trade Organization to expand the opening up yet another major move, it will expand the complementary between China and the ASEAN agricultural exports are conducive to the introduction of capital and foreign investment is conducive to the further promote mutual division of labor and accelerating China's economic integration into the international market. However, China-ASEAN Free Trade Area of the challenges posed by China's agriculture can not be underestimated, Guangxi and Southeast Asia, both geographically closer to both the economic structure of the natural resources are largely similar, with the with both economic development and nature of its competition arising therefrom will be increasingly exposed, especially in natural conditions between China and ASEAN quite the impact of tropical fruit has become more urgent and enormous, so we need to seriously study and analyze, and take an active response. With China - ASEAN Free Trade Area of the accelerated pace of the two fruits are worth looking forward to the prospects of trade. In this paper, Guangxi fruit industry, for example, the method for the systematic analysis of Seeing the Guangxi - ASEAN fruit trade, intra-industry trade status quo, existing problems and problem-the corresponding countermeasures. 给我分啊~~

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热带水果市场很好,前景很好,据前瞻产业研究院《2016-2021年中国水果种植行业市场前瞻与投资战略规划分析报告》显示, 近年来,党中央、国务院高度重视农业、农村和农民问题,提出了包括全面免征农业税在内的一系列惠农政策,整个果品行业,以科学发展观统领全局,注重提升果品产业的综合竞争力,促进了整个果业的稳定与可持续发展。到2006年,全国水果种植面积达到1004万公顷,产量达到9600万吨,已经连续11年保持了世界水果第一大国的强势地位。我国各类水果及加工制品已经出口到世界100多个国家和地区,出口范围还在不断扩大,其中出口东南亚、俄罗斯的数量最大。出口量最大的水果,也是我国最大宗的几类水果(表2);出口增幅最大的是葡萄,其次为无花果、桃、梨;其他鲜果的出口量也出现小比例下降现象。随着果品质量的提高,随着生产成本等各种投入的增加,果品出口值增加。水果出口量占水果总产量的比例很低,开拓国际市场,走果品外销道路,仍任重而道远。

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