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几个章节分开写都行。比如什么是核心能力,如何确定核心能力和战略目标如何围绕这个发展战略制定管理模式人才招聘 人力资源管理 薪资制度 培训制度 团队发展 个人与企业的协调供应商 客户 投资 技术 各个层面有的分析了。

340 评论


Virtual operators in the role of SME development Virtual operators are independent from the manufacturers, customers, competitors or even peer through the information technology network as a temporary organization, to achieve the shared technology, cost-sharing and to meet the market demand for the purpose. Since the 1990s, virtual operators tide sweeping across the world. Some large multinational companies such as IBM, Dell, GE, Compaq, Ford, Nike, Philips, China's Chunlan, Little Swan, TCL, Tsingtao, Haier, and other enterprises, are using virtual operating low-cost access to external resources . The arrival of the era of virtual operators, not only for large enterprises to create a new business concept and mode of operation, more rapid development of China's SMEs to build a new platform. First, the emergence of virtual operators and their characteristics With the scientific and technological progress and social development, the world economy has undergone major changes. On the one hand, people according to their production, work and life needs and economic sustainability, the variety of products and specifications, color and style, and other aspects of diversity and individuality of the request for more and shorter delivery time, reasonable prices and demand Its economy can withstand Phase adapt to the other hand, business people face uncertainty and the diversity of individual needs and the ever-changing market, to seek survival and development must have a high degree of flexibility and rapid response capability. Modern enterprises to simplify the organizational structure, develop in the direction of the flat was able to produce knowledge, technology, capital, raw materials, markets and management of resources together in virtual operators. Virtual operators are independent from the manufacturers, customers, competitors or even peer through the information technology network as a temporary organization, to achieve the shared technology, cost-sharing and to meet the market demand for the purpose. Virtual operators to change between life-and-death winning or losing enterprises (Win-Los), a benefit-sharing, risk sharing and win-win (Win-Win), by integrating the various members of the core capabilities and resources in management, technology, Resources have a unique competitive edge, through the sharing of market opportunities and customers, the aim of achieving a win-win situation. Virtual operating characteristics: 1, cooperative competition Virtual Management is built on the common goal of cooperation on competition in the digital information age, cooperation more important than competition. Virtual general business from a core business and several members of enterprises, the introduction of new products, able to rely on the information network, the choice of different enterprises of resources, with different strengths to the enterprise through integrated into a single information technology to link the dynamic Union, to jointly deal with the challenges of the market, joint participation in international competition. As virtual network operators to rely on technology, beyond the boundaries of space and therefore can be on a global scale in many options to select partners to ensure that cooperation between the parties to achieve the sharing of resources, complementarity and effective cooperation. And the speed is of great competitive advantage. The Union will virtual enterprise as the market and product changes and adjustments, in general could be dissolved after the completion of the project. Virtual Enterprise restraint mechanism of this cooperation is the common goal of competition. 2, dynamic Virtual operators can dynamically integrate and use of resources, to maintain technological leadership. Virtual operators to quickly and effectively integrate the use of information technology and network technology, enterprises and the members of all aspects of the technical staff are involved in the research and implementation of innovation and thus better maintain technology leadership. Virtual enterprises not only to provide products and services, and pay more attention to their customers products and services to provide the real problems behind the "solution." The traditional large organizations often provide the same product, to the neglect of the same product for different customers value the differences. The virtual enterprise customers are able to start with such differences, all the participants to customers integrated provide a complete solution. Virtual enterprises to new concepts and products in accordance with the sensitivity of the request, in a targeted manner on the selection and use of economic sustainability, or have already developed technology and methods, and attaches great importance to high-tech research and development, guarantee of the leading technology. 3, Flat organizations Flat network organizations to make changes in the market environment for rapid response. As a highly developed information technology has greatly changed their internal information communication and the role of middle management, virtual enterprises through social coordination and contractual relations, outsourcing non-core parts, components and certification of quality reliability, making the management of the business Flat organizations and information. Reduction of the middle level, so that decision-making closer to the implementation layer, so that virtual enterprises face a rapidly changing market, to address market and customer needs, the development of business process re-understanding and organizations, obtained from recycling newborn. Can readily grasp the business strategy and product direction of the transfer adjustment, the internal and external team of the re-constituted, the dynamic evolution, the environment changes to make rapid response.

246 评论


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262 评论


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