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大学生犯罪心理论文篇三 《试论大学生犯罪心理形成变量因素》 大学生犯罪现象,不论是从犯罪数量上,还是从犯罪性质上,都呈现出一种愈来愈严重的态势。到底是什么因素导致这一现象的产生?对此问题,学术各界分别从各个方面予以研究。但这些研究只是从已经犯罪的大学生身上寻找相关原因,并不具备代表性且对预防这一类犯罪没有多大裨益;其次深究可以发现这些研究大多孤立地从现象本身去分析,而忽视了其内部存在的联系;最后片面强调客观条件的影响也较为局限。 基于这一问题,笔者仔细分析了近些年来发生的大学生犯罪案件,发现这些案件虽然起因各异,行为和犯罪性质有很大的差异,但掩藏在这些现象深处的是共同的犯罪心理所起的关键作用。笔者认为从普通大学生着手调查这些可能诱发犯罪的关键的犯罪心理存在的现状,分析造成这些心理产生的原因,能进一步研究出大学生犯罪的成因,对大学生犯罪的进一步研究更为有益。 基于这一目的,笔者从多个地区的普通在校大学生中共采取样卷147份。调查方法采用国际上比较权威的EPQ人格测试法,这种方法能测出相关的不正常性人格,即称为典型性人格。而这种典型性人格在一定条件的诱发可以进一步发展为犯罪人格而倾向于更易犯罪。通过进一步调查比较,发现在人格、环境与犯罪心理形成之间存在一个类似三角形的紧密联系,笔者将之命名为“三角形理论”。 一、“三角形理论”之横轴――环境对人格的影响 人格即人性,是指一个人的整个精神面貌。它是在先天遗传素质的基础上,在社会化过程中,通过个人的生活实践逐渐形成的带有倾向性的心理特征的总和。从以上定义可以看出, 社会实践 对人格的形成具有非常重要的影响。社会实践即指一种社会环境,有宏观和微观之分。宏观的社会环境是指社会经济环境、社会 文化 环境和社会政治环境等,微观的社会环境是指家庭环境、校园环境等。其中,影响人格的形成更为重要的是微观的社会环境,因而本文着重从微观的社会环境因素来体现环境对人格的影响作用。 (一)家庭环境 家庭环境是指个人从出生到死亡这整个过程中最为紧密的一种环境。笔者认为,大学生一般已成年,其心理方面已较为成熟,故而早期的社会环境例如家庭环境在其人格的形成过程中应当起到了非常重要的作用,调查数据发现也确实如此。家庭环境对人格形成的影响主要体现在以下几个方面: 1. 残缺家庭 一般来说,理想的家庭应该是父母双全。残缺家庭是指父母一方或双方死亡的家庭,父母双全但长期未与子女在一起生活的家庭等等,残缺的家庭结构会使得亲子关系遭到破坏,子女从小易受到心灵的创伤,爱与被爱的需要可能无法得到满足,因而容易导致孤僻、冷漠、自卑等不良人格的形成,反映在犯罪上便是一种倾向于犯罪的类型。据调查,残缺家庭出身的大学生占典型样表的,但据一项关于青少年违法犯罪问题的调查结果显示,的违法犯罪青少年生活在破碎家庭中由此可见,残缺家庭出身的大学生更易形成不良人格,违法犯罪的可能性更大。 同时,因夫妻感情破裂而离婚造成的双亲不全,比因自然死亡造成的双亲不全, 对子 女的消极影响更大。因为孩子所面临的不仅是有缺陷的家庭,还可能面临的是相互矛盾的教育,和被父母一方抛弃的感受,因而其心理创伤往往更为严重。 2. 情感缺失 父母对子女的抚育不仅仅只是提供物质条件而已,其中非常重要的一个环节便是情感的交流。父母与子女之间的情感如果能够得到有效的交流,子女较易能够感受到家庭的温暖,进而以一颗善良之心对待整个社会,这对形成一种较为健康的人格有很大的促进作用。反之,情感的缺失容易导致子女冷漠、孤僻等不良人格的出现。当前社会,父母与子女情感的缺失已成为一个较为普遍的现象。 经调查,只有的大学生会与父母进行情感上的沟通,12%的人认为父母最关心的自己的情感,53%的人则认为父母最关心的是自己的学习。这些数据能很好地反映父母情感交流的欠缺,而这些数据又是从一些典型性样表中采集而来,由此可见情感缺失对子女人格形成的重要作用。 3. 性教育的缺失 我国历史上长期盛行性禁锢、性封闭的性观念,把性当成一种丑恶的、不可告人的事情,受此思想的影响,父母一般都是谈性色变。他们不仅自己不谈性问题,也不允许子女谈论。随着生理和心理的发展,青少年普遍对性充满着一种好奇之心,而这时的父母如果不注重对子女的性教育,甚至抑制或禁锢其思想,往往会强化青少年对性问题的猎奇心理和逆反心理。 在这样一种性好奇心理的支配下,在充斥着不健康性刺激信息的社会环境中,对性知识的渴求成了无选择、无引导的猎奇行为,甚至会诱发违法犯罪行为的发生。经调查,只有2%的大学生的性教育是从父母处获得,的人从学校教学中获得,还有剩余那么庞大比例是通过何种途径获得,这就很引人深思了! 4. 粗暴的教育方式 对一个小孩的心灵最普遍的影响,乃是由于父亲或母亲的过度惩罚或滥教所导致的压抑感觉。子女如果长期受到家长的粗暴教育,首先是自尊心的严重受挫,易形成自卑、冷漠、孤僻的人格;同时易对父母产生仇恨心理,父母在其成长过程中所应起到的模范带头作用未能实现;最后,父母的粗暴教育方式容易被正处于青春期的子女所模仿,容易产生残忍好斗的人格,更甚者会走上违法犯罪道路。据调查,有的大学生表示父母长期对其实行打骂式教育,并对此表示“逆来顺受,习以为常”。这一数据可能并不引人关注,但子女对父母教育潜在的不满让人后怕,很难想象,长期接受这种负面心理影响的大学生在面对看似“安全”的大学校园时将以何种方式发泄自己的不满。 (二)校园环境 这里的校园环境仅指大学生目前所处的大学校园环境,“随着孩子对学校依恋的程度的增加,孩子违法犯罪的倾向在降低。”因而良好的校园环境对正确人格的形成有很大的促进作用。大学校园基于其教学模式与范围的独特性,其在对人格的形成上也有其独特影响,因而并不能将其与其他校园环境等量齐观。经调查发现,大学校园普遍存在这样的问题: 1. 宿舍环境的独特重要性 大学不同于初高中时期的集中教育,学生学习的自主性更强,因而大学的宿舍环境便有着不同于初高中时期的独特性,同时,大学生在学习之余,呆在宿舍的时间较多,宿舍的环境直接对其人格的形成有重要的影响,因而又具有独特性,因此有人将大学校园的宿舍环境称为大学生的“第一社会”、“第二家庭”和“第三课堂”。这里的宿舍环境既包括具体的卫生等硬环境,也包括与宿舍有关的人与人之间交往的软环境。基于大学校园如此的重要性,本次调查询问了大学生对宿舍环境的满意度,结果发现有的大学生对宿舍环境存在不满,并表示“难以忍受”。 2. 学校相关部门的不力 这里的学校相关部门主要是指学校的保卫部门和心理咨询部门。学校的保卫部门作为学校的安全保卫部门,对外,其肩负着保护学校财产安全和人身安全的职责;对内则关系着学生对学校的信任和学校的凝聚力,因而其在学校整体的校园环境中起着非常重要的作用。但同时,一个办事不力的保卫部门也必定会对学生的人格产生负面的影响。经调查,的大学生当遭遇盗窃案件或其他突发性案件时,会倾向于向学校保卫处求救,这一数据表明学生对保卫部门存在着信任,但是只有的事件得到有效的处理,这种期待利益无法得到实现的失落使得的学生更倾向于自力救济。 同时,学校的心理咨询室也并未起到应有的作用。心理咨询室能够缓解和疏导学生的心理压力,并进一步消除学生的心理疾病,可谓在学生人格的形成过程中起到了更为直接的作用。但是因为首先学生自身对心理咨询室存在普遍误解,认为只有精神有疾病的人才会前往,而导致大学的心理咨询室几乎闲置,同时学校对心理咨询室的不重视也更加重心理咨询室闲置这一严重后果。据调查,在问及在学校遭遇挫折、情绪低落、烦闷时的解决途径时,没有同学会选择去心理咨询室寻求帮助!这确实引人深思。 二、“三角形理论”纵轴之一――人格对犯罪心理的影响 自从刑事实证学派(又称近代学派或新派)创立以来,犯罪人的人格问题一直是犯罪心理学研究的重要问题之一。如前所述,人格是在个人的生活实践中逐渐形成的带有倾向性的心理特征的总和,故人格是一种带有倾向性的心理特征。而人格对犯罪心理的影响主要是通过这些心理特征所体现,故研究人格的心理特征很重要。人格的心理特征包含有一个人的智力、性格、需要、个性倾向、气质等方面,其在对犯罪心理的影响主要体现在: (一)性格 性格表现为一个人对现实社会的稳定态度极其习惯化的行为方式。性格一般是通过与社会环境和他人的相互交往而形成与表现出来的。一般来说,对性格的评价有优劣之分,好的性格能得到人们的赞扬和推崇,坏的性格则会遭到人们的谴责,因此人们在选择应当如何表现自己的性格时,一般会存在这样两种情形。一种情形是看重世人对自己性格的评价,而表现出一种良好的性格,这样对犯罪心理的形成起到了抑制作用;另一种情形则是不顾世人的评价而展现出一种不良的性格,这为犯罪行为提供了主观心理条件。 (二)需要 需要是犯罪心理形成的基础。行为人进行犯罪活动,作用于一定的客体是为了满足一定的需要,正是在这种需要的诱使下才产生一股内心的冲动,进而发展成犯罪心理,最终实施犯罪行为。行为人在产生犯意前,首先应当基于一定程度的犯罪需要,这种需要一旦被人意识到,就会激发人满足需要的欲望,而人要满足需要就必须要去认识满足需要的对象、手段和各种主客观条件。这样,需要就成为激发人们去认识客观世界和自我的心理活动基础。比如说,盗窃犯首先有对财物强烈的需要,这种需要迫使人思考获取财物的方式,当现实情况无法满足一些正当方式的形成时,这种强烈的需求或许会产生一种通过盗窃方式来满足需要的犯罪心理。其他的如强奸心理是基于性满足的需要等等都表现了需要对犯罪心理的影响。 三、“三角形理论”纵轴之二――环境对犯罪心理的影响 从上面的叙述我们可以看到,环境从各个方面对人格的形成产生影响,而人格又以其自身的特征来形成某些犯罪心理,此时的环境对犯罪心理的影响主要体现在成因上,然则,环境对犯罪心理影响的另一方面一般易让人忽视,这便是环境的诱因作用。那究竟什么是诱因,诱因又有哪些呢? 人格在形成犯罪心理的过程中会产生一个概念,那便是犯罪人格。犯罪人格是指犯罪人特有的导致其犯罪行为发生的心理特征的综合,是一种严重的反社会人格。犯罪人格与犯罪心理有密切的联系,犯罪人格在一定诱因条件下会直接导致某种犯罪心理的产生。 经调查,普通大学生中有57%的人具有典型性人格,虽然典型性人格并非等同于犯罪人格,但却可以表明大学生中存在着大量潜在的犯罪人格这一现象,这种潜在的犯罪人格在一定条件的诱使下很容易直接导致犯罪心理的产生,这种对犯罪心理形成起着直接诱使作用的条件便是诱因。诱因主要是指相关环境。结合最近今年发生的大学生犯罪案件,笔者发现导致犯罪心理形成的诱因虽然有很多,但是总结起来无非就是这几种: (一)不良社会风气 社会风气是指整体或局部社会在一定阶段内所呈现的习尚、风貌。社会风气诱使犯罪心理的形成主要体现在不良社会风气的负面效应。社会风气虽然是一种大环境,但在有些犯罪心理的形成中,这种不良的社会风气却是起着直接的诱使作用。这种不良的社会风气有很多,比如说物质至上、情感淡漠、伦理失常、道德错位等等,因这种不良的社会风气导致的大学生犯罪案件有很多,其中最为我们所熟知的是药家鑫案。药家鑫其实在交通肇事后并无杀人犯意,但是当时这样的一个不良的社会风气让他转念间滑下了罪恶的深渊。他曾说撞伤人后的赔偿是一个无底洞,而撞死人却只需一次性赔偿,更何况农民工很“难缠”,因而相比较而言撞死人比撞伤人更为“简便”!这是多么一个可怕的认识,而这一认识恰恰却成为了当时乃至现在都比较盛行的“真理”。姑且不论药家鑫的法律观念有多么淡薄,这样一种不良的社会风气对其直接犯罪心理产生的影响之大想必也不容置疑了。 (二)错误的法律意识 一般而言,大学生经过长期的教育和自我教育,都应当具备一些基础的法律知识,也对哪些事件构成犯罪有着基本的了解。然而却存在这样两种情形,一种是法律意识发生偏差:他们虽然知道哪些事件构成犯罪,却对具体的构成情形不甚了解。比如说,一般大学生都知道强奸幼女是犯罪行为,但对何谓幼女认识不清,对与自愿的幼女发生性关系是否构成犯罪认识错误。经调查,有 的大学生并不认为与13周岁的自愿的女性发生性关系是错误的。 当然这一点只是法律意识错误的一个方面,但却能见微知著地可以看到法律意识错误的普遍性。当大学生对法律意识有错误的认识时,很容易致使其因不知道是犯罪而作为。比如几乎所有大学生都知道盗窃是违法的,或许更有人知道达到一定的数额就构成犯罪,但是对具体什么数额和多次盗窃构成犯罪的情形不太了解,因而具体到实际中便有很多大学生认为只要盗窃不到一定数额就不会构成犯罪而经常性的作案,最终身陷囹圄。 另一种是法律认识错误:这种情形是指他们根本不知道所实行的行为构成犯罪。此种情形危害极大,直接会诱使犯罪心理的形成。因为当一个人根本就没有意识到行为的错误时,那么他就无所顾忌了。具体的案例有清华大学的刘海洋虐待狗熊案。刘海洋在被拘留后说,自己学了法律基础知识。知道民法、刑法等,但却不知道伤害狗熊是违法犯罪。除却对此行为道德上的评判,我们更应该看到对法律的错误认识在其犯罪心理形成中所起的直接诱使作用。 (三)失范的社会网络环境 这里的社会网络既包括计算机网络这一类当前社会典型的社会网络,也包括舆论媒体等其他社会网络。“失范”是社会学上的概念,著名的社会学家迪尔凯姆将失范注释为:“一种准规范缺乏、含混或者社会规范变化多端,以致不能为社会成员提供指导的社会情境。”社会网络失范是指由社会网络导致的上述社会情境的出现。而这一种社会网络的失范在犯罪心理形成中有很重要的诱导作用。 这种诱导作用首先体现在网络对作案的方式、手段以及侦破手段等介绍过于详尽,容易导致犯意的坚定;其次,媒体对犯罪事实过度的关注或讨论会迅速形成舆论氛围,舆论又直接影响人们的思想和行为,尤其对于缺乏正确评价的犯罪新闻所形成的舆论,则会进一步强化犯罪手段。 当代大学生作为网络使用的主力军,其人格的形成很大程度上受到网络的影响。网络在给大学生学习和生活带来便利的同时,也为某些大学生提供了一个滋生犯罪心理的温床。在对大学生对媒体报道的信任程度时,虽然有 的学生会质疑这一报道的真实性,但在这些质疑的学生中只有36%的学生会通过相关途径予以查证,这样一种毫无作为的质疑其实也演化成另一种“信任”,这种对媒体报道的盲目信任会在出现一些不当报道时产生很严重的后果。比如说一些媒体过分渲染道德而忽视法律的报道会使大学生法律意识淡薄甚至错误,或者当媒体对犯罪手段、侦破手段等介绍过于详尽时,会导致大学生产生模仿的行为和犯意的坚定。 而计算机网络对犯罪心理形成的影响自不待言。当代大学生普遍存在着一种对计算机网络的过度依赖,而使用网络学习的人占极少数,经调查只有14%。我们都知道,网络上存在着大量的垃圾信息,而这些垃圾信息极易对对于网络不加辩驳的大学生造成影响,在犯罪心理的形成上影响尤为突出。 比如说,网络上一些黄色信息对正处于性好奇阶段的大学生产生一种强烈的刺激,如果长期受这种刺激的影响容易诱发偷窥等违法行为,进一步就易导致强奸等犯罪的产生。另外,网络提供的一种强大的搜索功能能使大学生发现一种更为隐蔽的犯罪手段,将之付诸于实践就会产生很严重的后果,比如说广西某艺校的亚硝酸钠中毒案便是利用网络查询到作案工具的典型代表。 综观全文,我们可以发现,现如今大学生心理似乎大多处于一种“亚健康”状态,而这种情形在相关因素的诱使下极易导致犯罪的形成,即表现为一种潜在的犯罪可能性,而“三角形理论”便是对这一相关因素较为全面的分析。要想从根本上对大学生犯罪的预防和治理有所建树,首先应当从分析原因开始,因此“三角形理论”的发现有其重要意义。换句话说,只要对现象本身的原因有所分析,具体的措施也就蕴含在其中了! 猜你喜欢: 1. 有关大学生犯罪心理的参考论文 2. 有关犯罪心理论文 3. 大学生网络犯罪心理浅探论文 4. 犯罪心理学论文范文参考 5. 大学生网络犯罪心理研究论文

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辩护词 尊敬的审判长、审判员: ___ 律师 事务所接受___家属的委托,指派我作为被告人___ 盗窃罪 一案的 辩护人 。辩护人在庭审前查阅了本案卷宗材料,会见了被告人,认真分析了 公诉 机关的 起诉书 ,参加了今天的庭审活动,现发表如下辩护意见: 辩护人对起诉书指控被告人王__的行为构成盗窃罪,应当追究刑事责任不表示异议,但认为被告人有法定、酌定从轻处罚的情节,请求法庭在对被告人王__的行为量刑时予以考虑。 具体辩护理由如下: 一、被告人的主观恶性较轻,其行为没有造成严重的社会后果。被告人之所以走上犯罪道路,确因家庭太过贫困,平时法律意识不强,贪图一时小利,并没有造成严重的社会后果。 二、被告人王__在被捕时不反抗,归案后认罪态度较好,如实供述所犯罪行,对其伙同他人一起 入室盗窃 __商店和__市__店的犯罪事实供认不讳。被告人对公诉机关指控的犯罪事实无异议,并自愿认罪,这一态度是应当加以肯定的,被告人归案后,对整个作案过程主动的做了详细的供述,认罪态度好,坦白交代了所有的犯罪事实,积极配合公安机关查清案件的事实,配合办案机关追缴赃款赃物,可以看出其有深切的悔罪心理,确有认罪服法和悔改的表现。依照 刑法 修正案(八):在刑法第六十七条( 自首 )中增加一款作为第三款:“ 犯罪嫌疑人 虽不具有前两款规定的自首情节,但是如实供述自己罪行的,可以从轻处罚”。恳请法庭予以认真考虑此情节,对被告人应予以从轻或减轻处罚。 三、被告人当庭自愿认罪,认罪态度良好,具有悔罪表现,说明被告人已经认识到自己犯下的错误,有改过自新、重新做人的良好愿望。按照最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、司法部《关于适用普通程序审理“被告人认罪案件”的若干意见》第9条的规定,人民法院对自愿认罪的被告人,酌情予以从轻处罚。 四、本案中被告王__与他人一起盗取价值_万多元的红酒、____元的首饰及笔记本电脑,全部未来得及销赃就被公安机关抓捕和起获全部赃物。被告王__被关进__看守所后,通过律师请求其亲属积极退赃,故请法庭在量刑时认真考虑。 五、本案被告人王__对公诉机关指控的犯盗窃罪及 盗窃 财产价格没有异议,其本人也同意适用《关于适用普通程序审理“被告人认罪案件”的若干意见》审理,该意见第九条同时规定:人民法院对自愿认罪的被告人,酌情予以从轻处罚。辩护人认为对被告人王__可以酌情从轻处罚。 六、对于被告量刑,辩护人的意见为建议在3年1个月 有期徒刑 以下判处 刑罚 。 量刑情节对基准刑的调节结果在法定最低刑以下,具有减轻处罚情节,且罪责性相适应的,可以直接确定为宣告刑。本案被告人王__是起到的是辅助作用,具有应当减轻处罚情节,宣告刑可以确定为3年1个月。 综上所述,辩护人认为犯罪行为固然为法律难容,理应惩罚,但被告人主观恶性较轻,行为的社会危害性不是很大,被告能积极悔改,具有多项法定或酌定的从轻、减轻处罚的情节。因此辩护人建议合议庭按照我国刑罚制度中惩罚与教育相结合的方针,对被告人王__给予宽大处理,以达到感化教育的功效,促使被告人迷途知返,浪子回头,重新做一个对社会有用的人。 ___律师 ___律师事务所 ____年__月__日

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First, the concept of It refers to the illegal possession for the purpose of secret theft of large amounts of public and private property or multiple acts of theft of public and private property. Second, a criminal element (A) Elements of the object This is the object of the crime of violation of public and private property ownership. Violations of the object, the state, collective or individual property generally refers to personal property, real estate, but the fixtures, and the separation of real estate, for example, on the crop fields, the mountains of trees, such as doors and windows of buildings. , Can also become the target of this crime. In addition, the energy such as electricity, gas can also become the target of this crime. Theft is the object of public and private property ownership. Ownership, including possession, use, income, empowerment and other actions. Here generally refers to legal ownership of the title, but sometimes there are exceptions. According to "People's Supreme Court on hearing specific cases of theft of a number of issues of interpretation of the law" (hereinafter referred to as "explained": "theft of contraband, according to deal with the theft, not of the amount, according to severity of the sentence cases. Contraband or criminal theft Unlawful possession of the property also constitutes theft. " Theft is the object of public and private property, the public and private property is characterized by: (1) can be controlled by the people and occupy. Can be controlled by the people and possession of property must be based on facial features realize the function of the physical things. Control and possession is in fact the disclaimer. This is not just a simple physical domination of physical domination. Sometimes possession can be said is a social concept, must take into account of the nature of the time in which, in accordance with the general concept of the community to decide something that was not occupied. Sometimes even in the physical or tangible less than the domination of the occasion, from a social concept can also be considered to be occupied. For example, in their own residential within the scope of the moment can not find watches, rings, still have not lost possession. If no home to return to the owner and master of the habit of livestock around even left the owner's home, the owner still occupies. When the earthquake occurred, in order to move out to temporary asylum and placed on the roadside property owners from Renggui there. Restocking of fish in the farms and pearl farming shellfish to the people out there. Talking about here watches, rings, livestock, fish and other violations of the theft could become a target. With the development of science and technology, intangibles can also be controlled by the people, it can become the object of theft violations, such as electricity, gas, Big Brother, such as code. People can not be controlled by the sun, wind, air, radio, magnetic, and so on should not become the target of theft. (2) have a certain economic value, this is an objective economic value, money can be used to measure, such as securities, and so on. A subjective value (if any of the significance of the letter) and almost worthless things. China can not become the target of theft. Theft of these people will be worthless if the stolen property out, through the sale or exchange, access to a valuable property (equivalent to the amount fence), and the larger amount should be determined theft. (3) can be mobile. All movable and immovable property on the fixtures may become the target of theft. Such as the exploitation of the stones out from under the back to the natural state of a certain extent on the sand, the sea water on the Yanchang, on the tree, and so on. Theft of property can not be the target of selling real estate, all dealing with non-ownership, the sale of relations invalid, the real estate belonging to civil disputes, can not be handled by theft. (4) other people's property. Thieves can not steal their property, he is the target of theft by "other people's property." Although their personal property, but from other people's legitimate possession or use, is also regarded as "other people's property." Such as the consignment, shipping, leased items. But sometimes there are such cases, all from their legitimate use, and disposal of property, should also be considered: "other people's property." If the owner of the store employees to sell goods in reality, surveillance, control, an item for sale, storage administrator for the inventory, visitors use the hotel television. Forgotten is the forgotten people of the loss but know where the property, most forgotten people in power do so within the framework of the ownership or possession is still a forgotten people, is also regarded as "other people's property", Yishi Wu is the owner and lost Do not know where the property. The perpetrator Shide Yishi Wu, should be "General Principles of Civil Law" with the general did not constitute a crime, is no master of all abandoned property, and no one's heritage, such as inheritance. No proprietor of possession, did not constitute a crime. The property was abandoned to the first of those all. No one inherited the legacy of possession should be returned to the state or collective. Maicang Wu, Hide was not bona vacantia. According to the "General Principles of Civil Law" stipulates: "all unknown Maicang Wu, hide-and the State."盗掘burial, the larger the amount stolen property, theft punishable. "Heritage preservation law" stipulates: "The private mining ancient cultural sites, ancient tombs, to theft punishable." (5) Although some special property with the above four characteristics, can not become targets of theft. Such as firearms, ammunition, and so is the use of the transformer. Different property or the same property in a different position, status, it has the performance of different social relations, as a criminal target, it represents the object of crime are also different. Such as the theft of wire communication lines on the destruction of communication facilities constitute a crime, theft of wires in the warehouse while a count of theft. Because the former is the direct object of public safety communications, while the latter is the direct object of public and private property ownership. Theft of firearms and ammunition constitutes a theft of firearms and ammunition, did not constitute a theft. Because it is the object of public safety. (6) theft of their own home or close relatives of property, according to "explain" from time to deal with the crime. Indeed be held criminally responsible for the necessary, should also be dealt with in the same crime in the community are different. Close relatives that husband, wife, father, mother, son, F, compatriots brothers and sisters. Theft of close relatives, including theft of property should be separated relatives living near the property, theft of property their own homes, including close relatives living together in the property, including theft of other non-living near relatives of the property. Family members colluded with outsiders stealing their own homes or close relatives of property belonging to the common theft. Constitute theft, according to the law should be held criminally responsible. This has on family members and the community to distinguish between other accomplices. (B) an objective element This crime in an objective performance for the perpetrators of the theft of a secret amount of the larger public and private property or several secret theft of public and private property. The so-called secret theft, refers to acts that were not taken since the property owner, or custodian who found that the handling methods, secretly took the property will act. It has the following characteristics: (1) refers to the theft of secrets in the process of obtaining property has not been found, is conducted in secret. If you are in the process of admission Choi, it was found to prevent others, and forcibly took away the still, it is no secret theft, which constitute a crime, should be to snatch robbery punishable offence or, if that did not take Choi found, but the property after the burglary hand Was found, then fled the open carrying of property, is still a secret theft, theft to be treated if the application hoax, the transfer of victims of attention, and then unknowingly in their circumstances to take property theft is still a secret if advance By people not prepared, sneaked into a certain place, no one discovered in the course of secret from the fiscal, as well as secret theft. (2) secret theft against property owners, custodians, who handled the case, is the property of the owner, custodian, handling did not find that. In the course of theft of property, as long as the property owner, custodian, handling did not find that, even if other people were found, and it should be the crime of theft of secrets. (3) secret theft, means that the perpetrators have not been since the property owner, who handles the custodian found. If the admission process of fiscal, in fact, found that for the victims, but victims because of various reasons did not stop the increase, this does not know the perpetrator was found, the property removed, is still secret theft. If the perpetrator has been knowing that others find that even if the victim did not prevent the removal of the remains, with blatant sexual acts, then on no longer a secret theft, but also constitute a crime according to their behavior to snatch the nature of the crime of robbery or treated, As for the way it varied, some take Qiaosuo break, burrows Pop, posing as someone to theft, and other rooms, some in public places pay cut package touting, Shunshouqianyang for theft, and so on. But no matter what its form, as long as the essence of belonging to secret theft, this could constitute the crime of theft. Secret theft of the public and private property to reach larger amounts or larger amounts although it did not meet a number of implementation of the theft, can be identified as the crime. If not achieve greater amount and frequency of theft also did not meet several times, it can not constitute the crime. Larger amounts generally refers to the actual theft of a large amount of property. The perpetrator made no real property, attempted theft, under normal circumstances should not be to deal with crime. However, if the stolen money, treasure, and other valuables for heritage as the goal, one submarine banks, museums, such as the attempted theft, should be considered to constitute the crime of attempted criminal responsibility and accountability. The so-called greater amount, according to "explain", refers to the value of public and private property theft of personal RMB 5 hundred dollars to more than two thousand dollars. The so-called repeatedly, is that in a certain period of time that is one year or theft of households in public places pick-pocketing more than three times. According to the provisions of this article, a theft crime to achieve greater amount to theft or to the number of times, it does not constitute a crime. However, according to "explain" Article 6, paragraph 1 of the provisions, theft of public and private property closer to "large amount" of the starting point, with one of the following situations can still be held criminally responsible: (1) to destructive means of theft of private and public property Loss, (2) theft of persons with disabilities, living alone or lose the ability to work the property, (3) causing serious consequences or have other adverse circumstances. This is to expand the interpretation should be paying attention to. (C) of the main elements The main crime is the main general, who reached the age of criminal responsibility (16 years old) with criminal responsibility and the ability to constitute a per capita. The change is the principal of the important elements of the crime of Laws. In the original criminal law, l4-year-old full of juvenile offenders under 16-year-old used to burglary, theft of major, should be held criminally responsible. Cancellation of the provisions of this Act. (D) of the subjective element Subjective aspects of this crime in the performance of direct deliberately, and with illegal possession of purpose. Theft intentional include: (1) actors clearly aware of its theft is the object of others or occupy all of the property. As long as the perpetrator based on the general cognitive ability and social common sense and push for others to know that of all or possession can be. As for the property owner or Who possession, does not require actors have clear and specific understanding or foreseeable. If outside the dormitory on the bike, he temporarily left unattended in a group of ducks, passenger luggage and other luggage rack. If the fault of the actors will be the property of others mistakenly believe that their property is taken away, be found after the return, due to the lack of deliberate and illegal possession of the contents of the intent, not the establishment of theft; (2) the foreseeable consequences of the theft. If people into the stolen bank safe, intent on stealing or to the enormous amount of the property. Intention to enter the museum on the stolen artifacts. This Fan Yi, indicating the thieves intent to cause harm to the community the size, it shows that their behavior harmful to society. According to the subjective and objective in line with the principle of "interpretation": "attempted theft, in serious cases, such as the large amount of state property or theft of precious relics as the target, it should be convicted and punished." Illegal possession include not only his possession, but also for a third party or a collective possession. And the illegal theft of some property for its own, and then destroyed their will, gift or other person has been illegally occupied, the property of the perpetrators of the treatment can not change its illegal violations of the nature of property ownership will not affect the Theft The establishment. If a property without the consent of the owner, the temporary diversion or borrowing, no illegal possession of purpose, ready to return after use, and does not constitute theft. Constitute other crimes, will consider this as a plot. Some of the stolen car case is a such a situation. Third, that (A) the boundaries of the Zuiyufeizui For certain acts of petty theft, because of the hardship of the affected occasional theft, theft or coerced to participate in activities Fenzang little or no Fenzang, from time to deal with theft, when necessary, by the competent authority to appropriate punishment. The theft of their household appliances or close relatives of property and theft of the community to distinguish between criminal acts. "Interpretation", for such cases, generally from time to deal with the crime; indeed be held criminally responsible for the necessary, should also be dealt with in the community with the distinction of committing the crime. According to "explain" the provisions of public and private property had been stolen to "larger amount" a starting point, but a minor and is one of the following cases, as from time to crime,. " l, full 16 years of dissatisfaction with the age of 18 cases of minors; 2, all Tuizang, Tuipei; 3, surrendered the initiative; 4, coerced to participate in activities of theft, handling stolen goods was not Fenzang or less; 5, the other a minor, endangering the little. (B) and attempted theft occurs Theft occurs on the standards, in theory, have access, transfer, conceal, went out of control, control, control and control said. We stand out of control and control said that the theft had been victims of property lost control, or when the perpetrator has control of the stolen property, are accomplished. The victims were out of control and behavior control is usually a unified, victims lost control of the means of control. But they also do not unified, that is, the victim lost control, but people do not have control of property, which should also be identified as the theft occurs because of this law to protect the legitimate rights and interests for the purpose of the attempted and accomplished in the end is the distinction between social Harmfulness of the distinction. On the theft, its degree of harm is not the size of whether the control of the property, but whether the victim lost control of the property. Therefore, even if the perpetrator does not control property, but as long as the victims lost control of the property, but also the establishment of theft occurs, there is no reason to penalize attempted. For example, people to act for the purpose of unlawful possession, the train will be thrown into the remote property next to the track, after Jianhui intend to get off the property. Also, for illegal possession of people for the purpose, others on the bathroom of the gold rings in the possession of harbourage intend to take in future. In such circumstances, even if the perpetrator was due to some reasons not in control of the property, but because the victim lost control of the property, should also be identified as the theft occurs, but not identified as attempted. Which should be noted that in that with the attempted theft occurs, the property must be based on the nature, shape, size, victims of property possession, and actors such as the theft of state like to judge. In stores such as burglary, on the small size of the property, the property of the people caught in the armpit, release the pocket, possession of arms, is accomplished, but the great volume of property, the property only to move out of the store to Identified as accomplished. Another example of theft of property, plant, if the plant is anyone who can access, the property will be moved out of the original warehouses, workshops, is accomplished if the plant is strictly out, the door must be checked, it will only move out of property outside the main gate Is accomplished. Also, the indirect principal offence of theft, if being used to control the property, even if not also control the use of property, should also be recognized as accomplished. In our view, all the actors actual control of property standards for accomplished point of view, too much emphasis on the vicious perpetrators of the subjective, but ignored the legitimate rights and interests of the protection; too much emphasis on the form of the theft, but ignored the theft of Nature. (C) of this crime with his crimes and violations of boundaries l, theft of radio and television facilities, public telecommunications facilities, the value of a small, but constitute the crime of endangering public safety, in accordance with this Law, the provisions of Article l24 convicted and punished; theft of radio and television facilities, telecommunications facilities at the same time constitute a common theft and destruction of radio and television facilities , The crime of public telecommunications facilities, an optional felony punishment. 2, theft of power equipment in use, theft and destruction at the same time constitute the crime of power equipment, an optional felony punishment. 3, for theft of property, theft of motor vehicles when using the tools of crime, theft of motor vehicles were stolen value amount for the implementation of other crimes of theft of motor vehicles, theft and other crimes carried out by implementing Combined Punishment . For the implementation of other crimes, stealing a motor vehicle when the criminal tools after use, stealing a motor vehicle parked in the return to the original, or near, the vehicle is not lost, in accordance with its harshly punished for the crimes.

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