The culture and values of the Starbucks company : human resources and pay system driversStarbacks is a value-driven enterprises, companies with a set of widely accepted principles. The company always give top priority to the staff and employees to carry out a large amount of investment. All this is no accident that more, all from the chief executive officer in the values and beliefs. Schultz has said: "I would like to establish the company which can bring a sense of ownership and be able to provide comprehensive medical insurance, the most important thing is that the work will give them self-esteem. It is widely recognized that this company can give them the self-esteem and respect for their contribution, no matter what is the level of workers~ education and where the work locations . "The company believe that if they put the staff in the first place, they will bring first-class customer service levels, in other words, if they have the customers who are very satisfied with their service, naturally they will have a good financial human resources remuneration and a comprehensive system to strengthen the culture and valuesIn order to strengthen and promote the company's culture, the company implemented a series of incentive compensation plan. For full-time and part-time employees (with the relevant standards), the company will provide them healthy, dental insurance and employee assistance programs, disability insurance. In addition, a work called solutions to help company will deal with work and family issues. This case is unusual in the retail industry, most companies will not be a part-time pay for the cost of fringe benefits. Although the part-time paid employee benefits costs of the company's total welfare costs, but the average cost of benefits compared to competitors and remains still very low. Despite the huge investment, but a large number of companies still pay dividends. Those employees who enjoy the benefits of these are grateful for them, thus they will provide more attentive service for the , all employees have the opportunity to become the owner of the company. In 1991 the company set up a stock investment program to allow the purchase of shares at a discount price. Broad bean is an annual program to provide certain options, and the total amount have 14% in the basic wage . Those who work a minimum of two part-time employees can enjoy the two program. The employees who meet the following conditions may be options: From April 1 to the whole company always work at the end of the fiscal year, during which at least 500 hours of work, to grant options in January when the company is still working staff. Because of the Starbucks company's stock price continued to rise, the value of options to employees on a large;More importantly, the employees of companies with the idea of education so that staff set up their own company's shareholders are , the strengthening of cultural values and the culture is not just a pay system for all the problems. A comprehensive system of pay, even though it is a powerful lever to promote business, it is only one of the factors that can not be implemented in other key levers of Human Resources separated. These include a wide range of other levers of staff training, open communication between the environment and evaluation of the mission known as a program, which is a snapshot of the program called Partners. Partner Program snapshot from the British Government is trying to get feedback from partner companies. This is intended to be a snapshot of the customer's customer feedback program is parallel. Partners include a snapshot of company-wide opinion poll, the evaluation of the mission and a relatively new company and staff on key issues of interest to the investigation of the telephone of the mission was formally established in 1990 to ensure that their mission's progress. In every place to place a comment card about the evaluation mission, the staff can be in their decision-making and that these consequences do not support the company's mission to fill in comment cards. Managers are related to employees two weeks to respond to the problem. In addition, an inter-departmental group in an open forum to explore the work of the staff concerns and possible solutions to the problem and submit the relevant report. This not only makes life's mission has also strengthened the corporate culture of openness. All come in the recruitment of new staff into the company's first month will be at least 24 hours of training. Training will include the company's adaptability, customer service skills, work skills, in-store. There is also a wide range of management training program, which focuses on leadership skills training, career development and customer communication is the principle of Starbucks Corporation. Open Forum to open several times a year, told employees the company's recent event, to explain the financial position of allowing employees to senior management questions, but also to new management. In addition, the staff published a letter from the company on a regular basis, these letters are usually related to the development of the company, there are shareholder and employee benefits programs.不是英语专业的,可能很多地方有问题,你自己再修改一下吧,见谅了
星巴克经营之道 用“薪”对待员工 星巴克总是把员工放在首位,并乐意对员工进行大量的投资,这一切全出自于其董事长舒尔兹的价值观和信念。舒尔兹的管理作风与他贫寒的家境有关,他从小就理解和同情生活在社会底层的人们。他的人生经历与磨练直接影响了星巴克的股权结构和企业文化,反过来,这种股权结构和企业文化又对星巴克在商业上的成功起了不可或缺的促进作用。他坚信把员工利益放在第一位,尊重他们所做出的贡献,将会带来一流的顾客服务水平,自然会取得良好的投资回报。 星巴克通过员工激励体制来加强其文化和价值观,并且成为不靠广告而建立品牌的企业之一。与同行业的其他公司相比,星巴克雇员的工资和福利都是十分优厚的。星巴克每年都会在同业间做一个薪资调查,经过比较分析后,每年会有固定的调薪。在许多企业,免费加班是家常便饭,但在星巴克,加班被认为是件快乐的事情。因为那些每周工作超过20小时的员工可以享受公司提供的卫生、员工扶助方案及伤残保险等额外福利措施,这在同行业中极为罕见。这种独特的福利计划使星巴克尽可能地照顾到员工的家庭,对员工家人在不同状况下都有不同的补贴办法。虽然钱不是很多,但会让员工感到公司对他们非常关心。那些享受福利的员工对此心存感激,对顾客的服务就会更加周到。 星巴克的员工除了可以享受优厚的工资福利外,还可以按照规定低价购买公司的股票期权。早在1991年,星巴克就设立了股票投资方案,允许员工以折扣价购买股票。这样,所有员工都有机会成为公司的主人。星巴克公司股票的价格持续飙升,员工的期权价值与自豪感不断上涨。另外,星巴克还比较重视员工的思想教育,使得员工建立起自己就是公司的股东的理念。在星巴克公司,员工不叫员工,而叫“合作伙伴”。即使星巴克公司的总部,也被命名为星巴克支持中心(Starbucks Support Center),这说明其职能是向员工提供信息和支持而不是向员工发号施令。 星巴克的薪酬激励机制不但提高了员工的收入,而且提升了公司的文化和价值观,降低了员工的流失率。据调查,星巴克员工的流失率约为同业水平的三分之一,员工非常喜欢为星巴克工作。正如舒尔茨所说:实行有效激励机制、尊重员工使我们挣了很多钱,使公司更具竞争力,我们何乐而不为呢。 让员工贡献主意 任何建议,无论有多微不足道,都会对公司起到或大或小的改进作用。在星巴克,为鼓励员工献计献策,公司对每位员工的建议都认真对待。星巴克公司经常在公司范围内进行民意调查,员工可以通过电话调查系统或者填写评论卡对问题畅所欲言,相关的管理人员会在两周时间内对员工的主意做出回应。星巴克公司还在内部设立公开论坛,探讨员工对工作的忧虑,告诉员工公司最近发生的大事,解释财务运行状况,允许员工向高级管理层提问。在星巴克看来,员工反映问题可以给管理层带来新的信息、好的思路,从不同角度提供解决问题的方法,值得公司收集研究。此外,公司还定期出版员工来信,这些来信通常是有关公司发展的问题。 员工提出的建议可以使公司对细节尤为关注。有时候,那些看似不起眼的建议往往会使公司的业绩跨上一个大的台阶。而公司掌握了细节的高超本领,会使企业更能有效的应对错综复杂的问题,使他们能为竞争对手之所不能为。善于倾听来自员工的小点子使星巴克决策变得更加灵活,反映更快捷,也更有应变力,同时改善了团队内部信任、尊重与沟通氛围,提高了员工的主人翁意识。 出售体验文化 有人把公司分为三类:一类公司出售的是文化,二类公司出售的是服务,三类公司出售的是质量。星巴克公司出售的不仅仅是优质的咖啡、完美服务,更重要的是顾客对咖啡的体验文化。 在星巴克看来,人们的滞留空间分为家庭、办公室和除此以外的其他场所。麦当劳努力营造家的气氛,力求与人们的第一滞留空间——家庭保持尽量持久的暧昧关系;而作为一家咖啡店,星巴克致力于抢占人们的第三滞留空间,把赚钱的目光紧紧盯住人们的滞留空间。现场精湛的钢琴演奏、欧美经典的音乐背景、流行时尚的报刊杂志、精美的欧式饰品等配套设施,力求给消费者营造高贵、时尚、浪漫、文化的感觉氛围。让喝咖啡变成一种生活体验,让喝咖啡的人感觉到自己享受咖啡时,不仅在消遣休闲而且还能体验时尚与文化。 如果三四个人一起去喝咖啡,星巴克就会为这几个人专门配备一名咖啡师。顾客一旦对咖啡豆的选择、冲泡、烘焙等有任何问题,咖啡师会耐心细致地向他讲解,使顾客在找到最适合自己口味的咖啡的同时,体味到星巴克所宣扬的咖啡文化。文化给其较高的价格一个存在的充分理由,不但顾客可以获得心理上的莫大满足,而且星巴克还可以获取高额的利润。 星巴克从不做广告。星巴克认为咖啡不像麦当劳,咖啡有其独特的文化性,赞助文化活动,对星巴克形象推广很重要。比如上海举行的APEC会议,星巴克就是主要的赞助商。 尽管雀巢、麦斯威尔等国际咖啡公司都在中国设厂开店,但他们的速溶咖啡并没有尝到太多的甜头,甚至为星巴克的煮咖啡当开路先锋。星巴克一经把咖啡的消费贴上了文化的标签,就使利润倍增,获取了高额的投资回报率。 星巴克认为他们的产品不单是咖啡,而且是咖啡店的体验文化。星巴克一个主要的竞争战略就是在咖啡店中同客户进行交流,特别重要的是咖啡生同客户之间的沟通。每一个咖啡生都要接受不少于24小时的岗前培训,包括客户服务、基本销售技巧、咖啡基本知识、咖啡的制作技巧等。咖啡生必须能够预感客户的需求,在耐心解释咖啡的不同口感、香味的时候,大胆地进行眼神接触。 星巴克公司以心对待员工,员工以心对待客人,客人在星巴克享受的不仅是咖啡,而是一种全情参与活动的体验文化。一杯只需价值3美分的咖啡为什么在星巴克会卖到3美元?星巴克为什么既能为顾客带来期望的价值,又能让企业获得更可观的利润?一个重要的原因就是,星巴克始终坚持“尊重员工,从顾客出发,与员工及客户多赢”的经营理念。
员工激励:海底捞为例 海底捞老板张勇,做麻辣烫起家,从2004年开启自己的商业帝国。海底捞现象,卖的不仅是口味,更是服务。海底捞除了服务神话之外,还有他一
企业员工激励机制论文两篇 引导语:员工在企业管理中的地位和作用日益增强,员工激励管理对提高企业核心竞争力也越来越重要下面是我为大家整理的企业员工激励机制论文,供
企业员工激励机制论文两篇 引导语:员工在企业管理中的地位和作用日益增强,员工激励管理对提高企业核心竞争力也越来越重要下面是我为大家整理的企业员工激励机制论文,供
员工激励论文提纲 员工激励是指通过各种有效的手段,对员工的各种需要予以不同程度的满足或者限制,以激发员工的需要、动机、欲望,从而使员工形成某一特定目标并在追求这