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A Probe into the Experimental Conditions for Determining the Al2O3 Content in Gastropine by Applying the CuSO4 Back Titration : Using Gastropine as specimen, this paper probes into the experimental conditions for determining its Al2O3 content by applying the CuSO4 back titration method. The experimental conditions include the titration volume of EDTA standard solution, the amount of HAc-NaAc buffer solution and PAN titration indicator to be used, and the variation of these experimental conditions to determine the Al2O3 content in Gastropine. With reference to the pharmacopeia method, the suspicious values of the results were tested by Grubbs’ (G) test method and the compactness was tested by the F test method, so as to find out the best experimental condition of this method. Key words: Gastropine; Al2O3; back titration method; experimental conditions 【英语牛人团】

250 评论


CuSO4back titration method for the determination of aluminum content in experimental conditions of Al2O3Abstract: in this paper, aluminum as samples, using the CuSO4back titration method for the determination of aluminum content in Al2O3in the experimental condition of experimental conditions, including experiments in EDTA standard solution added, buffer solution HAc-NaAc content and PAN concentration of indicator, and changes in these experimental conditions for the determination of aluminum content in Al2O3, and controlled Pharmacopoeia method, the determination results with groo does not think ( G) method for inspection of questionable value, using the F test method to test its tightness, so as to probe into the method of optimal experimental words: three two aluminum oxide; aluminum; titration method; experimental conditions

259 评论


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