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首页 > 学术期刊 > 可燃气体检测论文

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: with the development of social economy, buildings, structures the diversity of applied materials, all kinds of industry and the development of science and technology, flammable material increased, together with people living environment and lifestyle changes, increasing the risk of fire, fire, the fire caused the number of casualties and economic loss increase gradually. Fire is harmful to human survival as the enemy of, more and more attention by people. With the increasing of the high-rise building, fire hidden trouble increase. Once the fire, and will be of the lives and property of the people do great harm, so people begin to seek a kind of early detection method of fire, in order to control and extinguish fire, reduce loss, and safeguarding the safety of the introduction of the development of science and technology, electronic technology to become effective means of the safety aspects of, many, many of the safety aspects of electronic products, is the life of people's right-hand man. This design using single chip computer technology with A/D conversion chip constructed A flammable gas detection alarm. When environment flammable or poisonous gas leak, when gas alarm detect combustible gas concentration reach the point of alarm Settings, flammable gas alarm will be issued a warning signal to remind workers to take security measures. This paper firstly introduces the design flammable gas detection alarm the main way and the advantage of single-chip microcomputer system; And then introduced the flammable gas detection alarm design process, and the hardware and software design of the system, and gives the software program design detailed steps, including each module of the program design and the whole system commissioning and simulation steps, the design USES MQ-2 gas sensor as flammable gas the signal acquisition tools, the collected simulation voltage quantity after ADC0809 into digital signals. Single chip ADC0809 collection to the digital signal after calculation, if combustible gas concentration reach the point of single chip set alarm when will drive LED and a buzzer issued a warning signal. In no RanQiTi, some unknown risk, alarm can human control key change fire alarm initial value.

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室内空气质量检测与传感器的应用 [摘要]室内空气品质对人的影响至关重要,利用传感器检测空气质量是当今流行的一种方法,本文介绍了传感器在空气质量检测方面的原理应用,分析了当前气体传感器的优点和不足,以及气体传感器的发展趋势和前景。 [关键词]空气质量 气体传感器 室内环境污染 一、空气对于人的重要性 人们每时每刻都离不开氧,并通过吸入空气而获得氧。一个成年人每天需要吸入空气达6500升以获得足够的氧气,因此,被污染了的空气对人体健康有直接的影响。人的一生中有90%以上时间在室内度过,可见,室内空气品质对人的影响更是至关重要。 二、室内环境污染背景 当今,人类正面临“煤烟污染”、“光化学烟雾污染”之后,又出现了“室内空气污染”为主的第三次环境污染。美国专家检测发现,在室内空气中存在500多种挥发性有机物,其中致癌物质就有 20多种,致病病毒 200多种。危害较大的主要有:氡、甲醛、苯、氨以及酯、三氯乙烯等。大量触目惊心的事实证实,室内空气污染已成为危害人类健康的“隐形杀手”,也成为全世界各国共同关注的问题。据统计,全球近一半的人处于室内空气污染中,室内环境污染已经引起的呼吸道疾病,22%的慢性肺病和15%的气管炎、支气管炎和肺癌。 三、关于开展室内空气质量服务的几点设想 1.着手调查国内家庭和办公室内空气质量的基本情况。 2.了解并着手引进室内空气质量检测设备。 3.进行规模较大的宣传活动,首先应由气象主管部门与环保主管部门联合建立室内空气质量问题的管理机制。 4.对国际环保部门有关室内空气质量的法规、技术标准、室内污染测定方法及对测定仪器等问题进行专门的调查和研究。 四、空气检测仪的强力武器——传感器 检测技术是人们认识和改造世界的一种必不可少的重要技术手段。而传感器是科学实验和工业生产等活动中对信息资源的开发获取、传输与处理的一种重要工具。下面将介绍六种在空气质量检测方面发挥重要作用的传感器。 1.金属氧化物半导体式传感器。金属氧化物半导体式传感器利用被测气体的吸附作用,改变半导体的电导率,通过电流变化的比较,激发报警电路。由于半导体式传感器测量时受环境影响较大,输出线形不稳定。金属氧化物半导体式传感器,因其反应十分灵敏,故目前广泛使用的领域为测量气体的微漏现象。 2.催化燃烧式传感器。催化燃烧式传感器原理是目前最广泛使用的检测可燃气体的原理之一,具有输出信号线形好、指数可靠、价格便宜、无与其他非可燃气体的交叉干扰等特点。催化燃烧式传感器采用惠斯通电桥原理,感应电阻与环境中的可燃气体发生无焰燃烧,是温度使感应电阻的阻值发生变化,打破电桥平衡,使之输出稳定的电流信号,再经过后期电路的放大、稳定和处理最终显示可靠的数值。 3.定电位电解式传感器。定电位电解式传感器是目前测毒类现场最广泛使用的一种技术,在此方面国外技术领先,因此此类传感器大都依赖进口。定电位电解式气体传感器的结构:在一个塑料制成的筒状池体内,安装工作电极、对电极和参比电极,在电极之间充满电解液,由多孔四氟乙烯做成的隔膜,在顶部封装。前置放大器与传感器电极的连接,在电极之间施加了一定的电位,使传感器处于工作状态。气体与的电解质内的工作电极发生氧化或还原反应,在对电极发生还原或氧化反应,电极的平衡电位发生变化,变化值与气体浓度成正比。 4.迦伐尼电池式氧气传感器。迦伐尼电池式氧气传感器的结构:在塑料容器的一面装有对氧气透过性良好的、厚10-30μm的聚四氟乙烯透气膜,在其容器内侧紧粘着贵金属(铂、黄金、银等)阴电极,在容器的另一面内侧或容器的空余部分形成阳极(用铅、镉等离子化倾向大的金属)。用氢氧化钾。氧气在通过电解质时在阴阳极发生氧化还原反应,使阳极金属离子化,释放出电子,电流的大小与氧气的多少成正比,由于整个反应中阳极金属有消耗,所以传感器需要定期更换。目前国内技术已日趋成熟,完全可以国产化此类传感器 5.红外式传感器。红外式传感器利用各种元素对某个特定波长的吸收原理,具有抗中毒性好,反应灵敏,对大多数碳氢化合物都有反应。但结构复杂,成本高。 光离子化气体传感器。PID由紫外灯光源和离子室等主要部分构成,在离子室有正负电极,形成电场,待测气体在紫外灯的照射下,离子化,生成正负离子,在电极间形成电流,经放大输出信号。PID具有灵敏度高,无中毒问题,安全可靠等优点。 五、气体检测仪器仪表产业发展现状深度分析 近年来,随着中国经济的高速发展,仪器仪表产业也得到了快速发展,自2004年产销首次突破千亿元大关,行业发展进入了快车道,2006年行业总产值突破两千亿元;2007年仪器仪表行业总产值达3078亿元,增长率高达;据仪器仪表行业协会统计,08年上半年仪器仪表行业总产值实现 亿元,同比增长,其中分析仪器、环境监测仪器仪表增长率高达32%。 科学技术的进步为气体检测仪器仪表行业的发展提供了条件,市场和政府政策的推动、人们安全意识的提高、相关法规法律的完善是气体检测行业发展的核心动力,这些推动使气体检测仪器仪表行业处于产业高速增长期。 从技术发展的角度看,根据使用传感器原理的不同,常见的气体检测仪器仪表各自有适用气体及应用领域,新技术新产品正在成为未来气体检测仪器仪表的主流。 六、对未来空气质量检测的展望 随着人们生活水平的不断提高和对环保的日益重视,对各种有毒、有害气体的探测,对大气污染、工业废气的监测以及对食品和居住环境质量的检测都对气体传感器提出了更高的要求。纳米、薄膜技术等新材料研制技术的成功应用为气体传感器集成化和智能化提供了很好的前提条件。气体传感器将在充分利用微机械与微电子技术、计算机技术、信号处理技术、传感技术、故障诊断技术、智能技术等多学科综合技术的基础上得到发展。研制能够同时监测多种气体的全自动数字式的智能气体传感器将是该领域的重要研究方向。 参考文献: [1]陈艾.敏感材料与传感器[M].北京:高等教育出版社. [2]高晓蓉.传感器技术[M].成都:西安交通大学出版社. [3]彭军.传感器与检测技术[M].北京:高等教育出版社. [4]王元庆.新型传感器原理及应用[M].北京:机械工业出版社. [5]赵茂泰.智能仪器原理及应用[M].北京:电子工业出版社.

357 评论


With the diversity of social and economic development, buildings, structures, Applied Materials, the development of various industrial and science and technology, increase in combustible materials, coupled with people's living environment and lifestyle changes, the risk of fire is increasing, the number of firescasualties and economic losses caused by fire is gradually increasing. Fire as the enemy of endangering the survival of mankind, more attention has been paid. With the growing number of high-rise buildings, fire hazards increase. Event of fire, will people's lives and property caused great harm, so people began to seek a method of early detection of fire, in order to control and extinguish fires and to minimize losses, protect life the development of electronic science and technology, electronics technology has become a powerful means of security, many security aspects of electronic products, the right-hand man of the people's lives. This design uses a microcontroller technology with A / D conversion chip to build a combustible gas detector alarm. When the leak of flammable or toxic gases in the environment to the critical point of the combustible gas concentration reaches the alarm set, when the gas alarm detection, combustible gas alarm will send alarm signal to remind staff to take safety measures. This paper briefly describes the design combustible gas detection alarm as well as the advantages of the SCM system; then details the design flow of the combustible gas detection alarm, as well as hardware and software systems design and software programming detailed steps, including the various modules of the program design and system debugging and simulation steps, design uses the MQ-2 gas sensor signal acquisition tool as a combustible gas, the collected analog voltage after the ADC0809 converted into digital signals. Single-chip digital signal acquisition to the ADC0809 has been calculated, if the combustible gas concentration reaches the critical point when the alarm is set microcontroller will drive the LED and buzzer alarm signal. In the case of non-combustible gases, the occurrence of unknown danger, the alarm can artificially control buttons to change the fire alarm initial value. 希望能帮到你

167 评论


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